At this moment, I vaguely saw a figure standing up in the blazing light, holding a sword and swiping towards the sky.

In an instant, the lightning strike that fell on our heads turned in mid-air without warning and landed elsewhere, just like a bow and arrow being bounced off a steel shield.

The white light of the lightning flashed out, and I saw a white translucent barrier covering our heads, which blocked the lightning strikes, and even isolated some of the deafening thunder.

"Are you all alright?" Miriah shouted while holding a sword. At this critical moment, she cast a spell to protect us.

"We're okay!" I replied loudly, finally able to speak normally after the flash and thunder were isolated for a while.

"Student Angelika and I are fine!" Princess Alisa also responded.

"What should we do now?" Miria looked around, as if looking for something.

I understood that she was trying to talk to me who was invisible, and she seemed to think that I, who had the most hunting experience, might be able to handle this situation.

"Revoke the invisibility spell now!" I pushed Feilan's shoulder aside.

Feilan, who still seemed to have a blank mind, took a while to react, as if she was just subconsciously acting on my words, raised her hand to withdraw the spell, so that our figures could appear in front of the eyes of other companions.

"Is there a way?" Miria saw me and repeated the question just now.

"I'm thinking..." I can only answer this way, even I have never encountered such a difficult situation, "How long can this spell of yours last."

"I can't hold it anymore!" She shouted at me holding the sword, "Ten seconds at most!"

"It's too short!"

not enough!This time is not enough!It takes time to come up with a solution!

"I'm not Roland! This kind of spell is not my specialty!"

This barrier is somewhat similar to Roland's crystal red enchantment. It seems to be the same type of spell, but it is obviously much weaker and the scope of the envelope is smaller. It just blocks the top of our heads like a shield.

She is not a professional mage, and it is her limit to achieve this level.

Miriya and I looked at each other, seemed to understand my meaning from my eyes, and made a proposal: "Then I will run out and act as a bait, and try to attract its attention, and I will win it for you." time!"

She didn't hesitate to make the proposal that could cost her her life, as if it was her natural calling.

"Let me do this!" A mature and dignified voice sounded, and I turned my head abruptly to follow the sound, and saw that Angelica, who had grown up with wolf ears and a wolf's tail, stood up with a stern expression.


Before I could speak to stop her, she couldn't help but pounce towards the direction beyond the protective barrier.

She landed on all fours, ran a few steps extremely quickly, and suddenly jumped, her body tore off her coat and swelled up in mid-air, turning into a giant wolf, and ran away from everyone.

Let me teach you who is the real king of hunting (1)

"Student Angelika!?" Princess Alisa called out to Angelika who was running away from the scene.

Why is this girl so desperate?

I subconsciously wanted to chase after Angelica and stop her, but after she was fully transformed, she moved so fast that before I even had time to take a step, she had already rushed out of the protection of the barrier, and in the blink of an eye, she was with this person. The side opened a distance of nearly [-] meters.

The Thunder Sculpture circling above our heads changed its trajectory, escaped from the unchanging circle, and moved in the direction where Angelica fled.The thunderclouds that were concentrated above our heads began to flow and churn, changing shape like a hand brushing over the soft soil, and gathered in the direction of the Lei Sculpture's movement.The thunder and lightning that continuously bombarded the barrier suddenly became thinner until it stopped.

Lei Diao changed his target.

Although it had given up predation long ago, its instinct to react to fast-moving creatures was still at work. After seeing Angelica galloping in the form of a giant wolf, its hunting nature made it turn its attack consciousness to over there.

Angelica really managed to attract its attention, and it began to pour out its overflowing anger on Angelica.

So the next few consecutive bolts of lightning shot out from the thundercloud didn't shoot at us, but turned to the direction of Angelica's escape, and stabbed a few meters behind Angelica.

The werewolf Angelica's running speed is very fast, far above the warg, I am afraid that even facing the thunder eagle's float, it is impossible to avoid it at all.

It's just that the wary Thunder Sculpture would no longer consider including her in the menu, it would only summon lightning to attack.No matter how fast Angelica was, she couldn't really be faster than lightning. She could only race against the consciousness of Lei Sculpture. She kept running roundabout in the open space, making it difficult for Lei Sculpture to aim at her.

More than a dozen shimmering arrows were fired towards the sky—seeing that Angelica was in danger, the guards finally couldn't hold back their shots.But these attacks were useless at all, the Thunder Eagle flew too high, and there was still a gust of wind surging under the thunderclouds, the arrows deflected weakly in mid-air, and none of them could touch the Thunder Eagle's feathers.

The Thunder Eagle, who was completely hated by Angelica, didn't take them seriously at all. It flapped its huge wings continuously, accelerated its speed, and its long and sharp howl resounded through the sky.

With this call, the thundercloud began to twist into a huge vortex, and dazzling electric arcs stirred in the vortex.

This time, countless dense electric arcs were shot from the thundercloud, like a wave of arrows, or like a group of ferocious snakes coming out of their nests, rushing towards and covering the entire area where Angelica was running.Most of the lightning struck the ground, and several struck the remaining tree stumps in the burned land, exploding sparks and white smoke, and one exploded right beside Angelica.

I watched Angelica, who was running, jump up and let out a cry like a whimper.

The sound seemed to hit my heart, making it stop for a moment.

Then, outrageous rage ignited my consciousness.

Damn it!He had to come up with a way, even if he used this ax to cut his head open, he had to find a way. Every minute and every second now, Angelica risked her life in exchange for it!

I must peel off the skin of this big bird! !

"Student Bullock..." I could see the eyes of Princess Alisa and Miria.

Panting heavily, I tried my best to clear my mind.

But what to do?

It's not enough to just say harsh words in your heart.

What I have to do now is to come up with a brand new hunting plan in such a bad situation, and kill this crazy Thunder Eagle in one fell swoop.

At present, I can't reverse such a violent lightning strike like a real shaman. In the face of such turbulent elements, my spiritual strength, which is still inexperienced, is insignificant. The diversion of a great river is generally a fantasy.

In this regard, all I can do is to dispel the lightning barrier used to protect it, but that is not enough, I have to find a way to drag it down from the high sky, at least to the range where bows and arrows and attack magic can reach Only within.

The difficulty lies here.

Dragging it down... is easier said than done, the fully alert Lei Diao will no longer be attracted by the bait, and now we can only use strong methods to drag it down, but we can't reach it at all.

It's really a paradoxical situation - in order to be able to reach it you have to drag it down, but to get it down you have to reach it first.

If I had wings, I would have flown up and hacked to death this monster that suffered a thousand knives a long time ago!


It was like chasing a wild beast in the wilderness, and accidentally found traces of its footprints on the ground. When I thought of this word, I suddenly felt the existence of a breakthrough.

Wings... Thoughts radiate out from here almost reflexively, passing through previous experiences and everything I have learned, and finally converge into a bold idea that has never been seen before.

For a moment, I felt ecstatic, as if I had really found a way out of the predicament.But when I thought about it seriously, I suddenly realized the limitations of this so-called "smart strategy", and my body cooled down like a bucket of cold water was poured on it.

I suddenly realized that I couldn't do this at all.

Not to mention that I have just learned shamanism, I can only be regarded as a beginner in the field of shamanism, and I am afraid that there are not many serious shamans who can do it.


Unless someone can give me a hand.

If someone can help me with some of it, maybe...

I suddenly realized something, turned my head, and set my sights on the side——Feilan, who crouched and hugged her head amidst the thunder, trembling.

If it was her, the one who used to cast that kind of spell, maybe she could help me.

The situation was urgent, so I stretched out my hand without hesitation, twisted her collar and lifted her up.

"Listen!" I yelled into her ear, "I need your help... right now..."

The speed of my speech slowed down the moment I saw her clearly.

I finally saw her face—pale, bloodless, smeared with tears, and the tears were still streaming from those dazed eyes.

In fact, when I mentioned her, I didn't feel any resistance at all, as if what I was holding was a puppet without will and life.Feilan, who was still immersed in fear, didn't even turn her face to look at me, and just slumped in my hand.

I suddenly felt my teeth clenched unconsciously because of Chu Li's anger.

It is clear that everyone here is in danger because of her willfulness, including Angelica who is now risking her life to buy time—all are because of her fault, but she is here now... crying?

Immersed in fear alone, maybe not even aware of what just happened around me.

It's really impossible not to get angry... People can't help but want to slap her and ask her why she has the right to cry here.

What I despise the most in my life is this kind of scum, messing up everything, but lying weak on the ground and doing nothing.

Just like seeing Arsena who made a big mistake at that time, but only knew that she was standing at a loss in the messy hall like a ghost... No, it was even worse than that time. There is a lion that can be awakened, and the woman in front of her is completely a puddle of mud that cannot support the wall.

That's right, from the beginning of my acquaintance, I knew that she was a guy who was strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

For this kind of person, I have always hated it the most!

"Listen to me!!" I pulled her in front of me, clamping her shoulders with my arms.Some uncontrollable force poured into her shoulders through her fingers.

Feilan frowned, let out a painful groan, and finally noticed my face in front of her.

I didn't relax my strength, but I grabbed it even harder, so that her consciousness could be more concentrated here.At this time of imminent danger, I don't have the extra thought to comfort a waste or express any useless sympathy.

"Listen to me! I need your help now!" I stared into her eyes, looking at myself reflected in her pupils, with an expression that seemed to be eating people.

But this time I didn't restrain myself like before, because now I have to get angry with her, and right now I really need this stupid female elf in front of me to play her own value.

"Hmm..." She recovered from the pain, panting like sobbing, and the moment she met my eyes, she suddenly held her breath.

"I need you to do something for me, do you hear me!" I stared at her and emphasized every single word.

"I... Me?" Her moist eyes flickered, "But, but..."

"Nothing but! You screwed up everything now, at least do me something useful now!" I grabbed her and shook her vigorously.

"B, Brock?" Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Princess Alisa who was at a loss and stretched out her hand in the distance.

But I completely ignored her stop. Instead, I stretched out my hand and grabbed Feilan's hair, and continued to press her shoulder with the other hand, and turned her head to Angelica's direction so forcefully.

"Woo!" This rough action made her scream, and she struggled instinctively.

"Look clearly! I don't have time to mourn for you! Angelica is still desperately buying time for us!" I twisted her hair tightly, and my fingers were entangled with the long golden hair.

"Yeah, girl!" The moment Angelika's wolf-like figure came into view, Feilan finally opened her eyes wide as if awakened from a start.

"Aren't you usually always very proud? Why are you wilting now?" I twisted her head back, grabbed the front of her clothes and lifted her whole body up again.Then he stared into her eyes and said word by word, "I don't care how you feel now, or whether you like it or not! I'll tell you, if there is anything wrong with that girl, I will really kill you! Do you understand? ?”

Feilan's pair of slender eyebrows touched twice, and then, I finally saw that pair of empty eyes recover a little bit of spirit.

"" She gasped for breath, her voice was almost whimpering, and after a second, two seconds, she finally calmed down a bit.

She gritted her teeth, stopped the chattering between her teeth, and finally squeezed out the complete sentence from between her lips and tongue with a crying voice: "You... what do you want me to do?"

Let me teach you who is the real king of hunting (2)

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