"Listen! I need you to use magic power to make a prototype..." Seeing that she finally showed some signs of being useful, I immediately started to explain. Only by shouting can she be sure that she can hear clearly, "Remember the familiar that you demonstrated to Angelica and me before, it's that kind of spell!"

"This... using magic power to make a familiar?" Feilan, who was caught in my hand, swallowed her throat, looked around, trying to digest my words in her mind, "I need... materials for drawing runes... "

"Listen to me clearly! I don't need you to make a concrete familiar, I just need a prototype, a skeleton! In terms of size and shape..." I said, raising my hand and pointing at the sky, " Just refer to that monster, you just need to make a rough outline and pour enough magic power! You are a professional mage, aren’t you? It should be possible to manipulate the magic power directly according to the principle of that spell!”

"But, what's the use of that?" Feilan blinked her eyes, "When you make something like that...it's just a lump of magic power, and it doesn't even have a fixed shape—"

"Don't ask so many questions! Just do as I tell you!" I stared at her eyes, "Leave the rest to me!"

I let her go and pushed her shoulder: "Do it quickly! There is no time!"

I glanced at Angelica who was still running around between the thunderstorms—she had been circling around the scorched earth, and did not escape into the forest.

Maybe it's because she knows that casually leading the Thunder Sculpture to other places may cause more damage, or maybe it's because she believes that I can figure out a way.

She entrusted her life to buy me time, so I have to do it no matter what!

"Hurry up! I said that if something happened to that girl, I would kill you. I wasn't joking with you!" I turned around and urged again.

Feilan took two deep breaths and finally calmed down. She leaned on the staff with one hand and raised the other hand towards the sky.

In an instant, her magic power began to emerge in mid-air in the form of countless shimmering dust particles, flowing like a cloud of mist, and then Feilan began to manipulate them into shape with her own consciousness.

I waited anxiously on the sidelines, watching carefully for the shape the magic took.

The dust particles gradually converged into a shape, the outline was very vague, and only the shape of a huge bird was vaguely resembling the Thunder Eagle flying through the wind at the moment. It was suspended in mid-air, like a weightless bird. shadow.Without the rune Feilan as a template, she couldn't make a specific form of the familiar, and she couldn't endow the "big bird" entity, so she could only make a magic blob with a rough shape.

But that's enough for me.

"Okay, that's about it, maintain this shape, and now entrust me with the dominance of the magic power." I stood beside Feilan.

"What are you going to do?" Feilan turned her head and looked at me blankly.

"I'm going to make a 'Thunder Sculpture'." I simply replied, picked up the token pinned to my waist, stretched it towards the magic power, and started to summon the beast soul.

That's right, this is my strategy - use the beast soul to summon another Thunder Sculpture.

Since the Thunder Sculpture is invincible in the sky, to confront it head-on in the sky, another overlord of the sky is needed.

However, in order to use the beast soul summoning to make a Thunder Eagle, two difficulties must be solved.

One is to carve out all the details of the laser carving in the imagination. Compared with the creatures running on the ground, the body structure of the flying creatures is more precise. Only the beast soul can fly.

Then the second point is that there needs to be enough magic power to support this complex spell.

The former can be solved in the current situation. I have hunted the Thunder Eagle before, and I happen to have a ready-made template in front of me. Now the appearance of the Thunder Eagle flying in the sky has been completely imprinted in my mind.

The difficulty is the latter.

I have only just learned shaman spells, and with my current level of Living Fire, it is not enough to summon such a powerful beast soul.Not only do you have to infuse such a huge body with the fire of life that supports your spirit and soul, but you also have to devote extra spiritual power to carve out the details—even professional shamans are afraid that few can do this kind of thing Level, let alone me who is just getting started.

But it's a different story if someone can do half the work, like infusing the general shape with magic while I finish the details with my Living Fire.

According to what Roland Guo taught me, the essence of various spell systems is actually similar.The magic power in the elf spell system is actually the living fire in our orc shaman spells.

If her theory is correct, then as long as there is no problem with the caster and the casting process, even if the pure magic power of the elves is used instead, it should be possible to successfully cast shaman spells.

Manipulating magic power is the basis of manipulating elements. In the process of learning to interfere with the thunder and lightning controlled by Lei Sculpture, I also mastered the method of interfering with the magic power of other individuals at the same time.As long as Feilan, who is the master of the magic power, doesn't specifically resist, I don't even need to cast spells in advance to manipulate this magic power.

I resonated with the totem on the token with ease, and the blood mist emerged out of thin air, wrapping the magic mass made by Feilan.

I started to construct the form of the Thunder Sculpture in my mind, just like the one that is flying in the sky right now - the huge wings that cover the sky, the feathers like scales, the terrifying giant claws... It is cruel and powerful , full of aggressiveness, entrenched in the sky without any scruples, and shuttled among the thunderclouds.

Under the gaze of Feilan's surprised eyes, the blood mist began to attach to it with the magic mass as the skeleton, and the specific details began to change on the surface: skin, feathers, claws, eyes, beak... At first, only a little outline could be vaguely seen The prototype of the magical power gradually transformed into a lifelike thunder sculpture like a finished sculpture carved from adobe.It stretched its wings and hovered in mid-air, as if breaking into a realm where time stopped.

Finally, endow it with the wild spirit that lurks in the corner of my soul.

Now move like a real creature!

The moment the spell ended, the Thunder Sculpture took shape.

It was as if the static time began to flow, and the sudden weight of the entity made the thunder sculpture hanging in the air suddenly start to sink. For a moment, I couldn't help worrying whether the spell was successful—if what I made was just a non-flying The defective products in the sky are completely over.

Fortunately, the next moment, the Thunder Eagle moved instinctively. It let out a piercing long cry, and at the same time, its huge wings that had already opened suddenly flapped down.Immediately, a strong wind blew up, and the fierce wind pressure directly knocked down Feilan who was standing directly below it, which was defenseless. Even I was shocked and staggered two steps backward.

Amidst the thunder in the distance and the exclamation of all the female elves, the beast soul of Lei Diao came to life. It climbed up with the help of the wind pressure, and then continued to flap its pair of giant wings, soaring upwards in the storm it rolled up .

great!The spell worked!I really made a thunder sculpture with the spell of beast soul summoning!

But I didn't let the joy go to my head, after all, now is the time for the battle to officially start.

Go ahead and drag me down that invincible monster from the sky now!

Under the control of my mind, the summoned beast soul roared and charged towards the thunder sculpture in the air.

Let me teach you who is the real king of hunting (3)

The attention of the Thunder Sculpture that was chasing Angelica was quickly attracted by its replica beast soul. When the beast soul I made flew into the sky, it immediately deflected the direction of flight, He rushed towards the beast soul.

Thunder Eagles are extremely ferocious and violent solitary territorial creatures. Except for the mating period, they will not allow even an adult of the same kind to appear in their action area, and they will attack without hesitation as long as they find it.

And this is exactly what I want.

The lightning that shot continuously at Angelica from the thundercloud stopped suddenly. I watched Angelika stop slowly, and looked up at the sky, her back was constantly heaving because of her heavy breathing—it seemed that she Really exhausted.

But at least she wasn't hurt and she's safe now.

I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, I focused all my attention on the two thunder eagles in the sky

The beast soul I made is constantly climbing up, superimposing speed for the charge, and the real Thunder Sculpture doesn't flinch at all, it hovers and adjusts its direction, ready to dive head-on to meet it.Thunderstorm clouds like splashed ink enveloped them, and roaring thunder and lightning kept gushing out of that terrifying vortex, as if to create momentum for this duel.

The beast soul made from the wild spirit can be as close as possible to the original creature in many aspects, but it can't copy all the abilities.I know very well that although this beast soul flying in the sky has physical strength comparable to the real one, it cannot control thunder and lightning, and the surface of its feathers does not have an arc barrier to protect itself. That head matches the real thing.

But it is enough to reach this level.

Just when they were about to collide with each other, I had already locked onto the Lightning Sculpture, and I, who was ready to cast a spell, established a spiritual connection with the lightning element wrapped around it.

You can't try to directly fuse your will and elements to enslave it like ordinary mages. Now this element is dominated by the instinct of the thunder carving, and you will only ask for trouble if you fight against that force.

Lead them as you would lure wild animals with bait.That's right, elements, like beasts, have a "nature"—a nature called law.Water will flow down, and fire will surge up, this is their "nature".As long as you thoroughly grasp this "nature", you can use your spiritual power to guide them to flow in the direction you want.

It's not that hard, and I've practiced it countless times.

I induced the electric arcs flowing between the feathers to impact and cancel each other out, resisting each other with their own strength, just like casting bait, making the herd of beasts fight each other, and in a blink of an eye I successfully disintegrated that layer of protection.

I dispelled the protective barrier of the Thunder Eagle, and now it and the beast soul can only compete with pure physical strength.

At this time, the Thunder Eagle swooped down, adjusted its posture at the moment before the collision, and stretched out its sharp claws as if floating.From top to bottom, it took the initiative, grabbing the beast soul's left wing with its claws first,

Just like that, with the speed of rushing down, the feathers on the opponent's wings were torn.

If it is facing other real Thunder Sculptors, it can be said that it has won the duel. If the long feathers on the wings are damaged, even if it does not fall, it will affect the balance of flight.

However, the beast soul didn't let it go, and the Thunder Eagle just tore off its wings and flew past. Instead, when the other party grabbed his wings, he ignored the cost of the wings being completely torn apart, twisted his body recklessly, and threw himself His claws pierced the opponent's lower abdomen, which was still unprotected by the barrier.

Out of pain, the Thunder Eagle let out a long cry, and the two mirror-like monsters were immediately entangled together, and the flying height instantly dropped by a few points.This kind of "scratch" without aesthetic feeling would never appear among wild thunder carvings. The beast soul under my control will not really follow the script of biological instinct completely. The mission I entrusted to it is to The Thunder Eagle dragged it down.The beast soul is like my hands and feet when it communicates with my will, even if I manipulate it on the premise of self-destruct, it will still act according to my will.

Great, drag it down like this, it's almost as high as a bow and arrow can reach, and I'll knock its head off with a tomahawk myself!

I don't know if I realized something was wrong or it was purely out of self-help instinct.The real Thunder Eagle spread its wings and began to climb upwards, regardless of the opponent who was grabbing and biting him.The beast soul hanging under it also flapped its wings, trying to lower its height, and the two twisted monsters kept turning and turning in the air like a top, and they went up and down in the air like riding the waves.Although it fell within the reach of bows and arrows several times, the guards did not make a move.

They also saw the process of me using spells to create a beast soul from a distance, and they understood that the other lightning sculpture that appeared in the sky at this moment is our helper. At this time when they are so entangled, any arrow may break the two. balance.Without top-notch bow skills, it is difficult to guarantee that you will shoot at that end.In case a wave of arrows rained down and stabbed the beast soul, but failed to inflict sufficient damage on the Thunder Eagle, all previous efforts would be wasted.

I couldn't help feeling a little nervous. This kind of protracted battle is not good for the beast soul. After all, it is a creation of magic, and there is a time limit for its materialization.

At this time, a hand was on my shoulder.

"Student Bullock, can you... let them come closer?" Princess Alisa stood beside me, looked up at the wrestling Thunder Eagle, and said seriously.

"Can you... hit the shot?" I immediately understood what she meant, and was suddenly surprised.

Now the twisted beast soul and thunder eagle are constantly spinning in the air. It is not easy to distinguish them in time with magic induction. If you want to shoot accurately... at least there are no orc hunters I know Humans can do it.This task should be extremely difficult even for an elf with an unrivaled racial talent in archery. The guards standing still at this moment have already explained this point.

But the princess looked me in the eyes and nodded at me.

Without a single word, just a simple action and a look to express this commitment.

But inexplicably, it makes people feel extremely at ease.

I subconsciously chose to believe her, and manipulated the beast souls in the sky to try my best to turn the direction of the fighting parties to this side.

Princess Alyssa stood in front a few steps, skillfully took the arrow and drew the bow, and whispered a spell in her mouth.

The entangled Thunder Eagle and Beast Soul have turned to this side, spinning, rising and falling in the air, dancing a dangerous dance.

Princess Alisa started to stand upright, and the hands that drew the short bow slightly moved the crosshairs, predicting their positions.I have never seen such a heroic side of her. In my impression, she has always been demure like a flower covered with morning dew, but it is incredible that these two images are combined at this moment as if they are entwined by silk threads. When we got together, there was no sense of disharmony at all.

Suddenly, her movements stopped, and even time seemed to stand still at this moment.

After aiming in place, she let go of her hand, and was wrapped in a whirlwind by the magical arrow, ignoring all resistance and piercing straight into the sky, rushing towards her prey.

A mournful long cry resounded.One of the parties in the struggle raised the head that had been pierced by the arrow.

Princess Alyssa not only shot the Thunder Eagle, but also shot an arrow into its only vital point which was wrapped in iron feathers.

The arrow pierced Lei Diao's eye.

The balance was finally broken, and the two fighting monsters began to fall.

Let me teach you who is the real king of hunting (4)

Under such fierce wrestling consumption, the maintenance of the beast soul is almost reaching its limit.

This is the only chance, and Lei Sculpture must be severely injured this time and killed in one fell swoop.

Seeing them slanting down towards the ground, I predicted their landing point, turned to Feilan and said: "Notify the members of the other groups, let them get ready, and attack together when I give the password! "

"Eh? Oh..." It took her a second to react, and she nodded in a daze.

I lifted the tomahawk and ran towards the predicted fall site.

I stood there with my feet apart, lowered my center of gravity and stood firm, weighed the battle ax in my hand, and then held it tightly.

According to my will, the beast soul is pulling the wounded Thunder Eagle down here like a meteorite, and the two giant beasts that are entangled and spinning make piercing flute-like calls.

I faced them, doing my best not to blink.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and it must not be missed.

After confirming for the last time the distance between the falling Thunder Eagle and myself, I retracted the beast soul, and the other "Thunder Eagle" that was entangled with the real Thunder Eagle instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The spell has almost reached its limit, and the beast soul has already accomplished its mission brilliantly.

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