The pop of the rope breaking interrupted my thoughts.

I looked at Angelica again in shock.

She just broke a rope.

The last time I saw other people break the rope with strength like this, Miria was locked in the equipment room, but Miria is also a top-level fighter after all, and the rope that Feilan and the others used to tie Angelica It looks thicker than what I was using back then, and I don't think Angelica has the strength to break this kind of rope.

However, an incredible thing happened like this. With her violent pulling, the ropes tied to her body were broken one after another.

Is it my delusion?Why do I feel like her body... seems to have gotten a little bigger?

At this moment, Angelica, who was struggling, suddenly raised her head and looked this way.

Her eyes glowed fluorescent green under her forehead.

The sense of crisis instantly penetrated my whole body, making my body move before consciousness.

I lowered my body and rushed to Feilan next to me, hooked her waist with my arms, and jumped away with her in my arms.

At the same time, the last few ropes that bound Angelica snapped, and her figure disappeared from the tree without warning, and she swooped towards this side with an afterimage.

"What are you doing!? Let me go!" Feilan, who was held by my armpit, turned pale in shock, writhed restlessly, and hit my ribs with her elbow.

"Stop messing around! Look ahead! I didn't grab you to avoid you, you're already dead, you know that?" I yelled at her.

Feilan turned her gaze to the position where we were standing just now, and her expression immediately froze.

Angelica lay there on all fours, and now it was obvious that her body was indeed bigger than before.Her hands sank deeply into the soil, which shows the power of that pounce just now.

No, those can no longer be called hands...

Angelica seemed to have just noticed the black cloth covering her mouth, she shook her head vigorously, and raised her hand to grab the black cloth after realizing it was useless.

The fingertips of that "hand" had sharp claws, and the reddish-brown hair covered her entire exposed arm that had become extremely slender.

...It should be called claws, which is more appropriate.

Not only these claws...a pair of pointed ears covered with reddish-brown fluff grew on the top of her head, and the color of her hair gradually assimilated with it.

After tearing off the black cloth, she stared towards this side, her face was ferocious, her mouth opened for a moment as if threatening, and she let out a terrifying roar.

By the bright moonlight, we all saw the sharp fangs in her mouth at that moment.

When I met her eyes just now, I felt a sense of crisis to that degree, because her posture and eyes reminded me of the beast before the pounce. Only the eyes of the beast can reflect that kind of feeling at night. Light.

The answer is obvious enough.

"She, she, she is...she is..." Feilan was already stuttering from fright.

"Werewolf..." I murmured.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I finally realized the reason for Angelica's weird behavior all the time.

The curse of the werewolf has only appeared on humans...

As long as they are infected with the curse, both humans and elves will become werewolves.There are no werewolves among the elves in Saidian because most of them rarely leave the forest in the territory and live a life almost isolated from the world, while Angelica is a half-elf who grew up in a human village .

Here, she never spoke or ate in front of people...

Because I don't want people to see the canines in the mouth that have become like fangs.

These few days she locked herself in the dormitory, shutting herself out...

Because the wildness lurking in a werewolf would rise and fall with the phases of the moon, a werewolf on a full moon night would easily lose control. I am afraid that the days when she would lock herself in the dormitory before were also near the full moon.

If you think about it now, the outskirts of this academy are still cities where elves live. How could a ferocious beast suddenly appear in this forest that was included in the academy and under the jurisdiction of the academy?

Tonight is the night of the full moon, the time when werewolves are at their wildest.

In front of us, the half-elf... the werewolf Angelica straightened up as if being called, raised her head towards the night sky, took a panoramic view of the full moon, and then slowly opened her mouth...


A loud wolf howl from her throat resounded through the night sky.


Angelica's changes continued. After howling wolves, she fell down on all fours again, moaning in pain, and at the same time, her body began to swell rapidly, covered in red. The back of the brown animal hair bulges and splits the clothes, the head is gradually deformed and elongated, and reddish-brown and white fluff grows on the face.

In just a few seconds, there was no trace of the petite half-elf at all, and instead, a red-brown wolf crouched there.

Wait, is this really a wolf?Even the wargs raised by our tribe that can carry orc warriors are not so big...

Looking at the "wolf" in front of me whose head was not much different from that of a giant bear, I couldn't help swallowing nervously.

"Gah!" The giant wolf locked on to us immediately.

Throwing towards this side is exactly the same as the moment before she broke free from the rope and rushed towards this side just now, the eyes of a beast looking at its prey.

With a tense face, I put down Feilan who was already scared out of her wits, and pushed her shoulder: "Run!"

"Huh?" She hadn't recovered yet.

"I told you to run! Go and call someone!" I didn't dare to take my eyes off the werewolf.

"But, but..."

"I'll block her!" I stepped forward to block Feilan, spread my arms and put on a posture. This is one of the techniques for confronting wild beasts. Opening my arms can make some beasts have the illusion of getting bigger here. Act as a little deterrent.

The werewolf hesitated for a moment, but his momentum to attack did not weaken at all.

"Huh?" Feilan seemed a little surprised by my proposal.

"Hey, you big-headed ghost! If you don't run, you won't have a chance!" I raised my voice and shouted, "Get out!"

Feilan behind her started to move, and the sound of chaotic footsteps gradually disappeared.

Then I focused all my attention on the eyes.

The werewolf's suspicion gradually subsided, and he slowly approached enough to launch a pounce, and lowered his body towards me.

She's ready to go.

Nonsense, if you want to fight a beast of this size with your bare hands... No matter how thick the beastman is, he will die if his throat is bitten off.

But this is the end of the matter, what can be done?

I did this not because I wanted to be a hero, but out of desperation.Judging from the pounce just now, the werewolf Angelica has an unusual speed.There is no chance of escaping in front of her. It would be better to say that showing your back to her for a second is to kill yourself.

Even if you can escape from here, if you leave her alone, the werewolf will undoubtedly become a tragedy if the werewolf detects the sound of people from the school building moving there and breaks into the celebration scene.

The werewolf moved and swooped in this direction.

That is the speed at which it is still difficult to react in time even if you are fully prepared psychologically.

My eyes barely caught her moving track, but my body's movements were half a beat slower. I couldn't escape the pounce of the werewolf.

At this moment, a heavy impact came from his right shoulder, and he felt the warm breath exhaled from the bloody mouth on his neck.

Thanks to the blessing of sinking my center of gravity in advance, I was not thrown down immediately.But at this moment, all I can do is turn my head away from the deadly fangs, and at the same time reach out and hold her head tightly.

The werewolf, who failed to hit the neck, bit my shoulder instead.The sharp fangs pierced through the clothes and flesh, and the severe pain made me clenched my teeth subconsciously.

"Damn!" This pain completely ignited my fighting spirit.

I simply pressed her head like this, wrapped her body with the other arm, just hugged her up like this, rushed towards a tree in front of her, and slammed her body hard on the trunk.

The violent impact penetrated the werewolf's body, she let go of her mouth, and screamed silently.

Then at this opportunity, I grabbed her and threw her on the ground with my wrestling skills, then lifted her up and threw her out.

Then, taking this opportunity to breathe, I looked at my blood-drenched shoulder, then at the fallen werewolf, and gradually calmed down.

Ah, no!

"Anjelica!" I woke up with a start.

Damn, I actually forgot!Although it's in the form of a wolf, the body is still Angelica's, and I'm so crazy that I killed him!

That kind of attack... Even our orc warriors will be seriously injured if they eat this way.

But the next moment I froze.

The werewolf in front of me slowly got up, shook his head, opened his mouth to me with a ferocious face, and let out a threatening roar.

Her bones exploded one by one, and the outline of her body seemed to grow a little bigger.

At this time, what Roland said in that biology class emerged in my mind: "Werewolves have excellent physical recovery ability after transformation, and this ability will reach its peak on the night of the full moon, even human beings. There's a saying in it that 'the werewolf on the night of the full moon is—'"

"The body of immortality..." I muttered in a daze.

Even this level of damage can be recovered in an instant... It's a foul.

At this moment, looking at the werewolf who was completely enraged, I finally clearly understood my current situation.

This is not the time to consider showing mercy!

Once again, the werewolf who was fully recovered attacked aggressively.


"Ha...ha...ha..." I panted heavily, and couldn't help bending down and pressing my hands on my knees.

Not far away, the werewolf who was stuck on the ground with my back throw technique struggled to get up again.

This kind of scene kept happening in the few rounds of attack and defense just now. No matter how I beat her to the ground, punched her in the face, or dislocated her joints with hugging, she could always rely on her strong self-healing Capabilities are fully restored within seconds.

Even if she wants to take advantage of a move and pursue it, it will only make her, who is enraged by the pain, launch a more crazy counterattack.

On the other hand, I don't have weapons and armor to deal with her fangs and claws, but I can only choose to fight like suicide.No matter how many times I relied on my fighting skills to avoid straight-forward attacks, I was left with bites and scratches.

Even if the wounds left are not fatal, it still cannot change the fact that the blood is being lost, and several times of wrestling with this monster with almost infinite physical strength has greatly consumed my physical strength.

My head has started to feel dizzy, and my eyelids have become heavy.

Although the injury is not considered serious, it is obvious that if it continues to be consumed like this, it is only a matter of time before a flaw appears and the opponent waits for an opportunity to bite his throat.

The danger level of werewolves in the elves' biology textbooks is orange, which represents "danger", a level that does not go up or down.But that kind of grading is not simply a distinction based on strength, but a rating of the entire group by taking into account the attitude and behavior of the corresponding creature when facing the elves.The nature of werewolves is still human. Under normal circumstances, most humans will not attack elves for no reason.

But if it is based on the premise that "the werewolf is hostile to this side", it will be different. The werewolf's physical fitness will be greatly improved after transformation, and it will be a very difficult opponent, let alone a werewolf at its peak on a full moon night up.

"Angelica..." I tried my best to focus my gaze, keeping the werewolf figure in my field of vision clearly.

A half-elf who left the village where he lived for decades, came to this country that no one knew, but kept a distance from everyone...

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