Probably because they hope to find a solution to the curse here.

For a moment, I was thrown down by the werewolf. Fortunately, I reached out in time and firmly grasped her long mouth, preventing her from biting it off.

However, the knife-like claws that grew on her forelimbs still pierced the skin on her chest, and the pain of being torn flesh and blood vessels pulled her nerves.

Is this something you've been trying to avoid?

That's why I wrote those words on that day.

I don't want to be found out that I am a werewolf, nor do I want to hurt others because of it. Even though I have been hurt all the time, I still refuse the help of others.

What she carried was no easier than mine, and I saw her as a weirdo who didn't want to understand others.

I tightly clenched the werewolf's upper and lower jaws, not giving her a chance to break free, and at the same time kicked her in the abdomen.The werewolf suffered a little bit of strength, so I took the opportunity to pull her off, grabbed her and got up, and threw her out with all my strength. The werewolf's body rolled a few times on the ground, and immediately adjusted the balance again. stand up.

It's me who doesn't know how to understand others.

Defeated on the battlefield, became a prisoner in the kingdom of elves, abandoned the dignity of a warrior, endured humiliation for the safety of the entire tribe, was treated as a different kind by the group of long ears with colored glasses here, and lived a troubled life every day... …

However, why didn't I just blindly hope that they could understand us orcs, but never thought of taking the initiative to understand any of them?

Even Roland, who hopes to reconcile the two clans, is the same. It seems that our purpose is the same, but in fact, all I consider is the safety of my own clan.

It really deserves it...

Damn, when did I become so sentimental.

At this moment, I actually smiled wryly to myself.

Sure enough, it was because he was about to die, and his brain became abnormal.

This time, the werewolf started walking around me keeping a distance.

Occupying the mind with wildness does not mean that there is no wisdom at all.The beast can also think. After so many frontal attacks failed, she changed her tactics.

She was testing whether she could go around behind me and launch an attack. This is also a common method used by wild beasts, especially wild beasts like wolves that are good at running and know group hunting tactics.

I turned my body and stared at her, keeping her in my field of vision all the time, not giving her a chance.

But the symptoms of physical exertion and blood loss became more and more obvious. Although it was not serious, at this moment, I already felt that everything in front of me became blurred from time to time.

Damn it, I'm really going to die if I go on like this...


How strange, how can I be afraid of death?Just like when I left to cover the old chief, I should be looking forward to dying in battle—the highest honor that belongs to a soldier.

But now I feel resistance.

If she dies here, who will stop Angelica in front of her?And who should protect my tribe?

Whether it was Angelica who turned into a werewolf and stormed into the festival after killing me, and finally faced the brutal truth of her blood stained hands, or the army of elves rushed into the valley and razed our tribe to the ground, it was not me The ending I want to see.

So I can't die yet, this is not a battle that should be prepared for death.

You can only win, not lose.

But what to do?

The werewolf walked around in circles faster and faster, and began to run.

I continued to stare at her.

She is stronger and faster than me, and without a weapon, she can't even do a close fight.To deal with such an opponent, one can only find her weaknesses and defeat them in one fell swoop at the right time.

However, does this kind of monster that can recover within two to three seconds after eating a set of split spine skills really have a weakness?

It's really unfair, at least give me a stick, but here, if you get bitten in the throat, you can only die...

Um?and many more!

Isn't this a weakness?

A flash of inspiration lifted my spirits.

Yeah, why didn't I think of that.

A tactic quickly formed in his mind.

At the same time, the werewolf pushed her speed to the limit, and for a split second she managed to circle out of my field of vision.

The sound of her kicking and flying was heard from behind.

I lowered my body in anticipation, and at the same time raised my hands over my shoulders to catch her body, and threw her over my shoulders with the power of her pounce.

This blow did not cause any decent damage. The werewolf turned around in the air and adjusted his posture, landing on all fours to take over his own weight.

It seems that after being thrown out repeatedly, she has also begun to master the skills of coping.

There aren't many chances left, and the one just now was not so much a timely response as it was a lucky escape.

If it happens again, it is estimated that there will be more than good luck.

The werewolf also realized this, and once again prepared to go around to the side.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" At this moment, I unexpectedly let out a battle cry.

The werewolf who was just about to take a step trembled, then turned his head and let out a menacing roar.

Just hearing a war cry, the wild instinct of confrontation was stimulated, and the beast was still a beast after all.

The one standing in front of her was not the half-elf Angelica, but just a wild wolf.

What makes a hunter better than a wild beast lies in his mind. He does not have to be stronger than a wild beast, but he must be smarter than a wild beast.

As the best hunter of the Bloodaxe clan, how could he be hunted by wild beasts instead?The ancestors watching from the sky will laugh their heads off!

"Hmph, it's just a bit bigger she-wolf...Are you afraid that you won't succeed?" I watched the werewolf and grabbed my collar after reviving the battle roar, "Look at how I will deal with you! "

Stab it!

I tore off my clothes with all my might.


Noticing my unusual behavior, the werewolf became suspicious, lowered his body and stared at me closely, and did not attack me. The beast's vigilance is also very strong.

But it just gave me time.

Taking advantage of her doubts, I wrapped the torn clothes around my left hand, and then clenched my fist tightly.

It still feels a little too thin. After all, it is summer, and the fabric on my body is only so small. I really want to use my pants... But I don't think this end will give me time to take off my pants.

The werewolf stepped forward cautiously, and walked around me as before, watching me while preparing for the next attack.

But this time, I won't passively wait for her to pounce on me.

Before she could pick up the speed, I started to sprint towards her: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The sudden proactive attack made her panic for a moment, but the next moment, she was aroused by my roar and her fighting instinct was aroused, and she turned around and rushed over with a roar.

That's it, don't think about going around behind for a sneak attack, let's fight head-on!

In the moments before the collision she opened her ghastly, fang-ridden mouth toward me.

But this time, I didn't choose to dodge. Instead, I actively stretched out my left hand, which was wrapped in layers of cloth, toward the mouth.

Without hesitation, the werewolf slammed into the piece of meat that was offered to his mouth.

This action is very similar to when I used to train a wolf to approach a wild undeveloped warg for the first time: put one arm on the armor and approach it across the chest. After that, he gradually calmed down and got used to the distance from the wolf tamer.

But the difference this time is that I didn't wear decent armor, I just wrapped a few layers of cloth around my hands.

Moreover, a rampaging werewolf is far more ferocious than a werewolf, and it is not a target that can be domesticated at all.

Even through these layers of fabric, you can still clearly feel the hard touch of the teeth.Although the fangs didn't penetrate the palm immediately, I still felt as if my hand was run over by the iron wheels of the chariot at this moment, and the severe pain reached the bone marrow.

Damn, such an exaggerated bite force...if the elves and humans were to do this, the hand bones would have been crushed in an instant.

After biting my left hand, the werewolf pulled my arm vigorously, trying to drag me to the ground.

And I was already prepared, so I jumped at the werewolf's body, and put my right arm over her shoulder from above like an old friend hooking her shoulders, and wrapped it around her neck.

Then I tightened my muscles, tightly hugged this neck, and squeezed her throat tightly.

Got it!The Weakness of Werewolves!

The werewolf was obviously taken aback, and twisted his body sharply, trying to break free from the arm clasped around her throat.

Naturally, I will not let go of my strength.

Finally know how to panic, werewolf!Sensitive to neck injuries!

The neck is the weak point of many higher creatures, because it houses several vital organs - the arteries, the cervical spine... and the throat for swallowing and breathing.

No matter how strong the body is, werewolves are animals after all, not undead, and need to breathe.

I will die if my neck is bitten off, and so will she!Even a werewolf would die if his breath was held back.

The pain in my left hand intensified instantly, and the werewolf, who was suffocated by his throat, increased the force on his mouth, trying to relax me.

It doesn't matter, it's just a left hand, it doesn't matter if I give it to you!

The left hand is just a bait for her to show her flaws. If she opens her mouth now and tries to bite other parts of my body, it will be more troublesome for me.

It was by virtue of the limitations of the beast's thinking that I was able to find a chance to catch her where she was.

After completely turning into a wolf shape, the werewolf's forelimbs lost the ability to grasp and were not as flexible as before. Due to the limitation of her posture, she couldn't fight back with her claws, so she began to try to roll me on the ground, while I tried my best to fight with her. Seeing the balance of the body.

Once she brings me down, the grip of my arm on her throat may be loosened. At that time, she can also adjust her posture and fight back with her claws. Those blade-like claws are no joke, so I have to force She has to stand.

In terms of strength, she has the upper hand, but relying on my superiority in wrestling skills and stalemate posture, I barely maintained my balance.

Time is on my side!


The werewolf's struggle was only the most violent at the beginning. Gradually, the strength of resistance in the arms weakened, white foam emerged from the corners of the werewolf's mouth, and the lack of oxygen made her lose her strength.

Of course, I have no intention of killing Angelica.

I turned my gaze to a tree not far away, and dragged her towards that tree.

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