Could it be that Alsena really sneaked here...

I subconsciously moved my gaze down, just in time to meet a pair of slightly glowing red eyes floating in the darkness.

Mysterious Night Raid (2)

The scarlet glimmering pupils seemed to be extinguished, staring at me with enthusiasm, and a silhouette of a human figure appeared faintly in the darkness.

who is it?

I suddenly froze.

I don't remember Arsena's eyes being glowing.

"Angelica?" I asked subconsciously.

Angelica's eyes could glow in the dark when she was a wolf. When she asked me to hunt at night before, when I was shaken awake, I often met a pair of will-o'-the-wisp eyes.

But as soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized something was wrong. Even if Angelica's eyes glowed in the dark, they were the same fluorescent green color reflected by nocturnal beasts, and they definitely didn't glow red by themselves like this. .

And this body shape, it feels completely different from Angelica.

But it can be generally confirmed that it is a woman. She is sitting on my waist through the quilt, leaning forward, with her hands lightly on my chest, and she is lying on my body like this.

I couldn't feel the other party's hostility, but there was an extremely hot feeling in those eyes.

She noticed that I woke up, but she didn't mean to panic at all. Instead, she narrowed her eyes like a teaser, and slowly moved her face closer.

Vaguely, I seemed to see something growing on the top of her head.

The hazy feeling of early awakening dissipated in an instant, and I subconsciously opened my eyes wide to look carefully at the inexplicable figure in front of me.

At this moment, Angelica's voice sounded beside me: "Huh? Bullock... did you call me?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the pair of eyes facing me and the outline of the woman's body in my field of vision suddenly became blurred like ink dripping in water, and then quickly disappeared. At the same time, I felt the extra weight on me disappear all of a sudden.

I lay on the bed and blinked a few times, then sat up abruptly, stretched out my hand and touched the quilt.

No...the quilt is still covering me well, there is nothing on it.

How is this going?

"Brock, what's the matter?" Angelica next to her also got up, rubbing her eyes as if.

"'s probably just that I fell asleep." I shook my head and murmured.

The woman who just appeared in front of my eyes suddenly disappeared without a trace - I can't think of any other explanation except that I was sleepy and stupefied.

However, the feeling just now was indeed too real...

"That's it, then continue to sleep." Angelica lay down again, she didn't get into the bed, but she was wearing a coat, occupying the other half of the bed and pressing on the quilt, curled up like a cat .

"Well, go to sleep." I also lay down and turned over.

...and got up again.

"No, why did you just fall asleep on my bed?" I looked at Angelica at the side again.

"Going's too troublesome. Bullock's bed is so big, I can just use it to sleep." Angelica echoed in a daze, completely unwilling to get up again.


While talking about guarding against Alsena doing strange things, while climbing up to sleep by herself, there are several meanings.

Forget it, it would be troublesome to get up and send her back in the middle of the night, so let her go.

In the end I just lay down and went back to sleep.

Then the next morning, we got up and sat at the dining table in Alsena's dormitory and had breakfast.

"Miss Angelica, you are guarding yourself." Arsena looked at Angelica dissatisfiedly at the table.

Angelica buried her head in cooking and didn't speak.

"So no matter how you say it tonight, I should be replaced!" Arsena pressed her hand on her chest.

"What would you do instead?" I couldn't help frowning.

"Sleeping on Mr. Bullock's bed." Alsena replied with a natural expression.

"Isn't it good to sleep in your own room honestly?" I just finished speaking, and suddenly I couldn't help yawning again.

"Mr. Bullock, this is your fifth yawn." Alsena said.

"Master Bullock doesn't seem to be in a good mood, didn't you sleep well yesterday?" Tilawa looked over with concern.

Indeed, I have been sleepy since I was woken up by Arsena this morning, and I always feel that I can't cheer up.

"You guys slept in the same bed last night, didn't you do anything out of the ordinary..." Arsena looked back and forth between Angelica and me suspiciously.

"Don't think about it too much, it's just because of the fuss too late yesterday, and I drank too much alcohol, so I didn't sleep well. I felt like I had a strange dream after I fell asleep, and I woke up once in the middle of the night..." I went carefully Looking back, I found that I still couldn't remember the details of the dream at all.

"I feel like I fell asleep yesterday, and it seems that I also had a strange dream..." Angelica, who had been cooking, raised her face, and yawned as if infected by me, "But I can't remember. Even though I slept for four hours, I still feel tired."

"Hey, both of us are like this... Could it be that the bed I bought made me uncomfortable when I fell asleep?" Arsena became a little concerned, "Miss Angelica, there is a physical class for close combat in the morning, you didn't Question? If you ask for leave, I won’t have a partner during free sparring, and the other girls won’t be able to keep up with my moves.”

"'s no problem at this level. The first magic theory class... just catch up on sleep." Angelica shook her head.

This girl is really old-fashioned.

"Don't keep taking the class to make up for sleep, you want to fail the exam because you failed?" I glanced at Angelica, "So you two also took the melee combat class?"

Arsena had received professional combat instruction training under the werewolf knight commander Wikas of Helgia, and Angelica herself was a werewolf known for her physical abilities, so both of them should be quite good at this.

"That's right, Ms. Angelika and I both took this course in physical fitness, and we have always attended classes together and practiced together. Sister Alisa took the archery class, and Miss Feilan took the swordsmanship class. But she is not in the same level as us." Alsena explained to me, "Mr. Bullock, you should not be in this class."

"Well, it turned out to be the swordsmanship class that was arranged. Now I can choose the class schedule by myself. The physical fitness class is now changed to a close combat class, and I choose it with Tilawa." I pointed to Tilawa with a fork.

"Oh, isn't it possible to practice duel with Mr. Bullock?" Alsena suddenly became excited.

"Just don't get your clothes stripped again." Angelica brought up the old story again.

"Pick clothes off?" Tilawa on the side tilted her head.

"Nothing!" I hastily brought this topic.

"Brock... If you take this class, practice with me too." Angelica said again.

"Well, I also want Master Brock to guide me." Tilawa also followed up.

"Okay." I forked the fried bacon on the plate and put it into my mouth without paying attention, "The three of you may as well serve it together."

Mysterious Night Raid (3)

In the morning, the indoor training ground of the close combat class.

"Because Teacher Kalisi, who is in charge of the melee combat class, is on maternity leave, so from today onwards, I will substitute for this class." Miria, who was standing in front of the queue, put down the list in her hand and said with a cold expression, "In addition , starting today, this class has two orc foreign students temporarily taking this class. One is Brock Bloodaxe, I think most of the students have already seen it, and the other one just transferred to the academy two days ago Tilawa Shouya, I hope you can get along well with your new classmates."

Miria pointed towards us, then frowned slightly: "Brock, what are you laughing at?"

"No..." I quickly straightened my expression.

After the news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saidian and the orc tribe spread, most of the students in this college are not afraid of me anymore, and there will no longer be the phenomenon of driving away the halo with a female elf with a radius of five meters in the center of me. In the classroom, training ground or other crowded places, it will not cause as much panic as before.

Ah, it feels so good to be able to go to class normally, as if I was born again.

"Okay, today's class process is basic exercises and free performances. Let's start stretching in groups of two." Mi Ruiya gave the training instructions.

Those who attend classes here on weekdays quickly completed their groups, and I saw Arsena and Angelika make up a group.

As a matter of course, the rest of me and Tilawa formed a pair and began to do the so-called stretching preparations according to the others.

After the other students simply stretched their limbs, they sat on the ground and stretched their legs and began to bend forward to reach their toes. The students who matched her were behind her and pushed her back cooperatively.

I pressed Tilawa's shoulders to help her stretch. Tilawa's body is quite flexible, and she can hold her toes firmly without any effort from me.

But in reverse, I ran into trouble, because of the weight difference, the thrust of the Tilawa didn't help me much.

"Oh, Master Bullock... I really can't push..." Tilawa obviously had all his strength, but I was still a little bit away from grabbing my toes.

If it's just a warm-up, a little stretching is enough, but seeing what everyone else can do, I still want to try harder.

At this time, another pair of gentle but strong hands pressed on my shoulders.

"Swap me." Miria who stood behind me calmly replaced Tilawa.

"Wait—" I suddenly felt a chill down my spine, just as I was about to speak out, Miria suddenly exerted strength.

Knowing how to use the magical power of life to strengthen her body, the strength she exerted was even comparable to mine. My body was pushed forward a few inches immediately, and the ligaments of my legs suddenly felt a tearing pain, which made me gasp Cool.

"Look, isn't this enough?" She lowered her head and leaned closer to my ear and said.

"It's already too much, hey!" I wanted to move my body back, but Miria didn't want to relax at all.

"You are very kind, you actually blew up your own house in order not to let me stay overnight." She pressed her throat and said in a voice that only the two of us could hear clearly.

"Hey, although I don't want you to stay overnight, it's really an accident that the house was bombed... You can't use this to retaliate against me!" I also echoed with a suppressed voice.

"I'm not taking revenge on you, your flexibility is really too bad." She responded calmly, "Come on, I'll help you work harder."

As soon as the words fell, she pressed her entire upper body over, and a soft touch came from my back.

But I couldn't feel it at all, because at the same time, I felt that my leg was about to be broken, and I almost couldn't help but screaming in class.

"Don't just focus on strength training at ordinary times, do more stretches for flexibility, which will be good for your flexibility." After stretching, Mi Ruiya stood aside and educated me.

"Oh..." I lay on the ground, feeling that my legs were not my own anymore.

Then came some basic training such as running, horizontal jumping, and punching, and finally came to free sparring.

"Is it really okay if we go together?" Tilawa who was standing in front of me asked anxiously.

"It's okay, come on." I made a "come" gesture to her, and Arsena and Angelica standing on both sides of her, "I have experienced many battles anyway. It’s not a problem to solve the three of you, you worry about whether you can bear it or not.”

"Well, since Brock said so..." Angelica changed into an incomplete werewolf form as she spoke, and her body suddenly grew.

Arsena was the first to strike. She rushed up and punched me close.

"It's too straight." I slapped her fist down with a palm, and then pushed her on her shoulder, Arsena lost her balance and fell backwards, "Although fighting must be brave, it can't just be reckless."

Angelica quietly moved behind me, jumped up and tried to wrap my neck around my throat.

But I noticed her disappearing from view early on, and I reacted in time to grab her arm and spin my body hard, throwing her whole body like a hammer throw.

"The breath is concealed very well, but the surprise attack must also take into account what the other party has already noticed—" Before I finished speaking, I turned my head reflexively to dodge, and Tilawa's high kick almost swept over my chin .

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