I immediately turned to face her, Tilawa kicked her continuously, and I backed out.

"The movement is good, Igna taught you." After I finished speaking, I saw her kicking and landing and quickly approached, lowered my body and pushed her with my shoulders, "But I'm not skilled enough, let someone else make a move gap."

In the blink of an eye, I disintegrated the offensive of the three of them and counterattacked. The difference in combat experience is hard to make up for the physical training, not to mention that I am far ahead of them in terms of the amount of training.

"Mr. Bullock is so strong..." Alsena marveled at the side.

"I'm an experienced fighter anyway." I turned to look at her, "Don't just sigh, you can't beat me alone, you have to learn to cooperate more."

"It seems that ordinary sparring is not enough for you." At this time, a voice sounded behind me.

I was startled, then turned around with my eyes wide open, and saw Miriya rubbing her fists expressionlessly.

"...You are a teacher." I looked at her speechlessly.

This woman really wants to make trouble.

"The duty of a teacher is to improve the level of the students. If the three of them can't satisfy you... just add me." After Mi Ruiya finished speaking, she jumped up on me.

Mysterious Night Raid (4)

?After class, I walked down the hallway with Arsena, Angelica and Tilawa, and we were going to go back to have dinner together.

"Mr. Bullock is really good. He not only defeated us, but also Ms. Miria!" Arsena looked at me in amazement.

"Even the teacher can win, do you still need to take this course?" Angelica also looked over.

That's right, I beat Miriah in fighting class.

After several rounds of wrestling with the female elf, I finally threw her out of the field with a throw, and the other students on the scene stared blankly.

"No, actually that guy didn't really fight at all..." I shook my head.

Halfway through the fight, I realized what Miria was thinking—this masochist was actually here to fight me on purpose, and took the opportunity to use a lot of clinging skills on me.

I feel as if I have been eaten a lot of tofu...

It's just that I don't know what's going on. Every time she posted it today, I always felt a strange feeling in my body that I couldn't explain clearly.

"Student Angelika!" At this moment, someone caught up from behind and pressed Angelika's shoulder.

"Huh?" Angelica turned around.

It's a female elf wearing a school worker's uniform.

"Can I take up some of your time? The dean has something to ask for your help at the warehouse." The other party asked Angelica with ease.

"Okay." Angelica nodded, "Is there anything else missing?"

"What's going on?" I looked at Angelica and asked.

"She is the administrator of the school warehouse, because I can track it by smell. When something is lost in the warehouse in the college, she will occasionally ask me for help." Angelica replied lightly.

"That's right, if Angelika is here, the efficiency of finding things will be much higher." The administrator also nodded, "But this time it's not as simple as throwing things away, but the things kept in the warehouse are taken away by someone." It was stolen, the dean is investigating this matter now, and has already caught a suspect, and I want classmate Angelika to go over and confirm it."

So Angelica was taken to the warehouse by the administrator, and the few of us simply followed to see the excitement.

As a result, we saw the doorway between the warehouses on the first floor, where Roland and Feilan stood face to face.

"...It's really not me! What did I do to steal your magic stone? Really!" Feilan denied excitedly.

"Oh? Really?" Roland looked at her with a smile on his cheeks, not so much examining the prisoner as he was appreciating her anxious reaction.

Then they all noticed us who were brought over by the janitor.

"Dean, classmate Angelika has brought it." The janitor reported to Roland.

"So you are the suspect who was caught..." I turned my eyes to Feilan speechlessly.

"After all, Feilan used to steal things from this warehouse." The warehouse manager sighed with a headache on his face.

It turns out that he still has a criminal record... Then being suspected is really not wronged at all.

"This warehouse is used to store magic items and research materials related to magic. I have added several seals and restrictions to the doors, windows and contents of the warehouse. To be honest, even the professors here are not familiar with those seals." It must be untied, but this girl is very good at this. She used to untie the seals I set one by one to get things inside." Roland said with a wry smile, "This time the prisoner also untied all the seals. Judging from the traces of magic power left by the operation, the steps to remove the seal are exactly the same as the method she used before."

"The crystal monitoring the entrance of the warehouse was also disturbed by complex techniques, which is exactly the same as what Feilan used to do." The administrator added.

"...turn yourself in." I corrected my complexion, looked at Feilan and said.

"Confess as soon as possible." Angelica also looked at her.

"Miss Feilan, it's better to seek leniency..." Arsena also persuaded her.

"Senior Feilan...would do such a thing?" Tilawa covered her mouth in surprise.

"It's really not me this time!" Feilan stamped her feet anxiously.

Angelica stared into her eyes for a while, then blinked her eyes twice: "It looks like... I'm not lying."

I remember that Angelica can roughly judge whether the other party is lying by looking at the other party's pupils.

"I didn't do it in the first place!" Feilan said angrily.

"The situation this time is indeed a bit strange." Roland didn't seem to be very surprised by this. "In the past, this girl always came to steal some rare magic props and materials to take back and fiddle with it herself. But this time, there are only some magic items. The source spar is gone, and those precious magic tools and scrolls have not been touched."

"Magic source spar?" I asked subconsciously.

"It's just a crystal that has stored magic power. You've seen it before. It's not a rare thing to use magic tools to cast spells remotely or provide energy to familiars in the distance." Roland replied.

"I have a bunch of those things myself, so there's no need to come here to steal them." Feilan folded her hands and snorted.

"In this warehouse, Dean Roland and I are usually the only ones who go in and out. Student Angelica, can I trouble you to track down the prisoner's smell?" The warehouse manager asked Angelica.

With Angelica's sense of smell, as long as she can find the scent left by the third person, she can basically find the escape route of the prisoner.

"No problem." Angelica, who accepted the commission, changed into a shape with animal ears again, and then walked into the warehouse under the leadership of the administrator.

We just watched her sniff back and forth on the door panel, the floor, and the missing shelf, and then frowned: "Huh?"

"What's the matter?" the manager beside her asked with concern.

"There is no smell." Angelica blinked her eyes and sniffed at the shelf again, "Not at all... It's really strange, as long as it is a living thing, no matter how tightly it wraps itself, it is impossible to have no smell at all. Will stay."

"Then you can be sure that the prisoner is not her." I glanced at Feilan, "Eliminate the smell, this girl definitely doesn't have such a cautious mind."

"Go to hell!" Feilan came over and kicked me.

"Oh, then it's only possible that one of the two of us stole it." Roland pointed to the administrator and then to himself.

"Dean, don't be joking, didn't we have a meeting with other people during the monitoring period of the crystal disturbance?" The administrator sighed, "It will be difficult if Angelica can't find out." .”

"Fortunately, I just lost some magic source crystals. There are many precious and dangerous things, but it's better to move the things in the warehouse." Roland quickly made a decision and waved at us. "I'll notify the guards to file a case later, so let's deal with it like this first. Okay, you all go back."

"It's really strange, the prisoner tried his best to get into the warehouse, why did he only steal that little thing?" When I turned to leave, I heard the warehouse manager muttering in a low voice.

Mysterious Night Raid (5)

? "... That woolly mammoth is very aggressive. I stepped into its territory, and it kept chasing me and trying to trample me to death. So I led it into the trap that had been set up a long time ago. The big pit I I dug for a whole day, but there was still only enough for its front legs to sink in. Its body is very heavy, and it can't move temporarily after being caught in the trap, but its proboscis is still dangerous. In order not to waste this opportunity, I just To be able to take a weapon and approach it to give it a fatal blow..."

At night, in Arsena’s palace dormitory, I was covered with a quilt and leaned against the bed board to sit on the big bed Arsena prepared for me, for Tilawa who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Arsel who was sitting cross-legged on the other half of the bed. Na told me about my previous hunting.

When it was time to fall asleep, I was going to sleep after washing up and climbing into bed, but the inexplicably excited Alsena insisted on clinging to me and wanted to chat with me. Both of them were very interested in the fact that I hunted mammoth to win the title of "Warrior", and pestered me to tell them about it.

"...I took a hit and a broken rib, but I threw the spear into its eye, then rushed the spear into its brain from a dead corner, and finished it cleanly, and that was it." After I finished speaking, I let out a long breath of exhaustion, "Okay, I'm done talking, you can go to bed, I'm really sleepy."

I woke up this morning feeling inexplicably tired, and I did such intense exercise in the close combat class. Now I just want to lie on the bed and sleep until dawn.

"Okay, good night, Master Bullock." Tilawa got up and was about to go upstairs to her room.

"Well, go to sleep." Arsena lay down directly.

"Don't take it for granted and lie down on this bed!" I sighed, "Go back to your own room and sleep!"

"Obviously Miss Angelica is fine..." Arsena said awkwardly with a puffy face, and climbed off the bed.

"That girl climbed up to sleep without authorization in the middle of the night."

I watched the two of them go upstairs, reached out to turn off the light, lay down, and fell asleep as soon as they touched the pillow.

As a result, when I opened my eyes again, I found that the surroundings were still pitch black, and the night wind outside the house rustled the leaves.

I seemed to wake up inexplicably in the middle of the night again.

Seeing that the sky is still a few hours away from dawn, hurry up and catch up on sleep.

I turned over and closed my eyes again.

Then a scream suddenly pierced the room from outside.

I opened my eyes suddenly and got up from the bed.

The voice... seemed to be coming from the direction of the woods, as if someone was in danger.

Now I lost sleepiness at all. I got out of bed, put on my shoes and rushed outside the house. After running a few steps, I thought that just searching in the woods would be like a headless chicken, and I came back to get the totem token summoned by the beast soul. Card.

I went out of the house, rushed to the edge of the woods, and summoned the beast souls. I summoned five half-adult wargs at a time, controlled them to enter the woods and started searching in all directions, and soon a warg issued a notice of discovery. Howling wolves, I entered the woods and ran in that direction with a little bit of dim moonlight.

I found an open space, and then I saw the wolf I summoned confront a fierce black beast that was twice its size and covered in black. Behind the wolf soul, a female elf in a skirt was sitting on the ground shivering. .

The situation was urgent, and I couldn't think too much about why a girl and such a beast of unknown origin appeared in the woods in the middle of the night, so I could only rush forward and stand between the beast and the girl.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked the beast souls around me to be alert to the movement of the beast on the opposite side, and turned around to check the situation of the girl, and at the same time called other beast souls to gather here.

I couldn't see her face clearly in the dark, but I could feel that she was obviously terrified, unable to speak at all and just nodded violently at me.

"Leave this to me, you run now and call someone! Quick!" I waved at her, and then refocused on the beast in front of me.

This guy is completely black, and I can only vaguely see a silhouette in the night, but it is enough to judge the general shape of the other person.

It doesn't look very easy to deal with, and I didn't have time to bring a weapon, but a beast of this level should be able to fight with my bare hands based on my fighting skills.And now I have the token of the beast soul summoning, and I can use the blood pattern of the berserker on my arm when necessary, so it should be resolved if nothing happens.

But when I was thinking about how to kill it, the silhouette of the ferocious beast on the opposite side suddenly distorted like a puff of smoke, and then gradually dissipated, and just disappeared before my eyes.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

This... what's the situation?

I blinked and confirmed that the beast in front of me was really gone.

The wolf beast soul was also obviously shocked, and rushed to the place where the beast disappeared, sniffing everywhere, and even dug the soil a few times, but it didn't seem to find the smell at all.

At this moment, two slender arms wrapped around my neck from behind without a sound.

I was startled, and subconsciously wanted to grab the other person's hand and drag her down to the front of me, but I found that the joints of the body seemed to be corroded and unable to move.

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