"The most notable thing is that he once tried to imprison the teacher in the academy, Miss Miria, the Saidian knight, but was unexpectedly resisted, and finally broke through the window and fled the scene in embarrassment." She said with a face. There was a sneer on the face.

That's totally wrong, I was the victim in that incident!

However, the images left by the monitoring crystal released at the scene only recorded the scene in the corridor. The people present could only see Miria and I approaching the equipment room, and after a few minutes, I broke through the window and escaped.

"All kinds of cases have shown the criminal tendency of the principal defendant, but the deputy defendant - our Dean Roland has not effectively supervised him, and may have even used his authority to cover up these incidents!" Wen Sally The prosecutor pointed at Roland aggressively.

Roland was calm and relaxed, smiling without saying a word, as if what she said had nothing to do with him.

The first batch of evidence was presented to the trial seat, and the presiding judge and other judges began to circulate and inspect the evidence.

It's not good, it's very bad if it goes on like this.

I glared at Roland, motioning for her to say something.

Roland looked at me, and finally spoke: "Presiding judge, judges, I want to raise a question. The evidence just submitted by the prosecutor is not directly related to this case."

Hit the nail on the head.

The presiding judge listened to her, exchanged glances with the judges present, and finally tapped the gavel: "I agree with the deputy defendant. Prosecutor Wen Sally, the evidence and testimony you just submitted are not directly related to this case , cannot be used as effective evidence in this case, it can only be used as a side reference. What you are accusing is a major crime, even if it is the current arrest, you still need to submit more strong evidence according to the process. "

I was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, although I was banned, my teammates are not pigs anyway.

However, the current situation has not improved.


"Okay. Then what I'm going to submit next is a key evidence found at the scene of the crime." Winsari picked up a vial and asked a female officer standing by the trial seat, " On-site inspector representative, this is collected from the crime scene, right?"

The judges also looked at the inspector representative, and the female officer nodded to them.

"Prosecutor Winsari, what's in this bottle?" the presiding judge asked.

"After testing, the liquid inside is a formula potion made from the extract of mandrake root as the main ingredient, and it has a sex-promoting effect."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the auditorium, and the presiding judge and the judges also showed expressions of astonishment.

"Just ask! If it wasn't for the principal and defendant's intention to commit violence against the victim..." Wen Sally said loudly holding up the bottle, looked around the trial seat and the auditorium, and then fixed her gaze on me with piercing eyes, "How could there be such a scene?" A bottle of something?"

That's not mine!I subconsciously grasped the railing, but I could only stare blankly at the thing in her hand.

It was Feilan's stuff, that guy actually left that bottle on the spot!Did I throw it away when I was caught avoiding the attack of the werewolf...

"Indeed, it can be used as a strong physical evidence." The presiding judge who exchanged glances with other judges also nodded.

"In addition, we found this in the residence of the main defendant!" Winsari picked up a piece of paper and showed it to the judge.

"This is?" asked the presiding judge.

"This is a magic contract. The two parties who signed the contract are the main defendant, Brock Bloodaxe, and Central College student Feilan Aldersonland. When we checked it, we found that the contract had already come into force. According to this contract, The principal defendant—the orc Bullock has the right to order Feilan Aldersonland to do anything." Prosecutor Wen Sally raised a finger solemnly, "The condition for the contract to take effect is to win the next game. Duel, the content of the duel is to fight swordsmanship without using offensive magic. The physical gap between the elf race and the orc race is well known. How can an elf student win an orc warrior simply through swordsmanship? We have reason to believe , the victim of this contract, Feilan Aldersonland, was coerced into a duel!"

The elves sitting in the auditorium exclaimed one after another, voices such as "Oh my God", "It's too ghostly", "Despicable" and so on can be heard endlessly.

"Silence!" The presiding judge dropped the gavel to silence the audience, and then said, "Prosecutor Wen Sally, this evidence can indeed prove that it is related to the main defendant, but it is not relevant to this case like the first batch of evidence presented." It is directly related, so it can only be used as a side reference for the criminal intent of the main defendant.”

Reference a hair!There is no criminal intent!That duel was started by that blond fool himself!The content of the duel seems unfair because she has some intentions but her brain is not very bright!

Unable to make an excuse, I hugged my head in pain.

"No, presiding judge, this is a piece of direct evidence related to this case. Because the victim of this contract, Feilan Odsonland, was at the scene of the crime!" Prosecutor Wen Sally said, turning to the audience Xi said, "Everyone, please imagine that an orc with such a contract forcibly takes two elven students who are powerless to resist into the woods... It is already obvious what this dirty orc is going to do!" She The more I talked, the more excited I became, "What an exciting plot—ah no, what a heinous act!"

There was another commotion in the audience.

"Prosecutor Winsari, please don't incite the audience!" The presiding judge dropped the gavel. "Did you just mention that someone witnessed the scene?"

"Yes, according to the testimonies of the teachers who arrested the principal defendant at the scene, they were able to arrive at the scene in time only after receiving a notice from Feilan Odsonland. It is said that Miss Feilan was in a state of extreme panic at that time , even incoherent, but there were two points: 'I was attacked' and 'something happened in the woods' to the teachers of the college. The teachers of the college organized a search of the woods and were able to break through the crime committed by the principal and the defendant. on site."

Asshole!Couldn't the guy speak clearly then?

No, Feilan, she wouldn't have helped me in the first place, but she tried to frame me.

"That is to say, there are witnesses present?" asked the presiding judge.

"That's right, the last key and powerful piece of evidence I want to apply for is witness testimony! I hope the court will allow the witness Feilan Odsonland to testify in court!"

"Is she already waiting outside?"


"Then let her go to the witness stand now." The presiding judge dropped the gavel.

A side door of the conference hall was opened, and a solemn Feilan entered the hall and walked onto the witness stand led by a legal officer.

"Witness, Feilan Odsonlan, a student of the magic branch of Saidian Central Academy, is the above identity true?" Wen Sally started the confirmation process.

"Yes, I'm Feilan Odsenlan." Feilan looked ahead, expressionless, and nodded slightly.

"There is evidence that you were at the scene of the crime on the day of the incident. Is this true?" Winsari asked again.

"Yes, I was there at the time and witnessed the incident with my own eyes." Feilan nodded.

"Then now that the magic contract that binds you has been lifted, no one can persecute or threaten you anymore. Are you willing to swear that the following testimony is all true?"

"Yes, I am willing to swear to the Lord God that everything I say next is true and there is absolutely no falsehood."

Prosecutor Winsari, who had been confirmed, turned to the trial seat, and the presiding judge nodded: "Then witness, you can now give your testimony."

"Okay." Feilan gave a salute to the trial seat, then slowly raised her head, "I would like to prove that on the day of the incident, I, Angelica Wolfe and I were in the forest of the academy..." She said and turned her gaze towards me, "... was attacked."


It's over, it's over!

At this moment, there is only such a voice that keeps echoing in my head.

The tragic end that awaited me was evident.

Convicted of injustice...

In the second half of his life, he was coldly stared at in the prison of the elves, and ended up with the rest of his life...

The angry elves organized an army to attack the valley and razed my tribe...

Thus shall my name be passed down among the exiles who survived: Sinner of the Bloodaxe Clan, Brokk the Shame of the Orcs, for what he did to the elf maiden to satisfy his foul desire, so that the elves treated us The clan has launched an all-out attack...

No! ! !I lay powerlessly on the cage railing and lowered my head, screaming in despair in my heart.

"Witness! Since the victim is underage, you are obliged to withhold the victim's name!" the presiding judge reminded Feilan majestically.

"I'm very sorry, I was negligent." Feilan turned to the trial seat again.

"Then, back to your testimony, you just said that you and the victim were attacked in the woods, right?" the presiding judge asked.

"Yes." Feilan nodded.

"That is to say, in the woods when the crime happened, the principal and defendant, orc Brock Bloodaxe, intended to harm you and the victim. Is that the case?" the presiding judge continued to confirm.

But this time, Feilan pursed her lips and didn't answer right away.

"Witness?" the judge called again.

Feilan, who was standing on the witness stand, took a deep breath, and then said slowly, "No."


I just... Did I hear something wrong?

I raised my head subconsciously, and saw that the presiding judge also frowned slightly: "Witness, did you give a negative answer just now?"

"Yes, I deny it." Feilan replied calmly, "It's not what you said."

"But you just indicated that you and the victim were attacked."

"We were indeed attacked, but it wasn't the orcs who attacked us." Feilan said lightly, "It was the beasts in the woods."

"Beast?" The presiding judge widened his eyes.

"What?" Prosecutor Wensali also looked astonished.

Only Feilan looked extremely calm: "Yes, the beast. We were attacked by a wild beast and almost died under the claws of the beast." She paused, "It was the orcs who came forward to save us."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

The female elf in the auditorium stood up in surprise, and the presiding judge and the judges looked at each other in blank dismay.

I was totally dumbfounded too.

How is this going?

"How is this possible!" A few seconds later, Prosecutor Wen Sally stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

"Silence! Prosecutor, this is not the time for you to speak!" The presiding judge reacted and dropped the hammer to stop Wen Sally from attacking, and then looked at the witness stand, "Witness, you just gave a testimony that contradicted the evidence provided by the prosecutor, can you Would you please recount the course of events that you witnessed?"

"Okay." Feilan nodded, "At that time, that is, on the night of the full moon ceremony, An... the victim you mentioned in this incident and I entered the depths of the woods, but unexpectedly, we were attacked by wild beasts in the woods. The orc showed up and stopped the beast when he was about to die. He offered to hold the beast and let me call for help. He fought the beast and bought me time to leave the woods. I found the school's Teacher, tell them something happened in the woods, the teachers organized a search of the woods, and I didn't see what happened later."

The presiding judge was stunned for a long time after listening, then blinked a few times, and said with some hesitation: "You mean, the principal and the defendant did not commit any violations against you and the victim, but saved you?"


"Inspector, are there any traces of wild animals at the scene?" The presiding judge turned to the representative of the on-site inspector.

"Yes... yes, there are footprints and paw prints of wild animals, but we think it is reasonable to see wild animals in the woods where the crime happened, so we think it has nothing to do with this case and have not included it in the submitted report..." Representative of the inspector replied timidly.

The presiding judge blinked, and then turned to me with a complicated expression: "Principal and defendant, because of the testimony in your favour, according to the regulations, you now have the right to defend yourself. Do you have anything to say?"

She finished speaking and picked up the crystal.At the same time, I felt my clenched teeth loosen.

She unblocked me.

But at this moment, I couldn't think of what to say.

Feilan's testimony is somewhat different from the facts, but she doesn't intend to harm me.

What is she trying to do...

The doubts in my heart came in waves like a tide, making it impossible for me to organize my thoughts.

I stared blankly at the tall figure on the witness stand, but she didn't look this way like before, she kept staring forward.

"Principal defendant?" the presiding judge raised his voice and called again.

"Huh? Ah, yes!" I regained my composure and replied vaguely.

"Please answer, is the testimony of the witness consistent with the facts?"

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