At this time, Roland coughed hard, and I subconsciously glanced over there, and found that she was winking at me.

This gave me a little peace of mind.

So I said to the presiding judge: "Yes, that's right."

"This..." The presiding judge hesitated for a few seconds, then turned his head and exchanged glances with the judges who were equally astonished, as if to start a "discussion".

The audience also whispered in shock.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I leaned over to get close to Roland, who had a smug smile on his face, and lowered my voice: "So you have already arranged it?"

If it was Roland who learned the truth of the matter and found Feilan to put together a testimony beforehand, it would make sense.

But to my surprise, Roland shook his head.

"No." She smiled meaningfully, "I am not the one who asked Feilan to give this testimony."

"Huh?" I couldn't help being confused.

"Impossible! It's just nonsense!" At this moment, Wen Sally yelled again.

"Prosecutor, please don't disturb the court order!" The presiding judge dropped the gavel.

"Presiding Judge, there are doubts about the witness's testimony, I apply to interrogate the witness!" Wen Sally raised her hand and said loudly.

The presiding judge thought for a while, then nodded: "The questioning is allowed."


Winsari, who was allowed, left her seat and walked to the witness stand: "Witness, did you just say that you and the victim were attacked by wild animals?"

"Yes." Feilan didn't look at her, but looked ahead.

"Can you describe the appearance of the beast?"

"It's an exaggeratedly large wolf with reddish-brown hair, about three meters long, and about here in height." Feilan gestured.

What she was describing was clearly Angelica in wolf form.

Inventing a beast to replace the real werewolf Angelica, is she trying to cover up the fact that Angelica is a werewolf?

Wait a minute, is it... Angelica who asked her to tell that testimony?

I suddenly figured it out a little bit.

"Is this size really a wolf?" Winsari narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Besides, the forest is under the jurisdiction of the Central College, and the surrounding area is a residential area. There has never been a visual report in the past. How could it suddenly appear? Beast?"

Feilan let out a long breath, and lazily turned her head to meet Wen Sally's eyes: "But the fact has emerged, what's the use of asking me this question? Go ask that wolf."

This obviously stinging attitude angered Wen Sally: "Watch your tone witness, this is at the trial!"

"This girl is here again..." Roland who was standing by the cage smiled wryly.

Feilan, who revealed her stinging nature as a bad girl, and Wen Sari, who is a law enforcement officer, confront each other within a few words.

"You two, the important thing is not the dispute, but whether the testimony is true." The presiding judge dropped the gavel in time.

"Okay, then let's talk about the testimony! Since the witness insisted that he and the victim were attacked by a beast and not an orc, why did the victim have no clothes on when he was found? Does the beast know how to eat before eating?" Shall we strip people naked first?" Winsari asked loudly.

"Of course not. Do you even need to doubt this?" Feilan glanced at her contemptuously.

"You!" Winsari was furious.

"Witness, don't make meaningless provocations! I said that the important thing is not the dispute!" The chief judge warned Feilan with a hammer, "You are obliged to explain your testimony, otherwise we have reasons to question the authenticity of your testimony .”

Feilan was silent for a while, then said: "There is nothing special to explain, I took off the victim's clothes."

"What!" Prosecutor Winsari's eyes almost protruded from their sockets.

The judges were also dumbfounded.

Of course, I was also taken aback when I heard that, only Roland was holding back a smile.

"What? Is there any question?" Feilan asked the prosecutor lazily.

"Nonsense, how do you explain that bottle of love potion?" The prosecutor angrily slapped the witness stand in front of her, "We still found some tools at the scene—"

"It's a bag with a flail rope and something like that. I brought that too." Feilan seemed to have lost interest in the prosecutor's questioning. A pinch of hair checked the hair quality.

This answer dispelled half of the prosecutor's arrogance in an instant. It took her a long time to recover from her surprise, and she asked aggressively again: "You said it was yours? What did you take that kind of thing with you?"

Feilan didn't answer her directly, but raised her hand towards the judge seat: "Judge, it's about personal privacy, can I choose not to answer?"

"Whether it is necessary to answer privacy depends on whether your behavior involves a crime." The presiding judge responded.

"Is my behavior involved in a crime?" Feilan looked a little surprised and glanced this way.

Not towards me, but towards Roland who was holding back a smile.

I said it shouldn't be...

"If you are also a woman, you will not be involved in the crime of rape and obscenity, but if you are against the other party's will to forcibly undress and bind her, it will involve the crime of personal insult. And the crime of personal insult and The crime of raping an underage girl is different, whether it is a crime depends entirely on the victim's will, as long as the victim is over 50 years old and has a normal mind and basic judgment ability."

"Then it doesn't matter, she did it voluntarily." Feilan breathed a sigh of relief.

Isn't this talking nonsense?

However, judging from her daring to be so sure, Angelica was right to ask her to testify for me.

"Voluntary?" The presiding judge looked surprised.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself. Why, is there a problem with this?" Feilan asked back.

"That's not...although, the new regulations established after the Abyss War are tolerant of homosexual love between women." The presiding judge had a weird expression, "However, from a moral point of view, shooting at underage objects It's still a little... I hope you'd better correct it."

"Gay love?" Feilan was dumbfounded.

This guy...hasn't noticed that what he said just now will make others feel this way?

As always, my brain is not very bright...

Feilan glared angrily at this side—to Roland who was standing next to the cage.

Roland, who had been holding back all this time, finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

I turned my head and asked Roland, "I said, you probably taught this?"

"Well, although I didn't ask her to testify for you, I was the one who taught her how to deal with the prosecutor's questioning. This girl is really easy to deceive as always..."

Did he expect that Feilan might not be willing, so he tricked her into it vaguely...

Although such an explanation can indeed successfully refute the so-called evidence, it will end in the end that neither Feilan nor I will be sentenced.But is it really okay for you to bully your own sister like this?

I was speechless looking at Roland who had a begging smile on his face and waved his hands at the witness stand.

On the other side, Feilan gritted her teeth at her.


"That kind of relationship..."

"Although it's not uncommon, that kind of gameplay is too bold..."

"It's a bit too much to shoot at minors..."

There were also waves of whispers in the audience.

Feilan obviously heard these criticisms, and turned to the audience blushing: "No, that's not the case! It was just, just a prank..."

"Prank?" The presiding judge frowned. "You mean the other party didn't do it voluntarily? Let me remind you witnesses, whether you are convicted of the crime of insulting the person or not has nothing to do with what you think!"

"No, this, this..." Feilan turned to the trial seat again, completely panicking.

"Presiding judge, we seem to have strayed a little bit." At this moment Roland raised his hand suddenly and spoke, "This time we are going to try the case of the orcs, the witness Feilan Odsonland—whether my sister is interested in the same sex or not?" There's no need to figure things out right away, is there?"

"It is very necessary to clarify, okay?" Feilan slapped the table angrily, still not fully aware that clarifying this matter now will greatly increase the risk of her behavior being deemed a crime.

But different from her reaction, the presiding judge nodded thoughtfully: "Well, indeed, the case of the orc should be put first."

"Then, here, I also have a question that I would like to ask the inspector representative." Roland made the request seriously.

The presiding judge thought for a while and nodded: "Allow to ask questions."

"If the orc really fought against the beast in order to protect the victim and witnesses, then there should be more or less traces on the clothes he was wearing and on his body. On the other hand, if the truth is as the prosecutor said, then he should be unscathed Dare to ask the representative of the on-site inspector, what was the situation during the inspection?" Roland looked at the representative of the inspector beside the trial seat.

All eyes then focused on the inspector representative.

The representative of the inspector froze in place, and after a while he spoke in a sincere and trembling voice: "At that time, at that time...the main defendant was not carefully inspected, so..."

"No careful inspection? Oh, this is strange. I remember that according to the regulations, the condition of the suspect when he was arrested is also an item that should be carefully inspected! What about the clothes he was wearing at that time?" Roland narrowed his eyes and grabbed This point is getting closer and closer.

"This, this..." The inspector representative hesitated, unable to give an answer.

"As you can see, there are a lot of loopholes in the on-site inspection. If there are even problems in the on-site inspection, then I think there are good reasons to doubt the validity of the so-called evidence collected by the prosecutor from various sources. Reliability..." Roland turned to Wen Sally, raised his voice, and shocked the audience, "Moreover, from the testimony provided by the witness just now, it can be seen that the procuratorate did not even question the key witness carefully. It can be said that this prosecution itself Might be untenable!"

This was undoubtedly a fatal blow. Prosecutor Wen Sally's face suddenly became ugly, but he was speechless.

"What's the matter? How do you know they didn't check it carefully?" I approached Roland and asked. From the momentum of driving the other party into a corner in one go, she obviously expected it.

"The inspectors here are all women." Roland smiled and replied in a voice that only I could hear clearly.

I understood right away.

Because the inspectors are all female elves, no one was willing to examine my body carefully after I was subdued, and the inspection report did not mention the few new wounds left on my body when I fought with werewolves.

The clothes I took off at the time were probably burned without anyone wanting to touch them—if I could find the animal hair and blood stains left on the clothes, I should be able to feel a little bit of the truth. .

Also based on this prejudice, the prosecutor also determined that the evidence of my crime was solid, so he simply brought me to trial without much preparation.

Damn, no wonder I didn't even see a bandage when I woke up in the prison, it's too much... Fortunately, the orcs are very strong, and humans and elves would have already collapsed due to wound infection Alright.

You deserve to be speechless now.

I felt a burst of relief in my heart.

"Therefore, I propose that the case should be decided by whether there are any new scars left on the orc's body." Roland proposed loudly to the judging seat.

The presiding judge "discussed" with the judges for a while with a solemn face, and finally dropped the hammer: "Well, the wound identification can infer the mechanism and time of the injury, which can indeed be used as a key basis for judging the case."

"Then Brock..." Roland looked towards me.

"Okay!" Seeing that the situation had completely turned to this side, I cheered up, tore off the clothes on my body with my shackled hands, and then raised my arms high, "Look!"

Scars are the feats of warriors. In the past, I have shown my scars to other orc compatriots in the tribe's tavern, and every time I won thunderous applause and praise.

But this time the reaction was completely different.

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