"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly He screamed and covered his eyes.

There is only one exception.

"Idiot!" Roland shook his head and sighed at me with a bitter smile, "I want you to show that you have scars on your body first. If you want to show it, just show it to the inspector!"

"Oh, that's it..." I came back to my senses, looked around at the shivering female elves with shrunken heads, pulled the corners of my mouth to force a smile, "I'm sorry..."

Therefore, despite some twists and turns, the trial ended with the verdict that "the defendant was released in court due to insufficient evidence for the prosecution".


About a quarter of an hour after the trial meeting ended, I changed my clothes after being unshackled, and left the detention center of the trial hall.

It finally ended without incident.

...Although he was almost sentenced to sexual harassment by the chaotic presiding judge for taking off his clothes in public.

Really, these long ears are too much of a fuss, right? I just took off my shirt because of the excitement, so the reaction is so big?It’s just shirtless, who hasn’t seen it before, you guys are jealous that we orcs have muscular bodies, okay...

Thinking about it is still a bit indignant.

Open the door and enter the corridor, but see someone standing by the door.

Feilan, who was leaning against the wall with her hands folded, squinted over, "It's you..."

"Huh?" I was a little surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"It's none of your business, I'm not waiting for you." She gave me a blank look.

"Oh." Even though I was making fun of myself, this kind of reaction was reasonable, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

She was probably waiting for Roland who was also about to come out of the detention center.

"I really didn't expect you to testify for me." After a moment of silence, I spoke the truth.

It's not that I feel any gratitude to her, after all, I didn't do anything wrong at all, and there was no reason why I was charged with unjust crimes.

It would be better to say that more than half of the people who will be dragged into this trial will be because of her.

I just found it unexpected that she, who had been plotting to frame me before, would actually stand up at that time.

"Huh? What does it mean to testify for you?" She frowned as if disgusted, "Isn't it because that idiot Roland introduced you to the academy, and you will be jointly and severally responsible... Although that guy is annoying, he is still in charge It's also my sister, if she goes to jail, my reputation will be damaged, okay? It's mainly because of this, so don't think too much about it!"

"Hey!" I couldn't help but raise the corner of my mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" She gave me a hard look.

"Wouldn't it make her jointly and severally responsible for those crooked brains that you planned to frame me before?"

"This..." She was at a loss for words for a moment, and then turned into a rage, "I have my own ideas, I want you to take care of them!"

This guy is really awkward...

"Anjielica...has she come forward to ask you?" I asked this question that caught my attention.

"Please?" She was stunned for a moment, and then whispered with a resentful expression, "Tch, can that kind of attitude be considered please..."

Um?What happened to them?

However, it seemed that Angelica had indeed looked for her.

"You owe her a lot, don't forget to apologize to her." I looked at her and said.

Feilan raised her eyes to look at me, with a hint of resistance in her eyes.

"This is the least that should be done." I looked straight into her eyes without dodging at all, "She is a werewolf, if she had that thought, she could kill you at any time. If she didn't want to hurt others, she didn't want to Expose the fact that you are probably already dead for what you have done, and no one will sympathize with you. This incident is also your own fault, but if you still have any self-esteem, you should apologize to her. By the way Learn a lesson, and stop doing such bullying things in the future."

After looking at each other for a few seconds, she looked away: "Okay, okay, are you my dad? Are you so wordy! Of course I know, you don't need to lecture me..."

It should be more or less listened to.

Feeling that there is nothing to talk about, I turned around and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Feilan called out to me again: "Hi!"

"Huh?" I turned back.

"Hmm... that..." Contrary to the aggressive attitude just now, he faltered and hesitated to speak.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say." This coy look made me feel a little impatient. We orcs have always advocated straightforwardness, and we should speak up when we have something to say.

"Then, at that time..." Her eyes were evasive, her fingers unnaturally fiddled with her side hair, her voice became smaller and smaller, "...Thank you..."

"Huh?" I frowned subconsciously.

The last sentence sounded like a mosquito humming, even though my ears were sharper than the average person's, I couldn't hear it clearly.

She trembled, her attitude changed abruptly, and she stared at her fiercely again: "It's all right! Get out!"

What are you doing, this guy...

I shook my head, and when I was about to leave, a figure rushed out from the door I had just walked out, and hugged Feilan.

"Yeah!" Feilan was taken aback.

"Yo, my dear sister, you are waiting for me here specially! My sister is so happy." Roland, who was full of smiles, put his slender arms around Feilan's shoulders from behind, and rubbed his cheek against her blond hair.

"Let go of me, old lady! Roland, you bastard...you didn't take a bath when you were locked in there!" Feilan raised her hand in disgust to push away the other's face, but Roland easily grabbed her wrist .

"It's just one day and one night. It's not so dirty. It's time to get rid of your cleanliness. Besides, with our sisterhood, why would you care about such a small thing?" Roland leaned closer to her ear and blew.

"Hey!" Feilan's body stiffened all of a sudden, and a delicate moan leaked out of her mouth.

"Heh, the ears are still as sensitive as ever..." Roland laughed.

"Damn you! Who has feelings for your sister! Didn't you hear that they told you to let go?" Feilan struggled hard.

"Wouldn't it be better to be frank? I heard it, and you testified for me, right?" Roland's smile remained undiminished, and he looked at me with ease, "This child has been arrogant since he was a child." , is it cute?"

"Tsundere you!" Feilan's face was flushed red with embarrassment, "You are the only one who is arrogant! Your whole family is arrogant! I am not because of you, but because of my own reputation, didn't you hear?"

"Fame... That's right, speaking of you coming out to testify this time, it seems that you are really going to be famous!" Roland smiled with a hint of teasing.

"It's not because of you! I'm waiting here to settle accounts with you!" Feilan roared angrily.

"Oh, I just remembered!" Roland suddenly hugged her and turned half a circle, then let her go and pushed her lightly, and took a few steps back to distance herself from her, "My sister is interested in the same sex, and desire You are so dissatisfied that you will attack underage objects, and you are a big pervert who likes to play fiercely, sister, I instinctively feel the crisis."

"Roland, you bastard!" Feilan blushed furiously, like a wild dog with its hair blown up, ready to pounce on someone at any time.

"Oh, it's scary! Brock, protect me!" Roland dodged and hid behind me.

"Go away! Smelly orc!" Feilan glared at me.

"...I said you sisters are fighting and don't get involved with me, okay?" I raised my hands helplessly.

"It's not a fight. Look at her dangerous eyes. She definitely wants to grab me and tie me up to do some weird things." Roland pointed forward with a smile.

"The devil is interested in you!" Feilan shouted angrily, "My mother's orientation is normal!"

"No? When I was a child, who was the one who pulled the corner of my clothes and pestered me no matter where I went? And who was the one who always said 'I like my sister the most'?" Roland smiled. .

"You!" Feilan's expression changed, "Shut up!"

"Brock." Roland started a conversation with me, "Do you want to hear about this kid who used to be afraid of the dark, and even at the age of 50, he came to my room every day and got into my bed and insisted on sleeping with me?"

...Whether you want to hear it or not, haven't you already said it all?

"I've said it, don't say it!" Feilan's face flushed red.

"I didn't expect you to have such thoughts about me... Oh, don't stare at me like that, I seem to remember again, you used to—"

"You!" Feilan's eyes widened.

"Huh?" Roland tilted his head, returning a "harmless to humans and animals" smile.

Feilan gritted her teeth for a long time, and finally realized that she was no match for the opponent, so she gave me another gouged look: "You forget about it immediately!! If you dare to laugh, I will kill you!!"

"Hahaha, for a long time you are just a dead sister, it's not ridiculous!" I didn't miss this opportunity to make fun of her.

"You! Damn it! Remember it!" She put down the standard defeated dog line, stomped her feet angrily, turned around and walked away quickly.

Roland stood beside me, looking at Feilan's receding back, and suddenly said softly, "Thanks to you."

"Huh?" I was taken aback by this unreasonable sentence.

"That child... has changed a bit." Roland let out a long breath.


"Our father died in the first year of the Abyss War. He died in the defense of the city against the invasion of the orc army." Roland said, lowering his eyes. "At that time, her father's death hit her hard. Unlike me, She's always... hated orcs."

It turned out that there was such a thing, no wonder she was so aggressive in trying to drive me out of the academy.

Indeed, when I think about it now, she seems to have an unusual hatred for me compared to other students who either fear or loathe me.

And I never really thought about why she hated me so much...

"Our mother has always been very doting on the child, while the father is more strict. She lost control too early, and unconsciously, the child's temper became a little distorted. After this incident, it can be seen that she has corrected some , Although it is only the first step, it is always a good thing." Roland raised his eyes and looked forward again, his eyebrows stretched, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

It was completely different from the calm smile she used to hang on her face in the past, a sincere and gratifying smile.

"It's all thanks to you, Brock, thank you." With that smile on her face, she turned her head and looked me in the eye, sincerely thanking you.

"I didn't do anything..." I scratched my forehead.

"Let's go, it's time to go back to the academy. It's better to go to the infirmary to bandage your injuries." She patted my shoulder, turned around and walked away, her long silver hair swaying like a weeping willow.

"Oh, good." I responded to the figure from behind, and followed up.


When I returned to the college, it was already evening, and the campus was quiet.

It's just been away for a few days, and I don't know why I feel like I've been away for a long time.

Roland led me to the infirmary and opened the door with a key.

Because it was already past school time, the doctor who was guarding the infirmary had naturally left work.

I went straight to the cabinet where the medicines were placed, looking for some medicines and bandages suitable for cleaning the wound.However, after opening the cabinet, I discovered that the labels on the potion bottles placed in the cabinet were all handwritten in Elvish.

I picked up a bottle and prepared to open it and smell it to see if it was a disinfectant.

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