"It's better to advise you not to mess with these medicines." Roland stopped me in time, "You can't understand these professional elf texts."

"What is this bottle?" I picked up the bottle and shook it at her.

"This..." She glanced at the label twice, with a malicious smile on her face, "It's from the Mandrake..."

"Huh?" I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

After a pause, she continued: "...the cough medicine made by Ye Zi, didn't you make it in potions class?"

"...Will you die if you don't pause in strange places?"

Let me just say, how could there be such shameless things in the infirmary of the college——

"The bottle made from the grass roots of Mandrake is the bottle on the leftmost in the bottom row." She said with a smile.

"It really does exist!" I subconsciously shouted out.

You shameless elves, what are you doing with that stuff in the infirmary?

"For wound treatment, I recommend you try this bottle of medicine." She also walked to the medicine cabinet, took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to me.

"what is this?"

"It is a growth agent that can quickly promote the healing of body tissues. It is especially effective for trauma. Skin trauma like yours will heal immediately after drinking it." Roland explained to me.

"There are such good things?" I was very surprised, "Aren't you lying to me?"

"Of course it's true. What did I lie to you for? This is the potion I personally developed as the chief mage of Saidian. I have done a lot of animal experiments, and beheaded if it didn't work." She was not without pride Straighten out her full breasts.

"Wouldn't the taste be weird?" I was still skeptical.

There is no guarantee that there is no problem with the things that Roland took the initiative to bring to me.

"No, it's as colorless and odorless as water, I can swear."

Since it is guaranteed for this sake, it should be no problem....

"Then I'll try it, just drink it."

"Well, this bottle is just finished." Roland nodded.

I opened the cap and poured the contents of the bottle into my mouth.Indeed, as she said, it has no taste like water.

But just when I was about to swallow...

"By the way, the side effect is that there is a half chance that it will cause an extra body part to grow on the body, such as an extra hand, ear, eye, etc."

"Pfft!" I sprayed out all the potion.

"Oh, what a waste." Roland shook his head regretfully.

"Say something like this earlier!" I yelled at her.

"Don't worry, even if it becomes like that, it will recover automatically in half a year."

"Even a broken bone can heal after such a long time! How dare you put this kind of thing in the infirmary for students to use?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"I won't use it for other students. I just use the medicine cabinet here to store the potion I researched. Take it out and use it..." She paused for a moment, then turned her head away shyly, Touching his lips with the knuckles of his right hand, he continued in a low voice: "This kind of thing... I will only do this to you, Brock, only you... are special..."

"Obviously treat me like a guinea pig and don't make it seem like you're saying a touching line!" I complained fiercely.

Roland giggled, seemingly satisfied with my reaction.

I sat down on the chair and sighed: "Please, give me normal disinfectant."

It's really tiring to be with this teasing guy.

It's not disgusting though.

Roland smiled and took out a bottle of medicine, bandages and gauze, and threw them at me.

I took them one by one, raised the medicine bottle and cautiously looked at the medicine in the bottle.

"Ann, it's distilled wine, just smell it if you don't believe me." Roland smiled and said, "Don't drink it secretly."

I bit the bottle cork with my mouth and pushed my nose close to the mouth of the bottle to sniff.

It is indeed distilled spirits, yes, it can be used to disinfect wounds.

Just as I was about to pour the potion on the gauze, Roland walked up to me: "Do you need help?"

"Ah, no need, I'll do it myself. I'm quite skilled in this kind of thing."

Bandaging trauma is the basic homework of a soldier.

What's more, if I want to bandage the wound on my body, I will definitely have to take off my shirt, and I hope she can avoid it for a while.

...If someone broke in and saw it, there might be some misunderstanding.

"At least let someone else help you with the wound on the back of your right shoulder, isn't your left hand inconvenient?" she persuaded.

"Hmm..." I looked at my left hand covered with several bruises, and felt a little hesitant.

The right shoulder was severely bitten by the werewolf Angelica at the time. The wound in this position was difficult to clean and bandage with the right hand alone.As for my left hand, when subduing the werewolf, I took the initiative to stuff it into the werewolf's mouth as a bait. Although it was not directly bitten through by the teeth thanks to the cloth wrapped around it, it still left a considerable degree of contusion, and now it is completely intact. Can't hold things.

"Then... trouble you." I thought about it, and felt that there was really no need to care about unnecessary self-esteem and shame, so I grabbed these things for bandaging and handed them to Roland.

However, Roland just smiled and didn't take it immediately.

"Huh?" I couldn't help feeling puzzled.

"I didn't say I wanted to help you, I just offered a suggestion." She tilted her head, "Why? I'm a little disappointed that there is no beautiful girl to bandage you?"

It turned out that he was looking for me to be happy again.

"You..." I couldn't help but sighed, and was about to take my hand back.

At this time, she reached out her hand unexpectedly and snatched the thing from my hand: "To be honest, I really wanted to help you bandage the wound, but..." she said, turning her gaze to my back, " It’s not just me who wants to thank you here.”

I froze for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to look back.

"Please, please don't look back!" However, the girl's voice from behind stopped me.

The trembling voice reveals her nervousness. It is a strange voice that I have never heard before.

At some point, the other party quietly walked out from behind the curtain of the bed in the infirmary and stood behind me, but I, who should be sensitive to footsteps, didn't notice at all—it was exactly the same as last time.

Being able to lighten his footsteps to such an extent like a beast is probably also a talent of a werewolf.

Speaking of which, this is the first time I heard her speak...

"Then, I'll trouble you for the rest." Roland smiled and threw the thing in his hand to the girl behind me, "Student Angelika."

After speaking, she turned and left the infirmary, closing the door behind her.


After Roland left, the room suddenly became quiet.

The subtle silence lasted for an unknown amount of time, and I heard Angelica behind me mumbling softly: "I'll...help you bandage...well, clothes..."

I don't know if it's because she hasn't spoken for a long time, but her pronunciation is a bit stiff, and she speaks intermittently.

"Oh..." I slowly took off my shirt.

It is not uncommon for me to take off my shirt in front of people, but this time, I felt inexplicably nervous.

Then, the cold gauze soaked in medicine was stuck to my shoulder.

She began to clean the wound on my shoulder clumsily but very carefully, through the gauze I could feel her fingertips trembling slightly.

"...Does it hurt?" After a while, she suddenly asked.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all."

The bite mark on my shoulder was the deepest wound I suffered in that battle, but thanks to the excellent physical fitness of our orcs, the wound had already scabbed in the two days from being imprisoned to being interrogated, and the disinfectant was not used. It doesn't penetrate as easily, and doesn't hurt like a fresh wound being sterilized.

"No..." she said.


"It's not that... now, it's that when I was bitten..." she said nervously, her voice was thin, "At that time, did it hurt?"

"A little bit." After a long silence, I replied.

To be honest, it really hurts... The bite force that seemed to crush even the shoulder blades was so painful that I subconsciously made a dead hand to fight back.

Angelica didn't speak, but her wiping movements became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

But the trembling of the fingertips was more obvious than before.

For a long time, I felt something dripping on my shoulder.

It was quite different from the cold potion oozing from the gauze, it was a slightly warm liquid.

"I'm sorry...Brock...I'm sorry..." The choked voice repeated the words of apology, "I'm sorry...it's all my fault..."

More tears fell, and even if I couldn't see them, I could imagine her expression at the moment.

I remained silent until her sobs died down.

Then, I said slowly, "I don't think it's your fault."

"No need...to comfort me..." She sniffed, "It's all because of me...you were hurt..."

"In the past, when I was just promoted from a soldier to a non-commissioned officer, my officer told me that the premise of talking about responsibility is to be able to do it." I put my elbows on my knees and said calmly, "There is a limit to what a man can do. Let a soldier defend a village against an entire army. He goes heroically, and then dies without meaning, and the village is destroyed anyway. The soldier Should he be responsible for the destruction of the village?"

Angelica didn't speak, but just listened quietly.

I let out a long breath, raised my head and continued: "No, that's not his responsibility. Is it nonsense to resist a legion alone? Who can do it? He has already sacrificed like a hero, who can blame him He? Who has the right to go to his grave and spit him? The one who should be blamed is the officer who ordered him to die. Blame the villagers who are unwilling to stand up and fight with the soldiers, or blame this nonsense reality. Only if you can do what you did in the end but didn’t do it, can you call it a breach of responsibility.”

"What do you want to say?" Angelica asked hesitantly.

"I know that no werewolf can maintain himself after seeing the full moon. No matter how strong the will is, no one has the right to force you to do things you can't do, so it's not your fault. Blame it Feilan who did something wrong, that guy is a complete idiot, causing trouble everywhere, and almost got into a catastrophe. I am too late to think of a way to subdue you. As a soldier, I am not good enough to deal with a The beast without any IQ is also covered with scars, it is simply embarrassing to the ancestors. Even if it is to blame the moon..." I laughed softly at this point, "Why did it happen to be round that night? of it."

"That's, what's that saying...cough cough..." She also laughed through tears and coughed twice, "Shirk responsibility... there must be a limit."

I shook my head slightly: "No, I understand, you have worked very hard not to hurt others. Let me leave your business alone, is it because of this? I have heard that you came here on your own initiative Right. Come to a strange place alone, and endure being bullied silently, it is very hard. Anyway, this matter is not your responsibility, so there is no need to apologize, what should be said... It should be something else. "

She was silent for a long time, and said, "Thank you." The voice was very soft, but she could hear clearly, "Thank you, Brock, thank you for stopping me at that time..."

"Ah, you're welcome." I raised the corners of my mouth and smiled, even though I knew she couldn't see, "Then, please help me wrap the wound, isn't it too much?"

As I spoke, I straightened up and raised my right arm flat.

"Well, okay...Leave it to me." Her voice was still nasal, but she was clearly smiling.

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