"Succubus" was just as irritable as her, her flushed cheeks became more and more bulging with anger, like a puffer fish being stimulated, and finally wrinkled her face suddenly, and then...

"Wow wow wow wow wow wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah!"

"Eh? You, why are you crying!" Feilan, who was still bullying her tightly, was caught off guard.

"It's too much, actually...keep me, keep me in a cage, woohoo..." "Succubus" sat there on his knees, wiping his tears and sobbing non-stop.

When she cried, everyone else focused their attention on Feilan.

"Student Feilan, I think she has become like this, it's better not to bully her like that." Princess Alyssa was the first to persuade her, she has always had no resistance to such things.

"Since she can't do anything like this, it shouldn't matter if she stays outside for a while." Arsena also echoed.

"Well, I think so too." Tilawa probably wanted to touch the familiar in the cage very much, and kept lying on the side of the cage and staring intently.

"...inhumane." Angelica pointed her finger at Feilan as usual.

Feilan, who seemed to have been reduced to a villain, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "You guys...why didn't I see you so sympathetic when I captured her yesterday?"

Indeed, their posture yesterday was more appropriate to say that they were chasing and killing rather than rounding up.

But she herself looked at the "succubus" who was crying sadly in the cage, and her expression became uncomfortable.

In the end, she curled her lips and softened her heart: "Tch, well, just once, let you come out and let the wind go!"

After she finished speaking, she reached out and opened the cage.

"Listen well, I told you to come out, you have to be honest with me, and don't come up with any weird ideas—" Feilan was warning, but the "succubus" who was still wiping tears in the cage turned around and rushed Out of the cage, like a mouse burrowing through a hole.

As soon as she got out of the cage, she fluttered her wings and flew up, and she came straight towards me.

"Honey—" She changed her face all of a sudden, and rushed towards me with a smile on her face.

Her sudden appearance caught me off guard, and I couldn't react for a while.

It's just that when she flew halfway, Feilan raised her hand and shot a black magic thread from the devil's ring, bound her tightly in mid-air, and then pulled her back.

"Damn it, what did I just tell you?" Feilan held up the magic silk thread and tied it up, and was still struggling like a caterpillar, glaring at the "succubus", and then directly grabbed him in her hand , and stuffed her back into the cage.

Seeing the unexpected action of "Succubus", the expressions on other people's faces suddenly dropped a few degrees, and the sympathy for her just now disappeared completely.

"This child is a bit... naughty." Princess Alisa suddenly showed a "kind" smile to the cage.

"Natural nature is hard to change." Alsena narrowed her eyes, "Maybe it can be corrected by a holy light?"

"Just stew it." Angelica suggested.

"Ahaha, ahahaha..." The "succubus" who was tied up at the bottom of the cage smiled stiffly at them, with cold sweat dripping from his face.

you're surrounded (7)

A scent wafted from the burning fireplace, and Princess Alisa looked at the wall clock not far away and got up: "The biscuits are about to be baked, I'll go get them."

"Senior Alyssa, I'll help you." Tilawa also got up, and she and Princess Alyssa got along quite well because she was always well-behaved and capable.

On the other side, Feilan was holding the birdcage, staring straight at the "succubus" in the teaching cage: "Listen to me, although you have broken the spiritual link with me, you are still me!" The familiar you made, you must listen to me in the future!"

"Don't do it, don't do it." This "succubus" also won the temperament of this girl who doesn't cry when she sees the coffin. Even though she is locked in a cage and tied like a cocoon by magic silk threads, she still has a stubborn face with her. , "You are obviously weaker than me, why should I listen to you?"

"Who is weaker than you? I think you are itching to be beaten!" Feilan started to shake the birdcage in a rage, "Call me master!"

"Who cares about you! Don't bark! Just don't bark, don't think I'll be afraid of you if you do violence to me!" The "succubus" who was being rocked and rolled around in the birdcage was still stubborn.

This "succubus" temperament is inherited from this golden-haired girl. Although I don't know if it is because of the incomplete inheritance relationship and the mother's body is a little different. It feels more simple and straightforward, like a child, but now it seems the most The place where the fundamental will be stubborn is really the same.In this case, in fact, as long as she overwhelms her in momentum and intimidates her a little bit, she should succumb like this golden-haired girl who is usually easy to bully.

But Feilan, who is her mother, is not too weak in terms of being strong outside but doing nothing. Although she is acting fiercely, it is completely superficial, far from the tone of Angelica's speech after transformation and the tone of Princess Alisa. "He Shan" is so imposing when he smiles, and the scene where these two guys are on the bar with needles is completely pecking at each other in my eyes.

"Miss Feilan, you can't do this. Threats are hard to convince. You have to know how to negotiate with her." Arsena suddenly taught her with her own opinions.

"Negotiate conditions?"

"Yes, everyone will have something they desire. As long as the conditions are right for the other party, it is easy to grasp the deal." Arsena said cogently, "Look, she has always wanted to get out of the cage, right? Just use this as a bargaining chip to discuss with her."

I have to say that the princess of Helgia, who is sitting on the golden mountain, is indeed quite business-minded. When the "succubus" in the cage heard their conversation's expression changed a little, it was obvious that she was hooked.

After hearing her suggestion, Feilan rolled her eyes, held the birdcage and said sternly, "You give me a hand once, listen to me, and I'll let you out for a day, how about it?"

"Then when I come out, you have to charge me with magic power so that I can return to my original shape." The "succubus" in the cage began to bargain with her, and even glanced back at me quietly, with its tail dangling.

My intuition tells me that this kind of condition should never be agreed to, and I don’t know why this “succubus” is different from the master who created her, and somehow gets close to me… Maybe it’s because of the appearance of the “succubus” instinctive reaction?

But as dull as Feilan, she obviously didn't have such a sense of crisis. She just put her face close to the cage and pointed at the other party: "Then when you come out, don't do anything to me! Next time you take my things, it's not like locking the bird cage." It's that simple, understand?"

"Got it!" "Succubus" replied word by word.

"The tea is ready." Princess Alisa and Tilawa came to the tea table with biscuits and brewed tea.

"I want to eat it too!" The "succubus" who smelled the aroma of freshly baked biscuits shouted immediately.

"You guys only need to replenish your magic power, you don't need to eat at all, right?" Feilan put the cage on the edge of the table and looked at her with a frown.

"What does it matter if you eat a little, you are stingy! It's too much for me to watch you eat alone!"

"Let her eat a little." Princess Alisa smiled wryly, "in case she starts making noise in the cage again..."

"I really can't do anything about you." Feilan took the trouble to untie the magic thread wrapped around the "succubus", took a biscuit, broke off a small piece, and handed it into the cage.

"Are you feeding me like a bird? I want to change back and eat!" "Succubus" protested to her.

"This saves more biscuits, understand?" Feilan raised her eyebrows.

If you look at it in proportion, such a biscuit, which is considered too small for an ordinary person, is indeed quite heavy in the hands of this little "succubus". In the end, the "succubus" hugged the biscuit, sat down and gnawed it.

"Everyone doesn't have class on today's rest day. I'm going to go shopping later." Arsena picked up the teacup, "Is there anyone going with me?"

Angelica, who was chewing on a biscuit, silently raised her hand.

"Okay." Princess Alyssa also came down, and looked at Tilawa as she said, "Student Tilawa hasn't gone shopping outside the street yet, shall we go together?"

"Yeah!" Tilawa nodded happily.

"I'm going too!" The "succubus" who was eating biscuits in the cage couldn't sit still.

"You stay in the laboratory with me obediently." Feilan slapped the birdcage angrily, and confronted her again.

"Master Bullock, are you coming too?" Tilawa stretched her brows and stretched out her hand happily to tug on my sleeve.

"Understood, I'll go out for a walk too." I smiled at her.

I have never been to the streets of Sidian.

It can be seen that Tilawa has fully adapted to the life in this college, and it can even be said that she feels a little bit of fun in it.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty much the same.After coming here, although I have had a lot of hard-working experiences, but looking back on this series of troubled days now makes me smile.

It was a warm and comfortable afternoon with nothing to do, the sun was shining through the French windows, and the orange flame was dancing in the fireplace.The aroma of biscuits wafts in the air, and the black tea in the cup is hot.Time passed by meaninglessly, I was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of black tea, listening to them chattering about where to go, I felt faintly sleepy.

I couldn't help but let out a big yawn.

It would be nice if it lasted a little longer.

Suddenly, a thought that was almost impossible for me in the past jumped out of my hazy mind.

Yes, in fact, if this time is longer, even if it will never end, it doesn't matter, right?

Epilogue: The Last Pieces (1)

There are corpses everywhere.

The orc warriors who fought bloody battles to death lay on the ground, and the corpses of giant beasts filled with orc weapons were piled up like mountains, and the corpses of humans and elves were also mixed in. The extreme cold in the north froze the blood soaked in the snow like ink, and the Limbs dissipate the residual heat and turn into ice sculptures, and blood flowers bloom everywhere like red poppies

Millet flowers.

The only thing that faintly reveals vitality in the tragic battlefield is a large series of intricately overlapping footprints, extending from this hellish "flower field" to the depths of the valley, and reaching the snow-covered cave on the innermost side.

A large open space in front of the cave is another hell, where the corpses are much denser than in the distance, and the number of corpses is as large as the stalls piled up with goods in the festival market.Humans, elves, and giant beasts frozen into ice sculptures and their fragments are displayed everywhere, but the most conspicuous death is none other than the creator of these ice sculptures—a giant dragon covered in ice crystal scales, His huge body paralyzed on the snow looked like an iceberg, completely lifeless, surrounded by the corpses of more than a dozen orc warriors who died in a fierce battle.The most tragic battle undoubtedly took place here, and the last group of orc warriors and giant dragons who retreated here formed the last line of defense here.

This last line of defense has also been breached.

"These bastards with long fangs even raised an ancient cold dragon to guard outside their holy land. The loss is more than I expected." The male elf in the cloak kicked the head of the orc at his feet in disappointment. , and suddenly laughed strangely, "Forget it, it's all a necessary sacrifice."

This is a male elf whose appearance and dress are extremely weird.

This land that was originally dominated by severe cold has now entered the harshest season, and today's weather is full of wind and snow. Even the strongest orcs can't stand outside without a few layers of animal skins. Even for a quarter of an hour, any extra inch of naked skin would be at risk of severe frostbite, but he was only wearing a dark magic robe, and his hands, face and neck were boldly exposed to the extremely cold air that seemed to condense his voice In the neckline, you can even see his skinny collarbone like wood.His face was also thin and pale, and this was a man who couldn't feel any vitality in his body, only his eyes had a ghastly cold light.

The tattoos on his skin are equally eye-catching.There are several attendants by his side, all of them are male elves, each of them has a mark on their face, and all the elves who lay dead on the ground or have been frozen into ice sculptures also have marks on their faces—— The mark of a sinner, the elves who appear here are all felons who were exiled by Saidian without exception.But none of the marks on his body can be compared with his. The complicated tattoos and brand marks not only occupy his entire face, but also extend down his neck, and even the arms he protruded from the robe are full of the same pattern. imprint of the content.

This special "preferential treatment" stems from his past status.

Mudar, once the chief mage of Saidian.

The brand that Sidian inscribed for the sinner is a curse that makes the sinner unable to set foot on their homeland forever, but this kind of spell curse is not completely unsolvable in principle. In the eyes of a high-level mage, this bondage is like a curse. Slipknots, if you put in enough effort there's always a chance you'll find a way out.The solution of the executive judge who tried him at that time was to put more shackles on him-combining a total of fifty different sealing runes and cursed brands into a set of unbreakable shackles tailored for him.This lunatic who was obsessed with black magic and even kidnapped his compatriots to do all kinds of appalling experiments put on such shackles and was exiled to the wild of giant beasts, which was regarded as a deadly place by the elves at that time, to fend for himself .

However, today, he appeared in the hinterland of the snow and ice mountains in the extreme north, and led his men to kill all the orcs guarding the place.

"This is different from what you said!" An angry voice caught up with Mudar from behind.

The one who roared at him was a human being wearing a big coat, with a large group of people behind him.He is near old age, his beard and hair are grizzled, but his steps are considered steady, but at this moment his face with beard is congested and red, it is not known whether it is because of the burning anger or the cold wind like a knife blown.

"Ah, Master Jialong, the timing of your entry is really a coincidence." Mudar turned around and bowed gracefully to those who came. "It's neither too early nor too late to catch up with the climax of the banquet."

"You have to give me a reasonable explanation!" Jaron, the former prime minister of Helgia and head of the regent royal family who was wanted by the whole country for attempting to murder the crown prince, stared at Mudar's face from a distance of twenty steps. Eye.

"It seems that master, you have some opinions on my next victory?" Facing Jaron's question in a bad tone, Mudar smiled instead of anger.

"You call it victory by almost consuming all the troops trained in a stronghold to conquer a snow-capped mountain where no grass can grow? What I want is land in Hergia, not an ice cellar for frozen meat!"

"Here, there is what we want." Mudar replied indifferently.

"You have never succeeded in bringing me back anything I want." Jaron's cold voice continued seamlessly with his words, "I want the life of the heir to the royal family of Helgia, and you asked me to find ways to get that Send the broken sword to Filiant's daughter, but in the end you brought me the fact that she was made the crown prince and the arrest warrant for me. I invested resources and manpower on those plans of yours , but I have never heard the news of the success of the plan. Only the strongholds have been pulled out one by one, and the news of the assassination failures has never stopped. Now the troops of Helgia and Saidian have followed the vines and gathered near the Demon Realm. You are going to find me and chop off my head and take it to King Filiant to receive the reward, but now you are pouring the resources I have invested in and the troops I have cultivated into this stinky ditch again!"

After Jialong finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the archers gathered behind him lined up, neatly drew their bows to full capacity, and pointed their sharp arrows at Mudar and the elf sinners who followed him.

"If you have been trying to challenge the bottom line of my patience, then you have succeeded now." The breath from Jaron's mouth seemed to smell like a grave.

"I guess any orc who heard your analogy would want to knock out your brains and eat them, sir." Facing the unfired arrows that completely covered him in the attack range, Mudar did not show the slightest fear, but instead Squeezing out a secretive smile, "The place where you are standing now is not a stinky ditch, but... a holy place shared by the six major tribes of orcs."

Epilogue: The Last Pieces (2)


"The holy land of orcs?" Jia Long frowned.

"It is their martyr's tomb. They enshrine the heroes of various clans here. The Baishan clan living in this snow mountain was entrusted by other clans to station a team of troops here to guard the tomb. The orcs who died here were exactly The gravekeepers here." Mudar explained to him, "The orc shamanism has a tradition of worshiping ancestors, and they believe that the heroic spirits of their ancestors will bless them all the time, and that as long as they live bravely enough in their own life, they will be able to do so one day." Chosen to join the ranks of the ancestors—"

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