"I'm not interested in the customs of the orcs, I only care about your purpose of taking this place without authorization." Jia Long interrupted him impatiently, "You have eaten all my investment but have not been able to give it back. Proportionate performance report, if I were you I wouldn't waste this last opportunity to explain to investors and gossip about orc religion."

"Killing me is not the best choice for you. No one but me can help you take care of the behemoth legion and the demon king's legacy. Without me, your investment is completely in vain. Our plan is implemented It's not going well, but it doesn't mean that the resources you invested are meaningless, at least now we have accumulated enough combat power on hand."

"Enough? It may be a bit difficult for this level of combat power to achieve the goal you boasted about at the beginning. I don't think the two most powerful countries on the mainland will be so easy for you to eat." Jia Long replied coldly. .

The exiled elf in front of him once promised him that he could help him seize the throne he wanted, and the condition was to assist this madman to avenge his exiled homeland, Saidian.Jia Long invested a lot of financial and material resources to secretly support the elf's plan, and even had to flee the country when things were revealed, but their goal was still very far away.

"So now we need a general who is good enough to lead our army to turn the situation around for us." Mudar smiled and raised a finger, "You know, neither you nor I can be called the real General."

The magic was activated instantly, and a fiery pillar of fire erupted behind him. The ice and snow covering the cave entrance suddenly melted and collapsed, revealing the tunnel leading to the mountainside.

"Now I am introducing the most suitable candidate to you. He has been waiting in this cave for a long time. Don't you plan to go in and take a look?" Mudar spread his hands towards the tunnel, as if inviting a VIP to visit his newly built The style of the palace visit.

Jia Long looked towards the seemingly bottomless tunnel that could not smell a trace of living people, and couldn't help shivering.He looked at the elf in front of him suspiciously, weighed it in his heart for a long time, and finally ordered the archer to withdraw the arrow with gestures, stepped across the snow, and walked towards the entrance of the cave without a word.

Mudar smiled, turned and walked ahead to lead the way for him.

? "From the time I was exiled, I have been in exile in the Northland for more than 300 years."

The few elf sinners who walked in the front lit up the light with their staffs, illuminating the cave with icy edges at the top, and Mudar's voice echoed in the cave.

"In the first hundred years, I gathered the sinners who survived in the Northland, and one by one I broke the seals on me. In the second hundred years, we tried every means to set foot on the land of the devil, to serve the devil king. Then the last hundred years , we launched the largest war to the south, and the army of demons and orcs swept across most of the civilized world, and you must be very familiar with that period of history, my lord."

Jaron, who was following him, did not respond.

"My subordinates and I are in charge of controlling a demon army and an orc clan, commanding them to avenge the motherland that exiled us." Mudar's voice was calm, "Everything went well in the beginning, we hit the mainland hard The oldest and most glorious civilization, until the orc troops who rushed in front of us turned their spears and attacked us. At that time, an excellent leader was born among the orcs, Azak Bloodaxe, and it was he who ignited the orc rebellion The fire of the prairie fire. If not for him, the history of this world should be rewritten."

"Your story sounds very long." Jia Long finally spoke, "Unfortunately, what I need now is a guide, not a storyteller."

"We'll get to the point soon, please stay calm." Mudar gestured, "Our troops were counterattacked by him, I have fought against him many times, and I have to admit that he is indeed an excellent tactician , At that time, the strength of his clan and our legion was several times different, but he not only held us back in the battle situation, but also managed to make his clan survive until the end of the war."

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Jia Long began to lose his patience.

"His mausoleum is here," Mudar replied.

At this time, they passed through the tunnel and arrived at a huge space. It was hard to imagine that such a huge hole was dug out in the belly of this snow-capped mountain.Everyone who stepped into this place squinted their eyes subconsciously, because there was a layer of ice as smooth as a mirror in all directions.The strong light from the staffs of the elves and sinners was reflected on the ice, dazzling.

After getting used to the light, Jia Long looked around and saw the neatly dug square cavities inlaid on the wall of this huge cave. The structure was like a closet dug out of the wall of an ordinary house.These "closets" are about the size of coffins, most of them are empty, and a small part is tightly sealed by solid ice. In each sealed cavity, the ice surface covered with fine ice balls is faintly illuminated by the light. A figure emerges.

Jia Long finally recognized that these were not "closets" at all, but...tombs!In the tomb made of ice, every sentence of the corpse is frozen here intact, and there is a tablet full of orcish characters embedded directly below each tomb.

"It's him." Mudar raised his head and cast his eyes on the most conspicuous tomb on the cave wall facing the tunnel. "After listening to the story I just told, don't you think he is just the talent we need?"

"You brought me here on a special trip just to visit a corpse, a dead person?" Jia Long turned his head to him, his brows twitching in anger.

"Of course not, we are here to get the last useful chess piece." Mudar chuckled and shook his head, "Dead people are also usable talents, as long as we still hold the corpse of the demon king and his... heritage!"

He snapped his fingers, and an elf sinner standing behind him came forward silently, presenting an exquisite long casket respectfully.

The long box opened automatically, and inside lay a strangely shaped broadsword.

Epilogue: The Last Pieces (3)

Jia Long, who saw the sword clearly, immediately became nervous: "What are you going to do? You have already caused us to lose a magic sword!"

"Don't feel sorry for that 'Desolate Contract' anymore, master. Although it is powerful, it requires a price to use, and it will even bite its owner back. A wolf that cannot be tied to the leash cannot be tamed into a dog, and it may even bite the owner back. Only truly controllable power can be used.”

Mudar said indifferently, stretched out his fingers to touch the runes engraved on the sword body, the fingers in contact with the sword were immediately eroded, and the cortex squeaked as if it was attached to a soldering iron, but Mudar As if he didn't feel any pain, he continued to swipe his fingers across the blade, and the magical chains wrapped around the blade appeared.

"It's really a backward seal as brittle as paper." Mu Daer moved his fingers, and those "chains" broke one by one, and quickly dissipated away.

The seal was unlocked, and the runes engraved on the broad sword suddenly shone with a cold light. The strange buzzing sound spread around the sword, and the icy air seemed to vibrate along with it. A strange sense of discomfort arises.This is the "heartbeat" of this sword, and another evil sword forged from the fragments of the demon king's horn is revived.

Mudar raised his hand, controlled the broadsword to levitate out of its box, and then pointed to the frozen tomb in the middle of the cave.The broad sword shot out like an arrow from a bowstring, directly piercing the ice layer that sealed the tomb.

The magic sword stopped vibrating, but after two seconds of silence, the walls of the cave began to vibrate.This movement intensified, and finally the entire cave began to rumble, and everyone standing here felt the shaking under their feet, and the hanging ice edges in the tunnel broke one by one, smashing into pieces on the frozen rocky ground.

Jia Long raised his head and immediately saw a huge crack in the ice layer sealing the dome of the cave, and he couldn't help but be filled with fear.

"Damn, what did you do!" He glared at Mudar who was still standing there calmly, and almost drew his sword at him.

"Of course we invite the people we need to come out of the mountain." Mu Daer stared intently at the tomb where the sword was inserted, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the words fell, there was a crackling sound of ice breaking, and the ice layer covering the tomb cracked, and then a thick arm broke through the ice layer and stretched out, grabbing the broadsword stuck in the ice.That arm was wrapped layer by layer with a dark shroud covered in crushed ice, and the ancient totem of the orc was drawn on the long bandage-like shroud.

That arm exerted force to pull the broadsword out of the ice layer, and at the same time, the solid ice that sealed the tomb was broken into countless pieces, and the whole thing collapsed, the figure that had been looming under the ice layer was finally Revealed his true body.

It was a burly and extraordinary orc, wearing a leather armor made of animal skin, and a shaman's sacrificial robe on the outside. The face and hands exposed in the sacrificial robe were covered with totems. Shroud.The orc's eyes were empty, but there was an inexplicable feeling of calmness and prestige.Holding the magic sword that awakened him in one hand, and the battle ax he used to use during his lifetime buried with him in the tomb in the other, he stepped out of the tomb in the wall where he had been lying for decades without hesitation. He fell down, landed steadily on the ground, and looked at everyone who stepped into this holy place without saying a word, separated by a distance of dozens of steps.He is alone, but he has a faint air of dominating the entire space, just looking at him will make him feel like retreating.

The legendary hero worshiped by the six clans, Azak Bloodaxe, his long sleep was disturbed.

The scene in front of him made Jia Long feel his heart beating so violently that his chest was almost torn open. He witnessed a corpse being brought back to life under the influence of the magic sword.

"He...resurrected!?" He hissed, "That sword can bring people back to life?"

"No, the 'Gravekeeper' is a sword that controls the undead. What we got is just an incomplete puppet." Mudar smiled, and the grinning mouth seemed to crack his pair of The root of the long ear, "But for us, it's enough... It's better to say, this is better."

Panting quickly, Jia Long carefully examined the elf in front of him as if he was meeting him for the first time.He thought that he had already understood the madness of this partner, but today this lunatic once again easily surpassed his imagination.This guy actually... dug a dead man out of the grave to lead their army of self-made!

"Then master, all the chess pieces are in hand now." The excited Mudar didn't care about Jaron's scrutiny at all, and bowed to him, "Please allow me to report the next plan to you."

"The next... plan?" Jia Long hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Yes, we have got usable chess pieces, and we still need to prepare some chips. The next plan will require a huge investment, and may need to consume half of our accumulated combat power to realize it, but I assure you, The rewards are also the most lucrative so far.”

"What exactly do you want to do?" Facing this collaborator whom he couldn't figure out, Jia Long was completely at a loss.

Mudar looked up at him with a ferocious smile on his face: "We... it's time to revive the Demon King's corpse."

"The devil's?" Jia Long felt his throat stuck in the middle of the sentence, and subconsciously widened his eyes, "You want to resurrect the devil?"

"No, sir, you are mistaken, the devil is dead, and we don't need to make a special trip to revive an existence that might dominate us. What I have to do is to revive the remaining power in that corpse, so that the corpse can exert its maximum potential. We can use it to summon and control countless demons." Mudar stretched out his arms and tried to persuade Jaron, "With the giant beasts we have cultivated and the manpower we have recruited now, we will be able to challenge Saidian and He Ergia has no intention of hitting a stone with a pebble, but imagine that if we can re-establish the demon army that swept the continent in the past for our use, the situation will be very different. Rather, we don’t have much choice now. gone."

Jia Long swallowed: "Use that magic sword...can't you?"

"The corpse of a mortal can be awakened with the magic sword, but that is the devil king. Don't forget that the magic sword is only a part of his power." Mu Daer waved his hand to remind him.

"Then... how to do it?"

"It's very simple. To revive the corpse of the demon king, one key material is needed, which is dragon blood."

"Then the matter is simple, now there is an ancient cold dragon's body lying outside the cave."

"No, no, no, it's not ordinary dragon's blood, but the blood of the Dragon King..." Mudar shook his head, with a smirk on his face again, "The blood of the dragon queen who rules the dragon clan now."

Dragon War

Letters from home worth ten thousand gold (1)

"Mr. Bullock..." Arsena waved at me with a sad expression, "I will miss you, next time we meet, let's drink tea together."

I raised my hand expressionlessly and patted the girl on the head.

"Why did you hit me all of a sudden?" Arsena pouted aggrievedly, covering the place where she was beaten.

"Please see me off normally." I gave her a blank look, "I just moved back to my dormitory, and your current appearance makes me feel that I am seriously ill and will die soon."

After so many days, the janitor not only helped me rebuild the dormitory, but also rebuilt the necessary furniture for me.

"Why do you want to go back! Don't worry about that narrow and small broken house, stay with me for a few more days... Ah no, wouldn't it be nice to just live here for the rest of your life?" Arsena simply lost her temper, Wrapped around my arm.

It’s okay if this girl doesn’t say anything, but I’ll get angry when I say it: “I’ve been here with you for less than two weeks, and I’ve caught you five times while I’m walking away, crawling onto the bed, hugging the quilt and rolling on it Rolling around, burying your face in it and sniffing vigorously!"

"That, actually, I come here twice a day." Arsena hugged my arm and raised her head to correct me, "Anyway, I bought the bed for you, so it doesn't matter if you let me roll."

No wonder you can find long chestnut hair in bed every day…

"Besides, my things have been lost since I borrowed from you. Yesterday, my drinking cup disappeared." I mentioned another thing.

"Only that I didn't take it!" Arsena said confidently.

It means that the other things are really yours! ?

No wonder this girl would be so gracious to buy me new ones out of her own pocket every time something ran out, which made me feel really bad at first.

... Later, the more I thought about it, the more problematic it became.

"Enough is enough. My dormitory is less than 10 minutes away from your dormitory. Is it necessary to make such a farewell?" I tried to break the girl's hand.

"But Mr. Bullock doesn't live here, how can I have the chance to smell Mr. Bullock's clothes and quilt?" Arsena insisted.

"Don't say such a perverted thing so confidently!" I couldn't help complaining loudly.

"Miss Tilawa, you also come to persuade him... eh?" Arsena turned her head and saw that Tilawa who was standing next to her was separated from her by a considerable distance at some point, and she couldn't help being stunned. , "Miss Tilawa?"

Shocked by Arsena's stalker momentum, Tilawa looked at her with complicated eyes, and hesitated to speak to me: "Master Brock..."

"Don't worry, this girl is an exception, not all human beings are perverted like this." I nodded knowingly, justifying the reputation of all human beings in time.

"Okay, senior, don't be self-willed. The college has already repaired Master Bullock's dormitory, let's go over and help him tidy up together." Tilawa sighed, came over and squeezed her hand into her armpit to scratch twice.

"Don't... this trick is too bad." Arsena couldn't bear to scratch her itch, and immediately let go of my arm.

After being roommates for a period of time, the relationship between the two is obviously much closer.

"Master Bullock, do you want to move that bed for you?" Tilawa began to help me seriously.

"No need." I waved my hand, "New furniture has already been prepared over there, and my dormitory can't fit such a big bed."

"I will make good use of this bed!" Arsena said seriously.

"Please stop..."

In the end, the two of them helped me pack some things that I could take away and moved to my dormitory.

Although the furniture has already been prepared, the janitors just delivered the things to the door. The placement and layout of the house still have to be done by yourself. If you want to live in the newly built house, you have to clean it inside and out. The workload is still not small.In addition to these two girls, I called Feilan to help in advance. After all, she blew up the house, so it is not too much to ask her to help.

It’s just that at the beginning I found that girl and told her, “Come to my room after school.” She blushed and stuttered in fright. When I realized that there was something wrong with the statement and explained it to her, she immediately punched her. Called: "Be clear at the beginning, pervert!"

But fortunately, in the end, she replied coyly "It's not impossible" and agreed.

We walked through the woods and approached the dormitory, and suddenly my ears caught voices coming from inside the house.

Has that girl arrived first?

I took a few steps closer, and the voice became clearer.

"Don't! Let me go!" It was Feilan's voice, and the scolding sentences were mixed with delicate panting.

I couldn't help being stunned when I heard this.

What's going on here?

"Stop! Miss Ben told you to stop, don't you understand! Don't take off my clothes, believe me or not... Hey——ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" I, Tilawa and Arsena who were walking behind should also be able to hear clearly.

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