I tried to focus on the letter.

"Brother Brock, seeing a letter is like meeting you. It has been several months since you left that day. Since you left, I often think back to the days when I hunted with my brother, and I miss it very much. I still remember the first time I met you in the academy. When big brother..."

Just looking at the beginning, I closed my eyes in discomfort. As soon as I saw the style of the beginning, I knew which animal wrote it—it was my former deputy captain, and I have a very strong relationship with me.That guy used to write reports and letters not in this style at all, but

"Everything is normal today" would be written in the rough style of "no shit today". Later, I casually mentioned to him that the report handed in was too rough and should be edited a little bit. As a result, he somehow overcorrected and wrote Every time, it takes a long time to go around politely before explaining the business, and then when it comes to business, the style of painting suddenly changes back to the rough guy style, which makes people feel uncomfortable and inexplicable.As written at the beginning of this article, it seems that I haven’t seen him for hundreds of years. In fact, I just met him by the way when I was in contact with the old chief projection a month ago.

But when he sent a letter, he basically had something to say. I patiently scanned through the dozens of lines of nonsense on the first two sheets of paper, and finally read the last letter:

"...Elder brother is concerned about the tribe and went to study in a foreign country in person. I think it should be entangled in all kinds of things, working day and night, so I shouldn't bother too much. But this is a big matter, and it is closely related to you, elder brother. It is also for this time that the chieftain came in. I'm running around, so I'll tell you—"

Damn it finally got down to business, I let out a sigh of relief, and read on:

"Brother is bad! Your ancestral grave has been dug up!!!"

Letters from home worth ten thousand gold (4)


What did this kid write?

When I first read this sentence, my mind went blank for a moment.

What do you mean my ancestral grave was dug up?Is this kid scolding someone?

But in my impression, no matter how rough this guy is, he would never say such annoying words casually.

I regained my focus and continued to read, only to realize that what he said was serious.

The "ancestral grave" he refers to refers to the place where my great-grandfather Azak's body was buried. It is a martyr's cemetery established by the six orc tribes that survived the Abyss War in the hinterland of the snow mountain north of the Wild of Beasts. It is also a holy place for our orcs to worship.

The six major tribes dug a huge mausoleum in the belly of a snow-capped mountain there. The local extreme cold can preserve the remains intact. The tombs of several heroes who led the orc warriors to become independent at that time, including Azak, were placed in There, besides the mausoleum, there are altars used by various tribes to worship their ancestors. Every year, the shamans and leaders of the six major tribes gather there to hold a solemn sacrifice. It is a veritable holy place for orcs.

The Baishan clan whose residence is closest to the Holy Land took over the management of the Holy Land, and sent a team to guard the tomb there.

But that holy place was attacked by a wave of people five days ago.

None of the guarding soldiers survived, and the invaders stole all the corpses of heroes including Azak placed in the tomb.Traces of fierce battles were left in the Holy Land. In addition to the tomb guards who died in bloody battles, the bodies of many invaders who were killed were also left on the scene. The invaders included humans and elves, as well as a large group of suspected domesticated behemoth.

This incident naturally shocked all the tribes. After hearing the news, the old chief left the reservation immediately and set off for the Baishan clan. Before leaving, he asked someone to write to me.

Such a big event happened... The holy land of the six major tribes was invaded, and the body of the great-grandfather was also stolen...

After reading the contents of the letter, I couldn't help feeling a little dazed, but the next moment I felt my face was poked by something, and I immediately came back to my senses.

"...Hello!" At the same time, Feilan's voice suddenly reached my ears.

It was she who poked my face hard with her finger.

"What are you doing?" I was taken aback by her actions.

"I just wanted to ask you what you were doing! When you read the letter, you suddenly become stupid. I called you several times but there is no response." Feilan withdrew her fingers and frowned at me, " What exactly was written in this letter to make you stay like this?"

Although I came back to my senses, my mind is still full of the events mentioned in the letter, so I answered her casually: "...my family's grave was dug up."

Feilan was stunned for a moment, then blinked sharply: "What?"

Obviously, my answer completely confused her.

But I really don't have time to go into details: "I have to discuss this matter with Roland immediately, please help me talk to the janitor about repairing the door, please."

I patted her on the shoulder, turned around and ran towards the teaching building, ignoring her blank shout behind me: "Huh? Wait... What is this all about? Hey!"

The information on the events mentioned in this letter is not exhaustive, but some things can still be inferred.There is no doubt that it is "those people" who have recently caused incidents to invade our holy land of orcs. We can be sure that there are both humans and elves among the members of the invaders, but what is more important is the emergence of "suspected domesticated people" Behemoth", this is no different from leaving a book to clearly show your identity.

To erode the tribe's land to stir up conflicts between the orc tribe and Saidian, this time these bastards dare to blaspheme the spirits of our ancestors!

Realizing this, a fire like never before was burning in my chest.

"Roland!!" I even forgot to knock and pushed open the office door. The moment I spoke loudly, I realized my abruptness.

However, facing my intrusion, Roland was uncharacteristically calm: "You are here."

Evidently she had expected me to come to her.

"You already know?" I panted heavily, after all, I ran so hard all the way.

"Not much earlier than you, just half an hour ago." Roland shook a piece of letter paper at me.

Now Saidian, Helgia and the six major tribes are jointly investigating the whereabouts of "those people". Roland is serving as the ambassador for Saidian to contact the orc tribe. The old chief ordered someone to inform me before leaving for the Baishan clan It is not strange to send an urgent report to Roland at the same time.

"You already know it, it's easy to say, I have to go back... No, I have to go to the Baishan clan."

When such a big thing happened, my first thought was naturally to go there to see the situation in person.

"Look, you're already out of your wits. It's been five days since the incident. The investigation should have started long ago. Don't you really think about how many days it will take to get there?" Roland reminded me earnestly.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Wait." She only replied one word.

"Wait!?" I was stunned.

"Yes, it's faster to wait for them to investigate the clues and inform us than to start running there now."

Under the gaze of her calm eyes, my head gradually cooled down.

She was right. It has been so many days since the incident happened. The Baishan clan should have started to trace the whereabouts of the criminals. Such a large-scale invasion was within the territory of the Baishan clan. They were found by the wolf. It is not difficult to track them.

Although anxious, waiting for the news right now is indeed the most appropriate approach.

I sat down for the time being, took a breather, and discussed the matter with her carefully: "The ones who invaded the Holy Land should also be that group."

"I know."

"Didn't we find out that their lair was in the Demon Realm before? What happened afterwards?"

I realized I hadn't asked about the progress of the investigation since returning from the Shouya clan.

"Yes, after we came back, Saidian and Helgia organized a wave of expeditionary reconnaissance teams to go to the Demon Realm, but the nest has been emptied." Roland shook his head, "The expedition team found a new building there not long ago. The scale of the military fortress is quite considerable, but none of the members were found. After being tracked down, they gave up that place quite decisively, just like a lizard with its tail broken. The expedition team also found that they moved north after leaving the magic realm Signs. I didn't expect that they would make such a move in less than half a month."

"Then they attacked the Holy Land for...revenge?"

Apart from this, I really can't think of any reason why it is worth their effort to attack a mausoleum that has nothing but remains.

"I don't know any more information than you." Roland took a long breath, "But I feel that the reason why they did such a thing may not be so simple."

Letters from home worth ten thousand gold (5)

Two days later, the college cafeteria.

"Master Bullock, you should eat your meal first." Tilawa who was sitting in front of me looked at me worriedly.

"Oh..." I came back to my senses and looked down, only to find that the food I ordered was basically unmoved, and I was holding half a piece of bread in my hand.

"This piece of bread, Brock, you have been eating for 10 minutes." Angelica reminded me.

"Student Bullock, don't you have an appetite?" Princess Alisa asked with concern.

In fact, it's not that I don't have an appetite, it's just that my mind is always stuffed with things, and I always forget to take the next bite after taking the first bite.I used to eat in the dining hall with these girls, and I was always the first to finish the meal that could be solved by pouring an iron plate into my mouth, but today they have finished eating one by one. But not even a piece of bread was resolved.

"After all, that kind of thing happened." Arsena clasped her hands and nodded understandingly, "If someone digs up our family's mausoleum, I'll definitely want to smash that thief's head too. .”

"Don't just fill yourself up, you're not a puffer fish." Feilan frowned.

To be honest, I'm not all angry now.

I was naturally very angry when I learned that the tomb of my ancestors had been stolen, but I couldn't be so angry for a few days that I couldn't calm down at all.

I've just been wondering about one thing—what did the invaders intend to do when they stole the remains of their ancestors?

From the news that came from the tribe in the next two days, I learned more details about the invasion of the Holy Land.

In fact, the defense force of the orc's holy land is not simple. Apart from the tomb guards stationed by the Baishan clan, the guardian of the holy place enshrined by the Baishan clan lives in that valley - an ancient cold dragon.

In terms of individual battles, excluding the demon king who was once killed by the coalition forces of the civilized world, the giant dragon should be the most powerful species on this continent, not one of them.It is said that the giant dragons are huge enough to look down on all creatures in the wild of giant beasts. Their bodies are covered with invulnerable dragon scales, which are not inferior to the legendary chain armor made of mithril. The power of their breath is already Enough to make the most powerful mage ashamed, but they themselves have bottomless magic power - they have obtained the gifts and powerful elements that creatures can get, no matter which civilization it is, there is an adult dragon that can Fight against a Legion of Legends.

Most of these numbers are just legends and records in ancient books, but the Baishan clan has indeed been enshrining an ancient cold dragon.So the rumors we heard should still have some credibility.The old chief participated in the sacrifices of the Holy Land every year, so he had naturally seen the dragon.According to him, although the ancient cold dragon was nearing its twilight years, it was still unbelievably powerful.That ancient cold dragon once easily defeated a team of ten elite orc warriors in a practice battle. The indestructible dragon scales on its body were covered with a layer of ice crystal armor that never melted. A woolly mammoth that can move freely in snow-capped mountains.

But such a powerful creature was killed now.

Although the dragon's body could not be found at the scene, the Baishan clan concluded from the severed limbs and dragon blood left by the ancient cold dragon that the Baishan clan discovered at the scene that the guardian of the holy land also died like many tomb guards.

This shows that the enemy's poured troops cannot be small, and should even be enough to capture a medium-sized city.

However, the problem is that the holy land of the orcs is not a place of such strategic significance—it is true that it has extremely important spiritual significance for the six tribes of the orcs, but if you look at it from the enemy's point of view, it is only a piece of land after all. The cemetery is nothing more than a cemetery. There are neither resources worth looting nor strategic locations. It is definitely not a place worth spending so much to attack.

At first I thought they were out of revenge and provocation, but then Roland woke me up: "In that case, why didn't they destroy Azak's remains and leave them at the scene?"

The analysis of the enemy's purpose finally fell on their act of stealing the remains - no matter how you look at it, they spent so much force to capture the Holy Land just to steal those few remains.

It's kind of disrespectful to say that... but I really don't understand the value of stealing a few frozen orc corpses from the enemy's point of view.

"Mr. Bullock, why don't you go to my place to eat barbecue." Alsena tried to cheer me up, "I just had a batch of meat delivered yesterday, and it's frozen in the ice cellar."

"Sorry, I really don't have an appetite for this..." I waved my hands with a dark face.

Probably because of my mood, they didn't gather in my dormitory for a tea party after dinner as usual, and chose to let me go back and stay alone.

To be honest, I didn't think about it to the point where I didn't think about food or tea.

I'm just waiting for news.Although very anxious, I can only wait for the results of the investigation according to what Roland said.

Then this time when I returned to the dormitory, I finally saw Roland's owl standing by the window sill waiting for me.

"Brock." Her voice was attached to the familiar, and then the spiritual spell passed into my head.

"Any news?" I suddenly regained my spirits.

"Well, I got in touch with your chief. Unfortunately, the pursuit force arranged by the six major tribes was blocked by the enemy several times on the way, and they failed to catch up with the enemy. West left the Wild of Beasts and went to the Great Desert to the west."

"Are they going to send troops here?" I widened my eyes.

It's impossible for me not to care about this. If the enemy came to the south from the great desert around the Northland Mountains, then their target could only be Saidian or the settlement of the Bloodaxe clan in the Western Valley.

But Roland's answer denied my guess: "No, as a result of the investigation, they did not travel south, but went all the way west, deep into the hinterland of the great desert."

"The hinterland of the great desert? But isn't there... nothing?" I said in a daze.

The Great Desert is deeper inland than the Wild of Beasts. It is extremely arid and barren of grass. It is said that there is nothing but sand dunes and rocky valleys. The environment is harsh and there are no resources worth mining. Regardless of the wild orc tribes, no country has ever enclosed even an inch of settlements there.Going deep into the desert is tantamount to exile. Is there any point for the enemy to march there?

"Brock, I'm afraid you haven't heard of that legend."

"What legend?"

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