"This legend is quite well known in the south. Maybe you orcs haven't heard much about it..." Roland paused as he spoke, "It is said that in the depths of the great desert, there is a kingdom established by giant dragons."

Desert Crusade (1)

"Brock, how much do you know about dragons?" Roland asked me through the familiar.

I thought about it and nodded: "It's awesome."



"...That's it?" Roland's voice that flowed into my head was somewhat dumbfounded.

"In short, all I know is that they are very powerful." I continued to nod.

My understanding of giant dragons is limited to rumors and reports. After thinking about it, so much information has been repeated over and over again, and it is actually only the three words "very awesome". In my impression, a dragon is a very strong and powerful creature standing at the top of the creature. Tuatara.With Roland's knowledge, I'm afraid she should know everything I know, so there's no need to elaborate.

"It's no wonder, given how rare dragons are in this world, we, Saidian, probably left some slightly more detailed descriptions." The owl controlled by Roland turned its head sideways in front of me.

"Trouble you, let's get to the point." I lifted my chin to remind her.

"Well, first of all, the most important point is that according to the records left by the ancient books of the Elven Temple, the dragon clan established civilization no later than the elves. They established a kingdom in the center of the great desert..."

"This kind of thing is fake." I raised my hand to interrupt her, "I heard that there is nothing but sand in the desert. What are the dragons doing in such a place? Do they eat sand?"

When I first heard Roland mention that there was a country of giant dragons in the great desert, I was actually a hundred unbelievers in my heart. Since the giant dragons are said to be so miraculous, if they can gather enough to build a country in terms of numbers, let alone it. Occupying the most fertile land on the continent, even conquering all the civilizations on the continent would probably be a no-brainer. There is no reason to shrink into a desert where no bird shits.

"Okay, listen to me first." Roland patiently explained to us, "The specific content of that record is this. Legend has it that the dragon is also a creation created by the gods by accident. At the beginning of its birth, The gods worried that such a powerful species would affect the balance of the world, so they issued a ban. They gave the dragons a blessed land in the world for them to multiply, but at the same time, all dragons could not leave that land , so the dragons multiplied on that land, and finally established their own civilization, and the location of that land is said to be on the west side of the mainland."

"The Dragon Clan can't leave that place?" I frowned and said, "Isn't this nonsense? The Baishan Clan just provided a dragon to be raised in the snow mountain."

And it's not just the Baishan clan. As far as I know, there are also legends and examples of giant dragons appearing on the mainland in the southern civilized world.In the past, the Helgian merchants who visited the orc tribe once brought us some books published by Helgia. Those heroic novels sold very well in various tribes. I have read more than one of them.

The story of "Dragon Knight" tells the heroic legend of human knights fighting side by side with giant dragons.

I used to think that those stories were just fanciful novels produced by human beings, but every traveler who sold our books swore to us that these stories were adapted from real events, and even Alsena once told me that those stories were orthodox recorded in history books.

"Perhaps the content of this record has yet to be verified, but Brock, it is a fact that such a country exists in the hinterland of the great desert."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because someone has been there."

"Has anyone ever been to that place?" I couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, this record in the ancient books of the elves has also been spread to other countries in the south. There are not a few explorers among humans and dwarves who are interested in this. People have explored the desert since a long time ago, and then It is true that a very small number of explorers have reached the kingdom of giant dragons." Roland paused halfway through speaking, "But it is a bit inaccurate to say that, strictly speaking, they all had their own when they approached that land. The giant dragon appeared to stop them and ordered them to go back the same way. But the fact that there are giant dragons in the desert alone is enough to prove that the records about the kingdom of dragons in the ancient books are true."

"This kind of thing can't be said to be true."

In my impression, most so-called explorers blow their cowhide as naturally as they breathe.

"It's true, because we only know a group of such explorers, and their reputation is still guaranteed."

According to this, the enemy is really going to the so-called dragon country?What the hell are they going to do...

No, there is no need to delve into this issue for the time being.

What they are going to do will not be a good thing anyway, and what they are going to do has nothing to do with me going to chop off the heads of these bastards who blasphemed my ancestors' spirits one by one!

"The investigation of the six major tribes has fallen into difficulty. So I took the initiative to apply for assistance from His Majesty. This time, Sai Di'an will send troops to support the six major tribes in pursuing the enemy." Roland finally said the key point.

The tracking of our orcs largely relies on the scent tracking of the wargs. The desert is full of sand dunes, and the wind and sand are also very strong. The scent left behind is easy to dissipate or be covered up.Although the six major tribes are familiar with the route from the great desert to the south, bypassing the northern mountains, that part is only the edge of the great desert, and not many people know the terrain in the hinterland.

The tribe has been keeping in touch with Roland and exchanging information. Now that they have an idea of ​​where the enemy is going, it is impossible not to organize an investigation. Naturally, I cannot be the only one in this matter... After all, Lao Tzu's ancestral grave is a real one. It was planed.

"That's great, when are we going to leave?" I punched my palm vigorously, and then pressed my knuckles hard.

"Wait." Roland replied calmly.

"What? Wait?" I was dumbfounded, "What is there to wait for!?"

If we wait any longer, the remains of Lao Tzu's ancestors might rot! !

"Expedition to the Great Desert is no joke. Getting lost in that kind of place will [-]% result in the wilderness. To find the kingdom of the dragon, we need someone who has been there to guide us." Roland reminded me.

"It's...the group of explorers you just mentioned?" I realized.

"That's right. I have entrusted Her Highness Alsena to help us contact the guide."

"Why is Arsena going to contact you?" I was a little surprised that Arsena's name would suddenly pop up here.

"Because Arsena is the gold medal patron of that expedition team, which is a professional expedition team composed of mostly dwarves, and Arsena often purchases antiques and weapons from them." Roland explained to me.

I always feel like I have a little impression of this expedition team...

Desert Crusade (2)

After Roland informed me about the expedition of Saidian and the six major tribes, he also arranged for me to meet the old chief who returned to the tribe with projection magic. From the mouth of the old chief, I roughly understood the arrangement of the expedition.

In short, Saidian and the six major tribes are preparing to form a coalition this time to pursue the enemies who bloodbathed the orc holy land and then fled to the desert.

Further west of the western border of Saidian is the valley now occupied by the Bloodaxe clan, and then going west through the valley to leave the mountains is the edge of the Great Desert, which is also the edge of the bloodaxe clan's current settlement , the starting point of the expedition team is preset at that place.

First of all, speaking from the side of the six major tribes, the main fuse of this expedition was the invasion of the holy land of the six major tribes, so the main force of the expedition to pursue the enemy was still composed of troops from the six major tribes.The six major tribes urgently organized a regiment of thousands of people as an advance force to gather at that starting point, more than half of which were directly transferred from the Bloodaxe and Shouya clans living in the valley, so the commander of this regiment also Naturally, they were selected from these two tribes.

Well, that person was actually Igna.

As the nominal second-in-command of the Shouya clan and the de facto first-in-command, it is quite reliable to lead such a small expedition team with her management experience and leadership level.And her own attitude towards participating in this matter is also extremely positive. It is said that when the chiefs of various ethnic groups and high-level leaders were negotiating candidates, she directly slapped her weapon on the table and proposed that she volunteered to be the commander of the expedition team.

According to the words of the old chief, Igna at that time had the attitude of killing anyone who dared to object.

I can understand her feelings very well. After all, we were born to a pair of parents. The tomb of Azak who was dug up is not only my ancestral tomb, but also her ancestral tomb. She has always been proud of herself as a hero. The incident naturally touched her inverse scales.

On Saidian's side, a support team of 300 people was dispatched—300 people sounded a little small, but it was said that it was an elite force composed of mages, archers and knights as the main personnel.

And considering the fact that it will merge with the orc army, the number of this army must not be large.

Because this troop was dispatched from the western border nearby, the commander of the troop was the ranger general Tolivia who led the border station.

That's right, it's the western border station that manages Saidian, who wants to fight the orcs when he sees them, and even the radical Saidian general who thought about killing me secretly when Roland lured me to the academy.

I really doubt that if the team she leads is stronger than the orcs, she will just stab us in the back.

Igna acted tough and refused to give an inch, even daring to go to the palace of Sidian to threaten the elf queen face to face.Put her together with Tolivia, who is at odds with orcs...

To be honest, why is no one objecting?The two of them had already slapped the table and stared at each other at the negotiating table back then.

In short, the composition of the large army is basically in such a situation, but this joint army will not go deep into the desert immediately-because in fact, we have already chased the enemy away, and marched quickly to escape the huge desert after the enemy attacked the holy land. After Beast's Wild went deep into the desert, the Baishan clan's pursuit fell into difficulty. The only clue was the Dragon Kingdom located in the hinterland of the legendary desert.

Therefore, in the process of gathering the legions, a small-scale reconnaissance team will go into the desert to go to the so-called Dragon Kingdom to find traces of the enemy and find out the marching route.

Roland is in charge of this reconnaissance team, and I was temporarily assigned to this team, and Miria and her subordinates will also accompany her.After Alsena contacts the expedition team leading the way, we will first head to the western border station of Saidian, then cross the border westward and enter the valley where the Bloodaxe clan lives, and then go all the way through the valley to the predetermined starting point, heading to the Great Desert Go deep.

It is not only me, Roland, and Miria who will leave the academy.

Tilawa was also included—because Igna, who led the expedition, sent a letter to her right-hand man, and the next day the girl packed her equipment and told me she was going with me.

She is Igna's subordinate, so I have no reason to dissuade her.

In addition to her, Arsena also insisted on going—this is the condition that she acted as an intermediary to introduce us to the expedition team that led the way.

It was a bit of nonsense to drag Helgia's heir into the expedition team, but after Arsena went to contact her father, not only did she get her consent, but she even brought in a bodyguard to protect her.

... This king is really big-hearted.

As soon as Arsena said she was coming, it turned out that Angelica, Feilan, and finally even Princess Alyssa ran up to me one by one and said they would go.

Naturally, I turned them down.

... Do these girls think that this trip is to travel?

Regardless of Angelica and Feilan, it is impossible for Princess Alisa to be involved in such a dangerous matter. First of all, it is impossible for her mother to pass the test.

Although they all got into a temper with me because of this, I still didn't let go.

Then three days later, it was the day to leave the academy for the western border station——

"Alsena, what are you doing carrying such a big box there?" I saw at the gate of the college that Arsena had chartered a car by herself, and hired several elf helpers to carry three large boxes from her dormitory to deliver. up.

"Luggage." She said to me casually.

"Are you moving with so much luggage? What's in it?" I had never seen her bring so many things when I was traveling with her before, so I couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, and immediately wanted to go up and open the box after all.

As a result, she immediately stopped in front of me in a serious manner: "Mr. Bullock, there are some of my personal items inside, don't you still want to peek at my underwear?"

Speaking of this, it is impossible for me to search her luggage forcibly, so I can only suppress my curiosity.

I walked towards the deer cart that was arranged to pick me up and Tilawa and I suddenly remembered something.

"Tilava, did you see Angelika and the others this morning?" I asked Tilawa who was carrying luggage into the carriage.

I wanted to say goodbye to them before leaving in the morning, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

"I don't know." Tilawa shook her head blankly at me, "I also want to say goodbye to Elissa-senpai in the morning, but she is not in the dormitory."

It's really strange, where did those girls go...

Desert Crusade (3)

The first stop on our way to the great desert is the western border defense area of ​​Saidian. According to the scheduled plan, the expedition support team led by Tolivia will set off here with us. The Kyrgyan knights, and the expedition team entrusted to lead our way, will also join us here.

From here we will leave the border of the Sidian Forest westward, enter the valley where the Bloodaxe clan lives in the West, and then go all the way through the bloodaxe clan's settlement to the edge of the great desert.

I am very happy with this route.

Entering the valley means that I finally have the opportunity to go back to the long-lost tribe to take a look.

That's great, since I was caught and brought to Saidian, I don't know how long I haven't been home.

Our chariots and horses stopped at a large open-air lawn in the Saidian border defense area. When we got out of the car, we saw the Helgia airship parked nearby and the elf expedition team waiting in line nearby. The formation was led by Tolivia wearing a half silver mask and her adjutant Testa.

At the moment of eye contact, I noticed that Tolivia frowned slightly, but in the blink of an eye her expression tensed up again, and she looked away from me.

At the beginning, I stopped the conflict between the six major tribes and Sedian by launching a duel against Raylorgard. Obviously, this did not completely change her deep-rooted dislike of orcs, but now it can be seen that she at least did not intend to express her unhappiness. onto the countertop.

Very well, it is unrealistic to expect her to be able to get along with the orcs, but at least as long as she puts the overall situation first and does not provoke conflicts...

"Oh, Tolivia, long time no see! Are you happy with our orc neighbors who are stationed at the border these days?" As soon as Roland saw Tolivia, he waved and greeted extremely "enthusiastically" .

Tolivia's face instantly became ugly.

Roland is deliberately picking which pot he doesn't open and which pot to lift.

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