"But, you, your injury—"

"I'm fine!" Tolivia turned her face wearing half of the silver mask and glared at her adjutant, "Go away!"


After driving away the adjutant, Tolivia turned her gaze to Roland.

"Tolivia..." Roland didn't show any expression on his face.

"You can come in unscathed... It seems that you have already left." Tolivia murmured as if talking to herself, "I have to hurry up and take back the corpses of the soldiers, we can't leave them behind There……"

"My subordinates are already doing that kind of thing now." Roland replied softly.

"Is that so..." After a moment of silence, Tolivia lowered her eyes.

"What happened to you?" Roland stared at her face and asked, "Did you see what attacked you?"

?Tolivia raised her eyes to meet her gaze: "I think you should have the answer in your heart. Although you were just an unknown soldier at the time, you clearly experienced that battle yourself. You have seen that monster of."

Roland's expression changed slightly: "How is this possible?"

"But that's the truth." Tolivia sneered sadly at her, "When His Majesty the Elf King personally led the army to face that monster, I was a guard beside him. The one who killed His Majesty in front of me, Roland, do you think I will misremember what that guy looked like? Ten hours ago, the guy who suddenly appeared in that garrison and attacked us..."

Tolivia looked into Roland's eyes and said word by word:

"...It's the demon king that we killed with our joint efforts back then!"

Orcs and the Homecoming

Demon King, come out and take the blame! (1)

Demons, for the creatures in this world, are strange creatures.They were born in the void and alien world called "Abyss" by mages. They build their bodies with magic power and survive by devouring magic power.No matter what kind of demon, low or high, there is an extremely pure desire from birth, that is appetite, even if it is to commit adultery

Evil succubus, will constantly seek to have sex with other creatures, and it is nothing more than a way to consume magic power.

The devil's recipe includes all the existence of magical power that can be converted into abyss attributes - the soul of primate creatures with magical power, the flesh and blood of living creatures that can be converted into magical power, and their kind that are also magical creatures.Demons were born out of nothing in the "Abyss", without any ethical concepts, they lived like primitive animals in the chaotic void, and were constantly preying on other demons driven by their appetite.The real "Abyss" is like a huge Colosseum. Powerful demons eat weak demons, and then evolve through this process of devouring to become intelligent, high-level demons, and even use power to make other demons submit to them demon lord.

Such a competitive environment will continue for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, and some demons will naturally be born among the demons who have evolved to the apex by devouring.

That is a demon king whose power is almost equal to that of a god.

——"An Introduction to Demonology" by Mudar

"Is what's written in this book credible?" Sitting in the tent, I closed the book with a black cover in my hand and asked Roland in front of me.

I was born after the end of the Abyss War, so I don't have a deep understanding of the Demon King.When I asked Roland about the information about the Demon King, she found out this book and handed it to me.

"Credible." Roland nodded simply, "This author is my predecessor, the chief mage of Saidian, and my father's mentor. In terms of teacher-student relationship, he can be regarded as my grand master. According to my father That guy is a lunatic who is so obsessed with black magic that he will kidnap his compatriots as his experimental materials. Before he was sentenced to exile, all his students except my father mysteriously disappeared one by one. In the end, no evidence was found, but in all likelihood, they were all killed by him for his black magic experiments. But on the other hand, in order to study people who can be mad to such an extent, most of his research results will not fool Human. A large part of the existing research on demons was perfected by this madman."

I looked down at the book in my hand.

According to the records in this book, the so-called "Abyss" is actually the shadow of this world we live in, and it is a natural existence.The root of the abyss is nothingness, the restraining force of all existence, like a vortex of annihilation trying to drag other existences into it and destroy them.The so-called demons also inherit this attribute. Driven by the desire to devour, they destroy and devour, and return all existence to nothingness—even their own existence that was also born in the void.

Driven by this desire to devour all living beings in this world, the Demon King tears the boundary between the two worlds with his own strength, and comes to this world from another world. Years of enmity.

Finally, in that abyssal war, the civilizations of humans, elves, and dwarves that gradually developed and rose finally took the opportunity of the orcs enslaved by the devil to resist the army of the devil, and at the cost of huge sacrifices, they successfully counterattacked the devil's realm Killed the devil.

But now, the slain demon king reappeared in this world - Tolivia, who survived the devastating raid, insisted that she appeared on the edge of the great desert and easily ravaged the army of orcs and elves. The devil.

This appalling news shocked everyone.

"Is the devil really dead?" I murmured.

"Although demons are made of magic power, their physiological form is very different from ordinary creatures. But no matter what, they still have the concept of life and death. When the magic power that maintains their activities is exhausted or purified, or the body constructed by magic power is destroyed Destructive damage will kill the demon, and the dead demon, like the creatures in this world, cannot be resurrected. In the battle that year, the demon king was indeed killed." Roland replied firmly.

"Then why did the demon king who should have died appear here?" I asked, staring into her eyes.

What really convinced Tolivia that it was the Demon King was not that she witnessed the Demon King standing in the wilderness, but the attack that the "Devil King" launched on the orc and elf troops.There is absolutely no other possibility for that overwhelming abyss attribute power other than the Demon King.Tolivia, she had personally participated in the crusade against the Demon King. She used her five senses and her personal fear and pain to completely record the memory of the Demon King.

I don't think this memory is that fallible.

And this point, Roland, who also personally participated in that battle, felt the same way.The scene of the tragedy in the camp also aroused her memory.

"If I had to infer, that's probably...not the real Demon King, but the Demon King's corpse." Roland said solemnly, "Someone manipulated the Demon King's body and attacked Saidian and the six major tribes. force."

"The corpse of the demon king? Did the demon king leave a corpse after his death?" I asked in a daze, "Didn't you destroy that thing after you killed the demon king?"

Roland shook his head: "At that time, there were very few people who survived the battle. The body of the devil itself was a huge collection of magic power. At that time, we did not have the means to destroy the body of the devil. Someone proposed to put the body of the devil It was brought back for research and use, but it was opposed by more people. The magic power emitted by the demon king's corpse is very corrosive and very dangerous, not to mention the precedent of the six evil swords of the demon king. Bringing the dead body to the civilized world will only be a disaster. Some people also proposed to open the door to the "Abyss" and send the body of the demon king back, but considering that being obtained by a certain demon lord in the "Abyss" may lead to the next demon king The birth of the devil, so let’s do it. The final plan we adopted was to throw the devil’s body into a volcano in the devil’s realm, and watch the devil’s body sink into the magma.” Roland lowered his eyes as he said, “We never thought That thing can reappear in this world."

"But now someone has done it..." I said in a deep voice, "the body of the devil king was salvaged from the volcano."

Demon King, come out and take the blame! (2)

"What the enemy did was not just to retrieve the corpse of the devil. They also reactivated the corpse of the devil. It is not as simple as a necromancer to make the corpse of the devil move again, so once again let the huge magic power have It needs not only a large-scale ceremony, but also some powerful magic materials as an introduction." Roland looked into my eyes and said, "Now things are finally clear, they I will try my best to get the Dragon King's blood, I'm afraid... just for this purpose."

During the investigation of the Shouya Clan, we had already found evidence of the enemy's activities in the Demon Realm, and the expedition team of Saidian and Helgia, who had rushed to the Devil Realm, also officially confirmed this.I'm afraid they will establish their own stronghold in the place where the demon king died, mainly for the corpse of the demon king.

"With the devil's corpse in their hands, they will have the means to control the magic sword made of the devil's horn. I'm afraid they had already planned to borrow that sword when they sent the 'Desolation Contract' to Arsena. The resulting disaster hit Saidian and Helgia hard, and then use the corpse of the demon king to control the spirit of the sword. This time, use the 'Silent Tombstone' to control Azak's corpse..." Roland said As he said that, his eyes became serious, "It's really being led by the nose."

I gritted my teeth silently after listening.

The enemy invaded the holy place where our ancestors rested, massacred our compatriots, and desecrated the heroic spirits of our ancestors. This time, we not only failed to avenge our revenge, but also suffered a heavy blow this time.

We have been entangled with the enemy all the time, just like dealing with field gophers. Wherever one pops up, we will kill him.The magic sword incident that Arsena encountered, the conflict between the six major tribes and Saidian, the disappearance of Hergia, and the attack of the Shouya clan, although there were many thrilling moments, they were basically resolved by us. After their conspiracy came to an end, we even chased them to the Demon Realm, forcing them to abandon their base camp.

This time, however, we were met with an unprecedented counterattack.After gathering the army and leading us to gather the expeditionary army to pursue it, the enemy marched into the desert at a speed beyond our expectations, used tricks to obtain the blood of the Dragon King, and unexpectedly consumed his large army as sacrifices. The assassin left the desert quickly on his corpse dragon, and we couldn't track him at all.Then, they used the activated corpse of the demon king to deal a devastating blow to the legion gathered at the edge of the desert.

Just like trying to catch a gopher in a gopher's cave, but being bitten by a poisonous snake hidden inside, Saidian and the six major tribes were led to organize to chase the enemy, and encountered an unexpected disaster before the official expedition. fiasco.

After the Holy Land was attacked, the enemy's behavior style suddenly changed. The tactics were unexpected, and the execution was vigorous and vigorous. They were no longer insidiously stabbing people in the back, but using the strategy of taking advantage of the opportunity to catch us by surprise from the front. It's like changing a commander.

This incident is not as simple as a victory or defeat, it is the enemy's first frontal attack.The heavy damage to the six major tribes and Saidian's troops may be mainly to test the strength of the devil's corpse, but it is also a formal declaration of war. The news of "the resurrection of the devil king" is bound to alarm the six major tribes and the Southern Alliance.

Six hours have passed since I returned to the tribe, and the time has turned to night, because the blocked mountain road between the valley where the Bloodaxe clan lives and the Sidian border has not been completely dug, and Tolivia There were many wounded in Ya's team who were inconvenient to move at will, so the old chief simply settled all the foreigners who entered the valley temporarily. The corpses of the soldiers who died at the side were sent back to Saidian.

Two hours ago, Roland had just reported the news to the queen of Saidian, and it was only a matter of time before it spread to Helgia, and even to other countries. The old chief also sent eagles to various tribes. Book.Now, both the Bloodaxe Clan and Sedian's side are already in dire straits, and the two sides are discussing countermeasures while sorting out the situation.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the house.

This tent house was built for myself after the tribe migrated here, and it can be regarded as my home.This time I returned to the tribe after more than half a year, and it is normal to have friends and relatives come to visit.

I went to open the door, but was surprised to see Miria standing outside.

She just glanced at me, and then looked into the room: "Roland, the herald of the palace has sent a message. Your Majesty has summoned you to discuss with me. Let's go."

It turned out that he came to find Roland on business.

"Okay." Roland got up from the chair, walked to the door, and turned to look at me, "Okay, it's useless to be anxious now. It's rare for you to go home, so take this opportunity to take a good rest."

I nodded wordlessly, watched them leave, and closed the door.

But not long after I sat down, there was another knock on the door.

This time it might be someone from the tribe.

I opened the door, only to see Tilawa standing outside.

"Tilawa, how is Igna?" I asked looking at her.

I remember that when she came here, she went straight to Igna, because Igna was still asleep, and she had been waiting there.

"Master Igna has woken up, her consciousness is very clear, and the shaman also said that she will recover after a period of time." Tilawa nodded, and then hesitated a little, "That's... she asked me to come with you Say you don't need to see her."

"I see." I nodded knowingly.

This is really Igna's style. She has always had a strong self-esteem, and she doesn't like to worry about me. In the past, she would deliberately hide it from me when she was injured while hunting.

"Lord Igna, she should... just don't want Lord Brock to worry too much." Probably thinking that I might have misunderstood something, Tilawa hurriedly explained.

"I know I know." I chuckled softly, "Would you like to come in and sit?"

"Then, excuse me then." Tilawa looked a little nervous, but she nodded and entered the room.

I asked her to sit down, and as soon as I poured her water, there was another knock on the door of the house.

This time it must be someone from the village, the big brother of the neighbor next door, or my best buddy in the team...

With that in mind, I went to open the door——

"Brock." Angelica waved at me and simply greeted me.

Beside her, Feilan was looking sideways into the room with her arms folded.

"Why are you two?" I blinked.

Demon King, come out and take the blame! (3)

As soon as I said this, the blond elf in front of me immediately became unhappy.

"Why? We can't come yet, can we?" This girl immediately gave me a very familiar stare.

"No, please..." I quickly turned sideways to make room for the two of them to pass.

"Senior Feilan, Senior Angelica." Tilawa greeted them obediently, and naturally got up to find a cup to pour water for them.

Wait a minute, you are also a guest...

As soon as Angelika came in, she naturally threw herself on my bed according to her habit in the academy, and then sat up beside the bed: "Phew, it smells like dust."

It's not bad if I haven't come back after more than half a year and it hasn't moldy. It's thanks to the old chief who sent someone to clean it when he accidentally remembered it.

"Hey, your house is really simple, it's really boring." Feilan snorted, but her actions were completely opposite. She walked around the house looking left and right, and picked up some handicrafts I used to make with animal bones and looked at them over and over again. .

...I said, aren't you in high spirits?

It's just that before I had time to chat with them, there was another knock on the door.

Well, this time the folks are finally here.

Thinking of this, I quickly walked over and opened the door, but the two princesses Alsena and Alisa appeared outside the door.

"Student Bullock, good evening." Princess Alisa smiled faintly at me, but she still couldn't hide the tiredness on her face.After entering our tribe, she took the initiative to go to the tent where Tolivia and her party were placed to help treat the female soldiers there.

However, I think that witnessing the victims in the Saidian camp had a greater impact on her—I can also empathize with seeing the corpses of my compatriots and even comrades-in-arms in the tribal coalition camp.

"Good evening...you two are here too." I nodded to them and greeted them.

"Also?" Alsena quickly realized, she turned her body and peeked into the room from my side, "Hey, everyone is here!"

I stepped aside, Alisa nodded to me and said "Excuse me" and walked in, and then acted as Alsena happily chanted "Mr. Bullock's home, Mr. Bullock's home" When I was about to rush in, I raised my hand to stop her: "Wait for me!"

"Eh?" Arsena, who was still in high spirits a second ago, was stunned, then raised her head towards me, her eyes instantly became aggrieved, "Why, why can't I go in?"

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