"Humph! Humph! Humph! Humph!" Feilan was so angry that she strode over and kicked me violently.

Hey, this time it's your own death, why are you venting your anger on me again...

I looked up at her swollen face, and suddenly noticed that in addition to the two beards and some random graffiti on her face, there were two small characters written on her forehead: interesting.

"Hey, you still dare to laugh!" Seeing me casually raise the corner of my mouth, Feilan became even more angry, and this time greeted me with her fist.

"Sorry, sorry!" I held her fist and waved my hand, "You should wipe your face first."

"It's decided, Miss Ben will trample this woman under her feet sooner or later!" She stopped after beating, and declared angrily with her fists clenched.

"Then work hard!" The queen's laughter came from the other side of the curtain.

Her Majesty the Queen to help (1)

In the morning, I was called to the tribal council.

It was the old chief who called me here, and it was Wacker who came to deliver the message, because the girl Feilan didn't close the door when she came in. He strode in when he saw the door was open, and shouted loudly: "Brother, you're up—"

The next thing he saw was that I was grabbing the blanket wrapped around Angelica's body and was about to throw the girl out, while Feilan was washing her face with a basin of water.

He looked at us silently, and then glanced at the curtain next to him. The queen entered my tent yesterday in full view, so he should also know that the queen is sleeping here.

"Brother is awesome!" He suddenly showed a smile of admiration for no reason, and gave me a thumbs up.

"...What's so awesome?" I was a little confused by him, and then I noticed that this kid was wearing leather and armor, wearing a tribal warrior costume.

I know Wacker's behavior style. He does things rough and unkempt. Even in training in the team, I have never seen him wear his equipment so neatly, unless... he is going to meet the old chief.

"Did you come here for something?" I realized that he should be looking for me on business, so I asked.

It doesn't matter if I ask this question. After asking this kid, he stood up straight in front of me, gave me an orc military salute, and then said loudly in a report voice: "Brother, you worked so hard last night. It is not appropriate to disturb you today, but this matter It is very important, and the Chief has repeatedly urged..."

I felt a severe headache from this literary opening statement that was completely out of line with his temperament. I walked up quickly and clapped my hands on his shoulders: "Wake, that's enough! It's my brother's mistake, you just let me go with you Forget about saying that the report should be edited... I beg you, big brother, just speak normal orcish words and tell me the business, okay?"

If I don't interrupt him, I guess he will have to talk for 2 minutes before he can get back to the business.

"...Oh." Wacker nodded to me, "The chief asked me to call you to the meeting hall, and the two girls with long ears who led the team were also there, saying that they have something to talk to you about."

"Okay, got it."

Sure enough, this way of reporting is better.

So after dressing and washing, I went to the tribal council hall with him. As Wack said, I saw Roland and Tolivia sitting with the old chief around the round table, and the old chief smiled. He waved to me and motioned for me to sit down.

Then after my ass fell on the chair, the old chief said to me succinctly: "Saidian, propose an alliance with us."

"What?" I was taken aback.

On the way here, Wacker told me that they had discussed in the council hall all night yesterday, so I somewhat expected that they had discussed some important matter related to both the Bloodaxe clan and Seidian.

But I never thought that there would be such a jumping result—an alliance?We must know that half a year ago we were still in constant conflict.In the agreement signed at the end of the previous turmoil, the relationship between the Bloodaxe Clan and Saidian only stopped at mutual non-aggression... It has not been a few months, and suddenly they are married! ?

I looked at Roland and Tolivia on the opposite side in surprise.

"I proposed it to Her Majesty the Queen, and she has officially agreed." Roland nodded at me.

"...It's only temporary." Tolivia folded her hands with a gloomy face, and she could see that she had some grudges about this matter.

"Tolivia." Roland glanced at her.

"Compared to the orc, the issue of the devil is more important, right!" Tolivia frowned slightly and replied coldly, "I know too! You don't need to talk too much."

"Saidian hopes to form a temporary alliance with us, and proposes to us to allow them to enter the reservation and garrison at the west crossing of the valley, and build a defense line with us." The old chief explained to me.

It was only then that I realized what was going on.

The north and northwest of Sidian Forest are separated by the Northland Mountains as a natural barrier, while the west is a large schist mountain. The largest crossing is the Wallis Valley that our Bloodaxe clan now occupies. It was controlled by the Demon King back then. The orc army detoured from the wilderness from the wilderness, and entered Saidian through this valley.

In other words, the blood ax tribe, which was once out of reach of Saidian in the past, has unexpectedly become a line of defense on the west side of Saidian.

"The incident this time took place in the west. All along, it can be seen from the actions of the enemy that they hold strong hostility towards Saidian. We have reason to believe that the enemy who has controlled the corpse of the devil is planning to attack Saidian. Dean launched a frontal attack." Roland said calmly, "I think the current situation is too much for us to worry about. It is necessary for Saidian to form an alliance with the Bloodaxe clan and unite to resist foreign enemies."

The "Desolation Contract" sent to Alsena at the beginning caused trouble in Saidian, and the spearhead of the orc tribe whose land was eroded was also directed to Saidian. It is quite natural to harbor resentment.

"I've heard about Azak." The old chief suddenly looked at me and said in a deep voice.

I didn't speak, just stared at him silently.

The old chief has been following my great-grandfather Azak all his life, and when he learned that Azak's body was manipulated and used, and his heroic spirit was desecrated, he probably would not be much more relaxed than me.

Since the lands of the various tribes in the Wild of Giant Beasts were eroded, even if the five major tribes formed a bridge with the gang of elf sinners who were operating secretly, only the Bloodaxe clan was not directly damaged.However, this time, they not only attacked the holy land of the orcs to steal the body of Azak, the former chief of the Bloodaxe clan, and manipulated it, but also killed many soldiers of our Bloodaxe clan in yesterday's attack.No matter which way you look at it, this group of people has forged a mortal enmity with the Bloodaxe clan.

Moreover, if the enemy really planned to attack Saidian, they would definitely march towards Saidian from the west, and the valley where the Bloodaxe clan was located would become their first target.

Therefore, for the Bloodaxe clan, forming an alliance with Saidian behind them and receiving assistance to jointly build a defense line is also a matter of no harm.

"The chief, have you agreed?" After a long time, I asked the old chief.

"Yeah." The old chief nodded, "The only ones left are the Shouya clan who also live in the valley. Igna agreed, officially... we have to wait for Leilogard to come back from the north." Confirmed."

"Then chief, you can decide on this matter." After understanding the situation, I suddenly felt a little puzzled, "Why did you call me here?"

It can be seen that the temporary alliance between Saidian and the Bloodaxe clan is a matter of course, and there is no need to specially draw me over to discuss it.

"Actually...we mainly want to discuss with you about the dragon queen." Roland answered for me.

Her Majesty the Queen to help (2)

"What's wrong with her?" I was a little surprised that the queen suddenly came up in the topic.

"Brock, let me confirm with you first, have you really brought the legendary dragon queen here?" The old chief looked into my eyes seriously.

"To be precise, I didn't bring it here, but she insisted on it." I scratched my head.

When I joined the tribe yesterday, I had a formal introduction to the Queen with the old chief. At that time, the old chief was still a little confused. In addition, many foreigners entered the tribe and the old chief was involved in affairs for a while. I haven't had time to explain the matter to him carefully. I think at this moment Roland should have told him in detail about our experience in the desert.

The old chief's expression became more serious after confirming with me, not only him, but even Tolivia lowered her face towards me.

"I said what's wrong with her?" I was a little puzzled by their reaction.

"Stupid, haven't you realized?" Roland sighed at me, "Let me explain to you from another angle, if a country that has no contact with your tribe suddenly came to you one day and said that it wanted to send A troop is stationed in your tribe, and you are asked not to restrict their movements, will you agree?"

"Then it's not a fool who will agree?" I spread my hands.

This is a matter of course, even an outsider entering the tribe must be very vigilant, let alone an army, or is it that we set up guard posts on the border of the reservation for decoration?

Roland, the old chief, and even Tolivia stopped talking, and all stared at me with the same look—the helpless look of looking at a fool who is not enlightened.

I thought for a while in my ignorance, and suddenly realized: "Ah!"

The dragon queen who came to the tribe is worth an army by herself!

"Understood, the strongest dragon clan should probably be one of the best creatures in the world. It's not a trivial matter for her to come to the outside world now." Roland pointed at me and said seriously, "At least for now, She is in the same camp as us. The object of her vengeance is our enemy. To some extent, we can have a basis for cooperation with her—we can inquire about the enemy’s intelligence for her who is not familiar with the outside world, and she She can fight alongside us as a reliable combat force. At this moment when the enemy has controlled the power of the Demon King, having her join us is a blessing in disguise. However, we must also be careful not to cause problems with her. You are with her The person who made the contract, this matter can only be entrusted to you."


"With her strength, the laws of any country in the world probably don't have any restrictions on her. But no matter what, you have to find a way to make her obey the rules." Roland looked at my eyes and paused every word.

"If she killed someone in a fit of anger one day, how would you say it would end?" Tolivia gave me an example in a cold voice.

This point does make sense.But fortunately, judging from the disposition shown by the queen these two days, she is not unreasonable.

Roland seemed to see my thoughts: "Most matters, as long as they are reasonable, she should be able to listen to her. In fact, you just need to try to avoid her from arguing with other people... eh? What's wrong with you, Brock ?” She noticed a change in my expression.

"No, nothing." I pretended to be calm.

Roland had been discussing with people all night, and it seemed that he was still completely unaware of his sister's "feat" of provoking and then challenging the Queen yesterday. This is indeed not a small matter, although the Queen did not get angry because of that idiot, but rather enjoyed it I mean, but no matter what, I still have to look at that idiot when I look back, lest she come up with some deadly tricks again.

"Since she has come to our tribe, she is also our guest. It is good to treat her with hospitality etiquette, and Brock will be in charge of receiving her, but you should be more cautious in dealing with it." The old chief concluded. .

"I see." I nodded.

"Speaking of which, I just sent someone to invite her, only to find that her tent had been distributed to other wounded people. The people in the resettlement area said that she had inquired about your residence and left...Brock, do you know where she is?"

Yesterday, we were busy discussing things here, and the resettlement area was busy treating the wounded. It seems that the news of the empress moving to my place has not yet spread to these two places.

"Uh... She is actually staying at my house now." I answered truthfully.

The old chief's eyes widened slightly: "She, spend the night with you?"

"Well, she thinks the tent allocated to her is crude, so she insists on occupying my tent to sleep..." I was halfway through speaking, and suddenly found that the expressions of the three people in front of me were a little strange.

Tolivia frowned, showing a little disgust at me; the old chief opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then slowly shifted his gaze to Roland who was aside.

And Roland...

She was smiling at me kindly: "Yes, there is yours."

To be honest, this smile inexplicably makes me feel like a thorn in my back.

The old chief coughed dryly: "In short, entertain her with all your heart, go."

"Oh." I glanced at Roland's unpredictable expression with some concern, and prepared to get up.

At this time, Tolivia stood up one step ahead of me: "I'm one step ahead, it's time to send someone to send His Highness back."

"Go back...Princess Alisa?" I raised my head subconsciously.

Tolivia gave me a sideways glance, she didn't seem very willing to talk to me, but she still responded: "Of course, she shouldn't be here. Yesterday, His Majesty repeatedly told us to send her back to the country."

"With His Highness's temperament, if something like this happens, she probably won't agree to leave." Roland shook his head, "I heard that she went to help treat the wounded yesterday."

"For the treatment of the wounded, I have already applied for the priests of the temple to help. If you don't send His Highness back as soon as possible, His Majesty will blame us." Tolivia strode out of the meeting room after she finished speaking.

Indeed, Princess Alyssa smuggled onto the ship from the beginning when she accompanied us to the Great Desert.Unlike Arsena's father, her mother who had a strong desire to protect her daughter would never allow her to leave the country without authorization.

Then, I also got up and left the tent, but as soon as I went out the door, I saw Wacker come up to him, and shouted loudly: "Brother!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" I noticed that he looked a little nervous.

"That—" He pointed directly in a certain direction.

I looked over there, only to see a cloud of black smoke rising straight up in the distance.

"Isn't that... the direction of your house, brother?" Wacker murmured beside me, "Huh? Brother!"

I sprinted over there.

Her Majesty the Queen to help (3)

I ran all the way back, and finally found out that the house that was emitting black smoke was really my house. The black smoke made the nearby villagers come here with water.

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