When I left in the morning, I sent Angelica and Feilan out, only the queen was still lying in it and went back to sleep.

Damn, did that guy set fire to play in it?

But the strange thing is that the doors and windows of the house are emitting black smoke, but there is no trace of fire coming out. The villagers carrying water just stood outside the house and looked at each other, and no one went in to fight the fire.

What's the situation?

Forget it, no matter what, something happened inside for sure, and I didn't bother to ask, so I rushed in to confirm the situation by myself.

As soon as I stepped through the door, I felt a scorching smell going straight into my nose, as if someone was using my nostrils as a chimney. The room was full of smoke, but I didn't see any sparks.In the smoke, a figure could be vaguely seen standing in front of the earthen stove of the tent. On the earthen stove was a huge scorched black unknown object, which was the source of the black smoke.

I coughed and opened a few more windows, and then walked closer to that side, only to see that the person standing in front of the earthen stove was actually the Queen of the Dragon Clan. She was standing in front of the earthen stove with her hands folded and her head sideways, her eyes covered with a black cloth His face was facing the scorched black object on the earthen stove, and he looked puzzled.

"You're back." She turned her head and noticed me, and greeted me lightly.

It's a good thing she can stand here as if nothing had happened.No, the smoke might really have no effect on a species that breathes fire from its mouth.

"...What the hell did you do?" I asked her with a look of astonishment, pointing to the things on the clay stove.

"I got up a little hungry, and I wanted to make something to fill my stomach." The queen replied calmly.

"and then?"

"I just bought a piece of meat from outside and roasted it."

"Meat?" I carefully sized up the scorched black object, and finally managed to make out what seemed to be the hind leg of a hoofed ox through its shape.

"How do you bake this?" I was a little dumbfounded.

The size of this entire beef leg is so large that it looks like a person lying flat on a low stool when placed on the earthen stove. It is simply not enough for this earthen stove to light a fire.

"Of course I directly spit fire on it and grilled it. It's so strange, the inside is still not cooked at all, but the outside is completely mushy. The store probably made a piece of fake meat to fool me." The queen doubted Said.

"What fake meat? Of course it will burn if you roast such a big piece directly on an open flame!" I slapped my forehead, "Haven't you ever roasted something?"

It also takes work to conduct the temperature inside the meat. The larger the meat, the more it needs to control the heat and have enough time to roast.

"Although I haven't tried it, I've seen that you just need to put the meat on the fire." She made a dragon claw, pierced the meat with her nails and cut it open.The outside of the beef leg has been completely charred, but the innermost meat is still blood red.She tried to tear off a bit of the middle part which seemed to be cooked just right, and put it into her mouth, but she immediately frowned: "It's bitter..."

"...Why do you want to bake such a large piece together?"

The weight of this hoof and cow leg can almost support several orcs to death.

"I have to eat almost this much in one meal, and I can barely eat enough in this state." The queen said with her hands clasped.

Oh, by the way, she is a dragon. Judging by the size of her dragon form, even if the whole hoof ox is made into vegetables and put into her stomach, it may not be enough to satisfy her hunger.

"Why don't you find a restaurant if you don't know how to cook?"

"I can't read your words, but I saw a shop selling meat, so I bought it from them."

The queen seems to be able to understand some common characters, perhaps it was passed on by a dragon who has been to the outside world.However, most of the signs on Tribal Street use our orc characters.

"By the way, I gave gold coins to the butcher shop and they said they couldn't find them, so I bought some more and asked them to carry them to the back of the house." She pointed outside again.

I went to the window on the back side of the house and looked out, only to see two slaughtered hoof oxen outside, enough to invite folks from all over the world to come and have a banquet.

This guy's shopping is too casual, but it's winter, otherwise the meat would be too late to deal with!

"You... Please tell me if you need anything in the future." I felt a little bit like crying, "You can wait for me to do it if you haven't burned anything."

"Oh? You know how to cook?" The Queen raised her voice.

"At least it must be better than the thing you made." I looked helplessly at the cow leg that had turned into coke.

The bitter taste of Jiao Cheng has probably penetrated into the inside, so it is estimated that the outer part can only be cut off and used as fodder for the wolf.

"Hey...you sit by the table and wait, I'll roast some meat for you again."

After instructing her to sit down, I had to carry this piece of coke out and throw it aside, and then went to the back of the house to set up a bonfire, cut the meat from the hooves, got a few large pieces to marinate, and cut the meat. Some were coated with spices and seasonings and baked.After working for about three quarters of an hour, I packed two large plates of barbecue and went back to the house.

Then I saw an extra person coming out from the table at the head of the room.

"I'll come over (Gulu) to have a look." Angelica, who had only been here in less than two hours, said expressionlessly.

This girl swallowed her saliva just now, she must have swallowed her saliva!

It must be because I smelled the smell of barbecue coming from the direction of my house nearby, so I must have come all the way.

"Oh? Just to take a look." The queen propped her face up and raised the corners of her mouth playfully.

Angelica silently turned her face away, and quietly glanced at the barbecue on the plate in my hand.

This girl probably hasn't had breakfast yet... When she was in college, she often came to my place to eat meat, I could tell.

Although seeing her eagerly looking, I also want to entertain her, but after all, I didn't buy this meat, and I can't just give it to others.

"She bought this meat, wait a moment, I'll make some new meat for you..." I put the plate down on the table and said to Angelica.

"No need." At this time, the queen smiled softly, "I think it's better to have some people to have fun with me when I eat."

After she finished speaking, she pushed a plate in front of Angelica: "If you haven't eaten it, why don't you just accompany me?"

Angelica looked at the whole plate of barbecue in front of her, then looked suspiciously at the queen, went back and forth several times, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of the barbecue, grabbed the meat on the plate and put it in her mouth.

"Hoo hoo." The queen smiled and stretched out her hand to touch her head. The girl only cared about eating, and didn't show any resistance.

I remember that this girl didn't like the queen very much before, but she was bought off with a plate of meat...

I began to worry that she would be abducted one day.

The queen herself took a bite of a rib: "Well, you did a really good job."

Angelica also raised her bulging face, and said inarticulately, "Wulok's barbecue...it's delicious..."

"But this amount is not enough at all, go and bake another ten plates." The queen knocked on the plate with the rib bone in her hand.

...Well, I haven't had breakfast yet, okay?

Her Majesty the Queen to help (4)

"By the way, Brock." When I served the second batch of grilled meat, Angelica, who had already eaten a plate and licked her fingers clean, suddenly asked me, "Did you see Alisa?" ?”

"Princess Alisa?"


"No, what happened to her?" I was a little puzzled.

"Really haven't seen her?" Angelica suddenly got up with her hands on the table, and leaned over to look into my eyes carefully to confirm. This girl has the ability to roughly judge whether the other party is lying by observing the pupils.

"Of course." I frowned slightly.

Why do you want to find someone to make it look like an interrogation?

No matter what, I'm telling the truth, and she naturally can't see any problems.

"...she's hiding." After confirming this, Angelica sat back in her seat and replied.

The more I listened, the more confused I became: "Hiding? Why? No... Please explain the matter in detail."

"In the morning, the female elf wearing a half-mask led someone to find Alisa yesterday, saying that her mother wanted her to go back immediately, but Alisa refused. Then the person said that this morning, even if she was forced to go back, she would be escorted back. As a result In the morning the soldiers went to her tent and Alisa disappeared," Angelica explained to us.

I remembered the previous conversation between Roland and Tolivia. Queen Saidian wanted Princess Alisa to go back, but Princess Alisa seemed to be worried about the injured soldiers and the situation here and refused to go back.

"Now the tribe is completely under martial law, she can't go outside." I touched my chin.

"Well, it should be hiding somewhere. I have been chasing the smell to find her just now."

"Wait, are you looking for it too?"

"Teacher Mi Ruiya came here in the morning and asked me to help find her."

"And then you helped them!?" I was surprised.

Since it was Queen Saidian who gave the order, not only Tolivia, but also Roland and Miria would definitely find a way to find the princess and pack it up and send it back.

But what surprised me was that Angelica would help them find Princess Alisa. You must know that these girls had colluded with each other and tried to sneak onto the airship.

Angelica seemed to hear my thoughts from my tone, and began to explain: "They said that Alisa's mother was very, very worried about her, and I understand. My mother was the same. After my father left, I am the only family member, so she has been very, very concerned about me. I think Alisa... should go back."

According to the results of Roland's discussion, it is not surprising that this valley will become the target of the enemy's frontal attack. That's why the queen temporarily allyed with the orcs for the first time out of national security considerations, and sent troops and tribes to build a defense line together.She has a very strong desire to protect Princess Alisa, so naturally she will not allow her daughter to stay in a city that is attacked at any time.

To be honest, I also had a similar idea. When I first went to the desert, I didn't quite agree with these girls taking risks. Not only Princess Alyssa, but even the wolf girl in front of me, I wanted to pack it up and send it back to the academy.

"However, no matter how she hides, she can only hide in the tribe. Just ask someone in the tribe, and you should be able to find her soon."

This is not a wilderness, but the settlement of our tribe.If a black-haired elf walks around the tribe, the folks who see it will definitely be impressed.

But Angelica shook her head: "No, it's even more difficult to find someone to ask. I found that when soldiers asked those orcs, many orcs lied and helped her."

I froze for a moment, but figured it out quickly.

At the beginning, Saidian and the six major tribes concluded a peace agreement under the impetus of Alsena and Princess Alyssa, especially the Bloodaxe clan, who signed the agreement that Saidian promised not to invade the valley again. It is Princess Alyssa, and this matter must have spread throughout the tribe. Princess Alyssa should have a pretty good impression in the hearts of the folks. When I returned to the tribe yesterday, I found that many folks knew that Since the identity of Princess Alisa, she has been very kind and enthusiastic to her.

In comparison, Tolivia who was searching for her and her Saidian soldiers had the impression in the hearts of the villagers... You must know that they were the ones who kept attacking the valley back then.

With this difference in favorability, if Princess Alyssa asked the person who saw her to hide it from the elf soldiers who were searching for her, the other party would probably agree.

"But in your case, wouldn't it be easy to find her?"

Angelica has the ability to track by scent, and she can also see through people's lies. If she wants to help there, I don't think she will be lost.

"I chased her around a lot of places, and finally her smell came this way. I thought she hid at your house, Brock, but..." Angelica sniffled when she said this , wrinkled his face, "There is a smell of paste here, and the smell is everywhere nearby, so I can't tell the difference."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's because I burned the barbecue in the morning." The queen who was listening silently smiled casually.

Thanks to her, the house is still filled with a smell of scorching. Although opening the doors and windows can dissipate a lot of the smell, some objects in the house, especially the fabrics such as quilts and hanging curtains, will be smelly after being stained with the smell. It took some time to dissipate, and it was these smells that completely disturbed Angelika's nose.

It turned out that she came here to track down Princess Alyssa who was hiding. It should be after she got here after she smelled the smell of barbecue.

"... Has she really never been here?" Angelica looked back and forth between me and the queen to verify.

"No." I shook my head again.

"Well, I haven't seen it either." The queen also denied it.

Angelica couldn't see her eyes through the black cloth, so she couldn't confirm whether she was lying—after all, even without the black cloth, she couldn't carefully observe the empress' eyes with special coercion.

"But the smell... is indeed pointing this way." She turned her little head suspiciously and looked around, noticing the curtain in the middle of the tent.

"The things behind the curtain are my things. There is no one there. I have seen them when I came back." The queen said lightly, knocking on Angelika's empty plate intentionally or unintentionally. Don't believe me."

"Hmm... alright." Angelica had just eaten a plate of meat invited by the queen, and took the other's short hand, so she was naturally embarrassed to doubt the other party's testimony.

"I'm full, let's go find other places." After she finished speaking, she got off the chair, told us and went out.

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