I stood still and thought about it, and discussed with the queen: "Sorry, I'm a little worried, and I want to look outside. You eat these two plates of meat first, and I'll continue to make them for you when I come back—"

"No need." The queen raised her hand to interrupt me, and then suddenly raised her voice, "Okay, I'll take care of the chasing soldiers for you, come out."

Um?Who is she talking to?

As soon as the words fell, the curtain between the tents was lifted a little, and Princess Alyssa came out cautiously.

Her Majesty the Queen to help (5)

"Huh!?" I cried out in shock when I saw Princess Alisa coming out.

Princess Alisa hastily raised a finger to her lips, signaling me to keep my voice low, after all, it took less than a minute for Angelica to walk out.

"Your Highness, why are you hiding here!?" I asked her with wide eyes.

In the end, it was not Princess Alisa who answered, but the queen sitting on a chair: "After you left, this little girl hid here in a panic. At that time, I just bought meat and came back to meet her in the house. I After asking why, I found it quite interesting, so I agreed with her to hide here."

That is to say, after I went out in the morning, Princess Alisa really came to me, and then the queen hid her on a whim.

It's too casual, too.

I looked back and forth between the two of them in a daze, and suddenly realized something: "Wait a minute, could it be that the meat was burnt just now..."

"Of course it was on purpose. Do you really think I'm so stupid?" The queen folded her hands and leaned back on the chair, and replied lazily.

"Just because of this, you made my whole house so smoky?" I was a little dumbfounded.

"This method is not what I thought. If I were to do it, no matter how many people came, I would just throw them out." Facing my accusation, the Queen calmly raised her hand and pointed at Princess Alyssa. The idea is what this little girl thought of."


I turned my head in surprise, and Princess Alisa immediately bowed her head and apologized to me: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I didn't want to trouble Classmate Bullock, but... when I was walking around, someone Tell me quietly that classmate Angelika and those soldiers are looking for me. General Tolivia said yesterday that if I continue to be self-willed, even if I am tied up, I will be sent back. I really have no choice. I will take care of the room when I return. Clean it up for you, can you... let me hide here for a while?"

"Your Highness, are you really not planning to go back?" I calmed down and asked her seriously.

"I know it's a bit capricious... But, I really don't want to stay out of it." She murmured back with her eyes downcast.

"This time the situation here is really different than before. The enemy has gained the power of the Demon King, and there have been many victims here. After the news spreads, the entire continent will be shocked, and we still don't know what the enemy is. I will come back in time." I looked at her seriously and said, "This valley may become the most dangerous battlefield in the world at any time. To put it bluntly, if you stay here, you won't know when you will die. .”

After a moment of silence, Princess Alisa responded: "I heard from General Tolivia that the Queen Mother intends to send troops here to defend the valley. If this valley falls, it will become The most dangerous battlefield will be my motherland. Here, many soldiers have died, I can’t just go back as if I didn’t see anything, I want to contribute.”

It seems that the elves sacrificed in the camp had a great influence on her.

"To be honest, I don't think this is a smart decision. This time is different from the negotiation at the border. At that time, Your Highness, you were the key figure in the negotiation field. Here, your strength alone may not be the same. How useful it can be." I bent down slightly and looked directly into her eyes.

"I know..." She shrank her shoulders and lowered her voice when I said it.

At this time, I straightened up, took two steps back and sat down on the chair: "But if you must stay, I will stand by your side."

"Huh?" Princess Alyssa looked up with surprise on her face.

"To be honest, I don't want you to be in danger, but if you think about it, the tribe is in danger now. If someone wants to drag me to a safe place to be a turtle, I won't be willing. I said it before, I'll be by your side no matter what."

"But Classmate Bullock, you didn't let me go with you when you left the academy..." Princess Alisa said in a daze.

"One thing is one thing. I set off before to hunt down the criminals who invaded our holy land. Your Highness, you don't have the responsibility to follow us and risk your life. This time, you have such determination, I think I should support it, If you don't want to go back, just hide here for now." I made a decision.

"Student Bullock..." Princess Alisa's eyes were filled with emotion, and the atmosphere at this moment was very harmonious.

Then the queen, who had been gnawing on the ribs as an audience, broke the atmosphere: "I said, can you quickly serve two more plates of meat? This is just enough to squeeze your teeth, okay?"

"Oh." I hurriedly got up and went to work like a tavern clerk being greeted.

"By the way, little girl, didn't you say you could make delicious pastries? I've already done what I promised you. Can you do it for me now?" She turned to Alisa and said.

Did you still make such a deal to buy the Queen?

"Well, if you have the ingredients..." Princess Alisa glanced at the clay stove in the house, "should be able to light a fire and make some baked pies..."

"Is there no material?" the queen asked.

"There are spices and seasonings, but no flour, sugar, or fruit for filling."

"Then just go and buy some." The queen took out a gold coin and threw it at me.

"Huh? I, I go?" I took the gold coin in astonishment.

"Of course, this little girl is still being chased, so it's impossible to ask her to go, right? Go and bring the next piece of meat and you can go and buy it quickly." The queen sat lazily on a chair, facing I waved.

This guy is really good at calling people... I looked at her speechlessly.

At this time, I remembered the old chief's advice to "entertain her with all my heart", so I nodded and agreed: "Okay, I understand."

Just treat it as a courtesy to entertain guests.And now that the dragon queen is willing to assist us, the situation of the tribe will be much safer. If her request can be met, it is better to meet it as much as possible.

I went out to plate the meat that was roasted behind the house, and then put some marinated meat on the grill again, and after serving the meat to the queen, I went to the nearby shops.

As soon as I walked a certain distance, I saw several elf female soldiers meeting their heads from opposite directions on both sides.

"How is it? Your side...it seems that you haven't gained anything yet."

"This place has been searched all over, let's go, look over there!"

"Hurry up, Your Majesty has emphasized that you must take Her Royal Highness back no matter what!"

The assembled female soldiers then ran towards another area, and I walked over pretending to be calm.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work, although the princess will be taken back forcibly if found... But it is not a solution to let her hide in the house all the time.She was concerned about the situation here and wanted to do her part to stay, but now it would put the cart before the horse.

If you don't persuade her mother to agree...

Her Majesty the Queen to help (6)

"I have lived for so long, and I have never tasted such a taste." The queen sitting at the dining table nodded in satisfaction to Princess Alisa standing aside, holding half a baked pie in her hand, "Sandwiched What is this melted thing with a strong fragrance inside?"

"It's cheese. I stuff the pie with dried berries and cheese." Princess Elisa in an apron replied.

"Cheese... what is it?" The queen looked at me sitting opposite her in confusion.

So I explained it to her.

"I see, milk is collected from farmed animals, and then made into food that is convenient for preservation..." The Queen nodded thoughtfully, "Although we also have some animals that are specially raised for meat, they have never been I never thought of getting food like this.”

Of course, because you are not mammals.I rested my hands on the table and rested my cheeks, complaining silently in my heart, while squinting at the Queen's chest.

...so what's the use of a reptile with such a plump part?

The queen stuffed the remaining baked pie into her mouth: "Well, little girl, you are a good cook. I like you more and more. Do you have any more?"

"It's baking now, wait for a while." Princess Alisa looked at me with a smile on her face after finishing speaking, "Does Bullock want another one?"

"Well..." I nodded.

"Then I'll make more with the remaining materials." Princess Alisa turned and walked towards the stove.

"Let me help too." I was about to get up.

"No need, I'm doing these procedures by myself." Princess Alyssa replied with a smile. Picking up the big bowl containing the ingredients and stirring, I faintly heard her humming a few tunes in her mouth.

Obviously there are still people outside looking for her everywhere to tie her back, why do you feel that she is in a good mood here?

Having said that, watching Princess Alisa working in front of my stove in an apron, I always feel that this scene is a bit subtle, as if...

"Don't you think this looks a bit like a newlywed wife?" At this time, the queen suddenly pointed at her and smiled at me casually.

I suddenly felt my heart tremble, and the stirring action of Princess Alyssa, who was facing away from the stove in front of the stove, was also delayed for a moment, and then continued to stir as if nothing had happened, but the speed was obviously much faster than before.

You must have heard this reaction...

After a while, Princess Alisa took the second baked pie out of the pan, cut it up for us and brought it over.

"Here..." Alisa lowered her head and did not meet my eyes when she handed me the plate with the baked pie, her voice was as small as a mosquito humming.

"Oh, oh, thank you." When I took it, I also felt a little hot on my face, "Your Highness, don't you want to sit down and eat something?"

"I'm not hungry now." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the stove.

It's all the fault of the female dragon, who suddenly said something embarrassing!

As a result, the queen spoke again at this time: "Again, this little girl will hide in this room, and she will stay at night. There is only one bed on your side, where are you going to let her sleep?"

"Of course let her sleep in my bed." I replied without thinking.

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud "bang" from the stove.

As soon as I turned my head, the large metal bowl in Princess Alisa’s hand fell on the table and fell to one side. The mixed semi-solid filling was about to flow out of it, but she didn’t even look at it. Looking at the bowl that was out of his hand, he turned his head and stared at me, blushing, "Eh? Eh? I...and, and classmate Bullock..."

"Your Highness, that bowl! It's about to be poured out!" I pointed to the bowl in her hand to remind her in astonishment.

"Ah!" Princess Alyssa hurriedly straightened the bowl, and then turned around abruptly, the blush on her face never fading away.

"Well, I, I, I will... sleep on the bed of Classmate Bullock, isn't it good?" She nervously glanced at me with her fingers sideways, and whispered in her mouth, "I haven't done it yet. ... Mentally prepare..."

"Does this still require any psychological preparation?" I was a little dazed.

It's just to give her the bed, there's no need to be so polite.

"But classmate Bullock, it's not easy to lay the floor... Isn't that..." She lowered her eyes to look at the ground.

Unlike the dormitory I lived in in the college, the tent house has no floor, and the ground is directly uneven and hard rock. If you only pave the floor, it will still make people panic.

Just as I was about to answer, the Empress who ate the dessert on her own licked her lips and interjected loudly: "Finally, I have barely filled my stomach. Where can I take a shower here?"

My attention was attracted by her: "The bathroom is over there... Don't wait, it's not yet noon, what are you going to do after washing?"

"Sleep." The queen replied in a natural tone, "Going to bed without washing up after eating is any different from livestock."

... Just the fact that you go to sleep after eating puts you only a thin line away from some kind of captive animal, okay?

So on this day, I had to share a room with the queen of the dragon clan and the princess of the elves. In the afternoon, I went out and walked around the tribe, visiting some friends and relatives whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. Table meals, time soon turned to bedtime after eating.

"This guy, except for the few hours of eating, he has almost slept all day." I glanced at the curtain behind which the queen was sleeping.

The foreword is withdrawn, the queen's habits feel more like a lion, a lion can sleep for twenty hours a day...or even sleep for a day.

"Hmm..." Princess Alyssa, who was standing by the bed, lowered her head and whispered, clasping her hands in front of her cautiously.

"Your Highness, you have also washed up, now turn off the lights and go to bed."

"Hmm..." Princess Alisa shrugged her shoulders nervously, and slowly sat down beside the bed in slow motion.

After eating in the morning, I feel that she is not in a good state...

Then I walked over to-

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