Now the gray werewolf's attention is on me, there are a few people in the blind corner of his vision, if other people can take this opportunity to approach him without anyone noticing, maybe they can successfully save Angelica up.

But it's hard.

At this time, the gray werewolf turned his head suddenly, and stared at Princess Alisa, who quietly raised her longbow from the side: "Put down the bow, let me see it again, and I will take off one of her arms!"

Princess Alisa reluctantly put down the bow.

Before he turned into a demon, this guy was a werewolf, a werewolf with far more sensitive senses than ordinary people, movement, sound, smell, if you don't hide these things well, let alone getting close to him, any unnatural movements will be blocked by him Noticed.

"What's your answer?" At this time, the gray and white werewolf asked me impatiently.

"Okay, come at me if you have the guts!" I squinted his eyes.

"Very good!" He opened his mouth, revealing a cluster of rattan teeth, and stretched out his tongue to lick the blood-red gums, "Then... I want your left hand first! Now, immediately!"

"No!" Angelica's eyes widened.

"I didn't tell you to speak out!!" The gray werewolf squeezed her head tightly, causing Angelica to scream.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!" I raised my left hand and responded to her loudly.

The gray and white werewolf opened his eyes in overjoy, and then smiled ferociously: "Very well, let's do it!"

Everyone else stared at me with wide eyes.

And I squatted down, and slowly put my left hand on the ground. I stared at my left hand intently, and my chest heaved and fell.

"Hurry up!!" The gray and white werewolf urged impatiently.

I had no choice but to slowly raise the tomahawk to my left wrist, to the highest point, and pause...

In any case, Angelica's safety is the most important thing.

I swung the ax down.


The sound of the blade cutting through the flesh sounded, and the wrist snapped—the gray werewolf's wrist and tail were cut off.

At that moment just now, a black blade light flashed out of the air, cutting off the gray werewolf's tail wrapped around Angelika's hands, and the claws holding her head.Angelica, who was freed from the gray and white werewolf, grasped her balance the moment she landed, and swiftly moved away from the danger.

And I did swing the ax down, but my wrist was unharmed.

Because my battle ax was aimed at his chest.

Before the gray werewolf whose claws and tail had been cut off could react, the spinning tomahawk slashed into his chest, cut off his ribs, and pointed straight at his heart.

He staggered backward under the impact, raised his hands to look at his bare wrists, his eyes wide open, not understanding how he had been attacked.

"Hee hee." The air suddenly distorted for a moment, and a figure with wings and horns like him appeared in front of him, showing him a sadistic smile as he looked at his prey—it was the succubus Vanessa, with a hand in her hand. It held a huge black scythe in it, and it was still stained with the sticky black blood of werewolves.

She had just cut off the werewolf's wrist and tail.

When thinking about the countermeasures to get close to the gray and white werewolf, I realized that the most suitable candidate is Vanessa.Like Feilan, she knows how to use the magic of refraction to hide her figure; she can suspend in the air and move without making any movement; most importantly, as a magical imitation creature, she does not have the body odor of ordinary creatures , when she was making trouble in the college, even though Angelica tried her best to track the smell, she couldn't find her out.

So I asked her.

Princess Alisa raised her bow at my instruction. The moment the gray werewolf was attracted by her and turned his head to warn her, I made Vanessa in another direction hide my figure and approached quietly. .Then when I used chopping hands as a pretense to attract the werewolf's attention, I let her swing the crucial knife.

"Wulululu..." The gray-white werewolf who realized that he had been fooled showed a fierce look at Vanessa, bristling all his hair in an offensive posture, but the original brain and eyeballs could regenerate. His broken claws and tail this time couldn't grow back.

My battle ax slashed into his chest, slicing through the heart that was the core of his magic, and the magic that was his lifeblood was draining from the wound in the heart.

This time he was literally mortally wounded.

"Aww!!" He was at the end of his rope, and in a fit of rage, he fought against the trapped beast, biting Vanessa.

But Vanessa immediately broke up her magical figure, turned into a cloud of black smoke, let him pass through her... and rushed towards me who was rushing towards him.

I had already clenched my fist as I threw out the tomahawk, and cut my palm with the ivory blade on the bracelet, activating the berserker crest on the forearm.

"Drink!" I exerted all my strength and gave him the most vicious uppercut on the chin.

The broken werewolf's fangs flew out.

Attack and Defense in a Day (8)

This body strengthened by dragon's blood, superimposed with the Berserker's coat of arms, this punch directly hit the three-meter-high monster backwards, and the sound of his fangs falling on the ground was heard by me. Very pleasant.

Then I reached out and grabbed the handle of the battle ax that had been cut into his chest, and pushed as hard as I could into the depths of the wound.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa andaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa was the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The vital point was pierced, and his instinctive survival response made him raise his claws to push out the deeper and deeper ax blade.But his strength has already begun to drain with the shattering of the magic core, and I can't feel how much resistance he has shown while holding the handle of the ax tightly.

Then I grasped the handle of the ax and pulled it down hard. While splitting his heart in two, I rewarded him with a gut-disemboweling set meal.

After the vitals were cut open, his body suddenly stiffened, his arms stretched out, he stumbled back, and then raised his head and began to howl miserably.

At the same time, the invisible black abyssal magic power began to gushe out violently instead of blood from the opening in his chest, and I faintly felt that something was wrong—the heart that had gathered a lot of magic power was suddenly cut open, and the magic power seemed to have overflowed Soon.

This guy, isn't he going to blow himself up here?

This idea came true in less than half a second in my mind. The huge amount of magic power that erupted the last time was ignited and turned into a black fire of purgatory. The waves rushed towards my face, and I was a little bit unable to dodge it. Thanks to Vanessa, who turned into smoke at the side, coalesced into shape in time, and rushed up from the side with a shock of wings, threw me to the ground, and successfully avoided the explosion.

I lay on the ground, blinked my eyes, and then leaned on me Vanessa straightened up, her eyes sparkling and she asked me, "Honey, are you all right?"

"It's okay...thanks to you, thanks." I thanked honestly while continuing to blink.

"Then why are you in a daze?" She raised her hand and waved it in front of my face.

"Nothing..." I replied vaguely.

In fact, I don't know what happened, I just felt that the scene just now seemed strange for no reason.

I lay on my back and turned my head to look at the werewolf demon that had been disembowelled.He seemed to be really dead this time, the hole in his chest and abdomen was empty, and the whole body turned into a huge empty shell.

"After all, there won't be any more tricks to revive the corpse this time, right?" I couldn't help muttering, probably because of his previous resurrection, which made me feel a little overwhelmed.In the end, I stared at the corpse for a full 5 minutes before I could barely relax.

Then I looked at Vanessa who was still lying on top of me: "... can you get off me?"

"No, I have worked so hard today and made such great contributions, I want to reward you!" Vanessa smiled at me coquettishly, and even rubbed her face against my chest.

"Uh..." I was at a loss for words.

I really didn't expect her to play such a key role in this battle. When Angelica was taken hostage, she acted as an irreplaceable executor and rescued people. When I couldn't dodge just now She saved me again, it seems a bit unreasonable not to thank her.

But in terms of rewards this guy wants...

"I'm starting!" She couldn't help but start pulling on my collar, trying to tear off my blouse.

When I go to this guy, I really want to do such shameless things in this public place!

However, at this moment, a burst of white smoke suddenly rose from her body, and at the same time she screamed as if she had been burned, and bounced off my body.

"Idiot, do you want to burn me to death?" She flew into the air and glared at Arsena who was walking.

After the battle, everyone gathered to check on my situation. When Arsena walked over, the glow field carried by the warhammer in her hand also moved over. For Vanessa with demon attributes, this is equivalent to letting me She walked all over the hot oil pan.

"Oh...sorry, I forgot to turn off the Warhammer's domain." Arsena smiled apologetically, and paused for a while to release the Warhammer's domain.

"Hmph, come on, you did it on purpose! You must have done it on purpose!" Vanessa, who was floating in the sky, scolded Arsena angrily, "It's all burnt, and it takes a lot of magic power to repair it. How do you pay for it?" Well!"

Complaining and complaining, she suddenly noticed something, moved her gaze to the corpse of the werewolf demon on the ground, and stared at it for a while in a daze.

She flapped her wings suddenly and moved above the corpse, spreading her wings and hovering over it.

What is she doing?

I can't help but be at a loss.

Then I saw black magic power gushing out from the werewolf demon's corpse, the magic power merged into a long stream, gathered towards her wings like a waterfall against the current and was absorbed, a simple blood streak was on her black wings slowly revealed.

This time I understood that she wanted to absorb the remaining magic power from the demon's corpse as her own, so as to strengthen herself.It was written in the classics on demonology that demons can evolve by devouring their own kind. She with demon attributes seems to be able to do similar things, and she also has a little bit of similar instincts.

In this case, if there is a chance to hunt demons to devour her like this in the future, wouldn't she become stronger and stronger?

I thought wildly.

There was a burst of cheers from the direction of Shanguan.

The fog in the arid area lasted for a short time. The fog has dissipated a lot after the battle just now. We can already see other teams nearby. It can be seen that their battles are over. The one that was defeated by us The werewolf zombies that ran in across the mountains led by the devil lay at the feet of the knights.

I turned my head and looked in the direction of the mountain pass through the thinning mist. In the sky above the mountain pass, a white dragon fluttered across the sky, and the wings fanned out waves of flames, dispelling the clouds around her with high temperature. .Her body is like a sharp arrow piercing away the thunderstorm clouds accumulated in the sky, the sunlight is projected down along the trajectory she drew, and there is no shadow of a thunder eagle in the sky, just as I expected, without In the case of Azak riding a corpse dragon, she can still easily crush the enemy's air strike force single-handedly.

The wolf cavalry sent out to wipe out the behemoth army trapped in the valley must have successfully completed their mission and returned. The defenders on the city wall are cheering for today's victory.

My mood also became high. Although I don't know what will happen tomorrow, at least for now, it is worth our joy.

Epilogue: Miss Succubus' plan fails

"...So! I'm staying at his place tonight!" Vanessa yelled from behind me.

"Stop making trouble! What a joke! You are not allowed to go anywhere today, come back honestly to Miss Ben!" On the other end, Feilan angrily tried to point the devil ring at her, trying to throw a black rope out Tie her up and put her back in the ring.

But this time, Vanessa was already prepared. Whenever Feilan raised her hand, she would hide behind me desperately and use me as a shield. Feilan wanted to go around, and Vanessa went around in her direction, which made me feel I am like a pillar standing in place.

This is the canteen of the tribe.

After the battle this morning, the enemy did not organize a new offensive.

Because of the results in the morning, after the end of the security mission during the day, we got a free rest time for one night.

In our tribe, according to the usual practice, at this time, as the captain of a team, it is the responsibility to invite all the team members to have a meal, and then reward the member who contributed the most in this battle in the name of the individual at the dinner table , to satisfy his wishes as far as possible.

The meal was quite enjoyable once the meal was started. In our orc tribe, when it comes to this kind of battle, as long as the supplies are sufficient, the meritorious team that day can ignore the allocated food when they eat in the cafeteria and order what they want. Things, except for the limited rationing of wine, as long as the canteen has the ability to buy other things, they will definitely buy them for you. Even if you say you want to eat a catty of cow dung, the chef will hold your nose and go to the cowpen to make a copy for you. .

But it was such a broken practice of giving rewards to the members who contributed the most, which led to a dispute at my dinner table.

The reason for the dispute is actually very, very simple—the "Succubus" Vanessa insisted on staying with me for one night as a reward for her contribution today.

First of all, no matter how you look at it, the person who contributed the most to the battle this morning was undoubtedly Vanessa.

Whether it was saving Angelica when she was caught, or being the first to see through the real weakness of the werewolf demon—it can be said that without her, our morning battle might have been plotted against by the enemy.

No one disputed this point.

But when Vanessa proposed the reward she wanted, basically everyone present objected.

The real purpose of the "reward" that she asked to stay at my house for one night can basically be imagined by everyone present. After all, she is a person with a related criminal record. When she committed a crime, we arrested her and brought her to justice. .

Although Vanessa is not a real succubus, she has the same instinct and habit as a succubus, which is to absorb energy from men through dreams or direct intimate contact and convert it into her own magic power.According to the legend, the succubus basically has no restraint in this regard.And during the time when she was making trouble in the academy, she attacked me at night quite often. Although she was smashed every time, it basically affected me more or less.

Now that the tribal enemy is facing the enemy, as a qualified fighter, it is natural to have the responsibility to recharge your energy and prepare for the next battle. You should not drag your body down because of this kind of thing.

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