But Vanessa still insists that she only has this one wish. From this point of view, she may never be honest.

Naturally, the most violent objection was Feilan who regarded Vanessa as her familiar.

"You've been eating mine and using mine all the time. You're just a mere familiar. Why don't you be obedient to Miss Ben!" Their quarrel continued.

"Who cares about you! Bad guy! You want to lock me up in a small dark room again! I want to be with my dear, go away! Slightly slightly!" She stuck out her tongue at Feilan while hiding behind me.

Others more or less expressed opposition to Vanessa's request.

But no matter how much Feilan and Vanessa quarreled, the decision on this matter finally fell into my hands.

"What is Bullock going to do?" When Princess Alisa asked this question, everyone fell silent and turned their attention to me.

I thought about it, and finally looked down at Vanessa who was holding on to me and wouldn't let go.

"Are you sure, you only need to sleep in my house for one night as a reward, and nothing else?" I confirmed with her once.

Vanessa nodded sharply at me.

"Alright then." I nodded and made a decision, "Then it's up to you."

"What!" Feilan immediately slapped the table and jumped up from the chair, pointing at my nose in disbelief, "You, you pervert! You took the wrong medicine, what are you thinking!"

"Hmph, my dear really still wants me!" Vanessa hugged my arm and showed her a mighty smile.

"Hey, Classmate Bullock, why suddenly..." Even Princess Alyssa showed a surprised expression to me.

"Anyway, this guy can't do anything when he comes to my house, don't worry." I waved my hand at the princess.

Princess Alisa first turned her head in doubt, then suddenly realized, and then smiled wryly: "No, it's too much to bully her."

Although the others were half a beat slower in comparison, they gradually came to their senses one by one.

Only Feilan got on the head and still couldn't react until the end, and in the end she was so angry that she simply ignored me.

So that night, I invited Vanessa into my house anyway.

"My dear, the bed I've been sleeping on!" The first thing Vanessa did when she came in was to slap me on my bed, and then rolled over on my quilt, with a smirk full of anticipation: "Tonight, just On this bed...hehehehe!"

"... Please don't drool on my bed, thank you." Seeing her look that makes people feel ashamed for her, I couldn't help but sigh, "Let's just say, you are a guest, I will let you A bed, but I would sleep on a table."

"That's okay, my dear, I'll crawl wherever you sleep!" She sat up on the bed, her eyes sparkling.

It seems that basically sleeping in the same room with her will not guarantee that she will not be attacked at night.

"I said, you should always have a sufficient supply of mana now, there is no need to really collect mana like a succubus, right?" I couldn't help scratching my head, I have been wondering about this question for a long time, "Why do you keep pestering me? And me?"

"I don't know, I just want to stay with you! It's been like this since I was born." Vanessa's eyes were bright, and it seemed that she could penetrate her heart.

I looked at her and suddenly had a very strange feeling.

Vanessa's spiritual shaping is partially inherited from Feilan as the mother - because it is only a part, so compared with the original version, it seems that some things are missing, such as restraint and shame. To some extent, she is completely It's just a child's temperament, innocent, likes and dislikes will not be deliberately concealed.

But at the same time, she was born as a man-made succubus, with typical succubus habits, what she does and what she says often needs to be regulated independently. When she sees me, she will jump on me, which is hard for others to say She didn't shy away from things, and even let go of them without any scruples.

These two kinds of strange contradictions are reflected in her body at the same time.


"Hee hee, make up your mind today, I'm going to play with you until dawn!" She sat on my bed and smiled silly at me again, not hiding her intentions at all.

...Why is this guy so obsessed with me?

Is it...

At this time, there was movement on the door—someone unlocked the door with a key.

"Ah, I'm back." I nodded.

"Who do you think is back?" Vanessa was very puzzled.

"Another resident here." I smiled at her.

Then the door opened, and the queen, who had just bathed by the spring, entered the room.

Vanessa petrified on the spot.

"Oh? You're already back." The queen naturally went back to the side behind her curtain when she entered the door, but she suddenly noticed Vanessa sitting on my bed, "Huh? How could this little guy be here? here?"

When her eyes fell on her, Vanessa tightened her shoulders and moved to the corner of the bed, like a squirrel seeing a snake climbing up a tree.

I looked at Vanessa's face and held a three-second silence for her.

This is the result of you insisting on spending the night at my house, no wonder me.

In the past, when Feilan challenged the Queen, she summoned Vanessa to be her helper. As a result, Vanessa looked at the Queen at close range that day, which left a deep psychological shadow on her ever since.

When Vanessa insisted on living with me, I felt like a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

"She made first-class meritorious service in the battle in the morning, and then she insisted on staying here for one night as a reward, and I couldn't resist, so..." I shrugged.

"You really like to stay here with other women. Now this is my temporary bedroom." The queen thought for a moment, "Forget it, since it happened for a reason. Just don't disturb me to sleep, if it disturbs me..." She looked at Vanessa, turned her head slightly, and smiled at her, "You should know the consequences, right?"

"Hey!" Vanessa's face turned pale instantly.

Then the empress lost interest in her, yawned, and opened the curtain to enter her own half of the space. Through the shadow of the curtain, she could be seen slowly lying down on her golden coffin bed.

The room suddenly fell silent.

"Did you... live with her?" After a long time, Vanessa rushed towards me tremblingly, her voice was so soft that people couldn't hear it clearly unless they pricked up their ears.

"Yeah, be careful, she is accidentally woken up, but she can eat people." I couldn't help laughing, and nodded to her, "Ah, do you want some tea?"

Vanessa the "Succubus" of the day, more honest than ever, stayed at my house for a night.

Heroes come to an end

Strengthen it first before you are eligible to send it up (1)

I am now seriously considering a problem——that is, the improvement of the strength of each member of our team.

This is very important, and to some extent it can even be said to be a matter of life and death—after all, we are all on the battlefield now, and personal strength naturally has a great impact on the survival rate.

In my opinion, the key qualities of a team member are nothing more than three, coordination, experience and personal strength.

The most important thing is of course coordination, that is, the degree of unity with others. Even if a team is full of strong players, it will be useless if the members conflict with each other.When members can coordinate with other teammates, the team can play the effect of adding or even multiplying the strengths of team members.If they can't coordinate and go their own way but affect other people and cause the strength of the team to decrease, then this person has no meaning in the team.

These girls don't need to worry too much about this. Judging from the previous defensive battle, they have been together for a long time after all, they have a high degree of cooperation and good discipline, and they trust my command very much.Even if it's a certain golden-haired girl who sings against me at every turn—maybe it's because she didn't listen to me when she hunted Lei Condors and poked a basket, but now she is quite obedient in actual battles .

Then, experience is also very important. When forming a team, I also realized that everyone in my team did not have much combat experience.

But the so-called experience can only be accumulated gradually from a conceptual point of view, there is no way to rush for success, and it can only be cultivated slowly through subsequent battles.

So what can be done right now is to improve everyone's combat effectiveness as much as possible in a short time.

Although it's a bit like sharpening the gun before the battle, on the other hand, it's time to get ready for the battle, and it's better to sharpen it than to hold up a blunt weapon and bite the bullet.

It is unrealistic to achieve a breakthrough transformation within a day or two, but it is still possible to master one or two more practical combat skills. One more skill on the battlefield means one more possibility.

On the first day of the battle, although we did not lose any soldiers or generals, we were also in crisis. No one can guarantee that we will be able to save ourselves from such a situation in the future. If possible, I still hope to avoid that situation as much as possible.

After the failure of the attack on the first day, Azak's siege troops didn't make any big moves for a while, which was a bit weird to be honest.Even in terms of time, they can't afford it at all, because they don't have backup, but we do.

According to Roland's analysis, he should be waiting for a suitable opportunity, ready to devote all his strength to win it in one fell swoop.

It did give us a little breathing time.

On the afternoon of the second day, when the team was assembled, I shared my thoughts with them: "I want to arrange some training for you."

"Are you going to fight your summoned beast again?" Feilan was the first to speak again, curling her lips as usual, but she didn't show much resistance.

"Is it that hunting game again? Well, I like it, come on!!" Alsena gave a thumbs up excitedly, and Angelica also nodded silently. These two guys are trained for that kind of group hunting. The way is quite positive.

But this time I shook my head at them: "No, it's not that kind. I let you cooperate to fight against the beast soul, mainly to cultivate your sense of cooperation and coordination, and you have done quite well in this regard. The training I'm talking about now is the kind of training that improves your combat effectiveness in a targeted manner. I want to arrange some kind of tailor-made training plan for each of you. Now is not the time to relax. Apart from tasks, I hope that everyone can use their time more effectively and improve the strength of each of us as much as possible."

The team members nodded thoughtfully after hearing what I said, except for two people - one was Vanessa who was tied up because of restlessness, and the other was Feilan who tied her up with a magic rope.

"That's it, then you guys should work hard." After hearing this, Feilan waved her hands and was about to leave.

"Wait, why did you exclude yourself so naturally?" When she was about to pass me by, I raised my hand and pressed her shoulder expressionlessly.

"Why, why, there is no problem with my strength." Feilan glanced at me, "And I should be considered the strongest among the people here, right?"

Hey, seriously, where did this idiot get such confidence?

Well, it's not the first day I met her...

At this time, I can't get into the horns of "what is her strength" with her, because if I imagine a simple rebuttal, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince this girl, and she may even ask to make gestures with me, and I don't want to be here Waste of time above.

I thought about it, and finally raised my chin to her: "Well, didn't you always want to beat that queen? Think about it carefully, now you have that strength?"

"...Sooner or later there will be." Feilan said firmly, but her expression froze for a moment, and she looked away.

"That's not yet, is now the time to be complacent?" I immediately took it.

I thought she would show some dissatisfaction when she heard what I said, and she was planning to persuade her further, but I saw her squinting her eyes and whispering: "Well, let me ask you, you Do you hope that when I compete with her, who will win?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I thought about it seriously: "If I have to say it, it must be more interesting for you to win."

...After all, the probability is so small that it is almost impossible to happen. Everyone would prefer to see rare things happen.

"Hmph, the mouth, the mouth is so nice, who knows what's in the heart." Feilan spoke awkward words, but the corners of her mouth raised several times uncontrollably.She coughed lightly again, and then she controlled her expression, "Forget it, just pass the time, and I can also learn some new spells."

I was a little surprised that I agreed so easily.

But then she frowned slightly at me: "But, how do you arrange targeted training for me? You don't understand our spells at all, do you want me to exercise muscles with you?"

"Of course not. It's impossible for me to do all of your targeted training. I don't know much about your skills. I still have this self-knowledge." I turned my head and glanced at everyone present. Face, "However, I have considered suitable candidates for training you. I asked them carefully this morning, and they all said that they can spare a little time to come. As long as you agree, they can arrange it."

Strengthen it first before you are eligible to send it up (2)

So after the day's alert was over, I made appointments with these girls for the evening, and took them to meet the candidates I found who could teach them.

First of all, Feilan and Princess Alyssa, I took them to Roland's tent at night.

"...When I first heard that I was asked to take a little time to teach people, I refused. After all, I have been really busy recently. But since Brock knelt down and hugged my leg and begged me— —" Roland smiled and started talking nonsense as usual.

"Kneel your head, don't make it up for me!" Seeing Feilan cast a evasive look at me, I turned my head and glared at Roland.

Obviously, I mentioned to her whether I should teach her sister some practical battlefield spells, and she agreed with great interest.

Roland has personally experienced wars, and has made great achievements in spells. More importantly, he has rich teaching experience. I once learned shaman spells in just a few days under her hands.As a mentor, she is an excellent candidate.

Although I seldom see her use spells to fight, some of the unique spells she has demonstrated are enough to prove her level. The art, and the exchange of spirits between different bodies... Damn, I still have lingering fears when I think of that incident.

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