"What's going on?" I vaguely sensed some unusual changes in Azak's body, but with my knowledge of spells, I haven't been able to grasp the truth yet.

"Silent Tombstone——The Gravekeeper is a magic sword with the power of the supreme necromancer. Just holding the hilt of the sword can master high-level necromancy. A necromancer who masters high-level necromancy , can extract one's own soul into the phylactery, transform oneself into a lich, and what's more, can divide one's soul and make more than one Horcrux." Roland said calmly, looking directly into Azak's eyes, " Azak, you used necromancy to divide your soul, and let half of your soul get rid of the control of the magic sword, right?"

Hearing Roland's conjecture, Azak raised one corner of his mouth slightly—the half of his face with lively eyes showed a faint smile: "That's right, little elf girl, long time no see I really didn't expect that after such a long time, there is still a chance to come back to see you standing with my descendants."

Homecoming (2)

"You still recognize me?" Roland asked softly.

"I remembered it when you asked me. I didn't expect to see other old people besides Varo." Azak, who was leaning on a broadsword, said slowly, his voice was still cold, but his tone was It is obviously less mechanical and rigid than before, "It feels like being trapped in a long dream when I come back to this world again. In the dream, there is always a voice ordering me to do something. I can see And hearing what I was doing, but not being able to stop myself. Watching myself commit crimes, even sending troops to attack my own people—it was a terrible nightmare.”

"You want to say that it was not your will to stab me?" The voice of the queen lying behind us in the shape of a huge dragon rang like a bell, "I hope I will forgive you now, don't you think it is too late?"

"The crime that offended you was indeed committed by my own hands. I cannot refute it. Queen of Dragons, if you cannot let go, I am willing to bear your wrath. But before that, I still have responsibilities to fulfill." Azak replied neither humble nor humble, "It took me a long time to find a way to divide the soul to get rid of part of the domination, but even then, half of the soul in this body is still dominated by the will of others, I can't directly Confrontation, we can only assist you within the scope of our ability."

Sure enough, as we guessed, we won a complete victory in this battle, which was deliberately arranged by Azak.

On the surface, he pushed forward to attack the city, consumed the demonized werewolves as abandoned sons, killed the elf sinners and turned them into puppet corpses under his control, gradually eliminated the people directly deployed by the enemy in the army, and made the entire army The power is firmly in our hands, and Mingxiu plank road secretly pushed the victory into our hands.

He really is as powerful as the legend says.

Heartfelt admiration welled up in my heart.


"Then why did you lead us here?" I opened my mouth cautiously while scanning my surroundings, "What happened here? Have you fought something?"

The undead creatures brought here by Azak exhausted all the magic power to drive themselves, and the incomplete corpses were scattered around.

Roland also glanced around, but unlike me, her attention was focused on the broken stone statues--all kinds of stone statues, some of which showed simple human shapes, and some were carved into wings. ghosts.

"These are puppets and gargoyles, and they are watchdogs commonly used by mages." Roland quickly recognized them.

"There are more caves, and there are many spell traps." Azak added in a deep voice, "It took me a lot of time to capture this place."

"So, this is a mage's stronghold?" Roland asked.

"To be precise, it is the place where the Lich hides his Horcrux." Azak replied calmly, "It was the Lich who awakened me from the tomb with the magic sword, and is still controlling the corpse of the Demon King. His name is Mudar, and he was an elf in life."

"Mudar?" With a little surprise, Roland opened his eyes wide.

"Have you heard of it? That's right. As a wizard, that person is very capable. There is no reason why no one knows about it. I saw him 70 years ago. He was sent by the Demon King to attack Saidian. Commander." Azak said calmly.

I also have the impression of this name, I heard Roland mention it more than once.

Roland's father's teacher, the former chief mage of Saidian, was exiled because he used his compatriots to study forbidden arts. He has in-depth research on demons and black magic. A large part of the demonology works I have read from Roland are From him.

It was he who organized the attack on our orc holy land, resurrected Azak with the magic sword, and is still in control of the corpse of the demon king...

For a long time, the names of the culprits who have caused various incidents due to different conspiracies arranged by the Wild of Beasts, Seidian, and Helgia have finally emerged.

"The first time I saw him in the past, he was still alive. This time, when I was awakened by the magic sword and saw him, I got the power of the magic sword and I clearly felt that he had become a powerful witch. Demon. After resurrecting me, he also began to use the corpse of the demon king to control the magic sword I held, linking himself with my consciousness, thereby exerting control over me. But correspondingly, it is also because of him that I can There is an opportunity to use this connection to spy on his fragments of consciousness in turn, so as to know where his horcrux is. He also divided his soul and made two horcruxes for himself. One, he hid in the demon king's The corpse was brought by him. The other one is hidden here."

"Necromancers sacrifice their own lives and use forbidden techniques to extract their souls and put them into horcruxes, thus transforming high-level undead into liches. Their bodies after extracting their souls become empty shells. As long as the horcruxes are still alive Now, no matter how their bodies are hurt, they can reshape them—I’m not surprised at all that kind of lunatic would take such a path, but I really didn’t expect that the No. [-] person could survive until now. It is said that When he was exiled, he was covered with dozens of seals and countless pain runes. Generally speaking, even if he didn't die, he should be tortured to the point of insanity." Roland said, looking at the cave, "So, Have you already destroyed the Horcrux he hid here?"

However, Azak shook his head: "I can't do it. When I attacked this place, he also noticed the fact that I had partly escaped his control. Half of my soul is still in the Lich's body." Under his control, now that I am standing here, I can only preserve my consciousness by fighting with the half of my divided soul. The closer I get to his horcrux, the stronger his dominance over me is, and I cannot destroy him with my own hands. Horcruxes."

"So you led us here and we did it for you?" I asked him.

"Well, there is indeed one of the three reasons for calling you here." Azak nodded, but said something that caught people's attention.

"Then what are the other two reasons?"

"One is that I hope you can let me rest in peace." Azak said softly, "I am a person who has been buried long ago, and I have no regrets in this world. Even if I die, I don't want to be dominated by others and be the puppet of the wicked, so I hope you can let me rest in peace."

"I'm really here for this." I nodded, indicating that I understood: "The last one?"

At this moment, I felt fighting spirit faintly ignited in one of Azak's eyes: "The last reason is that I want to test you, kid."

Homecoming (3)

"Me?" Azak's words stunned me for a moment.

"As I said, I can't destroy that lich myself, and I am also a person who should lie in a coffin. So right now, I can only choose to entrust someone to destroy the enemy and protect the tribe for me." Azak Looking down from the slope, looking straight into my eyes, the whistling wind and snow lifted his big coat and outlined his outline, "I hope I can entrust it to you. I have fought against you twice, your performance Neither of them let me down, but I'm still going to have a formal test to see if you deserve my approval."

"However, even if you don't entrust me or recognize me, I am still a warrior of the Bloodaxe clan. It is my responsibility to destroy the enemies of the clan and protect my clan. If you don't tell me, I will do it. Tests or something ...Is this necessary?" I didn't quite understand.

"Your will is your will. Although the content is the same as the last wish I want to entrust to others, the meaning is different. One is personal glory, and the other represents the inheritance of the will. This is actually a ceremony... He just said halfway, as if he was about to explain the reason, but he suddenly paused as if he had a second thought, "Well, there is no need to make redundant explanations, just treat it as accommodating a boring old man I hope you can accept this test of mine... It should be said that I hope to give myself a reason to fully agree with you, is that okay?"

"You are my ancestor and the hero I have always admired. Of course I am willing to listen to your request." I nodded and replied, "So, how do you test me?"

Azak smiled again with that half of his face: "In our time, it was very easy to win the approval of an orc..."

Through his firm and fiery eyes, I have vaguely noticed what he wants to do.

"Just a fight!" After he finished speaking, he let go of the magic sword, took off his hood, untied his big helmet, took off his leather armor, and finally the painted painting wrapped around his body. The shrouds of the totem—he didn't undo them in circles, but ripped them straight off his body, arms, face, and neck in Orc style.His skin was gray and white due to the influence of necromancy, but the muscles that had been tempered on his body were still majestic and majestic.

According to the customs of the orcs, when dueling, men have to expose their upper body.

"Me! The former chief of the Bloodaxe clan, Azak." After taking off his upper body clothes, he called out to me. His loud voice overwhelmed the whistling wind and snow, and echoed among the snow-capped mountains. The dead, bet your glory here, hoping to find an heir worthy of your last wish. Warrior, are you willing to accept this glorious duel?"

He and I looked at each other for a long time, first unloaded the two tomahawks, let go and stuck the tomahawks on the snow, then unbuttoned the leather jacket on my body slowly, and made the leather armor and fur on the upper body. The jacket was taken off, exposing his upper body like him.

"I, the first-class warrior of the Bloodaxe clan, Brock." I replied with the same loud voice, uttering each word clearly, "I am also willing to bet my glory and accept this challenge!"

The orc matter should be resolved in the orc way.The legendary hero challenged me, what reason do I have to refuse?

Azak and I looked at each other with fighting spirit in our eyes, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

...but so fucking cold.

To be honest, it was hard for me to keep my voice from trembling when I yelled just now.

The Wilderness of Beasts is much colder than the overall climate in the south, and there will be snow in the ground in winter, but compared with the perennial coldness of the Daxue Mountain in the extreme north, it is still pale in comparison.

How do the orc compatriots of the Baishan clan living in the Snow Mountain area usually fight duels?At this moment, I suddenly want to find them and ask them to understand.

"Huh? Why did you suddenly start taking off your clothes!?"

I glanced sideways and saw that the queen had changed back to a human form at some point and stood to one side.

She didn't know much about the customs of the orcs, and she was looking at the scene where two big men took off their shirts and looked at each other tens of meters away. Although her eyes were closed, I knew she could see.

Is there anything weird about a strip duel?Your dragon clothes are all transformed from dragon scales, aren't you all naked every day?

I complained fiercely in my heart.

In contrast, Roland, who had some knowledge of orc customs, seemed much calmer.

She just stared at me for a while, and finally raised the corners of her mouth but frowned slightly, and expressed concern to me with a wry smile: "Although it's a bit ruined the atmosphere... But Bullock, aren't you cold like this? No Will it get frostbite?"

Nonsense is of course cold!Is there even a question?Why don't you try taking it off?

But at this time, the queen answered on my behalf: "Of course not. He drank the dragon's blood I bestowed on him, and he can quickly recover from ordinary curses and wounds. What is this coldness?"

Hey, how dare you be so sure that you have signed a contract with someone before?You just spoke like an unscrupulous dealer selling counterfeit medicines with the slogan "cure all diseases"!

And when I turned my head to glance at her again, I was surprised to see that she clasped her hands and summoned a flame in the middle to warm herself.

Hey, with dragon blood flowing all over your body, aren't you still warming yourself by the fire?

"Is that so?" Roland covered his lips with his knuckles, as if trying to hold back a smile, "but Brock is shaking right now."

I've tried my best to restrain it, but it's still hard to suppress this trembling instinctive reaction without showing any traces.

The queen frowned slightly, as if she felt that she had lost face.

She extinguished the flame she summoned, and then raised her hand. The snow on the ground quickly gathered towards her palm as if driven by some force, and then formed a snowball.

Hey, hey, is this guy thinking——

I vaguely sensed her intentions, and my heart was full of alarms.

The next moment, she really threw a snowball towards my upper body, and I was prepared to dodge it.

"What are you doing!?" I had to stare at her and questioned.

"There's no need to hide, you're not cold at all, right?" The queen with her eyes closed gave me a "considerate" smile... At the same time, another snowball began to form on her hands.

Are you a devil! ?

Azak on the slope was silent for a while, and finally coughed dryly in embarrassment: "Hey, if you move around, you will be warm."

Homecoming (4)

With some difficulty I stopped the Empress who threw snow at me on a whim, and turned my attention back to the duel.

"What about the rules?" I asked Azak for advice.

"Life and death." He replied without hesitation, "I hope you will do your best to kill me, and of course I won't hold back... It should be said that I can't hold back either."

When his expression became serious, the cold light in those empty eyes became more obvious: "Half of my soul is still under the control of the enemy, and an order has been conveyed from the magic sword, ordering me to kill all of you , guard the phylactery hidden in the cave."

I understand a little bit.

Azak proposed to fight me not only to test me, but also to some extent out of necessity.

The people who ruled him gave him an order to guard the Horcruxes, and he personally captured the defense here, but he could neither destroy the Horcruxes by himself, nor let us go.

The command to fight us affects half of his soul, so he took the compromise plan of proposing a duel to me.

He resisted the enemy's domination within his power and assisted us secretly, but this does not mean that he is completely on our side. Half of his soul still belongs to the enemy's puppet.

The mission to defeat him and free his soul remains.

"Understood, anyway, it's the same as what I had to do at the beginning, right." I nodded calmly, "Just chop you off."

"That's right." He raised the corner of his mouth again. Obviously, like me, he prefers simple and straightforward solutions. "But the premise is that you have this kind of ability."

But at this time Roland said: "Azak, under the protection of that magic sword, your immortal body will recover from any damage in an instant. How can you fight fairly like this?"

"Well, yes, honor duels are the custom of orcs, not undead." Azak pulled out the magic sword in his hand from the snow as if he had prepared the answer, "This kind of light The broad sword is not suitable for me at all."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and threw the magic sword out. The "Silent Tombstone" spun and drew an arc, and finally landed in front of Roland.

into the snow.

"Can you seal its power? Little girl." After handing over the magic sword, he asked Roland.

"It's fine if it's just temporarily sealed." Roland replied.

"That's enough, then please." Azak begged her, "I hope I can die as an orc, not a death knight."

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