Roland didn't say much. He stretched out his hand and summoned flames to print a huge magic circle on the snow around the magic sword. Then he opened his mouth to chant the spell, and the shining magic power flowed in the magic circle like water pouring into a ravine. .Afterwards, several light-forged chains appeared from the magic circle, climbing onto the blade of the Demon Sword like a giant python hunting its prey, and bound it tightly.

"In this way, the power of the magic sword will be temporarily sealed, and your body can no longer be repaired by the power of the magic sword." Roland said lightly after applying the seal.

"Thank you so much." Azak nodded to her in thanks.

"Then, let's start." I bent down, pulled the two battle axes from the ground, and then threw the battle ax that belonged to Azak, who fought with him all his life and was finally buried in the Holy Land with him. past.

The tomahawk crossed a line across the air, and Azak raised his hand to catch it firmly.

Then he grinned: "Well, as expected, I still hold my battle ax!"

I didn't say any more, I held my battle ax tightly, stepped on the snow, walked up the slope step by step, and finally stood on the same level as Azak on the gentle white slope, standing still at a distance of twenty steps .

"Let's get started." He raised his chin.

I nodded silently.

Without the shaman's blessing, incense, totem, and the battle dance to pray to the ancestors, Azak and I each set up our battle axes.

The cold wind with flying snow came suddenly and wrapped us up.

In an instant, the figures of Roland and the Queen were blocked by the wind and snow, leaving only blurred shadows. The sky above our heads and the snow field we were standing on turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be heard except the whistling of the cold wind. other voices.

It seemed as if there were only the two of us left in the world.

As if feeling the tacit understanding of the other party, we used our battle roars to suppress the wind at the same time, and charged towards each other with the battle axes in hand.

I slammed down the tomahawk with all my strength, but he didn't choose to block, but swung his own tomahawk directly.The moment the battle axes collided, sparks shot out, and the huge force was transmitted to my palm along the handle of the axe.

After drinking the dragon's blood, my strength has far surpassed that of the past, but this time I failed to gain the upper hand in terms of strength.Although the power of the magic sword is sealed, Azak's body is still reshaped by the magic sword, and his power is not inferior to mine.

More importantly, the angle of his swing is much more delicate than mine - he slashed from bottom to top, but deliberately delayed the rhythm of his attack, instead of catching my ax blade head-on, he slashed from the side Hit the side of my tomahawk. If I hadn't held the handle tightly, he might have knocked the ax out of his hand.

He has fought all his life, and when it comes to combat experience, he is naturally far above me.

My battle ax was swung away by him, and the next moment he turned the direction of the battle ax in his hand to make a downward strike, and the blade of the ax was close to my face.

I stomped my foot on the ground and let myself back out.

The art of fighting is by no means as simple as strength, skills and tactics are also important links - I have known this for a long time.

In this round of slashing with him head-on, I cast the beast soul call.

When I retreated, the blood mist rose behind him and turned into a huge dragon and lion.The dragon and lion stepped on him and rushed towards him, and the snow was flying under its claws.

But at this moment, I heard a heavy panting from behind - the panting of a giant beast!

"Drink!!" Azak and I yelled at the same time, turned around and chopped the battle ax in our hands behind us.

My battle ax cut into the head of a wild bear, and what spewed out from its cracked skull was neither blood nor brains, but a cloud of blood-colored mist—the appearance of the shaman spell beast soul summoning The form of living fire.

This is a beast soul. Azak, like me, has already used the beast soul summoning when he swings the battle axe.

As I looked back, Azak also plucked the ax from the skull of the dragon lion I had summoned.

This is Azak, a master of tactics, a formidable fighter, and a powerful shaman at the same time.

Homecoming (5)

"You have also pursued the way of shamanism, very good!" Azak waved his battle ax as if he was about to shake blood off the blade. This is probably his habitual action. The structure of fire has no blood flowing in the body. "Waluo guided you? His potential in this area is stronger than mine. I think he should have surpassed me long ago."

"Well, the old chief's attainments as a shaman have already reached the pinnacle, and he is very prestigious in several clans." I readjusted my breathing while talking to him, "But I didn't learn shaman spells under his guidance. It was taught by Roland."

"Roland?" He frowned slightly, obviously he didn't know Roland's name.

"It's the elf you rescued in the past. She is now the chief mage of Saidian." I gestured to where Roland was standing.

"This little elf girl?" Azak glanced over there in some surprise, and then looked at me thoughtfully. It was obvious that he had a lot of things he wanted to ask, but he didn't say anything in the end. , just sighed: "When I rescued her, this little girl was so scared that she couldn't even speak. After 70 years, such an elf actually taught my descendants to take the way of shaman... It seems that you It was also a very wonderful fate!"

"It should be called Nie Yuan." I smiled wryly.

We adjusted our stance again and swung our axes again to attack each other.This time the tomahawks were locked together, and I was about to use my strength to overwhelm him, when he suddenly raised his foot and hit me under the ribs with his knee.

The pain and impact made my whole body tense, and as soon as the strength in my hand was loosened, he pushed me out with the tomahawk and fell to the ground on my back.

He didn't miss this opportunity, he swung his ax and chopped off my head, and I who was lying on the ground hurriedly raised my tomahawk to catch it.

"Using weapons to fight can gain an advantage, but if you are too obsessed with weapons, you will restrain yourself." He said calmly, and there was a cold killing intent like a blade in his blue eyes.

He's serious, the order to kill us rules his half soul, and the other half of his soul won't budge, it's a life-and-death duel for glory.

The pain that ran through my body made the Berserker emblem on my arm glow dimly, and the scorching fighting spirit spread across my chest like a prairie fire.

With a loud shout, I pushed his tomahawk up with all my strength, and then I rolled and dodged on the spot.

Azak didn't have time to hold back, and the ax blade slashed down into the snow.

I took advantage of the situation to get up, but I didn't rush to launch a fierce attack. Instead, I clenched the animal tooth blade worn on my wrist, and cut my palm with it, letting the blood flow through my forearm.

"No wonder it looked familiar at first, the crest of the have been recognized by other clans." Azak seemed to be a little emotional.

The Berserker's coat of arms was activated, and his blood pulsed instantly, dispelling all the chill.

I let out a battle cry and officially launched a fierce attack. This time, Azak did not meet with the axe again, but tried to block with his arms horizontally with his axe.

I knocked him out of balance with the first blow, and I was forced to take a step back to relieve the pressure.I didn't slow down the attack, I swung the battle ax again and again, without any fancy superfluous movements, I simply poured my strength into the battle ax to strike from the front as fast as possible.The combination of Dragon's Blood and Berserker's Emblem enhancements made my strength completely overwhelm Azak.Every time he blocked a slash, he took a step back, and that posture even looked a little embarrassed.Not to mention fighting back, it seemed that his arms would not be able to withstand the stormy attack after a few hits.

My attack is not limited to the battle ax in my hand.

The advantage of counter moves allows me to allocate a small part of my spare energy and use my spirit to connect the surrounding elements.

The spirits in the atmosphere, the spirits in the land, and the spirits of water hidden in the surrounding ice and snow...

I'm going to force him to retreat further, and then call the spirit of the earth to summon a cone of stone at his feet to attack him, and the snow will help me cover the slight shaking of the ground.

But just when I was about to swing the eighth ax and my spirit established a connection with the elemental spirits in the ground under my feet, I felt a powerful force rushing from the ground to the soles of my feet.

A sense of crisis suddenly ran through my whole body like an electric current.

Before thinking about what the hell was going on, my body reacted accordingly.I stopped the tomahawk in my hand urgently, and jumped back with one foot on the ground.

This reflexive dodge saved my own life.

Where I was standing, the rock and soil under the snow burst at this moment, and a huge palm formed by the fusion of rock and soil broke through the snow, like a crocodile cutting through the water and biting its prey. Hold tight.

Even if I take one step at night, I will fall into that palm and be crushed to pieces.

Azak was thinking about exactly the same thing as me just now, he had already connected his spirit with the elemental spirits in the earth one step ahead of me.His retreat was not simply because he couldn't stand up to my attack, but also to guide me to the position where he was preparing to attack.

I raised my battle ax high and roared, focusing my mind on the sky.

The dark clouds that were deposited in the sky and falling snow flashed lightning. I used my spirit to guide the lightning that emerged from the dark clouds, and then swung down the battle axe.

The meandering electric light pierced through the air between the clouds and the hillside, and slashed straight at Azak standing behind the giant rock hand, but suddenly turned halfway to the other side, hitting a snow-covered mountain On the rock, sparks flew all over the place.

He also connected with the elemental spirit in the atmosphere and interfered with the lightning I summoned. At that moment, I sensed his spirit through the elemental spirit—his powerful and pure soul as an orc.

We rushed towards each other again, and the moment we swung the ax blade, the elements around us fluctuated violently in response to our spirit, the ground under our feet trembled slightly, and the sky was thunderous and lightning.

I have always looked up at him through age-old legends, but this time, I met him with weapons, sensed the surrounding elements with spirit, and echoed each other's fighting spirit with battle cries. I could feel it directly from his eyes. His fighting spirit was so high that he even saw himself with the same eyes in his pupils when the battle ax was striking.

After the halo of the legend faded, this mighty orc hero stood vividly before my eyes.

It was as if he was fighting his own reflection in the mirror.

It turns out that the legendary hero is so close to me.

For some reason, I had such a strange feeling in my heart.

As long as I have the heart, as long as I have the same will as him, I can also become a hero like him...

No, not right!

I can... surpass him!right here!

Homecoming (6)

The wind howled, the ground trembled, and the thunder rumbled like a war drum.

The battle has reached a fever pitch.

Not far away, Roland opened a defensive barrier to avoid being accidentally injured by the turbulent tide of our calling.

——Heroes exist in every age.

I swung the ax again with all my strength and hit Azak's tomahawk handle across his chest to block him, forcing him back.

Since I activated the Berserker's coat of arms, he has focused his main power on passive defense, but the fighting spirit in his eyes has not disappeared.The Berserker Crest gave me overwhelming power and at the same time absorbed my physical strength. He saw this and was waiting for the moment when my tired movements became sluggish.

I can feel that he is looking for my flaws, just like me looking for a breakthrough in adversity.

——Heroes are not distant stars in the sky, they are just great mortals.

I will not give him a chance to reverse.

Next, I didn't blindly slash with the tomahawk like before, but lowered my center of gravity and stepped forward suddenly, getting close to the opponent's body.

Then I brought my knee up and punched him in the stomach.

Since he is now focusing on defense, there is no need to worry too much about his counterattack.This attack was completely different from my previous attack, and it caught him off guard.

His hard knees sank deeply into Azak's exposed abdomen, he grunted and took another step back.

——They don't just live in legends and stories, they have lived vigorously and like torches in this world, for a moment... or for a lifetime.

I slashed across his arm with the axe, and he tried to parry again with the axe.

But this time, he didn't welcome the tomahawk I swung.

My attack intention wasn't on the weapon, so I stopped the battle ax halfway, and then stretched out my free hand, grabbing the handle of the battle ax he was holding in front of me.

This unexpected move caused a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

——What they can do, I can do too, and I can also be a hero...

Relying on the arm strength strengthened by the coat of arms, I yanked the battle ax in his hand, pulled him closer to me, raised my head at the same time, gritted my teeth, and slammed it down on his face.

There is no need to cling to weapons.That's exactly what he just taught me.

His body reshaped by the magic sword is not afraid of pain.But this strong impact still shook his head backwards.

I took the opportunity to turn around, centered on the tomahawk that the two of us were holding, and changed my position to the downhill position, and then pushed Azak uphill with a strong arm.

He staggered a few steps uphill, but managed to keep his balance.

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