A bonfire could be vaguely seen flickering near the airship—a small group of people guarded the airship.

"Well, let's go down and see the situation first." I made up my mind and let the queen lead us down.

In order to prevent unnecessary commotion, we then took advantage of the dark sky in the early morning and the cover of the nearby mountains to land at another place on the edge of the forest at a distance. After Miria and I came down, the queen immediately changed back to human form. .

Then we rushed to the place where the airship was, and when we approached it, we could see clearly that there were obvious signs of fighting around the airship, scattered footprints and traces of spell bombing on the ground, and several human corpses, some of which were huge. The stones embedded in the ground and the body of the airship turned out to be a small group of well-dressed human soldiers guarding the airship—seeing that the equipment style was not the werewolf knights on the airship, but the human corpses on the ground. The equipment is the same as theirs, and when we approached the past, they subconsciously raised their weapons.

"We are the reinforcements authorized by the lord here, Princess Arsena, to enforce the law. Please reveal your identities." Miria took out the token that Arsena gave us in advance, and took the lead in revealing her identity.

But the expressions of the guarding soldiers became even more vigilant. At this time, a man who looked like an officer stepped forward and waved the soldiers to put down their weapons.

"We are the reinforcements under the command of the Marquis Glider. We were sent to assist His Highness the Crown Prince in countering the rebellion at the command of His Majesty the King. Your Excellency is the reinforcements from Saidian? It's a pleasure to meet you." The officer asked a soldier He raised the flag of the territory to show his identity, and waved to me. The combination of the three of us, an orc, an elf, and a long-horned woman whose race is unknown to him, made him look a little surprised. But he still recognized the tokens we were holding. It seems that they are indeed the army in the territory of Helgia.

"What's going on here?" I asked him.

"We came here only after we received a call for help." He stroked his delicately trimmed beard, "But when we came here, it was already in such a miserable state, there was no one on board, and I had already sent people to search in the forest. "

Was Arsena and the others attacked, the airship was damaged and they made an emergency landing here, and then fled into the woods in desperation?

No, wait a minute, something feels wrong...

I suddenly felt a string tightened in my heart, as if I suddenly smelled the peculiar smell of wild animal fur while hunting—it meant that there was probably a ferocious beast dormant near the hunter.

"Have you fought here?" I scanned the surrounding battle traces, as well as the human corpses with the same equipment as them.

"Ah... um." There was an unnatural expression on the officer's face, but he smiled instead, "At that time, there was a small group of enemies guarding the airship, and they attacked us involuntarily, and we fought them. Then They were repelled by us and fled into the woods, and our large troops chased them in. I believe that His Highness and the others temporarily fled into the woods because of a sudden attack, just in time to search and support them."

"You know the crown prince is on the airship?" I frowned slightly.

"This...Of course." The officer's answer was delayed for a moment, "About half a month ago, the Third Knights received an order to set off in an airship to protect His Majesty the Crown Prince. Now that it appears here, His Majesty the Crown Prince should naturally be here. The boss is right. She is the lord here, so she will naturally come back to suppress the rebellion. The two came here specially with His Highness's token, probably to rescue His Highness. I think His Highness and the others should be in the woods, and you should also If we search together, I can send a scout to lead the way."

He pointed in the direction of the woods, indicating that we could go there.

I stared at him for a while, then exchanged glances with Miria, nodded to the officer and turned towards the forest, the officer and soldiers followed behind us.

We walked a few steps, and I heard the sound of swords being drawn behind me.

I was prepared to turn around and kick, and kicked the one closest to me, and aimed the spear in my hand at the human soldier on my back. He flew out and knocked down another soldier behind me.

And Miriya immediately drew her sword and turned around, knocking away a spear stabbed at her back by a soldier, and the queen also turned around and grabbed the spear stabbing her with her bare hands.

"You—" The officer who had drawn out his sword and planned to lead the soldiers to attack us was shocked.

"You really have a problem." I stared into his eyes condescendingly, "The corpses of your troops left on the ground have elf arrows stuck in their bodies, werewolf claw marks on their armor, and elf spells. The traces left behind. It was the werewolf knights on the airship and the reinforcements from Saidian who fought with you, right?"

The moment we looked at Miria just now, we all winked at each other—she also saw the problem.

As for Her Majesty the Empress, she simply reacted quickly, and even if she was stabbed, the weapons made by Fan Tie might not be able to hurt her.

Facing these terrified humans, I pulled out the two battle axes on my back and weighed them in my hands: "I'm not in a very good mood right now. Next, I hope you can answer our questions well, depending on how well you cooperate... Maybe you can save a little bit of suffering."

hide and seek in the forest (3)

It didn't take us too much effort to clean up this group of humans, although they didn't listen to our persuasion to surrender at first, and tried to get rid of us by virtue of their numerical advantage.But when the Queen opened her eyes and glanced at them, both the officer and his soldiers were overwhelmed by the majesty in those eyes and froze in place, and some even fell to their knees on the spot.

And I took advantage of this time to capture the thief first and captured the king first, rushed directly in front of the officer, hit him in the face with an ax handle, knocked him unconscious, and ended the battle.

The terrifying majesty displayed by the queen directly defeated the fighting spirit of this small group of rebels. In addition, the commander was knocked down, and the soldiers present quickly surrendered.I selected a few people and supervised them to take out the ropes and tie the others up with knots, then I tied them up again and started their interrogation.

From their mouths I learned what happened.

One thing they didn't lie to us is that they are indeed troops under the command of the Lord of Helgia, Marquis Glid. The Marquis's territory is south of Alsena's territory, adjacent to the Northwest Highlands.It's just that they didn't come here to quell the rebellion after receiving the king's order, but went here spontaneously to take advantage of the fire-the Marquis, in fact, was with the rebels.

This is not too surprising. It was Jaron, the former prime minister of Helgia, who set up the trap to deliver the "desolation contract" of the demon king's legacy to Arsena. He was a nobleman of Helgia. He was the one who funded those elf sinners to establish their strongholds, and he was probably behind the invasion of Helgia. That guy probably planned the rebellion a long time ago—we saw you in Arsena’s territory in the past The stronghold we arrived at obviously couldn't be built overnight.In this case, it is not uncommon for him to have colluded with other lords in advance.Arsena also mentioned that there were no nobles who opposed her breaking the tradition and inheriting the throne.Now that the enemy troops cultivated by Jia Long have attacked, these people have followed suit from inside to outside.

The troops sent by the Marquis cooperated with the invading army. When the rebel troops confronted the town we rescued just now, their troops were waiting here for the rescue troops. Opportunity to attack.

They finally succeeded in waiting for the target - the airship that Arsena was riding on.The airship noticed them, and they also sent a friendly signal, so that the people on the airship let down their vigilance and descended.

But in the process of disguised as reinforcements to meet Arsena, their lies were seen through by Wikas who was a werewolf, and it turned out that the people on the boat took the lead in attacking them before they tried to see them. The corpses were left behind when they were caught off guard.

However, even though they got the upper hand, the airship was already in an ambush after it landed.This group of rebels hid their trebuchets in the forest. After the battle started, the boulders were projected and hit the airship's side sails and some other key places. The airship could not be lifted into the air and escaped. He immediately abandoned the airship and temporarily retreated into the forest under the cover of the spell cast by the elf mage. The werewolf knights broke through the encirclement they arranged in the forest, allowing everyone to escape into the forest to hide.Now the large force of the rebel army is indeed searching for the people on the search boat in the forest, but it is not for rescue. The real purpose of their trip is to capture Helgia Crown Prince Arsena as a hostage.

And these things happened about three quarters of an hour ago.

The enemy's hunt has not yet ended, which can be regarded as good news-this shows that they have not caught their target yet.They couldn't set fire to the woods if they wanted to capture Arthena alive.There are as many hiding places as there are in this forest. For the agile werewolves, this terrain is very favorable, and it is very suitable for entanglement with the enemy.

But the life and death of the other people on the boat are now uncertain.

After listening, I tightened my grip on the handle of the axe.

Damn it, I was ambushed at such a time... If the Queen hadn't gone with us to destroy those thieves, or if we had come back as soon as possible, how could these bastards have this chance?

But I also know that now is not the time for remorse, things are divided into dos and don'ts, what should be done now is to destroy the enemy and rescue them as soon as possible.

The Queen yawned for a long time. She would have spent more than half of her day sleeping, but this time she almost took us for a day and a night. She only rested in the village for a while. I think she should be quite tired now.But if you want to fight against a large army, her power is necessary, and Miria and I are simply a drop in the bucket.

"Your Majesty, I know you should be very tired now...but now I have to go into this forest to rescue them, can you please help me?" I solemnly begged her.

The queen turned her head, turned her head to me, and suddenly laughed: "My contractors have such anxious expressions, can I still refuse?"

I nodded gratefully to her, and immediately led them into the woods with my battle ax in hand.

We wandered in the woods for a while, and suddenly an owl flew over and landed on my shoulder.

"You've come here." Roland's voice rang in our minds.

It's Roland's familiar.

"Roland? Are you all right?" I was a little overjoyed.

"It's safe for now. We were scattered when we fled into the woods. I'm in the northeast of you with my subordinates, and Princess Alyssa is in the northwest with several other Saidian knights. We still have Well, I have hidden myself with the refraction spell, and I am using the familiar to detect the surrounding situation. We tried to join up, but there were several groups of enemies in the middle, and the enemy brought hounds, so we couldn't act rashly."

"What about the others?"

"Her Highness Arsena is protected by her knights, and those dwarves are also hiding...I couldn't find the remaining girls. I think they should be together, and Feilan might as well." Use the magic of refraction to hide yourself. Now I can send two more familiars to guide you to avoid the enemy, and you can act separately, which will be more efficient."

"I'm going to join my subordinates, protect Her Highness Alisa, and you go find the others." Miria turned to look at me.

"Then I'll go and destroy the enemies, right? I'm good at this." The Queen smiled and transformed into a dragon claw.

Then I can go find those girls. If Feilan uses the magic of refracting light to make them all invisible, as long as I summon the beast soul, I can find them.

"Okay." I nodded and separated from them here.

hide and seek in the forest (4)

I released groups of wolf beast souls and ordered them to run around following the scent, searching for the girls who might have been invisible.They have also seen my beast soul. They saw creatures like wargs abnormally in the southern mountains and forests. They should probably be able to guess that it was me.Roland's familiar is also with me and can help me deliver the message to them.

At this moment, the queen made a lot of noise in another direction. Roland's familiar led her to the enemy's position in the forest, and asked her to defeat the enemy troops divided into several teams one by one.The movement she makes will also attract other enemy teams to investigate, so as to defeat the enemy more efficiently and ensure the safety of others.

I listened to the sound of explosions, falling trees, and human screams in the distance, and I mourned for a few seconds for the enemies I encountered with the Queen.

Soon, a beast spirit ran back - it found the smell.Out of concern about revealing the location, my order to the beast soul implant was to run back and take me there when I found the smell, instead of sending a signal with howling wolves.

I immediately set off and followed the beast soul to the place where the smell was found, and then the beast soul walked ahead of me and began to follow the smell downhill.

In the middle of the chase, I saw messy overlapping footprints and brush-swept traces-apparently a large group of people and horses passed by here, including the footprints of hounds.

Those girls...are they being chased?

My heart sank, and I drove the beast soul to speed up its pace, but after less than 200 meters of tracking, before seeing the figure, the beast soul suddenly raised its head and looked in one direction. "Hey" sound.

Then, Feilan appeared from there, staring at me blankly.As Roland expected, she did hide herself with an invisibility spell, but what we didn't expect was that she was acting alone, but she didn't seem to be injured at all.

"You're fine." I was a little relieved, "It's just you...eh?"

I was stunned in the middle of speaking, because the girl suddenly ran towards me with a face full of weeping, and then slammed into my chest with a swoop.

"You bastard! Why did you just come back!" She yelled in tears, and slammed my chest with her fist.

Although with her strength it is impossible to make me feel pain even if I try my best, I was still frightened by her. On the one hand, I was worried that her crying would scare the nearby enemies. She was caught off guard by this unusual reaction.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I, uh..." I squeezed out words clumsily, trying to appease her emotions but in vain.

But at this time, Feilan suddenly opened her eyes wide as if she remembered something, and raised her head: "Ah! There is no time to waste, I have to save that girl!"

"Huh? You mean Angelica?" I also realized it, and frowned, "What happened to her?"

"That girl originally fled into the woods with me, I took her to hide with the refraction technique, and then a group of enemies came nearby with hounds, and then..." Feilan said anxiously, grabbing my sleeve, " That dead girl didn't even say hello to me, she ran out of the range of the spell to lure those people away! It's in this direction... I can't catch up with them at all!"

No wonder there were so many messy footprints, the team was chasing Angelica.

Although it was not so easy to catch up with Angelica's foot strength, the enemy could force the werewolf knights to retreat into the forest, and there may be a lot of them.If there are enemies from other teams double-teaming her, she will be in danger!

I immediately jumped onto the back of the beast soul beside me, and then stretched out my hand to Feilan: "Give me the staff, come up!"

Feilan threw the staff to me, and then grabbed my hand, and with the other hand, I clung to the wolf's back. I took her hand and pulled her lightly, pulling her onto the wolf's back.

The beast soul immediately ran downhill in the forest. Although the wolf is more suitable for the terrain of the wilderness and grassland, it will occasionally move around rocky mountains. As long as it is not too steep, the hillside and woodland are actually not difficult they.In less than 2 minutes, I heard noisy voices coming from the front.After bypassing the bushes, I saw a bushy flat land at the bottom of the valley in front of me. There were about a hundred human soldiers forming a large encirclement circle.

There was a figure in the encirclement, Angelica, lying on the ground on all fours, showing her fangs and intimidating the surrounding human soldiers, her forelimbs covered with animal hair had sharp claws, almost plowing marks on the rocky ground. The ferocious appearance made the surrounding enemies somewhat daunting for a while.

But she had apparently been driven here in a fight on the hillside, and her clothes had quite a few rips, presumably from cuts from knives.Although the wound didn't look deep, the blood loss was serious, and most of the clothes were soaked in blood. In addition, there was an arrow stuck in her shoulder.

Being forced into the encirclement in this kind of terrain was already a dead end, and the two archers on the periphery raised their bows at Angelica who had nowhere to escape.

I heard the enemy's malicious sneer floating over, they don't need to rush to deal with Angelica immediately, as long as they delay for a little while, she will fall down soon.

The moment I saw this picture, I felt my head was empty for a moment. When I realized it, I had already summoned a huge wilderness bear to run in front of me, and headed towards the encirclement of the enemy. The enemy attacked fiercely.

Then, when the attention of the enemy and Angelica was attracted by the beast soul, I manipulated the wolf I was riding to leap up the slope, jumped directly from a high place into the encirclement below, and landed on the ground. Beside Jelica.

"Huh, Brock?" Angelica raised her head and noticed me, the beast-like eyes that were driven to a dead end suddenly disappeared, became softer, and gradually revealed a look of surprise, "You ...Finally back..."

But after seeing the wounds on her body at close range, I felt the anger in my chest suddenly rise as if it was poured with oil and sawdust.

"You bastards!" Seeing her, Feilan frowned immediately, and glared at the human soldiers. At the same time, black flames ignited around us, and a fiery snake appeared in the fire, "Shou Die!" -"

"You..." Her voice was interrupted by my sudden growl, and Feilan, who was sitting on the wolf's back, looked back at me in surprise.

I didn't look at her, but continued to glance at the group of human soldiers who were vigilant and clenched their weapons, and continued to finish the sentence in that cold tone: "...Have you thought about your last words?"

hide and seek in the forest (5)


Blood mist surged out, forming a circle around us, and finally turned into a circle of wolves.

When those human soldiers stared at this scene, I swung my battle ax and shouted: "Go!"

The beast soul rushed out against the human bows and spears and broke out.The ferocious momentum of the carnivorous beasts aroused the instinctive fear of these soldiers to some extent. Many people were frightened and retreated to the rear. There were many loopholes in the encirclement, which also left us more space.

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