If you want to rush out now, it is relatively simple.But I'm not going to break out at this time, I'm going to get rid of them here.Although it is risky to deal with outnumbered enemies, if they are left to continue their activities in this forest, it will always be a hidden danger for us and other companions who fled into the forest.

What's more, they have to pay for what they did.

"Be careful, the archers behind you are retreating to the side of the hillside, and they are going to attack you." Roland's voice rang in his head, and her familiar flew to the tree trunk on the hillside when I jumped in. , helped me keep an eye on the enemy's movement from outside the encirclement.

I turned my head and saw the archers. They left the flat ground at the bottom of the valley and climbed up the hillside, using rocks and trees as cover, trying to snipe me from a safe distance.

But they didn't know that when I charged down, I had already cast the shaman's elemental spells and established a spiritual connection with the spirits in the land.

When they drew their bows and arrows, I caused the rocks under their feet to collapse, and the spirits in the land responded to my call. The archers who drew their bows and arrows to aim suddenly lost their foothold, and they were shocked. Called while rolling down the hillside.

Then I let out a battle cry, raised my battle axe, and poured my spiritual power into the call to the earth element, countless ground thorns and stone pillars broke through the rock and soil under the feet of those humans who were caught off guard by the beast spirit around us After rushing up, many soldiers had no time to react, they were completely overturned by the turbulent ground under their feet, they slammed heavily on the raised stone pillars, and passed out.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the enemies lost their combat power, but some soldiers with spears escaped the attack and rushed into the encirclement.They assembled two rows on both sides of us, and launched a charge from the left and right directions, trying to pinch us to win with the only remaining number of people.

"The row on the left is for you." I explained to Feilan.

Feilan didn't respond, but immediately pointed her staff at the row of people, and the long snake that she just summoned from the fire of the abyss immediately rushed out like an arrow.

Although these soldiers were well-trained and quick-responsive, they obviously didn't have the will to fear death in this kind of battle. The fire snakes that suddenly rushed towards them made them flee in all directions to save their lives. The charging team The shape collapsed in an instant.

With this girl's level of magic, it is relatively easy to deal with such a small group of people.

I jumped off the back of the beast soul, and rushed towards the enemy on the other side with the battle ax in my hand.They lined up in a neat row, and their spears, whose attack distance was far longer than that of a battle ax, stabbed forward together, seemingly flawless.

I directly threw the two battle axes in my hand and smashed them on the breastplates of two soldiers. The two soldiers who were hit hard screamed and immediately fell back as if they had been hit in the chest by a battering hammer. Fall on your back.

Then, I took advantage of the time when the other people weakened the momentum of the charge due to this unexpected blow, and grabbed the handle of the spear stabbed by the soldier on the far left with my free hands, and then exerted strength with both arms, Swipe hard to the right.The soldier holding the other end of the spear was caught off guard, and was brought down by my strength, smashing to another soldier beside him.At this moment, the spear became a warhammer in my hand, and the hammer head was the soldier who was holding on to the other end of the spear before he could let go.I waved him and swept half a circle over, knocking all the soldiers to the ground.

This time, these human soldiers finally realized the difference in combat power between the two sides, and raised their hands one by one amidst the screams of pain, expressing their surrender.

There is no glory at all in massacring an opponent who has no ability to resist. After venting my anger, I kept calm in time and stopped here.

Two minutes later, I asked Feilan to tie up the conscious enemies with magic ropes, and then checked Angelica's injuries.

Fortunately, the situation is not as critical as I feared at the beginning. Although there were many wounds on Angelica's body, the bleeding was basically stopped by relying on the werewolf's recovery ability. stabbing, I shall not open her wound with a dagger baked in fire, and take out the arrow.Feilan applied simple healing spells to her, and then bandaged the wound.

Basically, there was nothing serious about it, but fighting with the large group of people and losing blood made her a little tired. During the process of bandaging the wound, she returned to her usual state, with a drowsy and tired expression on her face.

"Hmph, you damn girl, what are you doing to lure the enemy out without authorization? Please find out how much you weigh yourself first?" Feilan complained bitterly while bandaging her.

"...Are you worried about me?" Angelica glanced at her blankly.

"Fuck you!" Feilan immediately glared at her, "I just don't want to owe you this kind of favor."

"I actually ran out because I thought you were cumbersome. You can't sprint fast, so it's better to hide. If I didn't meet other enemy teams, I would have thrown them off a long time ago." Angelica turned her head. go back.

"You're the only one who thinks I'm cumbersome? And your legs are clearly shorter than mine!" Feilan tightened the bandage on purpose when she knotted it, Angelica's wound was touched by the bandage, although her expression didn't change, The shoulder trembled in pain.

Angelica stopped talking nonsense, turned her head and bit her hand, and the two of them started fighting like usual again.

"Come on, stop making trouble, we still have to find other people to join us, maybe their situation is also very dangerous." I had to speak out to dissuade them.

"Brock..." Angelica turned her head, "I still have a wound on my leg, can you carry me?"

"Okay." I squatted down beside her.

It is quite necessary to take care of the wounded, and the weight of this girl is like nothing on my back.

"Hey girl, you're too bad!" Seeing Angelika lying on my back, Feilan's eyes suddenly widened.

I couldn't see Angelica showing any expression to her, but the golden-haired girl suddenly gritted her teeth.

"If you feel tired from walking, you can ride that beast soul just now." I saw that she was not in a good mood, so I raised my finger and pointed to the wolf not far away.

"No, need, need! Hmph!" Feilan turned her head away with a puffy face, but she glanced at Angelika on my shoulder with concern, her eyes seemed... seemed to reveal a little envious.

hide and seek in the forest (6)

"Aren't you with Tilawa and Vanessa?" I asked Feilan as I continued to search for other people who were lost in the forest.

"That bastard familiar doesn't want to stay in the ring honestly now, what can I do?" Feilan replied with an unhappy face, "In the past two days, she basically stayed with that female orc. "

After devouring the power of other demons one after another, Vanessa's magic power has grown to the point where Feilan can't restrain her.In essence, she is a magical creature created by Tilawa and then accidentally made by Feilan.Her temperament is also largely inherited from Feilan as the mother, but she feels inexplicably repulsed by this golden-haired girl.On the contrary, she seems to have a higher favorability for Tilawa who regards her as a member of the team and occasionally takes care of her.

"If it's the two of them acting together, it will be more difficult to find." I frowned.

"How do you say that?" Angelica asked, lying on my back.

"Vanessa also knows the invisibility spell, but she won't leave a smell after being invisible, and she can fly and won't leave footprints on the ground. Tilawa is also trained in hunting, she also knows how to eliminate smells and The method of tracking, the beast souls I summon may be difficult to find them through scent." I looked around towards the mountains and forests as I walked forward.

But if you think about it, in this way, they will not be found by the enemy's hounds in this forest. Instead, Vanessa can launch a sneak attack on the approaching enemies after being invisible.Moreover, she has a great advantage in facing human troops. Purely physical attacks can't help her. Although she has a shortcoming in thinking, Tilawa, who has practiced with Igna, can make up for this. Their combination In fact, compared to other people, it is more suitable for guerrilla warfare with the enemy in this kind of forest, and the situation may be safer than us and other people.

At this moment, Feilan, who was walking beside me, suddenly screamed "ah", and then fell down suddenly. At the same time, her foot was suspended by a rope around her ankle, and her whole body was thrown upside down. Come over to the tree next to it and lift it up.

"What's going on? Why is there a trap here?" She yelled in surprise.

"Your skirt is turned upside down." Angelica raised her head and reminded her calmly.

Feilan immediately straightened the hem of her skirt, blushed and gave me a gouging look: "Don't look!!"

Already seen...

"The rope is made of vines, and it's completely local." Angelica observed the composition of the trap and admired the maker's hunting skills.

"This style of animal trap seems to be the standard method of our orcs. It should be left by Tilawa." I also nodded.

In that case they at least passed by here.

"Hey, don't just watch there, save me first!" Feilan couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled.

I let the beast spirit who was walking in front run back, and I hung the battle ax on its back with a belt just now to carry Angelica.

I asked Angelica to hold my neck steady, then reached out and grabbed the handle of the pitch-black battle ax hanging on the back of the beast soul, and summoned the Spear of Dark Curse to project upwards, cutting off the vine hanging from Feilan.

When Feilan screamed and fell, I stretched out my hands and caught her firmly.

"Eh?" Feilan, who was lying in my arms, put her hands in front of her chest, blinked her eyes and was stunned.

"Why, did you get scared when you fell?" I looked at her flushed face, "The tree is not tall, so it should be fine..."

After I finished speaking, I was about to put her down, when she seemed to wake up suddenly, and suddenly yelled: "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" I was startled by her sudden raised voice.

"I...my foot seemed to be twisted a little bit when I was hung up just now..." She looked away and replied timidly, "Maintain it like this for a while, let, let I'll take a break, um."

At this time, Angelica said quietly to her: "Hey, you are floating."

Feilan glared back at her: "Aren't you the same yourself?"

"What are you two arguing about?" I looked back and forth between them in doubt.

As a result, Feilan suddenly glanced at me with a very speechless look, and stopped talking.

And Angelica hugged my neck and raised a hand to pat on top of my head: "Brock."


"What's in your head?"

"Of course it's the brain."

"I don't feel it..."

"Why did you hurt me all of a sudden?"

In the end, even Feilan sighed as if she couldn't bear it, and complained softly, "Why is it just you..."

I had no choice but to carry Angelica on my back, hold Feilan in my arms, and continue to look for Tilawa and the others.

At this time, Roland's owl landed on my shoulder, and the black-bellied elf's voice full of teasing flowed into my mind: "That's not bad, Brock, hugging back and forth."

Feilan obviously heard her voice this time, her expression froze suddenly, and she looked at the familiar owl: "Roland?"

"It's me, what's the matter, my good sister?" The owl tilted its head at her.

"You...are you here?" Feilan tremblingly raised her finger to the owl.

"That's right, I met Bullock before you. So..." Roland's voice full of laughter paused here, "From the time you met him and threw yourself into his arms, sister, I saw everything— —”

"Go to hell!!" Before the other party could finish speaking, Feilan slapped the owl angrily and drove the owl away from my leather shoulder armor.

"Stop messing around, the most important thing is to find someone now." I sighed and discouraged.

"Don't worry, their situation should be safer than ours, and it's not difficult to join their words." Roland replied calmly.

"How do you say this?"

"There's a mark here." The owl flew to another tree, and I followed it, and went up to observe the trunk carefully, and finally found a bunch of ancient totems of the orcs carved with a short knife , which indicates the orientation.

It seems that Tilawa left it specially for us. Except for orcs and scholars like Roland who have studied orc characters and totems, this kind of mark cannot be read at all.

I looked around and found that it was also on another tree trunk not far away. That girl is really smart, and made confluence marks on the trunk continuously. After the enemy finds out, they may find it along these marked trees. In the past, but that direction is actually opposite to the direction indicated by the totem.

"That child, it seems that I believe you will come back." Roland said with a smile.

The essence of interrogation lies in psychological suppression (1)

Following the imprints left by Tilawa, we soon merged with them.

When they found them, the two girls actually hunted a rabbit and cooked leisurely. Vanessa used magic to summon flames in mid-air, and Tilawa skewered the meat and roasted it close to the open flame.

Tilawa noticed us first, and happily waved at us with the meat skewer in his hand: "Ah, Mr. Brock, you are back indeed."

"Ah!" Vanessa's eyes lit up, she jumped up from the ground like a tiger, and rushed towards me, "Honey!!!"

I dodged sideways, and she jumped into the air and hit a tree trunk directly, breaking the tree directly.

After devouring other demons, not only her magic power, but also her strength has grown a lot.

"Why are you hiding?" Vanessa turned around and protested to me covering her forehead.

"I'm going to break two ribs after you pounce on me, be honest with me." I glanced at her.

"They are all so close to you, and I want it too!"

As Vanessa said, she stuck her face to my back, but was pushed away by Angelica who was lying on my back: "It's full."

Tilawa came over and tilted her head when she saw that there were two people hanging in front of me, "Master Bloch, what are you doing with Senior Angelica and Senior Feilan?"

Feilan, who was being hugged by me, suddenly became flustered: "Don't get me wrong! I just sprained my foot... and it's all the fault of the trap you left behind!"

"Is that so? I'm sorry!" Tilawa hurriedly handed a bunch of meat to Feilan, as if to make an apology.

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