The sound of splashing water from a nearby waterfall was still ringing in my ears, and at this moment, the beast soul following me suddenly let out a short but high-pitched roar—this was the sound of a warg warning his companions, signaling danger .

on the tree!

I woke up instantly and raised my head upwards.

The air current carried a faint smell of rancid and stench blowing towards the face, and the light of the torch illuminated the terrifying figure descending from the sky.

It was a monster that could make one's scalp tingle just by looking at it. It had a snake-tailed body, and the upper part was a human woman.

She lunged at me with her arms outstretched in a head-down position, as if to hug me—six arms, each out of proportion to her body, with twisted and hideous claws at the end, which might be this The scariest hug in the world, and for a moment my mind flashed the scene of myself being enveloped and torn apart by those six slender arms reminiscent of spiders.

Reflexively, I swung the tomahawk in my hand violently, and slapped the monster hard on the face.

To be honest, this thing really scares me, but it doesn't affect my handling method - I fight first and then talk, it can be said that orcs deal with 80.00% of emergencies in this way.

In this posture, I didn't have time to point the ax blade at her. In the end, only the side of the tomahawk hit her chin hard, failing to split her head in half.But even if I swung it with my great strength, this blow still had the effect of a warhammer.

The monster's neck was folded, and it was sent flying directly, and the landing point was deviated because of this. It failed to land on me, but landed about two meters away from my feet.

The lower body of the snake twisted violently, like a mess of hemp rope, but she quickly adjusted her posture, squatted up and then supported her upper body. The broken and twisted neck clicked a few times, and finally Turned back again.

This time I finally saw the appearance of this guy. This guy is indeed generally half human and half snake. The body part is half naked, but wrapped in several bandages. His complexion is blue and white, and there are three arms on each side, connected to the body There is a circle of exaggerated stitching marks in the place.The wet long hair spread out like a waterfall, covering a bloodless pointed face, and her eyes were also covered by a bandage, but there were two dark red blood stains on the bandage where the eyes belonged, which had already dried up The blood stains also extended to her face, making her look like blood red tears.

Pale face with bleeding eyes... This is the monster that Quirrell saw.

Alien Assassin (3)

The empty snake girl shook her body, opened her mouth and let out a sharp, tooth-piercing neigh at me, with a forked tongue sticking out from her mouth full of fangs.

Although this snake girl has a half-human appearance, but facing her, I couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​communicating with her.I can't find the slightest feeling from this monster that can be called intellectual or spiritual, but it is haunted by a strange sense of terror that can make people instinctively reject it.

But it is not correct to say that she has no intelligence. In fact, her judgment ability should exceed half of the beasts.She had just completed a fairly expert ambush, using the stream to wash away her scent, leaving me to track only by ground marks.Then, while I was staring at the ground, I took the opportunity to drop from a tree and attack.The location of the ambush was chosen near the waterfall, in order to cover up his movement with the sound of water.If the beast soul I summoned hadn't noticed her in time, I might have died under her claws just now. The human part seems to have endowed her with some kind of thinking ability beyond beasts.

As a hunter, I have seen all kinds of creatures, strong or weak, huge or petite, quick or slow... Creatures have various shapes, but those natural creations are basically a complete individual with With a unique self-contained beauty.

But there is nothing on this monster's body. Not only does she look terrifying, but she also has quite a lot of unnatural splicing marks on her body.The six arms are connected to the sides of the body, and the thick snake tail is connected to the half body of the person. There are twisted and ugly scars at the connection place.At a glance, it can be seen that this monster, like those synthetic beasts, was created by people using alchemy and other spells.

Is it the work of the enemy again?

What are the tastes of those elves and sinners? They always do this kind of horror and bottomless works... Compared with them, those female elves who draw small yellow books all day long in Saidian can be regarded as noble and virtuous. Double love.

It is certain that this snake girl is a kind of synthetic beast made of human beings. The upper body may have been a villager in a village destroyed by the enemy, but it is obvious that the part of her human nature has long been wiped out. It has become a dark monster, but retains a little thinking ability. To a certain extent, it is perfect as a killing tool.

Anger was burning inside of me, as an orc raised by shamanism, I was told early on to have a due respect for life.But the person who made this monster did the opposite, trampling and playing with life wantonly, it is really disgusting to the point of disgust.

The snake girl neighed, coiled her body up and jumped up from the ground with all her strength, and rushed towards me again.

With a thought in my mind, I controlled the wolf beast soul beside me to stand in front of me, and flew towards her to rush out.

Snake Girl's six claws swung out at the same time, retracting like a spider's legs, the sharp claws pierced into the beast soul's body from different directions, and then fixed it.At the same time, she opened her mouth and bit the beast soul with her fangs.The beast soul froze instantly, and then immediately turned into a pool of blood mist.

The damage caused by those claws just now should not be fatal to a warg. The only explanation is that the snake girl's teeth have a blood-sucking throat-sealing poison.

In the little time that the beast soul gave up for me, I didn't choose to distance myself from the snake girl, instead I rushed a few steps to close the distance.This time, I was as rude to this guy as before. When she waved her paw and wanted to use the same method of dealing with the beast soul to deal with me——

"Go!" I lifted my foot and kicked her hard in the chest, kicking her backwards and flying her, causing her to hit a distant tree trunk hard, the impact force directly knocked the tree trunk away. Followed by breaking.

But the snake girl didn't look like she was seriously injured. She quickly twisted her body and got up, and adjusted her posture. The bones that should have been broken were reset with a bang.

Although it looks like half of the body is human, this monster's body is really quite strong, plus the poison that can kill a warg in an instant, if I am dragged into a close fight by her, it will undoubtedly be extremely dangerous for me of.

At this moment, the moon in the sky disappeared among the clouds, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

Snake hissed, stepped back into the trees, and started moving around me.

Things suddenly turned against me.

Although the night vision ability of the orcs is not bad, it is also limited. I lost the moonlight and only relied on the torch in my hand, and my vision quickly became smaller.After she distanced herself from me, I could barely catch the outline of her figure.

Snake Girl obviously also noticed this, and was going to use this point to keep a distance and go around to the blind spot of my vision. She lowered her figure and crawled on the ground, moving quickly around me.After lowering my body, the overgrown weeds and bushes became her cover. I turned around and tried to stare at her, but I lost her figure after half a turn.

But she can clearly find me in this darkness. I hold the torch, which is a bright target in itself.Although the snake girl's eyes don't look very good, it also shows that she should have other senses that can capture my position.From my experience snakes can detect the smell and temperature of living things, maybe she can too.

If she sneaks up close, it will undoubtedly be a dead end.

But I didn't panic at all, I took a deep breath, slowly settled down, and began to cast shaman spells, calling out the "spirits" in the elements around me.

This time, I summoned the Spirit of Flame, and I focused my energy on the torch in my hand.After a few seconds, the spirit in the flames connected with my spirit and resonated.Under my call, the flickering flames on the torch suddenly rose and turned into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

I scanned around vigilantly, and then saw that the snake girl had crawled close to about ten steps away from me, ready to attack me at any time.

But unfortunately, she no longer has this opportunity.

I waved the torch at Snake, and the shamanic spell on the torch splashed out with my movements, and the tide rushed towards Snake and swallowed her.

I used a shaman spell to call all the flames to "stick" to Snake, and Snake was instantly ignited. She screamed sharply and rolled, trying to extinguish the flames on her body.

I didn't make her suffer for too long, taking advantage of this gap, I called out the "ancestral heroic spirit".A giant-like ghost appeared behind me, reaching out to grab the flame-ridden snake girl, and the flame quickly extinguished with the grasping movement of the "ancestral heroic spirit".

"I've caught you." I manipulated the "ancestral heroic spirit" with my mind, holding the snake woman firmly in my hand.

Alien Assassin (4)

The snake girl struggled, kept roaring sharply, and even opened her mouth to try to bite the hand of the "ancestral heroic spirit", but the venom of the creature obviously had no effect on the pure ghost body constructed by the living fire .

So what to do with her now?

After controlling it, take it back for Roland to take a look at?

While I was thinking about the solution for the Snake Girl, she suddenly neighed like a maniac, as if she wanted to vomit out her broken soul. highlighted on the skin.

Seeing this abnormal situation, I suddenly realized what might happen next, and immediately controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to swing his arms violently, and threw the snake girl away from the stream.

The moment she flew out, Snake Girl's whole body swelled up like a swollen skin, and then there was only a "pop", and Snake Girl's body turned into blue blood and exploded in the air. Splash on nearby plants.Under the light of the torch that became extremely vigorous due to the shaman spell, I saw the bloody water bubble up, and some plants that were splashed with bloody water melted like ice and snow.

It's not the first time I've seen those elven sinners make creatures into self-destructing weapons. If I hadn't been on guard just now, I'm afraid I would have suffered too.Those grandsons are really yin, they are not as upright as us orcs at all. Our method of dealing with the enemy is very simple, just copy the ax and kill them if you say they will kill them - this is how honest people should be. ah!

The blood splashed by the snake girl's self-explosion not only melted the nearby vegetation, but also evaporated bursts of blue smoke.I put away the battle axe, raised my hand to re-summon a relatively small warg beast soul, and controlled it to move forward. As a result, the beast soul suddenly twitched stiffly within a few seconds after it came into contact with the smoke, and fell to the ground. Blood mist.

Although the beast soul summoned by the beast soul is also constructed by the living fire, its body structure has greatly restored the creatures of the wild beasts. Most of the fatal damage to these creatures will also take effect on the beast soul, including drama poison.

I immediately backed away from this place, not to mention the blood, even the evaporating smoke is highly poisonous, even if there are wreckage left after the Snake Girl blew up, it is unlikely to be recovered.

It can pull people back after death, this monster is too deadly, I don't think the person who spent the money to make this kind of murder weapon put this thing around here just to let her relax.

The purpose of this snake girl's actions is very strong. When I took Quilo to take a bath, she had already ambushed on the other side of the stream, but she didn't attack me at that time, but followed me alone. Time for an ambush.

There are only three people in this camp, who is the most likely target...

No matter what you think, it's Quirrell.

Synthetic humans fused with synthetic beasts, synthetic beasts made by splicing human beings and other creatures are also works of taboo alchemy, and the method of trampling on the bottom line with contemptuous human life is exactly the same, and there is such a taste that is so curious that it cannot be flattered, It's hard not to think of going together.

I'm afraid they were made by the same man...


A wolf howl in the distance pulled my thoughts back.

It was the trombone of a warg. Naturally, there would be no wild wargs in this kind of southern woods. The sound came from the direction of the camp.

It was the beast soul that I summoned to stay in the camp, and the next moment, I clearly felt that the beast soul had died.

I immediately shivered, grabbed the ax and ran back.

From the very beginning, the snake girl was not the only "assassin". When I was following the snake girl, other "assassins" launched a surprise attack on the camp. Tilawa and Quiro were in danger!

I ran a few steps, raised my hand to summon a new wolf beast soul to jump on its back, and rode it back quickly.

It took me about ten minutes to get here from the camp, but after all, I followed the trail carefully and slowly, and the distance is actually not far.

Tens of seconds passed and I saw the camp tent, and at the same time a loud explosion sounded suddenly in the open space in front of the tent.

I rode a wolf to the front of the tent, and then stared at the scene in front of me, stunned.

Tilawa stood in the open space in front of the tent, holding several throwing daggers in both hands, and a monster that looked like a spliced ​​female human and a huge spider fell in front of her about ten steps away.Like the snake girl I met just now, this spider girl also has six deformed arms, half

Several bandages were wrapped around the naked upper body, and the bleeding eyes were covered by the bandages, looking horrifying.

But at this moment, the spider woman looked like she was on the verge of death, her body was ripped apart, she fell on the bonfire that had been extinguished, and the bright red charcoal was scattered all over the ground, and the hairy spider legs were wrapped with ropes and hanging nets—— The camp is surrounded by traps that Tilawa and I set up. It can be seen that she triggered those traps and traps and then forced her way in.Although the traps for ordinary beasts failed to restrain the monster, it also restricted her actions to a certain extent.

What really made her deadly was the throwing dagger painted red and blue on her body. It was an enchanting equipment designed by Roland to give to Tilawa before. After being infused with life fire, the blue dagger can release electric paralysis Target, the red dagger can cause an explosion to inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

Tilawa sensed that someone was approaching again, grabbed the dagger and turned towards me vigilantly.

"Ah, it's Lord Bullock..." She breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it was me, "I was scared to death, I was attacked here just now."

The scene in front of me is easy to explain. Spiderwoman forced her way into the traps around the camp and killed the beast soul I left for warning, but she was killed by Tilawa who came out of the tent with a knife and threw a dagger.

This situation reminds me of a storybook that was published by human beings before. I can’t remember the name of the story, but I remember that there is such a plot in it. It is a mother and child staying at home , As a result, a robber came into the house one night, and the mother realized that a stranger had entered the house, so she hugged the child and hid in the cabinet, covering the child's mouth and not daring to make a sound.

At that time, I felt that this kind of plot was unrealistic, because such a scene generally does not appear in the orc tribe with strong folk customs.If a woman of the orc tribe senses that a robber has broken into the house, under normal circumstances, the first reaction is by no means to hide with the child. Instead, she should only let the child hide, take a knife and chop the robber, and then wipe it. The knife went back and let the child go to sleep.

Alien Assassin (5)

It's not over yet.

When Tilawa turned her head to talk to me, the spider girl had the same reaction as the snake girl just now. Her body began to swell, and blue blood vessels protruded out of the skin like a spider web.

I immediately controlled the wolf I was riding to rush out, and at the same time called out the "ancestral heroic spirit".When I rushed to the front of the dying Spider Woman, the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" swung his arm violently, and slapped the monster towards the distance.

Sure enough, Spider Woman also turned into blue blood and exploded before landing, and a blue poisonous mist filled the distance.

I used shaman spells to summon the spirits of the elements in the atmosphere, and a strong wind was blown over to prevent the poisonous mist from spreading in this direction.

Then I got off the wolf's back, went to Tilawa and asked, "Where's Quirrell?"

"He's fine, I let him stay in the tent." Tilawa pointed to the tent behind him.

"Actually, I was also attacked there. It was a monster similar to the one you encountered. It is probably a synthetic beast made by the enemy out of humans and other creatures, and it was specially sent here to attack us." I told her the matter. After explaining, "I think the target is probably Quirrell."

The enemy's purpose is probably to prepare to take back this precious experimental product.

"Does that mean the enemy is nearby?" Tilawa lowered her brows and asked earnestly, the dagger in her hand gleamed coldly.

What she meant was simple, synthetic beasts are manipulated by humans, if the enemy is nearby, then we should track them down and kill him once and for all.

"No, this kind of synthetic beast does not need to be manipulated at close range. I think the enemy is probably hiding far away." I shook my head.

It is not meaningless to use humans as materials to make synthetic beasts. Facts have proved that although these half-human, half-beast monsters are irrational, they do have higher intelligence and judgment than ordinary synthetic beasts. It can perform tasks by itself by issuing simple instructions through this technique.

The enemy will use this type of synthetic beast, most of which is to seek insurance, hoping that as long as he shrinks back to be a tortoise and drink a cup of tea, he can send the synthetic beast to bring our corpses back to the business with Quirrell.

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