"Pack up your things." I took a deep breath and made a decision, "It seems that our hunting and camping can only be temporarily suspended. Our position has been found by the enemy, and those monsters before we continue to stay here may be coming one after another. If you keep coming, the fortress will be much safer.”

With Quirrell, it's better not to take too many risks.Objectively speaking, he has the power of synthetic beasts, and is an out-and-out humanoid weapon.However, after getting along with him, we have already discovered that his spirit is not much different from that of ordinary children... No, I am afraid that he is even more slender and unstable.

Being subjected to cruel experiments, being raised as a synthetic beast, being subjected to mind control and being forced to turn into a monster and fight against people - the trauma left by the past experience in his heart is still vivid, otherwise he would not have rejected him The other elves, in turn, got close to me and Tilawa who are orcs.

"Okay." Tilawa nodded knowingly, picked up the oil lamp and lit it, turned around and walked towards his tent, ready to call Quirrell out.

However, as soon as she lifted the curtain of the tent, she let out an "ah" in surprise, then turned her head and shouted at me: "Master Brock is bad, Quirrell is gone!"

"What?" I rushed over and looked into the tent.

The tents we set up here are the kind of small tents that are triangular and only big enough for sleeping. Tilawa’s tent is empty, and the curtain at the other end has been lifted.

"Damn brat!" I felt a headache and slapped my forehead.

It seems that when Tilawa went out with a dagger to focus on dealing with the spider woman who invaded the camp, Quirrell, who was hiding in the tent, escaped from the other side of the tent without knowing where he was because of panic or something. went.

I have to find him quickly, I don't know how many synthetic beasts the enemy sent over, if there are other synthetic beasts nearby waiting for an opportunity to kidnap him, it will be troublesome.

I waved my hand to summon the beast spirit that brought me over, and let it go around the back of the tent to track the scent.

Fortunately, Quirrell didn't seem to jump into the stream, but ran towards the downstream direction of the stream, and the wolf spirit could still find his scent.

Although I was in a hurry, Quirrell might still be running around in panic during the time I slowly followed the scent to make the distance continue to widen, but I also know that I must not be impatient now, rather than being like a headless chicken Walking around in the woods, this kind of tracking is more reliable, and it is impossible for him to run all the time.

After chasing after the warg for about 2 minutes, a familiar hiss suddenly came from ahead.

This sound is exactly the same as that of the snake girl I met just now.

"There!" I rushed out first.

But I rushed there a few steps and stopped in a hurry, raising my hand to stop Tilawa who was following me: "Wait, don't go there yet!"

"Eh? Why—" Tilawa didn't react for a while, but when she saw the blue smoke floating among the trees ahead, she immediately understood.

I summoned the spirit of the elements in the atmosphere again, used the strong wind to disperse the poisonous mist in front of me, and then summoned the "ancestral heroic spirit", swung the ax across, and cut down all the trees that blocked our vision a few meters ahead.

Then we saw an amazing scene.

Quirrell stood about ten meters away from us, not in the appearance of an elf child, but in the appearance of a synthetic humanoid beast when we first met him, his burly and vigorous figure was as tall as me.He was panting heavily, the temperature in the woods at night was a little low, every time he gasped, he swallowed white steam, and at the same time, there was a low whimpering growl in his throat, like a beast stabbed by a hunter.

But in fact, there were no scars on his body, only two asymmetrical claws were still dripping blue blood that didn't come from his body.Surrounding him were also large pools of blue blood. In the pool of blood were scattered fragments of limbs that had not yet melted clean. There were severed hands of blue-skinned humans, python tails, and spider legs.

Apparently, here he had just encountered and fought with more than one of these synthetic beasts.The specific process is difficult to know from the situation at the scene, the only thing that is certain is... He transformed into a synthetic beast state in a hurry, and then surpassed those half-human half-beast monsters with overwhelming strength , slaughtered them all.

Alien Assassin (6)


In the process of getting along with Quirrell, I have never forgotten his danger, but I have to admit that he behaved like an ordinary child before, when he pinched my trouser legs or the corner of my clothes and followed me like a tail, I really forgot the impression I had when I first met him——

Yes, he is a dangerous synthetic beast, a man-made weapon born of alchemy and black magic.

Like the Snake Woman and Spider Woman we encountered just now, the power comparison with him in the synthetic beast state is no different from a lamb against a mountain wolf.He mentioned before that he was fed poisoned food as an experiment. His body should have a strong resistance to poison, and those poisons that can kill a warg in an instant are ineffective for him.

"Aww..." Quirrell, who turned into a synthetic beast, stared vigilantly at the pool of blood scattered with snakes and human remains in front of him. .

That should be the synthetic beast he killed last, and it looks like a snake girl. After experiencing a fight, his spirit was not stable. Although he eliminated other threats with his own hands, he didn't seem to feel a sense of security because of it.He's so confused that even though I've cut down so many trees with an ax here and made such a big commotion, he still hasn't noticed me.

But after he took a few breaths and gradually came back to his senses, he finally caught a glimpse of my figure out of the corner of his eye, and slowly turned his face to this side.

For a moment, I felt the wild killing intent in his eyes, which almost made me raise my tomahawk subconsciously.

But the restless murderous look disappeared in a blink of an eye, replaced by a look between bewilderment and surprise.He watched me carefully, and his rapid breathing became evener.It is clear that his current physique is still not inferior to my monster, but I suddenly think of a wolf cub from his eyes.

I can faintly feel his mood swings at the moment. My past experience in hunting, herding and animal taming has brought me into contact with many animals. Animals also have emotions. A look, a whimper or a low growl, or a small unconscious movement can do it all. express their state of mind.What's more, Quirrell is not a beast, and his emotions are much richer.

Quirrell took a step closer to me and opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped as soon as he made a sound, because his mouth and vocal cords were different after he turned into a synthetic beast, and he opened his mouth to make a low growl of a beast.He stared blankly, then shrank his head. I actually read the loss and shrinking from his eyes.

I suddenly understood that he recognized me and wanted to come over, but at the same time he was afraid that I would reject him...and even attack him with an axe.

Only then did I realize that this brat was a little more sensible than I thought—he was very aware of the threat of his posture.

He became taller and bigger, grew fangs and claws, and could easily tear apart other synthetic beasts that could fight wolfs. He could make his appearance fierce and powerful, but he couldn't change his heart. As hard as iron, wrapped in the body of this giant beast, is still the slender and sensitive kid.

He hunched his neck and waited there, neither running away nor coming over.At this moment, I suddenly realized that if I didn't express my opinion, he might always stand there like a stone statue.

Finally, with a sigh, I put the ax back.

Then, I raised my hand and waved to Quirrell, and said to him in an unhurried voice: "Come here, it's time to go home."

I don't need to reject him because of fear, it's not just out of kindness and sympathy, I have enough power now, even if Quirrell is violent in such a posture, I have the ability to subdue him-I have the confidence to trust him Capital, if you are afraid of his threat here and timid, it is a kind of cowardice.

After listening to my words, Quirrell opened his eyes slightly, and after a delay of two seconds, he carefully stepped towards me.With only a distance of about ten steps, he walked very slowly, with his body hunched over, and the hair on his body stood up, like a cat that was approaching the food that he wanted to eat but felt insecure. I knew that if I turned around at this time Moving away or making any intimidating gestures will make him give up the effort.

I waited quietly, watching him intently.

Quirrell relaxed a little, and walked a little faster, but at the same time, his stride became significantly smaller—because his body became smaller with each step, and the skeleton of his body collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. , became slender and weak, the animal hair faded, revealing soft skin, and the shape of the face changed from the long face of a beast to the face of a child with regular features.

He gradually changed back, and when he was only four or five meters away from me, he had already changed back to the appearance of the elf child, with a weeping expression on his face.

He finally ran up and held out his hand to me as if looking for a hug: "Brock!"

In response, I also squatted down and stretched out my hand towards Quirrell who had already run in front of me.

Facing such a warm scene, Tilawa on the side covered his mouth, and his eyes showed a moved look.

Then, just as Quirrell was about to hug me, I flicked him on the forehead.

"Eh?" Tilawa was stunned by such a turning point.

"Wow!" Quirrell was beaten up by me, took two steps back and sat on the ground, covering his head and looking at me aggrievedly, "Why, why?"

"The blood on your body is poisonous, go and wash it off first." I said to him with a somewhat stern voice, "Also, what did Tilawa tell you before?"

"Well... she asked me to stay in the tent..." Quirrell was not stupid, realized that I was scolding him, and lowered his head.

Although I also feel that it is necessary to appease his emotions, one size counts for another. This poisonous hug is absolutely unbearable to me, and this kid has done something wrong, so I have to let him understand in time.

"Did you agree?" I asked looking at him.

"Well...but..." Quirrell didn't dare to meet my eyes.

"No but, what we orcs promised must be done! Now you can see that if you don't obey and run around, you will be in danger like this!" I pointed to the tragic scene not far away.

"Woo..." Quirrell was at a loss for words.

"I know you're scared, so I can't ask you too much, but at least next time!" I stared into his eyes seriously and said, "Next time, don't run around like this when you're scared, promise me ?"

"Well, I see..." He responded softly.

"Look up! If you are serious about agreeing to me, just look at me and answer with confidence!" I raised my voice.

"I, I see!" He raised his face, and his voice became louder.

I stared at him for a few seconds, and this time he didn't avoid my gaze.

"Very good." I nodded, then turned to Tilawa, "Okay, go to the camp and get his towel and clothes."

Tilawa looked at me, blinked her eyes twice, and suddenly smiled and nodded: "Well, yes."

Alchemist (1)

I took Quirrell to the stream and made him bathe again.After he changed his clothes, I found that his half-long hair was still a little wet, so I asked him to sit on the stone by the stream, and I took a towel and wiped his hair for him.

"Brock." He called me suddenly.

"Why, did it hurt you?" I paused for a moment.

"No..." he said in a small voice, "Brock, aren't you afraid of me?"

"Afraid? Why?" I frowned.

"Because I will become a monster... Before, people who saw me like that were very scared." He said softly.

It means that when he was controlled as a synthetic beast to attack people, it seems that he has more or less retained a part of the memory of when he was controlled.

Only two days later, the brat suddenly became a lot more sentimental.When he was caught on the first day, he was like a howling little wild wolf. If anyone reached out to touch him, he would open his mouth and bite excitedly. I guess he would never have considered such a problem at that time. Bar.

Now he's aware of the difference between himself and everyone else, and he's starting to care about what I think of him.During this period of getting along, subtly, he seems to have regained a little bit of emotion and way of life as a "human being".

"Didn't you just fix it when you saw me for the first time, you forgot?" I continued to rub his hair through the towel, and rumpled his hair into a clump of chicken coops, "Why should I be afraid? And you?"


"In our world of orcs, strength is a virtue. We live by hunting in the wild. The skill of fighting allows us to feed ourselves. The blade is not ashamed of its sharpness." I patted his head, " If you hadn't become like that just now, you would have been arrested long ago. You can regard that power as your own talent, you just can't control it now, but there is no need to hate yourself because of it. You promised Tira It’s wrong for Wa not to listen to her, but it’s not wrong to protect yourself with your own hands.”

Quirrell was silent.

"Hmm if you understand." I patted his head lightly again.

"Hmm..." Quirrell raised the corner of his mouth slightly while responding.

"By the way, how many did you solve at that time?" I said in an understatement tone.

"Three, or four...can't remember." Quirrell shook his head lightly.

"It's not bad, but it's still far behind me." I smiled, "I can fight ten monsters of that level."

"... Brock." Quirrell was silent for a few seconds before calling me.


"You brag."

I tugged at his ear blankly.


About a quarter of an hour later, the three of us regrouped and returned to the camp again, and then... had supper.

I picked up the bonfire again, took out the pot and put it on, and then added water to it.The elk caught before has only some simple marinated bone meat left. I am going to use these to make a pot of bone soup and eat bread and cheese.

"Master Bullock, didn't you say you want to go back quickly?" Tilawa asked me puzzledly, but at the same time, she didn't stop helping her. She paved a chipped board as a cutting board, Take a machete specially for chopping bones and chop large deer bones into small pieces.

"I'm on my way, but I have to wait until dawn." I said calmly.

"Why? Didn't you say there might be another monster like that?"

"If there are still in this forest, then we may be attacked no matter whether we stay here temporarily or go back. The timing is not right now, the forest is a little foggy, and it should get heavier before dawn The field of view is too poor. It is difficult to defend against attacks if you move around at this time, it will be fine when the sun is brighter, and now let’s support it by the bonfire.” I threw the chopped meat bones into the pot, “But, in fact, these are all Not the most important reason."

"Then what is the most important reason?" Tilawa asked curiously.

"The most important reason..." I paused here, "Actually, I'm hungry after a fight. What could be more important than a full stomach at a time like this?"

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