Tilawa was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Well, I'm actually hungry too."

Although it is not the time to completely relax, it is definitely not the way to be tensed all the time. We have all gone through a battle, and we are more or less tired. At this time, nothing can be more soothing than a supper For people's hearts, what matters is not what to eat, but when to eat.

This time, I used beast soul summoning to arrange a total of six beast souls to patrol alternately around the camp. They will help us keep an eye on them. If the situation is not good, we can leave and run at any time.

"It smells so good." Quirrell reappeared next to the pot at some point, sniffing vigorously at the smell in the pot, like a wolf cub who just found meat.

"Don't worry, it will take at least half an hour to cook, so stay away from the pot!" I pointed to Quilo.

"Yes, it won't be good if you get burned accidentally."

"No, I'm afraid that the kid's saliva will drip into it." I looked at Quirrell who was salivating at the broth, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Hurry up and wipe it off for him."

Put the meat bones in water to stew, then add some dried beans and spices brought over, add some salt in the middle, and finally put some wild vegetables picked during the day, and pour a little rough brewed local wine, a pot of orc-style meat and bone soup is ready That's it.

Let's start with the technical summary of meat and bone soup... no, just start eating it.

The steaming meat and bone soup was poured into the bowl, and the aroma that made the index finger move was overflowing.The wooden board that served as the dining table was covered with leaves, and on it were neatly stacked sliced ​​black bread, preserved fruit, slices of cheese, and a few dark potatoes that were roasted by the coals while the soup was cooking-since I was going back After going to the fortress, there is no need to keep too much of the food that was brought out, and you can eat more heartily.

Faced with this situation, not only Quirrell opened his eyes brightly, but even Tilawa and I smiled knowingly.

There will always be times like this when one feels like one is living for this moment.

But just as I reached out to pick up the bowl and was about to scoop up the broth and put it in my mouth, a howl of a warg suddenly sounded in the distance, and at the same time, I felt a beast soul being killed again.

The scene suddenly became cold and silent, and I froze while maintaining this movement.

A few seconds later, my cheeks twitched slightly, then I put down the bowl, slapped the ground hard and stood up: "Is the fuck going to end!?"

After getting up, I picked up the tomahawk and walked towards the direction of the accident, and told Tilawa without looking back: "You stay here and don't move around, I will teach that guy the table manners of the orcs!"

At this time, it would be fatal to disturb an orc to eat casually, no kidding.

Alchemist (2)

The distance from the accident site was not too far, I trotted for about twenty steps and arrived at the accident site, the blood mist after the beast soul was killed could still be seen on the ground.

On the way past, I summoned a warg to follow me again, to be alert to the ambush that the other party might arrange here.

However, when I arrived at the scene, I found myself worrying too much.

This time the other party didn't hide in an ambush like last time, but showed up directly, and stood upright as if I was afraid that I wouldn't see it.When I got a little closer, I shook the torch in front of me, and carefully looked at this guy's appearance.

It's another half-human, half-snake synthetic beast similar to the snake girl I met just now, except that this time the upper body of this head is a robust human male, with the same bluish-white skin and six deformed long arms. The most remarkable thing is that the snake man's eyes are intact and not blindfolded, and there is a brand of a magic formation on his exposed chest.

I was a little surprised to find that I could recognize the magic circle. It is a high-level wizard spell of elves, which is used to attach the consciousness of the caster to the creature familiar that he manipulates. Roland has used it many times. It's just that she is more used to sealing spells into crystals and gems for familiars to carry, rather than using them to brand animals like this.

This can be regarded as the biggest advantage of elves' familiar spells over orc shaman's beast soul summoning. The caster can attach consciousness to the familiar, share the senses with the familiar, manipulate the familiar in real time, and even use it under certain conditions. Make magic spells.

In other words, some elf used this synthetic beast as a familiar, and attached its own consciousness to it...

As soon as this idea came to my mind, it was confirmed, because the snake man showed a cold smile as soon as he met my eyes, and the snake woman who ambushed me before appeared on him. Come with a different temperament.Although the snake girl has a certain amount of intelligence, her aggressiveness is fully revealed when facing each other. At best, she can only be a beast with relatively high intelligence.

But this snake man is different, just through that sneer, you can feel his human aura. He leisurely supports himself with the entangled snake tail, his expression is clearly hostile, but he restrains his killing Note that such sentiments of sarcasm and contempt are found only in intelligent species.

"Who are you?" I was too lazy to follow the guy around to test each other, and asked straight to the point.

"Oh? You, an orc, can actually understand the spells of our elves. It seems that you have some background... Actually, if you don't have any background, it is unlikely that you will survive from the work I am proud of." The snake man really When he opened his mouth to speak, his voice was hoarse and cold, with a faint "hissing" aftertaste like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

It seems that this kind of synthetic beast made of human materials can maximize the enchantment spell of elves, and the caster can even speak directly through the throat of the synthetic beast instead of using spiritual spells to convey consciousness.

"Work? So you made these composite beasts that came out in the middle of the night to torment people?" I frowned after hearing what he said.

It seems that the one who hid behind this synthetic beast with conjuring magic is a sinner elf who created these synthetic beasts.

"That's right." He admitted bluntly, and the bluish-white face that looked like a dead person who could be buried at any time actually showed a somewhat smug expression, "Those are also the realization of the combination of civilized species and demonic creatures. A work of great conception, although still a little far from perfect."

"I guess you either have a brain problem or your aesthetics is in your ass." I shook my tomahawk at him with a cold face, "I don't like to hear too much nonsense, you haven't answered my question yet, who are you? ?”

"My name is... Drakeway, the person closest to the throne of alchemy in this world, the greatest alchemist, bar none." The snake man replied hissingly.

"Okay, I heard the name. When I hack you to death, I will write your name on the tombstone if I feel like it. The other self-proclaimed titles are a bit long, so I won't engrave them if I can't remember them." He picked up the battle ax and said coldly.

"Are you going to kill me?" Drakeway narrowed his eyes.

"Just because you interrupted me for dinner just now is enough for me to hit your head with an axe, plus the account of sending synthetic beasts to attack us before... You have a hundred heads and it's not enough to settle." I didn't hide my anger at all. meaning.

"Oh, ignorance... I am destined to ascend to the throne of alchemy and create an immortal person, just because of your kind-oh!"

Halfway through Drakeway's speech, I lost my patience. I used the pitch-black battle ax to instantly summon the Spear of the Curse and projected it through his left shoulder: "You really talk too much nonsense, let's get to the point!"

This guy used synthetic beasts to arrange several sneak attacks for us this night, and he hid safely behind.Such a dank person would wait here to talk to me through magic, so it is impossible for him to chat.

"Vulgar brat, I'm giving you a chance!" This guy was finally irritated, and it seemed that he didn't feel the pain, but was simply displeased with my attitude, "The five-headed synthesis It really surprises me that the beast can't handle you, but it doesn't shake the fact that I can kill you at any time!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the warning wolf howling from the beast soul - the other five beast souls came from several directions at the same time, and they all found the enemy.

Not only that, standing here, I also saw a black shadow flickering in the mist behind the snake man. It was obvious that some creatures were approaching, and there were quite a number of them.

I immediately realized what was going on—composite beasts appeared in all directions. It seemed that the camp was surrounded, and the opponent had invested more troops than I thought.

"The alchemy I designed is very efficient. As long as the materials are sufficient, producing hundreds of synthetic beasts is just a snap of the fingers. I don't need to spare my troops." Drakeway smiled proudly, "I have an order If you go down, you will be torn apart by them and turned into fodder. It is my gift that you can stand here alive and talk to me, boy, correct your tone—are you going to finish!?"

In the middle of his speech, he began to yell again, because I summoned another cursed spear and threw it through the right shoulder of his body. Now he has a cursed spear on the left and right, which looks a bit funny .

"It's symmetrical now. It would be perfect if another one is tied to that throat that can only talk nonsense." I frowned and said impatiently, "I've said it before, tell me the key points!"

Alchemist (3)

Drakeway's cheeks twitched twice when he heard my words, and finally he spoke in a patient and calm voice: "...I will give you a chance to choose, hand over my work, and then surrender to me, I can spare you Life."

"Works... you mean Quirrell?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Huh? You still named that kind of short-lived experimental product? Hehe..." Drakeway smiled noncommittally, "That's right, it's the kid you brought, I made it."

I guessed right, this guy really is the maker of Quirrell.

"I don't understand your logic. An hour ago, you were already thinking of killing us with a synthetic beast to take back that brat. Why did you suddenly say you would give me a chance now?" I stared at him warily and asked.

Turning humans into synthetic beasts, breaking taboos and merging artificial humans and synthetic beasts... I don't think this kind of crazy guy will suddenly become kind, he definitely has other plans.

"Because I became interested in you." He stared at me and grinned, "I specialize in alchemy of life, and my goal is to create 'perfect creatures'. I have studied all kinds of creatures, including orcs. I am very I know the limit of orc power and spiritual power, but your performance is far beyond this limit. You are fused with the power of other creatures, and I can feel the breath of some kind of powerful alien creature from you, like you I've never seen a sample."

Indeed, I was strengthened only after drinking the dragon's blood. This lunatic should not be underestimated. Only through such a short period of observation, I can see the clues.

"So you want to take me back too?" I asked, frowning.

"As research materials, living bodies are of course more precious than dead bodies. Of course, it is best if you can cooperate. If you resist, I can't guarantee your safety." Drakeway said in a condescending tone He said, spreading his arms, "You should feel honored to dedicate yourself to the noble cause of research."

"Hey, great research? Why, you still want to connect a snake's tail to me, don't you?" I deliberately put on a mocking face.

"It's much more advanced research than that, idiot!" He was a little impatient, "I will get what I want from you, extract the power of that powerful creature, and then I will use everything I can to build you into a A more perfect alchemy creature, as long as you surrender to me—"

"Go eat shit!" I interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"What did you say?" Drakeway frowned.

"I said it's better for you to eat shit alone." This time I straightened my face and said every word. If I hadn't been hindered by holding a torch in one hand and a tomahawk in the other, I would probably still be right. This guy is more than a "five-fingered racial universal friendly gesture" with a middle finger, "Your research stinks like shit, but you are the only one who eats so deliciously, and then you are still holding shit and asking me if I eat it? What is it like?" Logic makes you think I would agree?"

"Mediocre people are always mediocre..." Drakeway shook his head and sighed, "You should also consider the female orc you are traveling with?"

"If I surrender, you will let her go? You don't even have the bottom line as a human being. You want me to trust you? Fuck you!" I snorted.

"So you chose to die?" Drakeway's eyes turned cold.

"No, I'll choose the third way - I'll kill you, it's that simple." I swung the tomahawk in my hand and stared at him with blazing eyes.

After a long silence, Drakeway sighed again: "It's so stupid... Forget it, a corpse is a corpse."

As soon as the words fell, the expression on the snake man's face changed, becoming fierce and ferocious.Not only that, but the human aura attached to him also faded away like an ebb tide.Drakeway lifted the spell of possessing the familiar, and at this moment the snake man reincarnated into an aggressive synthetic beast.

Not only that, the shadows behind him also approached, all of them were strange alchemy creatures, there were more than a dozen of them at a glance.

Then the next moment, the snake man closest to me took the lead in attacking, and the entangled snake body exerted force like a spring, making him rush towards me like an arrow.

I stood there motionless.

The snake man failed to attack me in the end, and fell halfway through his pounced body, because his tail was firmly nailed to the ground by a black spear——while he pounced, I summoned this A spear of dark spells pinned him, and the painless synthetic beast didn't even notice.

Then, when the snake man turned his head to look at the tail of the snake that he couldn't move, I summoned the cursed spear again and threw it, piercing his throat, nailing him to the ground like a specimen, and giving him a good time.

The dead snake man was also the same as those synthetic beasts before, and his body immediately swelled up. I calmly retreated behind a tree and heard his corpse explode with a "pop".

Immediately after this sound, there was a noisy movement from far to near—it was the large group of synthetic beasts that appeared behind the snake man just now. The order to attack was issued.

Without any hesitation, I turned around and ran back to the camp within a few steps.

Both Tilawa and Quilo were still in the camp. Quiro was hugging Tilawa's waist and snuggled up next to her, and Tilawa had already drawn out his dagger in a vigilant posture. She also heard the voice coming from There was a sound like a sea tide in all directions - the synthetic beasts surrounding this camp launched an attack together, and the beast souls I placed around to guard had already been killed.

"Master Bullock, we are surrounded!" she shouted anxiously as soon as she saw me come back.

The situation is indeed critical. The number of synthetic beasts has completely exceeded our expectations. This is no longer a question of how to prevent attacks.Now the opponent has an overwhelming combat power, so they directly encircled and suppressed them. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to break out of the encirclement.

But I wasn't in a hurry. I had already figured out a plan to escape when I spoke harshly to that lunatic alchemist.

"It's okay, I have a solution." I patted Tilawa on the shoulder.

After I finished speaking, I raised my hand and summoned the beast soul I had prepared a long time ago. Under the light of the bonfire, blood mist emerged and gathered in the center of the open space to form a huge thunder eagle.

"Sit on its back!" I pushed Tilawa, and let her lead Quirrell up Thunder Eagle's broad back.

The first wave of synthetic beasts rushed over from the front. I rushed to the nearby bonfire, kicked the burning firewood towards them, and at the same time called out the spirit of the elements. Swallowed in, bright flames blocked their vision.

Then I also climbed onto the back of the Thunder Carved Beast Soul and controlled it to flap its wings and take off.The wind spirit called by the shaman spell gathered under the wings of the Thunder Eagle to form a rising gust of wind, helping it soar into the sky.

That's right, this is Lao Tzu's escape route!

At the same time as we lifted off, countless synthetic beasts rushed into the camp, but in the end they could only look up at us and howl—as I just observed, Drakeway who used them only considered jungle warfare, and these None of the synthetic beasts have wings.

Looking at the impotent and furious synthetic beasts below, I showed a smug smile.

Silly, daddy can fly!

Alchemist (4)


After flying into the sky, those synthetic beasts under Drakeway's hands who can only crawl on the ground naturally have nowhere to hunt and kill them. It's like catching a big fish on a raft and thinking about how to cook it, and the fish jumps on the raft. After jumping into the water, the person who was about to eat fish for dinner should be very angry.

Thinking that the inexplicable alchemist might have such a mentality, I feel very comfortable.After a wave of operations, the cool breeze was blowing on Lei Diao's back, looking at the night scene with the moon shining through the low-altitude clouds and mist, the string that had been tense in his heart all night finally relaxed a little.

? "Master Brock!"

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