"Hmph, think about it for yourself." Roland narrowed his eyes and smiled, and brought the topic to the fore. "Speaking of which, I'm afraid you need to be more careful from now on."

"Be careful? Be careful of what?" I was a little confused.

"This time you killed a core figure in the enemy army. The enemy lost this expert in the study of alchemy life. Although the synthetic beast as the main combat force should continue to be mass-produced, I am afraid it cannot be updated. This For the enemy, it should be quite a big deal."

"Yeah, isn't that a good thing for us?" I shrugged.

"The enemy used to use the mirror demon's fake lord to control this territory before, and they probably still have some eyes and ears in this area. You killed Drakeway, and the deeds of killing the mirror demon before, I am afraid that sooner or later you will be killed They know it. You have destroyed their strategy in this entire area, Brock, this is enough to attract their attention to you." Roland raised his finger and pointed at me.

"So what if you focus on it? What can they do?" I still don't understand what she meant.

"I mean... the enemy will be after your life." Roland stared at me and said quietly, "It's not uncommon to appoint assassins to kill some important people during the war. If nothing else, you This head of yours will probably be priced high by the enemy sooner or later."

"Assassin? Is that the kind of cheap guy who never dares to go straight to the front and only secretly stabs people in the back?" I smiled fearlessly, "I'm not afraid, if there are assassins who stare at my head and come to me , I will teach him the principles of life.”

Epilogue: I don't know who will take the good head (2)

At midnight, deep in the woods, in an abandoned hunter's cabin, a man in a gray cloak paced back and forth impatiently in the room, and the lantern placed on the dust-covered table cast his shadow on the wall , as he walked back and forth, the shadow on the wall swayed from side to side like a pendulum.

There was another person in the room, sitting on a chair, watching him coldly walking around the room like a trapped animal.This is a male elf with short hair, and the tattoo on his face reveals his identity - a sinner exiled by Sedian.

"...Can't you just sit down and wait quietly?" The short-haired elf sinner said coldly after watching his companion go back and forth in the room no less than ten times.

"The time for the joint appointment has long passed! Is the person you hired reliable?" The man in the gray cloak turned his head and stared at him.

At this moment, the dim light of the lantern illuminated the face under his hood, with the same elf pointed ears, the same sinner tattoos, and the same cold and dark eyes.

"Fifty thousand gold coins is enough for a human being to squander a few lifetimes. There is no reason why a killer who is blind to money should not come." The short-haired elf responded coldly.

"A reward of [-] gold coins, just to kill an orc?" The elf in the gray cloak laughed mockingly.

"You question the order given by the teacher?" The short-haired elf remained expressionless. "Drakeway died at the hands of this orc. The news is conclusive."

"Is this old man trying to avenge Drakeway? When did they have such a good relationship?" Gray Cloak snorted, "Hmph, he himself has always wanted to kill that alchemist and take all the other's research for himself, right? If that crazy lich really wanted to keep Drakeway, why didn't he give him a drop of the Dragon King's blood when he obtained it?"

"It's the same for Drakeway. The apprentices that the teacher threw to him as assistants were all turned into synthetic beasts by him. That alchemist only cares about his own research and doesn't have the slightest trust in us. If he gets the Dragon King The first thing he will do is to betray us." Faced with the disdainful attitude of his companions, the short-haired elf remained calm, "But anyway, this is not the time for him to die! He died The technical update of synthetic beasts has been completely cut off, which is a great loss to us."

"The damage has already been done, so what can we do if we kill that orc?"

"It can prevent him from continuing to cause us such losses." The short-haired elf replied lightly, "Don't forget, that guy was also involved in the death of the Mirror Demon. Like a rat in the gutter, hiding around!"

The gray cloak pursed his lips, and it was rare that he didn't make a rebuttal.A few days ago, under the protection of a mirror demon disguised as a local lord, their work here was still very easy.As a result, the mirror demon died in the hands of a dragon and an orc in a blink of an eye, and the territory was taken over by the Crown Prince of Helgia. They had to start operating in this area covertly, collecting information as eyes and ears, and The mentor who is directing the main force to march towards the capital contacted.

"As the teacher said, this orc is a trouble for us." The short-haired elf put his hand on a portrait spread out on the table and clicked. On the portrait, an orc was drawn in a realistic style The face: "The most effective way to ensure that a troublesome person will not cause us more trouble in the future is to turn him into a corpse."

"Based on what you're saying..." Gray Cloak also turned his attention to the portrait, "A single human assassin can solve this 'troublemaker'?"

"It's best if you can kill it. It doesn't matter if you can't kill it. Anyway, we only pay when we see the head. There is always no loss." The short-haired elf stared at the other party's eyes, "Since the teacher gave the order, then we must at least do something Response actions. You don't want to be used by him to make a puppet corpse, do you?"

"In that case, wouldn't it be more efficient to just throw the bounty on that guy's head to all the mercenaries and killers who are willing to do dirty work? Anyway, that guy only has one head, and we only use one bounty." The gray cloaked elf grinned , "Let those dogs grab their heads by themselves. We just need to throw the meaty bones down. There is no need to come here in the middle of the night to meet with one of the hunting dogs."

"Then you might as well go and post bounties all over the streets and alleys of the town, and wait for the crown prince to find us and chop off our heads!" The short-haired elf replied angrily, "Since you want to act in secret, this kind of Things should be better than lack, and one more person to do things will expose us to more possibilities. We don’t need rubbish, we just need a person who is good enough to do things for us, a... a top assassin!"

"Then it seems that you really need me." The cold female voice suddenly floated into the room, "I am the top assassin."

The two people in the room suddenly became alert. The sound came out a little strangely. It sounded very close, as if it came from a certain corner of the room.However, while they were talking, neither of them noticed that anyone had entered the house, and when they turned their heads around in unison, they didn't see anyone.

"Your people have arrived, but why did you only hear the sound?" The elf in the gray cloak frowned unhappily. This feeling of knowing that someone was nearby but not being able to see where the other person was made him feel very insecure, let alone the other person He is also an assassin who is good at stabbing in the back.

The short-haired elf also frowned, but the reason for his frown was different from his: "I heard from the introducer that you are a man, do you still want to play this trick of changing your voice in front of your employer?"

"Ah, I'm sorry about that, I'm not the one you're waiting for." The other party admitted bluntly, "I'm a self-recommended person for this task. You put a reward of [-] gold coins for one head, is that true?"

"Hey, hey, you said you only needed a hunting dog, but the news got out?" Gray Cloak said to his companion in a mocking tone.

The short-haired elf frowned even tighter. He couldn't figure out how the news would leak out. He specially cursed the introducer, as long as the guy tried to confess a single word about this transaction, he would die.

"I'm sorry, someone has made an appointment for this reward." He tried his best to calm his breathing, his eyes slowly scanned every corner of the room, "I won't trust an uninvited guest."

"You don't have to believe me, you just need to pay when I bring the head of the target." The other party lazily replied, "And I brought a self-recommendation letter here, I believe you will be willing to read it." hired me."

"Self-recommendation letter?"

"This is it!"

When the two sinners were suspicious, something was thrown in from the window and hit the floor with a bang.

The two people in the room took a closer look and saw a human head rolling down on the ground.

Epilogue: I don't know who will take the good head (3)

It was the head of a male human with a scar on his face, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't seem to have died peacefully.

The two elf sinners didn't show any panic because of the sudden appearance of a human head. They were all exiled for committing vicious murders in the past, and a human head is nothing to them.

The gray cloak noticed something and kicked the man's head with his toe. The man's head turned half a circle, revealing the dagger stuck in the back of his head.It seemed that he was killed with a knife, but the way of killing him was very simple and neat.

A piece of string was tied to the handle of the dagger, and a piece of crystal was tied to the other end of the string.

The short-haired elf recognized the crystal, which was the token he asked the introducer to hand over to the so-called "top killer".He got the killer's hair from the introducer, and used that hair to cast a spell to seal the information of the location and time of the connection into the crystal. Only the killer himself can directly read the information in the crystal.

Of course, people who have certain attainments in breaking the spell seal also have the opportunity to decipher the information inside, but the premise is to snatch the crystal from the introducer or killer.

There are two reasons why he insisted on seeing the killer himself before handing over the information of the reward target. One is to confirm the killer's ability, and the other is to curse the killer in person to ensure that the guy will do his best for them. At the same time, he will not give his employer out when he is arrested by mistake.

But now he can't do it, he can't confirm the ability of a dead person, and he can't put a curse on a dead person.

This is indeed a very powerful self-recommendation letter. The other party killed the assassin they wanted to hire to prove that they are a better assassin.

They can choose not to hire this woman who comes to recommend themselves, but this may mean that they will have no one to hire in the future-God knows if this guy will kill all competitors for this reward.

"The introducer I found boasted that he knew all the top ten killers in the entire continent, but he didn't mention you." The short-haired elf said in a deep voice.

"Don't blame him, I just ran out from the family to travel five days ago, and it's the first time I've earned this kind of pocket money from a murder job." The other party replied coldly.

"So you are just a novice in this field?" The short-haired elf was taken aback for a moment.

It's unbelievable for a novice who took on the job for the first time to kill a well-known top killer in the industry.

"But my skills are superb." The other party emphasized.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it, since that's the case, I'll leave this task to her." The gray cloaked elf quickly accepted the other party's proposal, and persuaded him, "It doesn't matter which dog you use, As long as you can bite the enemy's throat, isn't it good?"

The short-haired elf thought for a while, and finally patted the table next to him: "Okay, the target's portrait and information are here. If you plan to accept this reward, come and get it."

It doesn't matter, the people you hire change and the things to do remain the same.Let the other party show up, and then take the opportunity to cast a curse on her.

He stared at the door and window of the hut. The head was thrown in through the window just now, so the assassin should be outside the room. He has already recited a long spell silently, and is always ready when the other party enters the room cast a spell at that moment.

But at this moment, a wisp of misty black smoke appeared behind him, like a drop of ink dripping into the water, silently enveloping.A slender hand stretched out from the ink-stained smoke and took away the parchment on the table: "Okay, then I will take it away."

Hearing the voice close to his ears coming from behind, the short-haired elf couldn't help being terrified. Before he knew it, the other party had already sneaked into the room, and was still standing behind him clinging to the chair he was sitting on!

He turned his head abruptly, his eyes flashed with a faint blue light, and he was about to cast a spell on the people behind him.

However, when he saw the figure of the other party, a sharp pain, like a bucket of hot oil pouring on his head, invaded his whole body without warning, making him scream out involuntarily.

He fell off the chair in pain and rolled on the ground, but there was not even a single scar on his body.He managed to maintain his consciousness in the severe pain, and realized what was going on.

He was cursed—the other party had a higher level of curse attainment than him, not only had he noticed his intention long ago and resolved his attack, but he also returned the blow with the sword.

How could any human being be stronger than him in this respect?He is an expert in curse science!

He was trembling with pain, but still managed to turn his face to look at the assassin, and then opened his eyes wide.

The close-fitting assassin's attire revealed a large area of ​​dark skin, and the veil embroidered with violets covered half of the assassin's face, but did not cover her purple eyes and long pointed ears.

"Hehe, a mere 'white skin' dares to compare curses with me? You want to die." The other party looked down at him, without concealing the condescending tone in his tone.

"Dark Elf!?" The gray cloak standing aside exclaimed.

It is really rare to see a dark elf on the mainland. They are of the same origin as the Saidian elves, but they held different beliefs a long time ago and went to the dark underground to establish their own country, isolated from the world. Even the Sidian elves, who seldom leave the forest, are far behind.

"Ah, and you." The dark elf assassin slowly turned his face to him.

The gray cloak sensed the sharpness in the opponent's gaze, and subconsciously raised his hand to cast a spell, but the moment he raised his hand, the opponent's figure collapsed, like a smear of ink being washed away by water.Then the next moment he saw a flash of the knife, and there was a sharp pain in the raised hand, and two fingers fell from his hand.

He screamed, and in panic, he clenched his broken fingertips to stop the bleeding.He lost his fighting spirit, the opponent's movement was too weird, he couldn't catch it at all.

"Next time I hear you compare me to a dog, your neck will be cut off." The assassin who cut off his finger stood behind him, proudly playing with the dagger in his hand.

Then, the next moment, her figure collapsed and disappeared again, and she only left a message to the two employers who kept screaming in the room: "Get ready for the bounty and wait for me to collect it. If you dare to play tricks, you will die."

"Hmph, two stinky men, dare to be so rude to Miss Ben, I'm so tired!" A minute later, the dark elf assassin appeared in the dark forest path, muttering and taking out the gift box he just got. The parchment unfolded, "Let me see what kind of target it is..."

Taking advantage of the moonlight, she glanced at the face on the portrait with her excellent night vision ability, and frowned: "This kind of face...couldn't be the kind of orc that appeared in picture books, how could it be this kind?" Unpleasant job?"

But when she thought about it, her brows immediately stretched again: "Forget it, it looks like that kind of clumsy, slow-witted bastard, and it should be very simple to kill. In this way, you can get [-] gold coins and make a lot of money." Earned a fortune!"

She put away the parchment, jumped onto a tree, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Assassin's Creed

Can you guys stop for a while (1)

Things are looking up.

During the period when the fortress was assembled, we inquired about the news from the capital.The battle situation is not optimistic, but the capital is safe and sound for the time being.Until three days ago, the enemy's main force pointing at the capital was unstoppable, but Marshal Mutafa, who was ordered to stop the enemy, was a well-deserved ruthless man.There was a long river across the enemy's route to the capital, and before the enemy reached the river bank, he ordered the destruction of all the bridges on that river, leaving no bridge piers for the enemy.

Then, all the port docks along the coast were closed down, and all the ships were transferred away, so that the enemy on the river bank could only look at the uncrossable river and jump.

Holding back the enemy's quick attack advance bought the critical time for the capital to wait for rescue.

On this side, the rebel forces that had been slaughtered and looted in Arsena's territory in the past few days were removed one by one, more and more places received good news, and at the same time, the displaced refugees were also properly resettled. .

Quirrell also got a proper arrangement. After he temporarily got used to contacting other elves, Roland sent a subordinate to take him to Saidian.According to the plan, they will take my souvenir to the residence of the Bloodaxe clan when they arrive in Saidian, and the Bloodaxe clan will take in Quilo temporarily after the old chief writes back and agrees.

This kid showed a rare sentimental side when he parted from us, crying and snot all over my clothes.But no matter what, he still chose to accept this arrangement with his own will.

The enemy's stronghold for researching synthetic beasts was eradicated, and after the news spread that the alchemist who was the core staff had been executed, the morale of the fortress also became unprecedentedly high.

The string that has been knotted in the hearts of most people for a long time, although it will not completely relax, it is no longer as stretched as before, as if it is about to break.

On this day, I returned to the log house after finishing the night patrol duty I took over as a temporary helper.

Before going to bed, I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with Roland——

Roland: "Brock, don't take assassination seriously. No matter how powerful you are, if someone cuts your throat when you are unprepared, you will die. Assassins will not be foolish enough to come forward and wait for you to set them up." Axe, they will pick you when you are alone, use various methods to attract your attention, and then sneak up on you from behind, or attack you without anyone noticing when you are asleep... Ah, be special when you take a shower Be careful, because when taking a shower, people are unarmed and not wearing any armor, and assassins like to pick that time to strike."

Me: "Why does it sound like the assassin you are talking about is not an assassin, but more like a pervert?"

Roland: "In short, you have to be more careful in the future. How about I send someone to protect you personally?"

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