It's a little... too close.

Don't worry, do the questions seriously!

With the xinxing trained strictly in the warrior camp, I tried my best to shift my attention to the topic.

"Fill in the blank: As a long-range attack method with the longest history, but still has a very high efficiency, bows and arrows have always been the strengths of our elves. The priority of bows and arrows is to aim at the eyes, chest, and _________"

It's a topic that fits the characteristics of elf culture... However, I also have some experience with common weapons such as bows and arrows.

Without hesitation, I wrote "head" in the space.

"Huh?" Princess Alisa suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I looked sideways at her.

"The answer is not this, student Bullock."

"Huh? What's that supposed to be?"

"It's the knee."

I turned to the answer at the back and unexpectedly found that she was right. I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled: "Why? It must be the head."

"This is a typical mistake, because it is very difficult for a bow and arrow to penetrate the skull. Therefore, it is better to shoot at the knee, which can instantly take away the opponent's mobility and is difficult to heal. It is called the 'adventurer's end part'." She patiently explained to me.

No, that's because the bows and arrows used by your elves are too weak... I remembered the thin arrows shot by the elf archers before I was caught.

You must know that we orcs use strong bows covered with rhinoceros horn skins, and the arrows are thicker than the thumbs of these elves. Even a hundred meters away, let alone elves and humans, even a giant bear is enough Shoot its dog's head with an arrow... oh no, it's a bear's head.

...It seems that when doing this kind of topic, you have to consider racial differences, and think from the perspective of elves.

I move on to the next question.

"As shown in the picture, the elf girl Lily in the picture is avoiding the search of the bad orcs. The distance between the two is 50 meters in a straight line. The terrain difference is two meters. The height of the bunker barrier is three meters. Lily is 1.6 meters tall and the orc is two meters tall. There is only one arrow left in Lily's hand. In order to keep her safety and chastity, try to calculate a plan, where and at what angle to shoot without considering the wind resistance and the arrow is completely thrown away. In order to shoot the orc without being directly witnessed by the orc, the weight of the arrow and the maximum shooting distance of the bow and arrow are as follows..."

The quill I was playing with around my finger fell off.


Fuck empathy—I mentally backtracked on my earlier thoughts.

People who come up with this kind of problem, hurry up and explode on the spot!

Princess Alisa on the side also looked a little embarrassed: "This... Ah! How about this, replace the orcs in the title with wild boars... Ah no, I mean how about changing the title to say that the orcs are hunting wild boars?"

What else?I chose to jump directly over the bunker and charge over to take away the wild boar with a set of split spine skills...

Well, in fact, I also understand that this is just an ordinary geometry and mechanics calculation problem.

I started to write with the momentum of the pen tip almost piercing the paper, quickly listed the calculation steps and answers, and then proofread them.

"So fast! Classmate Bullock, have you ever done this kind of problem before?" Princess Alisa exclaimed.

I nodded: "Well, I used to study tactics and general engineering subjects at the highest school of the tribe. From what I saw yesterday, I have already mastered many courses here, such as logic and arithmetic. , general knowledge of biology, etc., I just need to look at the sample question types again."

"Is the education level of the orcs so high?" The princess said in surprise, and suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, covered her mouth and began to apologize, "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that..."

"No, I can understand. Even humans who have more contact with us have this kind of misunderstanding. They think that we are all reckless people who only advocate force. After all, our martial arts culture is very famous. But in fact, we have a lot of knowledge and education. It is also very important, for example, in our tribe, strong fighters are indeed respected, but the most respected ones are not actually them, but those knowledgeable old shamans."

"I see."

"The biggest difficulty for me is actually the language courses." I scratched my head, "Like the ancient Chinese class, I haven't been exposed to Elvish before, so I don't have a clue."

"It's okay, you can ask me if you don't understand." Princess Alisa returned to her seat, "Wait a moment, I'll make some tea first, and we'll start reviewing the ancient Chinese class later."


She took the teapot and walked towards the tea room.

At this moment, two elf female students walked into the reading hall from the main entrance, talking and laughing.

The moment they noticed me, their faces changed and they stopped.

I watched them whisper a few words, and then left the reading hall together.

I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, Princess Alisa came back with a teapot: "I've been waiting for a long time, please have a cup of classmate Brock, this is the top-quality black tea from Rhodeland."

She sat down straight on the seat opposite me.

"No, I already drank the coffee you brought yesterday." I glanced towards the door, "Well, it's about time for me to go back."

"Huh? Go back? This is just the beginning!" She opened her eyes wide in surprise, and then she became a little at a loss, "Um... Excuse me, did I just do something that made you unhappy?"

"No, no, it has nothing to do with you!" I quickly shook my head in denial.

At this time, another elf girl stepped into the hall from the outside.

After seeing me, she reacted similarly to the two previous students—she glanced this way with a strange expression, then turned and left.

Princess Alisa also noticed.

I simply said clearly: "Look, I can't cause trouble for other students, so I will first..."

As I said that, I closed the book, got up from my seat, and prepared to start packing.

At this time, Princess Alisa suddenly said: "It's okay, sit down."

"No, I still..."

"I've said it's okay, sit down." Princess Alisa smiled.

"But, you can't just occupy this place..."

"I tell you to sit down." She was still smiling, but her voice was stern, exuding unusual courage.

"..." I silently put the lifted buttocks back on the chair, and did it properly.

"..." The princess still smiled gracefully.

The delicate silence lasted for a long time, and I hesitated to speak: "This is not very good."

"What's wrong?" the princess asked calmly, turning her head slightly.

"It will cause trouble for other students..."

"Did Bullock do anything to cause trouble for others just now? Did he violate the discipline of the library?"

"This does not."

"Then why is it troublesome for others? I don't understand."

"Look, I'm an orc sitting here, and the other students are afraid to sit in this hall—"

"That's their business." The princess said before I finished speaking.

I was startled.

Princess Alisa corrected her complexion, looked into my eyes and said, "Student Bullock, you are also a student here and have the right to use the library. The seats here are first-come-first-served. If you have not violated the regulations, then sit There is no problem here. It is their own personal choice that the other students do not want to be in the same room with you, and you have no reason to accommodate them. Or... are you unwilling to be in the same room with me?"

"No no no, absolutely nothing!" I shook my head like a rattle.

"That's good." A smile reappeared on her face. "If you don't drink tea, how about some refreshments? I brought biscuits, which I made myself."

She took out another wrapped pouch, opened it on the saucer, and pushed the saucer towards me.

Handmade biscuits of various shapes are placed on top.

Having said that, it would be a little unreasonable to refuse.

"Thank you, then I'm welcome."

I reached out and carefully picked up a biscuit that was too small for me with two fingers, and put it into my mouth.

The crispy biscuits loosen up in the mouth without much chewing, and have a berry aroma.

"How about it?"

"It's delicious." I nodded and replied softly.

"As long as it suits your taste." The princess said with a smile.

The sweetness of sugar, I didn't often taste it when I was in the tribe...

I didn't show my skills at the end of the semester, you really don't believe that I wasted a semester? (5)

"...That is to say, words with different parts of speech have different combinations, but conversely speaking, as long as you memorize the characteristics of those parts of speech, it will be easier to distinguish usages. This kind of topic is to investigate this aspect , This type of question should also appear in this exam." Princess Alisa patiently finished explaining, and handed me back the notebook with the question written on it.

"I see. I remember." I nodded.

"It's good if I can help you." The princess smiled politely.

I feel like I've learned a lot.

I looked at the grandfather clock again, and unexpectedly found that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

I looked up and realized that the sun had already risen above my head.The seemingly transparent crystal dome seems to hide some mystery that can adjust the light. It is reasonable to say that the scorching sun in the summer afternoon is not only dazzling, but also peeling off a layer of skin, but after passing through it, it looks abnormal Soft, almost the same as in the early morning, making it even more difficult to detect the change of time.

Realizing that the meal time has passed, the body's reaction followed.

I haven't had lunch yet, I feel a little hungry...

Although I ate some refreshments brought by Princess Alyssa, the amount was better than nothing for me.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. It is impossible to fight when you are hungry.

"Well, it feels like the time is almost up, let's stop here today." I tried to bring up the topic, "I'm a little hungry."

Princess Alisa looked back at the grandfather clock and said, "Ah, it's already this time. Classmate Bullock had breakfast early, right? Well, I also encountered some problems and planned to ask the professor for advice."

As she spoke, she also packed up her textbooks and tea sets in an orderly manner.

When I packed up my share and walked to the table, Princess Alyssa suddenly said: "I had a great time today, how about coming here to review tomorrow?"

"This, let's go..." I hesitated and refused.

"Are there any arrangements?" She tilted her head.

"That's not true, it's just..." I subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

Princess Alisa also followed my line of sight.

Until this point in time, only our table was seated in the huge reading hall.

Even though most of the time I was immersed in the review, I still occasionally noticed other students who stepped into the reading hall, and they all turned and left after seeing me.

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