Princess Alisa turned her face back and sighed softly at me: "Didn't I say that, that's not something you should mind."

"No, I don't mind them anymore. My concern... is your reputation."

Princess Alisa was obviously taken aback.

When I saw those elf girls who were shy away from this side, I noticed that it was not only me who were cast by them with weird eyes, but also Princess Alyssa sitting opposite me. Every student who saw her showed embarrassment. A look of confidence.

The day I first met her when I first entered school, the misunderstandings and rumors I had caused should have caused her a little trouble.

"People's words are terrible, you should be able to understand, if you sit with me, even you will be criticized. You invited me mainly to invite Angelica to take advantage of the situation, since she is not willing to come , you don’t have to do it on me—”

"If you say that, I'm going to be angry." She stood up suddenly.

I stared blankly at Princess Alyssa who suddenly became serious, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

After a while, she sighed again, and her face softened: "Okay, student Bullock, I understand what you mean. I also said bluntly, I don't care about such things. And, although I really want to Get closer to classmate Angelika, but I invite you because I really want to help you, and it has nothing to do with her."


"Lantiasville, Orfando," she said again.

"this is……"

"Do you still remember the meaning of the proverb that appeared in the previous ancient Chinese subject?"

I thought about it: "It's 'seeing is believing, ears are believing', right?"

"That's right, there are proverbs with the same meaning as this sentence in the ancient sayings of almost all civilized countries. I think you orcs should have them too?"

"Yes." I nodded.

Princess Alisa lowered her head and put the pile of books into the bag at hand: "This is a very simple truth. And my mother, Queen Celeste, once taught me, 'Even if you see it with your own eyes Seeing may be biased, so you should get in touch with everything and think hard before you can make a conclusion. And don't judge a person by appearance and rumors, the noble soul is the most important'. "

"You have a wise mother."

However, Princess Alisa shook her head: "No, the queen mother herself has not fully achieved this. For example, she also has prejudices against orcs."

I was silent.

Indeed, if the King of the Elvens who ruled over this country were entirely free from rumors and ideas, this country would not repeatedly reject the emissaries of our tribe.

The princess packed up her things, walked in front of me, raised her head and looked into my eyes seriously: "Me too, at the beginning I thought I had understood that teaching, but later I realized that I only understood it half-understood. Let me really realize It’s you, Classmate Bullock, who is responsible for this.”


"I used to be afraid of you too, just because of the rumors about orcs I've heard all the time. Remember? When I first saw you, I...ah!" She suddenly stopped here and drooped As if remembering the incontinence of sitting on the ground, his cheeks turned red, "I'm sorry, please forget about that."

"oh oh……"

She put her hands on her chest, and settled her mind: "I think...Brock, you also know, right? What kind of image of orcs exist in the rumors of our elves. Even if we look at it purely from the appearance and our aesthetics Come on, the orcs make us feel terrible. Our ancestors saw you as uncivilized beasts and monsters without moral concepts in the past, and the concept of that time still affects us today. But in you, I see When it comes to the noble character of kindness and bravery, it is you who made me truly understand that a distorted human heart is the most terrifying monster." She raised her other hand and placed it on my chest, "Even if you have been misunderstood and hurt all the time, you Still helped me, Angelika, and even Feilan. I think you are a respectable person. This is the conclusion I have spent time with you and thinking about it. Don’t you think Is this infinitely more reliable than those rumors?"

I did not speak.

"Although I don't have the ability to directly change this country's prejudice against you, I really want to help you, even if only a little bit, and make some compensation for what this country owes you." Speaking of this, her face A wry smile appeared, "Am I...too thick-skinned?"

Suddenly, I felt a wonderful feeling in my chest, as if something warm had melted and flowed away, and an indescribable emotion surged up my throat.

I quickly lowered my head, took a deep breath to sort out my emotions, and then raised my head again.

"No... I'm sorry, I said something strange..."

Princess Alisa raised the corners of her mouth again, and said with a sly smile: "Then, you don't mind spending a little time with me tomorrow, do you?"

"Okay, I see." I smiled back and nodded.

"Then, I'll take a step ahead." She took a step back with a smile, gave me an elegant salute, then picked up the bag at hand, and after walking a few steps, she turned her head again, "See you tomorrow, Brock classmate."

"Okay." I waved to her.

I didn't show my skills at the end of the semester, you really don't believe that I wasted a semester? (6)

I watched Princess Alisa leave and stood there for a while before picking up the books I had packed and preparing to leave.

When I left the table, I looked up inadvertently, and I suddenly noticed a figure in the corridor on the second floor.

"Huh?" I immediately stopped and frowned.

There are two main reasons for this reaction.

First of all, that person's attire was too eye-catching.

The full armor covers his whole body, even his eyes are covered by the helmet, without a trace of skin exposed - we orcs often refer to this kind of armor worn by warriors of other races as tin cans.

It is extremely weird to dress up in the library as if you are about to grab your sword and rush to the battlefield to fight at any time.

From the appearance, this set of armor is obviously worn by men.

A male elf?

However, this kind of heavy armor without much decoration and carving is not like the style that elves would wear. From the impression I have been here, it seems that the weapons and armor of elves pay more attention to aesthetics than practicality.

Just now when I was concentrating on reviewing, such a number one person came in and then went upstairs?Or was he already on it before I came here...

Aside from this strange attire, another reason why I am concerned is that he seems to be staring at me all the time.

That's right, he was resting his hands on the railing of the corridor leisurely, and staring at this side at the same time—although he couldn't see his eyes, but through the direction of the helmet, it was indeed possible to tell that his gaze was towards me here.

Rather, it's not strange to look at me. After all, in the academy where the elves study, an orc like me is probably more conspicuous than him. I still have this self-knowledge.

He should have seen the princess and I standing there just now.As for the conversation, it should be impossible to hear at that distance.

Even when he caught sight of me, he didn't mean to dodge at all—it was completely different from the reaction of those elf girls who were afraid of me before, which was unpredictable.

Then, I saw him tilt his head slightly at me—a simple, warrior-like greeting.

I subconsciously nodded to him.

Then the other party turned around slowly, approached the closet bookshelf embedded in the wall, and began to browse the books displayed on it.

Although his appearance is completely weird, he doesn't seem to be hostile.

Most of them are staff related to the academy...

I didn't think much about it, and walked towards the front hall. There was the sound of metal foot armor hitting the steps behind me. He seemed to have chosen a book and came downstairs.

Just as I was about to leave the reading hall, a loud noise chasing from behind made me stop abruptly again.

I turned around in a daze, and found that the tin can that greeted me just now was lying on the ground, with a chair with a broken leg under it.

It was the chair I was sitting on just now. It seemed that the moment he leaned back on the back of the chair, the chair could not support the weight and was damaged, causing him to fall to the ground including the chair and the person.

That chair is going to be damaged, maybe it's because of me...

Thinking back to the rattling that chair made when I sat in it, I can't help but feel guilty.

Don't wait, this guy wearing heavy armor and sitting on it is also part of the blame!

Speaking of which, why do I have to sit on the seat I was sitting on just now? This place is completely empty, and there are many places with better lighting than that seat.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Because I saw the sprawled guy waving his hands like an upside-down tortoise, but because his legs were still on the chair, he still couldn't find a suitable way to use his strength to adjust his posture and get up.It was difficult to stand up in that posture, and the heavy armor made it even more difficult for him to move.

I ran back quickly, leaned over and stretched out my hand to him: "Hey, grab it!"

"Ah..." For some reason, he let out an exclamation, and then grabbed my hand without hesitation, "Thank you very much."

With all my strength, I pulled him up with his armor on.

"Huh, thanks to you, otherwise it would be really troublesome, haha." After getting up, he said with a big grin.

The sound coming from the helmet is muffled, and I can't tell the characteristics, but from the style of the wording and the fact that he grabbed my hand without hesitation, it seems that the person wrapped in the armor is indeed a man. look.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Thanks to you, there is no injury." His voice was smiling.

"Then now..." My gaze, which was looking down at him, continued to move down, "Can you let go of my hand?"

"Ah, I'm very sorry." He quickly let go of his hand.

Why wear this armor - I didn't ask the question.

It's so rare to meet a man here who is not afraid of me, but I am embarrassed to realize that I don't seem to be interested in talking to this weird guy at all.

This weird outfit is so eye-catching!

"It's fine..." In the end, I could only nod my head, then turned and left.

Just when I was about to walk to the door, he suddenly shouted from behind: "Please wait, Mr. Orc, may I ask your name?"

I turned my head, thought for a while, and replied, "Brock, Brock Bloodaxe."

"Ah, Mr. Brock of the Bloodaxe clan..." He nodded.

This person seems to understand the surname customs of our orcs - we are used to reporting the name of the clan we belong to as the surname to the outside world, and we will only report the family name within the tribe.

Then he stood up straight and saluted me solemnly: "Thank you again for your help."

It was a salute that seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before.

"It's just a little effort." After saying this, I walked out of the hall.

Although he's a weirdo, he doesn't seem to be... an annoying guy.

What is magic, can it be eaten? (1)

I once heard a proverb circulated in human countries in the past, which is "do your best and obey the destiny".

And my tactical instructor taught me that the so-called fate and luck only refer to things that cannot be fully controlled by individuals.

In contrast, things that are completely under one's control have nothing to do with the so-called fate.

Leading an army to fight against the enemy, if you lose due to absolutely unpredictable natural disasters and man-made disasters, that is fate, but if you lose because of your own mistakes in decision-making, then it is no wonder that you have bad luck, it is purely your own responsibility.

There is an element of luck in anything that cannot be fully controlled, but within the scope of one's control, one must do the best.

Effort does not necessarily lead to better results than no effort, but objectively speaking, the probability of obtaining better results under the same circumstances is generally higher.Make the most reasonable plan that you can think of, and then try your best to realize it. After doing all this, if you fail due to objective reasons, you are qualified to blame others.

"So even if you fail the exam, you can't blame others." I stood at the door and said to Angelica who was lying on the floor like ashes.

Angelica was unresponsive, like a corpse.

"Oh..." I sighed, and then asked her, "So, what did you pass the exam to become like this?"

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