I subconsciously turned my head to look at Daisy, and saw her staring at me, without even looking at Livru who was yelling at her, and smiled at me as if relieved: "It's so dangerous, you're fine That's great."

Hey, your sister was captured...

I finally understood. When the thing attacked me just now, Daisy was the first to notice it, and then she immediately grabbed Livlu beside her and pushed towards me, letting her kiss My sister stood in front of the black shadow and blocked the attack for me.

... Isn't this operation too coquettish?

I turned my head again to look at the black figure who had taken Lifru away, and quickly determined what it was.

It's Shadow Fiend, someone summoned Shadow Fiend to attack me.

I've seen this demon-manipulating spell more than once.

I took down the battle ax on my back, and was on guard against the next sneak attack, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Roland!"

Roland's familiar owl immediately flew over and landed on my shoulder.

"There is no one else nearby." Roland said to me telepathically, "It can only be one of these guys lying down. I'm afraid one of them is pretending to be asleep."

"Didn't you say that the potion you prepared was safe?" I frowned slightly.

These unconscious elf sinners were basically hit by the throwing dagger that was tempered with the potion prepared by Roland, and it was impossible to regain consciousness for a while.

"One of them was knocked out by you." Roland reminded me.

"If I hit the face with that kind of force, even an orc will be unconscious for a day." I am very confident in my fist hypnosis.

"Then there is only one possibility, one of these people is not a living thing." Roland immediately came to a conclusion.

"Lich?" I reacted.


The medicine only works on living things. If it is an undead who can't even flow blood, it really won't have any effect if it is stabbed with a dagger coated with anesthesia.

I glanced at the elves lying on the ground, clenched the battle ax in my hand, and shouted at them: "Don't lie there and kill yourself and get up, or I'll chop them one by one!"

After a few seconds of silence, a voice rang out: "So that's it. He really is a tricky person. No wonder the teacher personally ordered a reward."

At the same time, an elf sinner lying in the middle stood up on the spot. I tied his hands and feet with ropes. It was impossible to stand up so easily at first, but suddenly several lines appeared from under him. The slender shadow demon's claws supported his body like a flagpole and made him stand up.Then, under his control, those few claws helped him tear up all the ropes on his body.

By his voice, I recognized him as the leader of the rally named Carney.

This guy probably noticed the reaction of other people fainting on the spot when he was hit by the knife, so he followed the trend and pretended to be fainted. While casting spells secretly, he was silently waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. It seemed that he was a quite tactical opponent.

"I didn't expect to find dark elves to replace our people and sneak into our assembly. You really made a fool of me." He tidied up his messy clothes expressionlessly, and looked at him coldly. At this moment, I Noticed a jet-black ring on his raised left hand.

"The devil's ring?" Through the moonlight, I recognized that the ring was exactly the same as the devil's ring that Feilan got from another elf sinner in the past.

"Do you recognize this thing? This is the teacher's masterpiece. Only the most trusted student of the teacher can get this reward." He still had a cold face, and raised his hand to point the ring at Li, who was being grabbed by the shadow demon's claws. Fulu, "Although I failed to sneak attack you, it's not a loss to catch a hostage. Don't act rashly, or I will kill her right away."

As he said that, he deliberately shifted his gaze to Daisy. Through the conversation just now, he should have understood the fact that Daisy and Livru are sisters.

But Daisy frowned slightly at him, and then said lightly: "You kill."

"What?" Carney froze for a moment.

"I say you kill it. We don't care whether this guy lives or dies." Daisy shrugged at him indifferently.

"Bastard Daisy, are you still human? You dare not save your own sister! Scum! Scum!" Liver immediately protested.

"What are you talking about, you big scum who has always wanted to kill your own sister?" Daisy didn't care at all, "I'd be much more at ease if I didn't have a dangerous person staring at my head all the time."

"You! You!" Lifru was about to cry out of anger.

Carney, who didn't know the details of the two, looked at them back and forth, with a confused expression on his face.

"Hey, it's been a while." Even I couldn't stand it any longer, and quietly persuaded Daisy, "She doesn't have the ability to harm us at the moment, for the time being, let's try to save her, there is really no other way .”

"Brock, it's much safer to kill this white skin directly than to rescue this useless waste. This kind of unnecessary kindness will put you in danger!" Daisy looked at me seriously, " If you really can't bear it, let me do it!"

As she spoke, she took out a sharp throwing dagger from her body, her eyes clearly bursting with killing intent.

"Are you here? What are you going to do?" I was taken aback.

Daisy immediately replaced her answer with actions, she suddenly waved her hand, and threw the dagger at... Livru.

Before the dagger stabbed Livlu, a shadow demon's claws rushed out in time and grabbed the dagger.

The dagger was aimed at Livru's throat.

Livlu was stunned: "Daisy, you, you, you! It's fine if you don't save yourself...you still want to take this opportunity to kill me?"

Daisy kept a cold face and didn't answer, silently escaped from more throwing daggers.

"This...wait a minute! What's going on here?" Even Carnie, who was holding Livru hostage, was completely stunned. Also wanted to kill the hostages.

Daisy waved her hand again, the dagger in her hand turned into a silver rain of blade light, and went straight to Livru.

Close the door and beat the dog, catch the turtle in the urn (4)

Daisy's merciless attack on the hostages completely frightened Carney who was holding Livru hostage. In desperation, he could only move the Shadow Demon's claws that were manipulating Livru downward to avoid the series of daggers.

"Hey, don't move around!" Daisy complained dissatisfiedly at Carney holding the dagger, "You make it difficult for me to aim like this."

"You, didn't you understand what I said? If you move around, I will kill her!" Carney emphasized loudly, and he let another shadow demon's paw press on Livru's neck. to show that he was not making an empty threat.

"That's right, so I'm helping you solve it, right? Kill her earlier and it's over!" Daisy stared at Livru with a fierce look in her eyes.

"I've had enough! Come and save me soon!!" Lifru yelled in despair.

what a mess...

Carney obviously knew that he was in a very disadvantageous situation, so he was not willing to give up the hostages in his hands easily, but he was completely unaware of the relationship between the sisters, and was completely frightened by Daisy's unhesitating style of killing embryos. We have to protect the hostages first.

Then at this time, I suddenly realized that no one seems to be paying attention to me now.

Um?Isn't this my chance to do it?

I observed the situation and reacted abruptly.

So, taking advantage of the time when Carney was caught off guard by Daisy, I summoned the "Heroic Ancestors".

The moment the phantom appeared, I controlled it and swung my battle ax to aim at the claws of the shadow demon controlled by Karnier.Although this distance could not reach the place where Carney was standing, it was barely enough to reach the claw wrapped around Livru.

Originally, it was difficult to succeed in a sneak attack with such a big move, but now Karnier's attention is all on the daggers thrown by Livru and Daisy. Had to extend Shadow Fiend's claws long enough to keep Lifru away from her.For a while, he couldn't flexibly control the shadow demon's claws to avoid my slashing. The shadow demon's arm was cut off easily like a piece of noodles, and the claw wrapped around Lifru turned into a smoke.

Livlu, who broke free from the shackles, turned over in the air and adjusted her posture, landed lightly, and then immediately distanced herself from Karnier. As an assassin, she should have such balance and reaction speed.

"Saved!" She breathed a sigh of relief in surprise.

"...I see." Seeing that the hostage in his hand escaped in the end, Karni frowned at me, and at the same time kept a distance from me vigilantly, "Are you cooperating with acting? Let that dark elf The woman attacked the hostage to distract my attention, and then you rescued me, and you were tricked."

No no, that guy is playing for real...

At this time, Daisy, seeing Livru successfully escaped, paused for a moment while holding the throwing dagger, and then... continued to throw the dagger towards her with a blank face.

Livlu hurriedly knocked down the flying dagger with the scimitar in her hand, and immediately jumped towards Daisy angrily: "Hey you bitch, don't bully me too much! I've been rescued, why are you still throwing the dagger? ?”

"What a pity." Daisy shook her head.

"Do you want to have a fight?" Lifru pointed her machete at her.

"Hey, you two will resolve the internal conflicts later, can you agree with the outside world first?" I reminded them both loudly.

"There's no need to be so nervous." Daisy glanced lazily at Karnier over there, "An opponent of this level, Brock, should be easy for you, right?"

This girl really has inexplicable confidence in me, although what she said is true.Judging from the scale of the spell cast by the Lich named Carney just now, he is unlikely to be my opponent, otherwise he would not need to use the method of taking hostages.

"I have to admit, I'm really not your opponent." Carney said calmly, "The one behind you should be a ghost body constructed with necromancy. With that kind of magic power, even a high-level mage is very powerful." Difficult to maintain. Now I understand why the teacher specifically ordered us to take your head, you are indeed a trouble to us."

"Unfortunately, you may not be able to afford my head." I clenched the tomahawk in my hand.

Being at a disadvantage, Carney remained unhurried: "Just because I can't deal with you doesn't mean that no one can be your opponent. Although I don't really want to ask the teacher to make a move, it seems that I have no other choice right now."

"What did you say?" I couldn't quite understand what he meant.

Carney didn't continue to reply, and started to act directly. He raised his left hand wearing the demon ring, and a large number of shadow demon claws appeared from around him, rushing towards me like a group of snakes dancing wildly.

I manipulated the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to slash sharply, cutting off these claws like chopping melons and vegetables.

The "ancestral heroic spirit" that can attack the magic itself can naturally also hurt the demons constructed by magic power. This technique of manipulating demons is useless to me, but Carney did not stop and summoned more demons. Shadow Demon's claws, the claws stretched quickly and attacked me.

This guy is a lich, even if his body is destroyed, he can continue to "survive" as long as the Horcrux is still there.He hasn't been cornered yet, so it's not surprising that he would choose not to surrender and let this body hold on.

It's just that from his unhurried appearance, I can vaguely feel that he seems to have left something behind.

Then Roland's voice confirmed my thoughts: "Brock, he is reciting a long spell, which seems to be some kind of necromancy. It is better to get rid of him as soon as possible."

"I think so too." I swiped off the dense shadow demon claws and approached Carney.

However, it was not as easy as imagined. Carney used the demon ring to summon the shadow demon almost crazily. There were more and more tentacle-like claws around him, and finally they were so dense that they rushed towards me like a wave. I You have to protect yourself first.While these claws interfered with me, they were also protecting the caster. All the daggers and darts that Daisy threw at him were blocked.

"Tsk, this guy is stalling for time." I felt like I was wading in an upstream.

"It's strange, even a lich can't bear this kind of spellcasting intensity. There is no difference between overdrawing magic power and committing suicide. In this case, why don't you just sacrifice yourself to summon the demon lord?" Roland suddenly gasped as he spoke. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Could it be——"

At this time, the Shadow Fiend's claws disappeared without warning, and Carney, who was still casting spells, suddenly lowered his head as if his strength had been taken away.

"Huh, dead?" Daisy, who was watching from the side, blinked in surprise.

Then, a strange voice sounded out of nowhere: "Heh, we meet again, orc! It seems that my apprentices have been taken care of by you."

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (1)

Karnie, who hung his head like a puppet with a disconnected string, raised his face again and smiled strangely at us.

what happened?This product... feels suddenly different.

I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of oppression for no reason.

Carney raised his hand again, and just for a moment, a strange energy with a sense of destruction gathered in his palm.

"Be careful!!" Roland immediately reminded me.

The next moment, the mass of energy exploded like a heavy cannon, turning into a group of hideous skull faces, screaming and bombarding me.

In desperation, I controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" and struck it with an axe, smashing it to pieces. When the ghost broke into pieces, there was a deafening roar, which was so ear-piercing that I felt my brain shake.

This casually cast spell, the aftermath alone can have such power... I was a little shocked.

And Karnie over there seemed to be very comfortable, and the smile on his face became even more distorted.

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