Something is not quite right, not only the temperament, but also the level of spellcasting is completely different.

"Necromantic Roar, you can use this middle-level necromantic spell just by raising your hand... Tsk, it's a bit tricky now." Roland's stern voice sounded in my head.

It seems that she seems to have a clue.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked her in a low voice.

"Well, this guy sold his body to other liches."

"Sell your body?"

"Yes, a lich will put his soul in a horcrux. This body is just an empty shell manipulated by a horcrux. In principle, this empty shell can be manipulated by him, and naturally it can also be connected to the bodies of other liches. The Horcrux can be manipulated by others—as long as the original owner of the body agrees." Roland explained to me in detail.

I figured it out: "So he's replaced by a more powerful lich now?"

"That's right, and it's not an ordinary lich." Roland continued, "And from the way he greeted you just now, he seems to have seen you before."

"I know only one lich." I understood what she meant, "But shouldn't he be the manipulator of the devil's corpse? Now the devil's corpse is still on the front line of the royal capital in Helgia, right?"

According to the informant, the enemy's main force should be several hundred miles away from here. Even the elves' magic spells cannot extend this distance. Although I don't know much about the spells, normally speaking, the conditions should be more stringent.

"It's not impossible to use the magic power of the devil's corpse as a staff to amplify spells." Roland said in a deep voice.

No wonder the lich named Carney acted so easily, it turned out that he had such a hole card.

I squinted my eyes, calmly looked at the lich in front of me, and spoke to him: "Are you Mudar?"

"Yes, it seems that you have a good memory, young man." Mudar, who manipulated Carney's body, smiled at me.

"That means you are offering a reward for my head?" I asked coldly.

"Ah, I did assign a little task to my disciples, lest they have nothing to do. Although I didn't expect much..." He said and glanced at the elf sinner lying beside him, "But I also I really didn't expect them to be useless to this extent, and the entire army was wiped out...Huh? It seems that two are missing."

"They're dead." I said coldly.

"Hey, then my evaluation of them is still too high." He shook his head with a smile, and there was no trace of regret on his face, "Thanks to me cultivating them so carefully, I still have to rely on myself in the end." Do it." He moved his eyes to me, his expression relaxed as if he was greeting, "This is a rare opportunity, let me play with you, orc."

Immediately I became vigilant, grasping the twin axes and posing for him.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a few small games." He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, a few clusters of faint blue will-o'-the-wisps appeared around him, and then these will-o'-the-wisps quickly turned into a hideous ghost.These ghosts were wrapped in will-o'-the-wisps and burned blazingly. Mudar made a gesture pointing at me, and these ghosts immediately roared and rushed towards me like loyal hounds.

They are fast, but they don't pose much threat to me. The wild eagles living in the Wild of Beasts are much more flexible than them when attacking in groups.

I calmly predicted their flight trajectories, and controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swing the battle ax nimbly, and accurately smashed them one by one.

Then I caught a glimpse of the guy gathering magic power in his hand again, ready to cast the next trick.

You can't just parry, you have to fight back.

I remember that I learned in the academy's magic class before that there is a certain range of fields around a powerful spellcaster. The flow of elements in this field will be affected by his own magic power. It is difficult for other spellcasters to directly intervene .

That is to say, it is useless to summon spells such as the Swamp of Shadows under this guy's feet to attack him. If you want to use spells, you have to use a projection spell similar to him.

I immediately summoned the Spear of the Dark Curse with the pitch-black battle ax and threw it at him.

The spell of the pitch-black battle ax does not require silent incantations or casting actions, and its shooting speed should be much faster than ordinary casting.

But at the moment when the Spear of Dark Curse pierced Mudar, he suddenly clenched his fist, abruptly snuffing out the magic power gathered in his hand and interrupting the spellcasting.At the same time, a dark purple halo appeared on the demon ring on his finger.

A thick shadow fiend claw jumped out of his shadow, grabbed the Spear of Dark Curse that was projected at him, and stopped the blade only a few fingers wide from his face.

"The demon ring he wears can also be used as a magic tool for instant casting." Roland reminded me, "Be careful, this guy's necromancy and abyssal spells are probably at their peak."

"It's a good trick... I remember that this should be the spell engraved on the 'Desolation Contract'." Mudar commented with a smile, and crushed the Spear of the Dark Curse with the claws controlling the shadow demon, "Your Is the tomahawk an imitation of the 'Desolation Contract'? Could it be made by Elland's daughter? It's not bad, it's a craftable material..." He licked his lips as he said, "I'm looking forward to it more and more. It's time to turn her into a puppet lich."

The familiar owl resting on my shoulder seemed to tremble: "Brock, although I already knew it, this guy is really perverted and outrageous."

"You can be evaluated like this by a pervert..." I stared at the enemy in front of me, and clenched the battle ax in my hand. "It seems that his pervert has indeed reached its peak."

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (2)

Mudar's attack is still going on, this time he cast the elemental spell seriously, countless blazing fireballs appeared behind him, and then the fireballs started to move, swarming towards me like a dense swarm of insects Come.

I manipulated the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to cut a few fireballs, and finally found that the fireballs were too dense, so I simply let the "Ancestor Heroic Spirit" put on a defensive posture to parry me. The axes are actually the same, and the ghost body constructed by the living fire can resist magic attacks very well.

"Manipulating the body from such a long distance, logically speaking, there should be a long delay in casting spells, but he is hardly affected. Is the corpse of the devil king so easy to use?" Roland said with some regret, "At the beginning It would be a waste to throw it into a volcano."

"Is it time to joke now? This guy has a lot of attack methods. Do you have any simple and feasible tactics to kill him?" I asked her.

"His horcrux is thousands of miles away, we can't kill him. All we can do now is destroy his body. No matter how powerful his magic power is, no matter how proficient in casting spells, if he doesn't have a body that can be manipulated, he Not even a spark can come out."

"Just chop his head off? Isn't that the same as usual?" I clenched the tomahawk in my hand, "Very good, simple and rough enough, I like it."

"Be careful!!" Roland suddenly reminded urgently.

I glanced over suddenly, and suddenly found that the surrounding fireballs had changed color, from blazing fiery red to black.I've seen this trick before. After getting the devil's ring, that girl Feilan used this spell of mixing abyss-attribute magic power into flames many times. Even the Dragon Queen dared not easily parry that kind of flame.

Mudar grinned grinningly, waved his hand wearing the demon ring, and directed the black fireballs to gather towards me.I immediately sprinted to the side, and then jumped away from the focus of the fireball with a swoop.The black fireball slammed into the ground behind me, bursting into a column of fire that soared into the sky.

"Don't be burned by that kind of flame. It is the demon king's black flame that can burn the soul. It can harm the ghost body you summon." Roland warned me.

Mudar's attack methods are endless, and the "ancestral heroic spirit" is not a perfect move. This battle should not be dragged on for too long, and it must be resolved quickly.

I got up and swung my axe to summon the beast soul, summoned the wolf pack of the wargs, and then controlled them to disperse and rush towards Mudar from different directions.I'm going to use this as a cover so that I can charge through.

But the wolves fell down just a little closer to him—a large number of shadow demon claws sprang up from his surroundings, like a pack of snakes preying on them, knocking the wolves to the ground one by one.

"The essence of summoning lies in the quality of the summoned objects rather than the quantity. Let me demonstrate it to you, young man." Mudar suddenly laughed and raised his left hand wearing the demon ring.

A large puddle-like black shadow appeared at his feet, and more shadow demon claws emerged from it, grabbing the other sinners around him one by one.

What does this guy want to do all of a sudden?

"Rotten wood can't be carved, but it can still be used as firewood... My lovely disciples, although you are all useless waste, at least you are qualified to make sacrifices." He pretended to face these unconscious elves said the sinner.

Then, he controlled those claws to tighten.

The sound of bone breaking suddenly sounded, and these elf sinners who were still in a coma died on the spot. At the same time, their corpses suddenly melted and turned into black mud that leaked from the shadow demon's claws and dripped on Mudar His feet were absorbed by the shadow under him.

"He sacrificed his disciples." Roland explained to me, "This guy should have bound them with some kind of curse, and can take their lives as sacrifices at any time. Involuntary sacrifices are relatively inefficient , but it can be compensated by quantity.”

"So black-hearted, there are people who will work for him?" I snorted.

"Do you think those elven sinners have a choice? They are all desperadoes who committed serious crimes and were exiled." Roland replied coldly.

After absorbing all the sludge transformed from elf sinners, the pool of shadows at Mudar's feet boiled instantly, and a large amount of magic power surged upwards like a siphon, and then gathered together to form, and finally turned into a half-length human-shaped pitch-black figure behind Mudar. giant.

"Lord of Shadows?" I recognized the thing.

The elf sinner I met when I was investigating the disappearance in Alsena's territory also summoned this thing, but the shadow king in front of me is much bigger than the one I remembered, it's like a tall tower.

This guy casually sacrificed his disciple and used it to summon the demon lord, as casually as if adding wood to a bonfire.

"Come on! Let's run away, let me see how long you can last!" Mudar laughed wildly and waved his left hand, and the Shadow King moved accordingly, raising a fist and hitting me on the head.

I hastily manipulated the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to set up a double ax to block the attack - I barely blocked it. Compared with this huge shadow king, the "Ancestor Heroic Spirit" is as big as a fox to a lion. As for me, I looked like a mouse in front of this monster.

"It's a bit tricky..." I said in a deep voice.

"Think on the bright side. To manipulate a demon lord with this kind of magic power, he should not have the energy to cast other spells." Roland persuaded.

The King of Shadows punched down again, this time I didn't dare to take it hard, and ran up, the fist landed on the place where I was standing, and sank deeply into the farm ground. When it raised its hand again, a huge deep hole was left on the ground.

"I don't think he needs to cast other spells now!" I started to run around Mudar and the Shadow Lord behind him. This demon lord's movements are not very flexible, but his wingspan is very long , and the destructive power is astonishing, and I will definitely not be able to hold on to a few more heavy blows.

While running, I summoned a warg, turned over and sat on the back of the beast soul.

The Shadow King stretched out his hand to block my way forward, but this time I was riding the beast soul and relied on the excellent leg strength of the warg to quickly turn around, avoiding the shadow king's giant palm and at the same time turning to Mudar's position charge.

When I was living in the tribe, I was used to dealing with huge monsters, and I couldn't be better at exploiting loopholes like this to attack weak points.

I quickly narrowed the distance to Mudar, and manipulated the "ancestral heroic spirit" to swing an ax at him.

Hitting the Vulnerable is an Assassin's Specialty (3)

A thick shadow barrier was suddenly blocked under the battle ax built by the living fire, and the advance of the battle ax was suddenly blocked, as if it had been cut into a sticky ooze - owned by the shadow king. The "Shadow Demon's Protection", although somewhat reluctant, still successfully blocked the blow of the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit".

Mudar raised the corners of his mouth at me at close range, and the Lord of Shadows bent down and stretched out his hand toward me.

If caught, it would be game over, and I had to quickly withdraw my attack, drive the worg out of the Shadow Lord's hand, and re-open the distance.

"Hey, let me tell you, chopping off this guy's head doesn't seem to be as easy as imagined. Is the big demon's barrier so difficult to hack?" I said to Roland.

In my impression, the destructive power of the "ancestral heroic spirit" should not be so easy to block.

"Although I don't want to admit it...but this pervert is indeed a near-perfect spellcaster. He is not just using the demon ring to manipulate the summoned demons, but he is also controlling the flow of magic power in the shadow king's body." Roland analyzed, "Did you notice that when you approached him, the Shadow King's movements slowed down significantly, that's because he concentrated most of his magic power on the 'Shadow Demon's Protection'."

"Then what should I do now?" I asked Roland while riding a warg to avoid the hand of the Lord of Shadows.

"Let me think about it... maybe you can attack the Lord of Shadows first and cause damage to him. A shapeless demon like this has the instinct to repair itself. When injured, it will flow magic power to the wound to repair its own shape. At that time The protective barrier will become weaker, and you will attack Mudar's current body by surprise." Roland proposed another plan.

"Surprise? It's easy to say..." I rode a warg and galloped around the Lord of Shadows in a zigzag route, struggling to avoid the Lord of Shadow's fists. "The body of the Lord of Shadows is also protected by barriers. I Now I can only chop off its hand when it is attacking. But its hand is so long, even if I successfully cut it, it is impossible to teleport to Mudar immediately."

Visually, the arm length of this shadow king has exceeded ten meters, and the most I can do is to take advantage of the opportunity to chop it with an ax when it swings its fist.Then as long as I try to cross this distance to approach Mudar, Mudar will immediately control the flow of magic power to strengthen the "Shadow Fiend's Protection".Simple long-range attacks such as summoning the Spear of the Curse and throwing the battle ax are useless, and Mudar can easily block it with the claws of those shadow demons.

"Isn't it good to let that girl help?" Roland said suddenly.

"Who?" I didn't respond for a moment.

"Look ahead." Roland reminded me.

As I said, I turned my eyes away from the Lord of Shadows and turned to the front, only to see Daisy standing in front and waving at me: "Brock!"

"Hey, get out of the way!" Seeing that the galloping wolf was about to collide with her, I subconsciously shouted.

But Daisy jumped lightly without haste, jumped directly on the back of the wolf beast soul, turned over and sat in front of me.

"You..." I blinked at this uninvited girl, "Where's Livru?"

When I was fighting with Mudar with spells, my attention was always on Mudar, and I almost forgot about them.

"That girl was so scared that she didn't know where to hide." Daisy said and glanced at the King of Shadows over there, "Did I say you have been fighting opponents of this level before?"

"This time it was an accident... Get down!" One of the shadow king's hands was pressed down like a mosquito, and I quickly manipulated the beast soul to avoid it. Turn to shake off.

"It seems that you are in a difficult battle. I really can't do anything about you. Do you need Miss Ben to help you?" Daisy turned her head slightly.

So she came here specially to help me?

Based on what I know about this girl, it's really hard for me to imagine that she would do such a loyal thing like jumping into the fire pit to accompany me.

But right now I don't have the time to analyze her mood changes carefully, because to be honest, I really need her help.

I have seen Daisy's body skills before, and the distance of about ten meters is not a big problem for her.This girl's ability as an assassin is still remarkable, and what she is best at is attacking by surprise.

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