It is impossible for the enemy not to understand this truth that I understand. Almost all the classics on demonology that Roland showed me were written by that lunatic lich.

Do they have other purposes?

Take this matter back and talk to Roland, maybe she will have some clues.

I came back to my senses and was about to tell the queen to return, but suddenly found that the flying height of the queen who was flying around the city seemed to be getting lower and lower.

Moreover, sitting on her back seemed to have a subtle sense of weightlessness.

Having gained a little experience in flying in the sky, I immediately realized something was wrong: "Your Majesty, how do I feel... You seem to be preparing to dive down?"

The queen didn't reply me right away, but gradually increased the speed of the hovering, and the range of the hovering became smaller and smaller.

Not my illusion!This guy is diving towards the city in a downward spiral!

"You, what are you doing!?" I couldn't help but widen my eyes, "If we get any closer, we will be spotted. We're just here to do some reconnaissance!"

"If we are discovered, we will be fine if we are all found." The queen replied flatly, "For a force of this size, just take it down!"

Damn it!This female dragon actually started to commit the old habit of killing the enemy immediately when it sees them again! !

"Hey, wait a minute, listen to me first—" I tried to speak to her.

"I won't listen." The queen cut off my words directly, "I said that I have been holding back for some time, don't say such disappointing words over and over again!"

Hey, what about the ones who agreed to be open-minded and not care about the previous things?

This is obviously still dissatisfied!

I fully understand now that although she was once contradicted by me because of her wrongdoing in this matter, in essence, this guy's temperament has not changed. Time won't listen to me.From the beginning to the end, she is still the king who does her own way.

When she broke through the low-altitude clouds and approached the sky above the city, the enemies stationed here had already noticed our attack.

But the moment the bell of the enemy's attack sounded in the city, she exploded the warning bell tower with a single shot of fire.Then she circled along the city wall for the last time, almost floating against the city wall, flames emerged from the strong wind blown by her wings, igniting all the places she floated past.

The city wall was quickly swallowed by the flames like a straw rope that was lit, and the anti-aircraft firepower on the city wall had no time to respond.Those elf sinners standing on the city wall, human wizards and archers, as well as those demons and light synthetic beasts, almost turned into dry sticks in the raging flames without any counterattack.

After only circling around once, the city wall completely lost its function as a fortification.

After circling this circle and igniting all the walls on all four sides, the queen plunged headlong towards the rear of the main city gate, where the enemy forces are most concentrated. The moment she landed, the powerful wind pressure pushed the flames around her with the flames as the center. In the past, all troops within a range of about 50 meters were instantly destroyed.

Then, a long flaming breath gushed out from her mouth and swept around, wiping out all the remaining enemies.

"Phew, happy!" The queen, who set fire to the city to her heart's content, let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

In less than 2 minutes, most of the enemy troops in this city have been wiped out, and I, who was sitting on her back, didn't even have a chance to draw my battle axe.

Although it was a bit messy, the combat power in this city this time was indeed something this guy could easily handle.

The queen of dragons can easily wipe out one or two legions.Looking at it this way, one can't help but doubt the necessity of waiting for reinforcements to gather.

Let's go on a quick march (1)

Naturally, when the follow-up large troops arrived at Shata City one by one, they were greeted by a city that had already been completely captured.

The Queen single-handedly wiped out all the enemies in the city, burning them down to nothing.

...Although as a result, the four city walls and a small half of the city were burned down because of her attack.

Fortunately, Shata City was completely evacuated before it was occupied by the enemy, so no innocent casualties were caused.

The first victory in the support operation for the royal capital is such an overwhelming victory, which is something to be happy about for our side.

However, during this period, there were also some uncoordinated episodes.

It is indeed a very exciting thing that different races can stand on the same front and fight side by side one day, but the reality will not be as perfect as the ideal.The possible problems of multi-racial mixed teams soon emerged-the objectively huge differences in culture and customs between different races will cause friction and conflicts between troops of different races.

On the night when the infantry unit entered Shata City, Wacker found me in a hurry and reported to me that there was a conflict between the orcs in the unit and some female soldiers from Saidian's side in the cooking camp, and they were almost fighting.

I hurried to the scene and found several orc soldiers and some elf female soldiers confronting each other in two groups. There may be a posture of fire at any time.

That's right, the two sides in the conflict were the cooking soldiers of our orc army and the female soldiers in charge of cooking in the Saidian army-in short, it was the fight between the cooks.

Among them, on a makeshift shelf, stood a bled elk.

"What happened?" I didn't rush forward to mediate, but turned to Wake to understand the situation.

Wacker came over and explained to me in a low voice: "It's like this... At noon, the way to march here passed a forest, and then a few brothers in the army were in the forest while eating and resting in the middle After hunting, I caught an elk and a few rabbits. When I got here, I handed them over to the cooking brother. I hope I can make some broth for the brothers to eat. As a result, just now, the cooking brother just took the prey After slaughtering and setting up to cut the meat, the elf female soldier who was cooking on the other side was not happy. She ran over and yelled for us to stop, and the two sides quarreled when they disagreed. These long ears are looking for trouble..."

When I heard this, I understood seven or eight points.

During the Bloodaxe clan's defense battle before, the old chief specially designated a part of the camp in the clan's settlement for Saidian's troops to manage independently, so Saidian's garrison did not have much contact with the tribe's troops.

But this time it was replaced by marching and siege warfare, and the opportunities for teams of different races to work together in the mixed army suddenly increased a lot.

So there are more places that need to be adjusted.

"You orcs are sick!" A female elf soldier put one hand on her hips and waved a ladle in her hand, "Why do you have to catch animals and put them here for slaughter when there are supplies?"

"You girls with long ears are the only ones who are sick! It's okay to be a vegetarian like a rabbit, but you have to control others to eat meat? Isn't it good to just stay at your side and cook? Do you have to come here to find trouble?" an orc man He raised his butcher knife and raised his neck and roared.

"It's clear that you are deliberately disgusting us here, okay, seeing you gutting here is so disgusting that I almost vomited into the pot!" The elf female soldier looked so angry that she wanted to throw a spoon on the opponent's face, "You fools drink blood What's the difference between a monster and a wild dog?"

"Hey, bitch, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll chop off your long ears to make rabbit ear soup!" The orc cook's violent temper immediately came up.

"Huh? Just because you few uncivilized wild dogs want to fight us!?"

As the quarrel escalated, the smell of gunpowder on both sides became heavier and heavier.

The orc guys all tensed up, their muscles were knotted, and their violent power was ready to go.And the cooking utensils in the hands of the elves started to glow with enchantment, and it seemed that fireballs and thunder arrows would be emitted from those long spoons and spatulas at any time.

If they were allowed to fight, the people of the two troops would probably be hungry today, so I hurriedly stopped them: "Stop!!"

Both sides who were about to start looking at me, those orc cooks put down their fighting posture for the time being, and stood up straight and saluted me as a warrior.Then the leader immediately raised his finger to the elves and complained to me: "Captain Brock! These long-eared girls are making trouble out of no reason and want to force us to be vegetarian!"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, who cares what you eat?" The elf female soldier over there was not happy with what he said, "It's clear that you deliberately provoked trouble here to disgust us!"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, I had to raise my hand to signal them to shut up: "Stop! Listen to me first—"

Then they stopped and listened to me.

I first turned to the orc brothers: "Listen to me first, elves are not vegetarians, they can hunt, but they don't like us orcs. After hunting, they won't be like us. That’s how you put the prey up and place it next to the pot.”

The brothers in the cooking class were stunned after hearing this: "Aren't elves vegetarian?"

In fact, I thought so before going to Saidian.

The elf female soldier over there clasped her hands and "hummed": "We never said yes."

I moved my eyes to her expressionlessly, and said, "We orcs are not beasts that drink blood. Although we don't taboo against eating raw meat, we still like delicious food like other races. We orcs are basically They all rely on hunting to obtain food, so we have no resistance to slaughter, it is our habit to rack up the prey and then cook it directly, and it is not deliberately disgusting to you, so please don’t be too concerned about this.”

The female soldiers blinked in a daze after hearing my words, and looked at each other twice.

Then I turned to the orcs: "Well, you put the prey elsewhere to clean up, and then bring the cut and cleaned meat here for cooking."

After explaining, I asked the elf female soldier for her opinion: "Well, you should have no objections."

The female elf soldier scratched her head in silence, then frowned and replied, "Okay, remember to clean up the blood on the ground."

I signaled to the brothers in charge of the cooking with my eyes, and they immediately understood. One of them stepped forward to resist the elk on the shelf, and the others cleaned up the shelf, and then covered the blood stains left on the ground with pot ashes.

Saidian's female soldiers did not continue to pester, and returned to their own territory one by one.

A storm was contained in time like this.

Well, it seems that the time spent in Saidian was not wasted.

Let's go on a quick march (2)

That night, I found Roland and told her about the large number of demons I found in the city during the reconnaissance.

"Summoning demons on a large scale... This is not a good deal as a means of expanding the army. I guess they should have other purposes." Roland's opinion basically agrees with mine.

"Do you have an idea?" I asked along.

"We can't deduce anything based on this clue, and we need to collect more information." Roland thought for a while, "If they had conducted a large-scale summoning ceremony in this city, they should have left some traces .Brock, you have scouted here from high altitude, you should remember where the demons are concentrated?"

"Well, I have a little impression." I nodded.

"Could you trouble me to check it out for me? There may be spells for summoning demons left in those places."

"It's okay to go... But, I don't understand those spells at all, and I can't understand them even if I find them. Aren't you going with me?" I frowned suspiciously.

"I also want to take a look, but unfortunately, I have some business to deal with right now and I can't get away." Roland said with a smile, "Well, I can recommend a suitable candidate."

Then, 5 minutes later, I appeared in front of Feilan's room.

The girl was assigned a room on the airship in Helgia.Like everyone else in the academy, she came to help Arsena in the name of herself, so she did not go with Saidian's troops, but followed Arsena.

According to Roland, since she got the devil's ring, this girl has started to study the spells of the abyss system. Now she is quite proficient in this area, and it is more than enough to analyze a spell of summoning a demon. of.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door slowly opened, and Feilan poked her head out from behind the door with a lazy face: "It's so late, who is it?"

Probably because she only had to be alone in her own room at night, she was dressed more casually, and there was still a small pile of hair on her head that was not combed out.

She froze for a moment when she saw me.

"That..." I tried to say hello.

As a result, the girl closed the door again without warning, leaving only one sentence: "You wait for me first!"

"Huh?" Her reaction made me a little confused for a moment, so I had to stand there in a daze and wait.

After about 10 minutes passed, she reopened the door, her clothes had been changed again, and her hair was combed neatly.

"I said you, you can't squeak after knocking on the door, I told you before, right?" She pouted and complained to me.

"Oh, sorry." I apologize subconsciously.

"Hmph, forget it, anyway, you can't remember every time." She curled her lips, and then looked over with some coyness, "What's the matter today, you suddenly want to find me?"

"I'm sorry, I want to ask you for help..." I lowered my head and explained the whole story to her.

After listening to my request, Feilan raised her eyebrows: "Hmph, I have to trouble Miss Ben to do this kind of thing again. What should I do, I'm also very busy..."

This girl is here again.

But now I have somewhat figured out her temper, as long as I plead further, she will basically agree.

At this time, a sentence came from behind me unexpectedly: "I also know a little about the devil's spells. If she doesn't have time, I can help her."

I was startled and turned around quickly, only to see Daisy standing behind me with her back leaning against the corridor and holding her hands.

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