"When were you there?" I looked her up and down suspiciously. This guy appeared so suddenly that I was completely unprepared.

Daisy was placed on the airship because she did not belong to a specific unit. I remember that her room should be at the other end of the corridor.

"I've been following you far after dinner, but you didn't notice it." Daisy replied lightly.

"What are you planning to do with me?" I was even more confused.

"It's just a good intention to help you take precautions. After all, I don't have anything to do at night, and I am idle." Daisy shrugged at me, "Didn't you hang a bounty on the enemy? There are other killers coming to look for you. I'll keep an eye on it for you, after all, we can be regarded as companions anyway."

"Don't be like this! It makes people feel cold in the back." I expressed my resistance unceremoniously.

To be honest, he has been following me for so long, and finally approached me quietly... The stealth level of this dark elf is quite frightening.

"What's the matter? It's impossible for me to attack you." Daisy replied indifferently, "Speaking of which, are you going to investigate the summoning spells related to demons?"


"If that white-skinned girl who doesn't look very bright at first glance can't help, how about letting me help you?" Daisy pointed to Feilan who was standing at the door.

Feilan over there immediately became angry when she heard it: "Hey, who do you think is not bright!"

But Daisy ignored her at all, and continued to talk to me: "I have also studied black magic. Although I mainly specialize in cursing, I still have a little understanding of the summoning system. How about it? Take me Go and see."

"Well..." I scratched my head.

Although I am very grateful to her for taking the initiative to stand up and help, but to analyze the magic formulas left by the enemy in depth, I feel that it is better to let some professionals do it.

As a result, before I could respond, Feilan took a sudden step forward, grabbed my arm, stared at Daisy intently, and said word by word: "He has already entrusted me!"

"But aren't you unwilling?" Daisy lazily replied.

"Who says I don't want to? I'm taking over the job now, it's none of your business, hurry up and stay somewhere cool!" Feilan's face was filled with a sense of crisis, and then she tugged at my arm, "Okay, forget about this gloomy guy, let's go, didn't you say you're going to investigate, where is it, and lead the way!"

"Oh, oh, then... come with me." I took her to the outside of the airship.

As a result, when we got off the airship, Feilan glanced back and widened her eyes suddenly: "Hey! What are you doing here again!?"

I turned my head and saw Daisy standing leisurely behind us, as if she wanted to continue to follow us.

"I can go wherever I'm going, do I need to report to you?" Daisy choked back without showing any weakness.

Feilan couldn't say anything to refute for a while, and stared at Daisy.

"It's not to investigate the spell of summoning demons, let's go." Daisy turned to me and waved to me.

These two people don't seem to get along well...

Let's go on a quick march (3)

We soon came to the square near the main city gate.

When I was scouting this sand tower city from the air, I noticed that a large number of demons gathered in this place.

At that time, when the queen was tyrannizing the enemy's guarding troops behind the city gate, she once sprayed fire bombs here by the way, and the demons concentrated there were collectively ascended to heaven on the spot.

But now, almost everything that can be burned in this square has been burned up. In the middle of the square, there is still a deep pit left by the fire bombing bombardment. Broken bricks and stones are flying everywhere. The middle was broken, and the broken half fell down and rested on the base.There were still large black burn marks on the floor tiles, and white smoke curled up.

"It's all completely burnt, so how can we find traces of the technique?" Daisy put on a veil as she spoke to prevent inhalation of smoke.

"That's why I said you're useless at all, so I insisted on following here." Feilan, who had been looking at her disliked, immediately taunted.

"Then you have a solution?" Daisy questioned her.

"Of course, this lady is a professional mage, can't a professional mage detect the traces of a spell?" Feilan squatted down with a proud face, and began to cast spells.

She first released some non-attribute magic clumps, and then activated the demon ring on her finger, causing the demon ring to emit a strange cold light.Under the effect of the devil's ring, those magic powers were instantly dyed black as if they had been splashed with ink.Then Feilan chanted a few spells softly, and the magic power changed its shape like the ooze that was sucked by the flesh, and finally turned into black geckos, which quickly spread out.

"Okay, just leave it to them." Feilan stood up after casting the spell, and explained with a proud face, "The devil's spells often leave an aura of abyssal magic power. I gave these familiars demon attributes , low-level demons devour the corpses of other demons, and the corpses of demons will also give you the magic power of the abyss. If there are spells for summoning demons nearby, these familiars will smell like carrion Concentrate like a vulture."

"It's quite convenient." I nodded.

"Nonsense, this is the spell cast by this lady!" Feilan crossed her arms, looking quite happy.

"Tch, isn't it just an enchantment spell?" Daisy said disdainfully.

I raised the torch to brighten the surroundings.

I saw those demonized familiar geckos made with abyss attributes scurrying around among the ruined walls of the square for a while, and finally gathered towards the collapsed statue.

"Hmph, I found it. It should be next to the base of the statue. Go and move the half of the statue that fell down." Feilan snapped her fingers at me.

Naturally, I was responsible for this kind of physical work. I stepped over there, stuck the torch between the broken bricks, and put my arms around the half of the statue, preparing to hug it away.

But just when I started to exert my strength, a group of black shadows suddenly flashed out from behind a broken pillar, bypassed me and rushed towards the place where Feilan and Daisy were standing.

"Huh?" From the very beginning, I never thought about the possibility that there would be living creatures left in the square bombed by the Queen's fire bombs, so I couldn't react in time.

I turned around abruptly, and threw the half of the statue in my arms towards the shadow, but I was still half a beat too late to hit it.

The speed of the group rushing into the black shadow was as fast as that of a rabbit. As a sorcerer, Feilan had no time to cast a spell, and her face suddenly changed in the face of such a sudden change.

But Daisy reacted in time, pulled out the dagger and threw it, and the dagger stabbed the black shadow fiercely.The black shadow wailed and fell down, rolling on the ground.

When we took a closer look, the creature rolling on the ground was about half the height of a person, covered in iron blue, with hands and feet, and looked like an ape, with horns on its head and a pair of bat-like membranous wings on its back.

"Bastard, how dare a low-level demon come out to scare this lady!?" Feilan, who was so scared that her face paled just now, immediately raised her eyebrows, raised her hand and shot a black flame fireball to kill the demon.

Daisy squinted at her, and suddenly sneered: "You owe me a favor."

"Who wants your help? I can handle the situation just now!" Feilan immediately confronted her.

As I watched the demon turn into black mist and dissipate, I couldn't figure out where the demon came from.

In my impression, when the Queen's fire bomb exploded here, the entire square was covered in flames. How could such a weak demon survive in such a situation?

And after the Queen came in and washed the city blood, I personally searched several areas including this square, and I didn't find any fish that slipped through the net.

what happened?

I turned my face to the base of the statue in doubt, and then my eyes widened suddenly.

There is a strange crack in the base of the statue.

The reason why it is said to be strange is mainly because of two points. First, the crack does not look three-dimensional at first glance, as if someone painted it on the base with oil paint.Then the second is that the crack exudes a dim purple light with a little strange atmosphere.Those gecko familiars with demon characteristics made by Feilan gathered around the crack, sticking out their tongues to lick the crack, like wild beasts gathered by the river to drink water.

Although I am a little curious about the Dao crack, I instinctively feel that this thing seems to be dangerous and cannot be touched casually.

"Hey, come take a look at this—" I just turned my head and was about to call them over when I suddenly heard rustling sounds around me, and I suddenly became alert.

There are things lying around...and not just one!

I subconsciously drew the tomahawk on my back, alerted my surroundings and at the same time reminded the two girls: "Be careful, there is something here!"

Daisy had already drawn out her short sword, and she obviously heard the movement.

Although Feilan was half a beat slow, she reacted very quickly. She cast a spell to call out black flames, and then made the flames into a huge python to entangle herself around her, in order to deal with possible sneak attacks at any time.

I glanced at the torch inserted between the bricks, and used the shaman's elemental spell to call on the fire spirit to intensify the flames. The flames surged up and turned into pillars of fire that soared to the sky, illuminating the entire square.

In the light of the fire, the outlines of the ruins around us became clearer and more distinct.After a while, one after another, demons crawled out from behind the ruined walls.

Let's go on a quick march (4)

They are demons, demons of different shapes, the only thing they have in common is that they are not very big, so they can hide when we come over.

It doesn't feel very strong. The first impression I saw was a bunch of miscellaneous fish. If it weren't for a sneak attack when we were caught off guard like just now, it wouldn't constitute any combat effectiveness at all.If these demons were summoned by someone to ambush us here, even I would think that the spellcaster needs to go back and retrain.

These miscellaneous fish are unlikely to be the fish left behind by the queen's massacre. You must know that the attacks of the queen's massacre are basically range strikes without dead ends. Demons that are several grades stronger than these are instantly wiped out.After that, she and I stayed in this city waiting for the large troops to settle in. During this period, no one was found sneaking into the city from outside.

These demons appeared so abruptly that they seemed to grow out of the ground.

Demons are instinctively aggressive towards ordinary creatures. They quickly locked on to me and the two girls present, and then one demon started to move, and the other demons rushed towards their respective targets as if they had received the bell for dinner .

Daisy's figure disappeared from the spot, and then appeared out of nowhere behind a demon flying towards her. The dagger in her hand flashed, cutting the demon in two.She didn't stop, her body turned into an afterimage, flitting past different demons in a smooth manner, sending them away with the dagger in her hand with great efficiency.

And Feilan didn't move at the same place, and the giant snake formed by the black flames surrounded her and kept attacking the approaching demons. ash.

There is no pressure on my side, and I don't even use two hands at all.Just swinging around with the battle axe, these miscellaneous fish demons who jumped up without any brains almost hit the ax blade by themselves and formed a group to die.

But after killing this wave, the next wave came soon, probably because it was disturbed by the movement here, and more demons came out from various dark corners and crevices, and then one after another One by one, we were targeted, and the originally quiet square suddenly burst into chatter.

I remember reading it in the classics of demonology before. These low-level miscellaneous fish demons are a bit like bugs. Most of the time, they will instinctively hide in dark corners to avoid the predation of those demons stronger than themselves. They will show up collectively, and if they find something they can prey on, they will attack in groups.They don't know how to cooperate, but out of an instinctive reaction, and most of the lowest demons rely on this method to obtain the opportunity to evolve.

I said do these guys really grow out of the ground?One crop and another crop...

"What's the matter, is this the devil's vegetable market?" Daisy flipped the dagger in her hand in displeasure.

"It's weird. Demons of this level may not even be able to beat dogs. Isn't it more practical to use magic spells to make a few familiars than to raise this pile of waste?" Feilan expressed her contempt for the mage who summoned these demons.

However, at this time, these demons appeared strange.

Without warning, they fell into a state of mania one by one, collectively neighing sharply, and at the same time began to scurry around, some trying to hide back to the original hiding place, and some running desperately outside.It's like a group of mice saw the bread on the ground and were about to gather there, and suddenly someone stomped nearby and frightened them to run around.

They are afraid.

These low-level demons without intelligence basically have no instinctive fear of ordinary living creatures, because basically there are only demons in the abyss.The vitality of ordinary creatures is food that can be transformed into magic power for demons, so they will rush towards us without hesitation when they see us, even if they are not our opponents at all.

They will only be afraid of those powerful demons, demons who are much stronger than them, and even if they attack in groups, there is no chance of winning.

As soon as I thought of this, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a blurry shadow quickly passing over the wall not far away, illuminated by the light of the torch.

I turned my head subconsciously, only to see a cloud of black mist coming out of nowhere like a ghost rampaging.That cloud of black mist is so erratic but as fast as an arrow. It is as easy as a falcon catching a rabbit, and it pounces on the trash fish demons scurrying around. His body instantly collapsed and was completely swallowed by the black mist.In this form, the cloud of black mist began to chase and kill these miscellaneous fish demons all over the field, as if it regarded this place as a canteen, and it swallowed more than half of the demons present in just two blinks.

"Hey, idiot, be careful. That's also a demon, and it seems to be a big guy!" Feilan suddenly warned loudly to me who was closest to the black mist. She seemed to feel it through the demon ring. What.

So it's not just miscellaneous fish hiding here?

I set up my ax cautiously and watched the predatory demon carefully.

This mist-like appearance is probably a fog demon demon similar to the Mist King seen in the battle of guarding the tribe.

This kind of demon has no entity, and it is impossible to cause any harm to it by physical means. "Ancestral heroic spirits" can cause damage to invisible objects made of magic power, but I remember that the fog demon has the ability to absorb the magic power attacks it can withstand and then counterattack the opponent with the same means.

If this fog demon is also an abyss lord with a high level of magic power, it is definitely not a wise choice to attack with the "ancestral heroic spirit" rashly.

However, before I could think of the best countermeasure, after the fog demon devoured the seventh miscellaneous fish demon, it suddenly turned around and rushed towards me.

He suddenly chose me as the target, this distance is too late to summon the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit"...

The fog demon rushed to less than five steps in front of me in the blink of an eye, and at this moment I noticed that the cloud of black mist actually gathered a vague human-shaped outline in the process of flying over.

This guy has become a reality!

As soon as I realized this, my body reacted reflexively, and kicked over with my foot—probably because I had been culling those demons that were less than half the height of a person just now, this guy flew very low , this height is obviously more convenient to strike with your feet than with a tomahawk.

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