"Ah ah!!!"

As I judged, for some reason, the demon turned into a real body during the pounce, so it firmly hit my foot, flew more than ten meters away, and screamed at the same time.

Huh, why does it sound like a girl's voice, and...it sounds familiar.

Let's go on a quick march (5)

The kicked demon finally fell to the ground and rolled several times on the ground.

At this time, she has completely transformed into a prototype, from a cloud of black mist to a girl with wings and a tail, and a pair of horns on her head.

No wonder the voice is so familiar, it is really an old acquaintance after a closer look.

She quickly got up from the ground, and then burst into tears: "Wow, wow, that's too much, my dear, why did you kick me all of a sudden!"

...is Vanessa.

This girl obviously came here to "look for food" after the breath of those miscellaneous fish demons. The black mist she saw just now should be the effect of using the ability she obtained after absorbing the mist king. .When she saw me, she hugged me involuntarily as usual.That's why we saw the cloud of black mist turning towards me coldly, and suddenly turning into an entity.

...In the end, I was kicked more than ten meters by my lower leg.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be you." No matter what, I was wronged for hurting someone's foot, so I hurried over to apologize to this girl.

"Hmph, is it enough to apologize? If an apology is useful, why do you need guards?" Vanessa raised her face angrily, as if she was never willing to let it go. I won't forgive you easily!"

"Then... what should I do?" I couldn't cope with this situation, and I was a little at a loss for a while.

As a result, a snicker appeared on Vanessa's face as if she was saying "just waiting for you", then she lay flat on the ground and stretched out her hands, taking the opportunity to say coquettishly: "I was kicked down, I want to hug you Only you can get up!"

"Uh..." I was suddenly a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, the giant snake made of black flames entrenched around Feilan's body in the distance jumped up suddenly, drew an arc in mid-air, and directly hit the place where Vanessa was lying. The fire stream bombarded the ground, and the scorching wind pressure made me retreat two steps subconsciously.

Vanessa's reaction was still very fast. When the black snake was about to pounce on her, she instantly atomized and rushed to one side, then rose into the air to reappear, avoiding the attack by a hair.

"What are you doing? Why come here to mess with me again?" She was suspended in the air, angrily glaring at Feilan in the distance, and flashed the black sickle in her hand.

"Can't you get up by yourself?" Feilan cast a cold gaze at her, "You are becoming more and more arrogant, you bastard, it's clearly just a familiar made by me, it seems that I can't teach you better The rules are broken."

"It's up to you? Alright, let's settle the previous accounts with you, a bad guy today! See if I don't beat you until you cry!" Vanessa also inherited the violent temper from her, and immediately put up Sickle put on a posture of doing what he said.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, I quickly stopped them with a yell: "Stop it all! We have serious business to do here!"

"Honey, you've seen it all, she was the one who made the move first!" Vanessa pointed at Feilan with an expression of disbelief.

"I'll talk about her later, don't show the guy out casually. You have to be conscious of your own strength, and what if something happens to you if something happens?" I raised my head with a serious look on my face. Said to her calmly, "Okay, be obedient and come down quickly."

"Woo... well, for your sake, my dear, let her be spared." Vanessa finally put away the scythe, and gave Feilan another look, "Hmph, lucky you, I took my life!"

"What did you say!?" After being provoked by her, Feilan's anger immediately flared up again.

"Don't make trouble, okay..." Seeing them talking endlessly, I suddenly felt a headache.

These two living treasures are similar in temperament, but they feel like they repel each other.

"It's a good thing you can control this kind of problem child." Daisy appeared next to me at some point, clasped her hands and commented lightly.

... You, the assassin who wanted to exchange my head for a bounty, are not too far behind.

At this moment, Vanessa caught a glimpse of her, and suddenly turned around: "Hey, why are you standing so close to my dear! Get out of the way!"

Then Feilan also looked over: "When did you run over!? What are you doing so close to him?"

...Why did they suddenly reach an agreement again?

In the end, I made them all calm down with good words, and then assigned a task.Vanessa continued to sweep away those miscellaneous fish demons running around, Daisy and I guarded the surroundings, and then Feilan checked the strange marks left on the base of the statue.

"This feels like... a crack in space?" After a little exploration, Feilan's eyes suddenly widened, "The magic power with the abyss attribute is continuously pouring out from it, which is the connection between the 'Abyss' and this side." The entrance and exit of the world, who made it?"

"What's so surprising about this? Don't ordinary demon summoning techniques summon demons from the abyss to this world?" Daisy, who was standing aside, asked casually.

"So a layman is a layman. Summoning demons and opening space cracks are basically two-level concepts, okay?" Feilan gave Daisy a displeased look, "The present world and the abyss belong to different planes, just like there is a wall. It is separated by a wall. Normally, this wall will not have entrances and exits, but it is not completely airtight. Pure magic has no form, and can pass through the wall of the plane between the world and the abyss. The principle of summoning demons It is the caster who uses a specific spell to send his magic power to the abyss as bait, and once the hooked abyssal demon responds to the magic power, its body will turn into a flow of magic power, flowing through the plane along the flow of the caster's magic power. The wall comes to the designated summoning place, and then reassembles into the original shape. Therefore, only demons made of magic can come here through summoning, and the creatures here cannot use the same method to go to the abyss. For example, a general summoning spell is equivalent to climbing a wall. Only demons have the ability to climb this wall, but they need tools to help them. All the spellcaster who summons a demon does is throw a length of rope to help a demon climb the wall. wall, but this method of breaking through the plane has no effect on the wall itself."

Hearing this, I suddenly understood a little bit, and pointed to the crack on the base of the statue and asked, "That means this is equivalent to blowing up a hole in that wall?"

Feilan nodded: "That's right. This space crack leads directly to the abyss, which is equivalent to forcibly tearing the wall of the plane and opening a hole in the wall. The crack opened is different from the summoning technique. As long as it can pass through, whoever Both can enter and exit. The demons of the abyss can come from there, and the creatures here can also go to the abyss through this entrance. As long as the passage is maintained, the demons of the abyss can be moved here continuously. This is strictly speaking It’s not summoning at all, but pure space magic, and it’s not at the same level as summoning in terms of scale.”

Let's go on a quick march (6)

If this is the case, then the source of those miscellaneous fish demons we encountered just now is very clear.

They are neither the fish that slipped through the net from the previous siege, nor were they specially summoned, but they came here from the abyss by themselves through the space crack left in this place.The reason why only some miscellaneous fish demons came here is probably due to the limited size of the remaining space crack.

It seems that the key to this matter is not in those demons, but in this strange space crack.

Feilan is still continuing to investigate this space crack.

"This space crack should have been maintained by someone, but now it has started to close gradually without the support of magic power. It will look like this until tomorrow... No, I'm afraid it will disappear after midnight." Feilan bit her teeth Nail, "Tsk, although I really want to keep it and study it carefully, it seems that I don't have this chance."

"Is there no way for us to maintain it?" I asked, pointing to the space crack.

In the end, Feilan rolled her eyes: "To put it lightly, the space magic that breaks the wall of the plane and stabilizes the passage has been a century-old problem in the academic world. We don't know anything about the principle of this space crack." , how to start to maintain it?"

Was it such a profound spell?

"Has anyone ever done it before?" I asked casually.

"There are no people, but there are other existences." Feilan replied quietly.


"Demon King, haven't you read history yourself?"

I froze for a moment, then reacted abruptly.

Indeed, according to legend, the demon king who ruled the abyss personally broke the barrier between the abyss and this plane and came here.In the Demon Realm in the northeast of the Wild of Giant Beasts—that is, the area where the Demon King first descended and was later ruled by him, there is a magic vortex connecting the sky and the earth, which circulates continuously all day long.It is said that half of the magic vortex of that tornado connects the world and the abyss, and countless demons come out of it every day.Half became the devil's food, and half were forced to surrender and became the devil's minions.

This legend was circulated among the orc tribes a long time ago. Now that I think about it, it is likely that the memory left by our orc ancestors who were born in the demon realm was passed down by word of mouth.

In the end, the Confederate Alliance, which made a desperate expedition to the Demon Realm to wipe out the Demon King, officially confirmed the legend.I have seen records in the books on the human side I got from the tribe, and in the history I read in the history class of the college. The soldiers of the alliance who crusade against the devil witnessed a magical vortex connecting the world in the devil's realm.But after the fall of the Demon King, the vortex also disappeared.

Obviously, the enemy tried to copy the spell of the Demon King. If it was the lich with bottomless skill knowledge, it would be reasonable to be able to research this spell.

But the question is, what is he going to do with this?

"Is there any tactical value in making this kind of space rift?" I frowned and said to myself.

"Well..." Feilan nodded her chin when she heard my question and began to think seriously, "There should be a lot of things that can be done, use this kind of space crack to summon demons on a large scale, and then raise these demons so that they can interact with each other." Devouring, cultivating powerful demons, and finding ways to control them should be a good addition to combat power. This is more time-consuming than summoning the abyss lords directly, but it should save the cost of summoning them to a large extent. "

I stared blankly at Feilan.

"What, why? Staring at him all of a sudden..." Feilan's expression became a little nervous.

"No, it's just that I didn't expect you to give such a reliable answer right away. You are really good at this." I said bluntly what I was thinking.

Obviously when we first met, I was still a fool who could use invisibility on the sand...

"Of course, who do you think this lady is?" Feilan fiddled with her long hair triumphantly, then frowned, "Wait a minute, why do I feel that what you just said is weird? "

"It's your illusion." I replied solemnly, while thinking in my heart.

Feilan's speculation is not unreasonable.

It is really not cost-effective to summon demons on a large scale to organize combat power. Whether it is the cost of summoning a large number of demons, or the method of managing demons that may kill each other at any time, it is a very difficult problem.

But if the upper limit of this "summoning" is removed, what can be done is completely different.As long as the space rift is maintained, it is not a problem to move as many demons to this world. Although opening the space rift should not be an easy task, as long as there are enough demons summoned, the cost will be negligible.

Then let those demons devour each other, enrich the power of the demons to powerful individuals, and cultivate individuals whose strength is close to that of the abyss lord and control them, so that the trouble of managing the demon army can be saved.

Of course, considering that the abyss lords may also attack each other, it is not suitable to invest multiple powerful demons on the same battlefield.But this is not a problem, you must know that those abyss lords that the enemy has put into battle before, just one head is enough to affect the situation of a battle.As long as the enemy spreads out the battlefields and invests in large-scale cultivation of abyss lords in different battlefields, then the increase in combat power will become very objective.

The enemy who occupied this sand tower city before may be carrying out the plan to cultivate the demon lord.

If they're doing the same thing in every stronghold they occupy...

"I have to go to Arsena!" I stood up abruptly.

It is no longer the time to be leisurely and leisurely. You must speed up your march and take back all the enemy-occupied areas before the enemy uses this method to replenish their combat power.

But this crack in space needs someone to watch it now...

I looked not far away, and Vanessa was chasing those miscellaneous fish demons running around like frightened antelopes with excitement on her face. Every time the scythe in her hand swung, one of the demons was cut in two and turned into black The smoke was absorbed by her wings.

Those miscellaneous fish demons have almost been cleaned up.

I beckoned Vanessa over: "Vanessa, let's leave for a while, can you watch this here?"

I pointed to the space crack on the base of the statue.

"Eh? Why do I want to do such a boring thing? I want to be with you, my dear!" Vanessa who flew over immediately showed dissatisfaction.

At this moment, a claw suddenly protruded from the crack in the space, and a trash fish demon as small as a rabbit was struggling to squeeze out of the crack.

Then it saw Vanessa suspended in mid-air, and was stunned.

When it reacted and screamed and wanted to run back, Vanessa cut it with a knife.

"Look, there will be snacks coming out here by themselves." I hurriedly followed suit.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

Let's go on a quick march (7)

After I conveyed the information I obtained from the investigation in the city to Arsena, she immediately summoned the leaders of the supporting forces and held an emergency combat meeting.

"...To sum up, we suspect that the enemy is raising demons in captive strongholds to supplement their combat power. Therefore, I think it is necessary to speed up the march and recover the target town early. Therefore, I plan to set off immediately at dawn. What do you think? ?” Arsena asked for advice from the others present.

According to the original plan, we planned to rest in Shata City for two days, occupy it as a logistics base, and then proceed to the next enemy-occupied area.

But the possibility that enemies are breeding demons with spells that create dimensional rifts makes us feel threatening.

"I agree, this is the only way to do it." I took the lead in expressing my opinion.

Since the enemy may be making such an arrangement, we have no reason to give them time.

"Although I don't really like to agree with the orcs..." Tolivia crossed her hands and glanced at me coldly, "But I also agree that since the enemy is found to be engaged in demon breeding, of course we have to fight against them." Destroy their farms before the animals are out of the cage."

"Our next target is White Lake City, which is three hundred miles away." Arsena continued, "Different from Shata City, White Lake City is a fairly large town with more complete defense facilities. The moat for the lake to divert water. This is also the largest enemy-occupied area on our planned route, and the garrison force should also be the largest. Roughly estimated, it should be at least three times that of Shata City."

At least three times the strength... In this case, we can no longer allow a certain Queen to go in and slaughter the city single-handedly, so I have to pay a little attention.

"In this case, we have to wait for the entire army to drive outside the city before launching an attack." Tolivia glanced at the map on the table, "If you travel overnight, it will take about two days, so how can you attack quickly?" The city has to be placed on the third day."

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