Now, in my dormitory, three chairs are set up around the low table I made by myself. The other party is sitting on the chair opposite me, holding his hands, looking at me with an irritated face, and then looking at me, who is drinking leisurely. Angelica sipping coffee.

The atmosphere of silence made me a little fidgety.

"Uh, would you like a cup of coffee?" As the owner of the room, I tentatively tried to talk to the guest.

"No." Feilan who was sitting across from me replied briefly, her expression was as cold as a paste.

"Oh..." I replied awkwardly.

Then I looked at Angelica in disbelief.

This did you bring her here?

Angelica noticed my gaze, looked this way, and smiled sweetly at me: "Don't worry, don't look at her like this, as long as you are good... Please... I will help."

Where does this confidence come from?You don't have a good relationship with her, you can tell from the expression on her face now!

At this time, Feilan who was opposite took a deep breath, and then said impatiently to us: "So, why? Huh?"

"Didn't I... tell you? I want you to teach us... to pass the magic practice exam." Angelica put down her glass and answered slowly.

"Ah, I've heard this before." Feilan looked into her eyes, "I mean, why me? Why should I help you?"

"Although your not very bright, but you are also...the chief student of the magic branch, teach the basic level can still do it."

I saw Feilan's eyebrows twitch visibly.

Hey, can this way of speaking that provokes the other party's nerves really count as please?

"I refuse." After a moment of silence, it was no surprise that Feilan gave such an answer.

"Why?" Angelica tilted her head.

"Why! I was misunderstood because of the two of you." Feilan was angry, and slapped the table hard, "I didn't settle the score with you, so why should I help you?"

After hearing this, Angelica and I looked at each other subconsciously, and then looked at her again together.

"That should be you..." I said carefully.

"...You have to blame yourself." Angelica calmly continued.

"You guys!" Feilan subconsciously shifted her gaze to the table—it's a good thing she didn't ask for coffee just now, otherwise she would definitely grab the cup and pour it over here now.

"Don't say it as if it has nothing to do with me. You are the instigator. You didn't use your brain to frame me. How could there be such a mess? You should be lucky that you didn't get arrested and go to jail." I spread my hands and said.

"Shut up, stinking orc!" Feilan glared at me.

"Also... I was misunderstood, although... I was regarded as a victim." Angelica said.

"Shut up, dead chopping board!" She glared at Angelica again.

"Anvil, chopping board?" Feilan's words were extremely effective, and Angelica's eyes widened, as if she had received tons of damage.

I glanced at Angelika's flat chest, and then turned to Feilan.

"What are you looking at! You pervert!" Feilan, who noticed my gaze, clasped her arms tightly and covered her chest nervously.

I look away.

Well, indeed, it is a stark contrast.

"Anyway, anyway, it's none of my business that you two failed! Don't bother me anymore!" Feilan said.

This guy really gives people a feeling of thorns all over his body...

I sighed silently in my heart, and asked casually, "You are so unwilling, why did you follow her here?"

"You think I want to!" Feilan got angry again when she heard this, "This damn girl ran to the door of the training room and called me, but I didn't want to pay attention, she just kept yelling 'Come here', 'I need you' bullshit that everyone else is chewing on gossip."


"I also...heard it, they said things like 'it really is like that', 'for such a small's a mess', 'it's too much' and so on." Angelica said in retrospect, "Then she... came out consciously, and covered my mouth desperately..."

Her plain tone made the anger in Feilan's eyes rise further: "I really wanted to wring your head off!"

"What you... did to me before... was really too much." Angelica took a sip of coffee from her cup, "At that time... I really doubted whether you... Perverted."

"You bastards!" Feilan grabbed the edge of the low table in a rage, and I quickly raised my hand to press down on the table, preventing her from lifting it up.

She exerted force several times, but under my pressure, the low table remained motionless.

Finally, she looked up at me in embarrassment and indignation, then slapped the table and got up.

"I'm not interested in messing around with you, that's all!" After she finished speaking, she turned around decisively and left.

Sure enough, it will become like this...

I sighed.

However, when Feilan put her hand on the doorknob——

"Stop." A cold and majestic voice sounded in the room.

Feilan stopped moving.

"Angelica?" I glanced at Angelica beside me in surprise.

What is magic, can it be eaten? (4)

Angelica, who called Feilan in a completely different tone than usual, seemed to be a completely different person at this moment, and her sharp eyes made people shudder.

Ignoring my voice, she got up from her seat and walked towards Feilan step by step.

Feilan turned her face away in dissatisfaction, her voice raised an octave: "What do you want—"

But the moment she saw Angelica approaching her, her expression changed, and the remaining pronunciation jumped out weakly after a second of delay: ""

I guess my expression is similar to hers now.

Because we can all see that Angelica's body, who is approaching her, is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Every step she takes, her figure becomes taller, her limbs gradually become longer, and her forearms and calves are also growing red. Brown fur.The hair, too, had gradually changed to the same color from the roots, and the half-elf's pointy ears had been replaced by a pair of beast ears covered in reddish-brown down.

When she stood at the position where Feilan and Feilan breathed each other, it was obvious that she was a little taller than Feilan, and the dress that was originally a bit loose for her now seemed a little shorter.

We are not unfamiliar with her in this way, when she slammed at us in the woods in this way-incomplete werewolf state.

As if being reminded of the memory of almost dying under the claws of Angelica, and as if being overwhelmed by Angelica's chilling aura, Feilan pressed her back tightly against the door, her face pale. , frozen in place like a prey cornered by a carnivorous beast.

Angelica put her hand...or her paw on the door next to Feilan's ear.

Feilan rolled her eyes to look at the paw, then at her, and swallowed nervously.

Angelica suddenly approached Feilan and said coldly, "You are the chopping board."

I was dumbfounded.

The physique of a there still such an operation?

After the transformation, Angelica's body shape, but also her demeanor and voice have become extremely mature, and her speech is no longer broken and becomes fluent. It can be said that the whole person's temperament has changed.

"I said you, do you have a position to refuse?" She casually wrapped a lock of Feilan's side hair with her clawed fingers, and I could vaguely see her mouth becoming sharper than usual when I watched from the side. Fangs, "You caused us so much trouble at that time, you deserve to apologize, don't you?"

... Even the personality seems to be a little different.

Who is this guy?

"At that time, I already testified for you..." Feilan's breathing became rapid.

"Isn't that the right thing to do? If you had perjured Brock to go to jail, you would be dead now." Angelica tilted her head, her tone flat.

Feilan was speechless for a moment.

"Come on, what's the answer? To teach, or not to teach?"

Feilan trembled, and then she forced herself to answer: "No, don't! I am not afraid of you!"

Under such circumstances, she can be stubborn as always, even I can't help but admire her a little bit.


Angelica's claws made deep claw marks on the door.

"Hey!" Feilan was so frightened that the hairs on her body stood on end.

"Ah, I'm sorry, there is always an urge to grind your claws like this." Angelica's tone was calm, "It seems that it is not good to damage the furniture in Brock's room casually, or find something else to replace it. Woolen cloth."

She stared at the cold light in Feilan's eyes.

Feilan, who was stared at, glanced at the claw marks on the side of her face, and her face lost all color.

"It's just teaching spells, don't be so stingy. Ask me one last time, what is your answer?" Angelica tapped the door panel twice with the sharp claw at the end of her index finger.

Feilan obviously had a cold war. After a while, she lowered her head, gritted her teeth and responded in humiliation: "I...understand..."

On this day, Feilan Aldersonland finally recalled the horror of being dominated by werewolves once, and the humiliation that she never won when she confronted people...

Angelica nodded in satisfaction, then turned her head again, smiled brightly at me and said, "Look at Bullock, as I said, as long as I ask you sincerely, she will agree."

"You are a threat at all!" I complained loudly.

What is magic, can it be eaten? (5)

We all returned to our original seats and sat down.

This time, I carefully poured a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Feilan.

Feilan clasped her hands and sullenly, her anger still lingering.

I turned my head and approached Angelica, who had returned to normal, and whispered, "Hey, it's overdone."

"I'm sorry, if you become like will unconsciously...become excited..." She looked at Feilan and said intermittently with the same lack of cadence as usual.

After the transformation, because of the wildness, even the temperament has changed...

Could it be that she used this trick when I asked Feilan to testify for me?

"Hmph." Feilan turned her head to the side, "Since I have agreed, there is nothing I can do. I will take a little time to guide you."

After arguing for a long time, we finally got to the point, and Angelica and I sat up straight.

"First of all, it's the exam requirements." With a troublesome expression on her face, Feilan began to explain, "This year's magic combat practice project at the basic level is to use magic power to create familiars, and the form is to choose two people to fight. Arrived students construct spells within the stipulated time to make imitation creatures, and then use familiars to fight. The examiner will evaluate the basic score according to the difficulty and completion of the spells, and then further improve the students' performance in driving the familiars in the battle. Add and subtract points, and finally according to the result of the battle, the winning side will get 65 weighted points. There are two basic requirements for making familiars, one is to be able to be driven, and the other is to have a certain ability to act. To do this If there are two points, the basic score will be above [-] points. In other words, as long as the basic requirements are met and there are no major mistakes, you can guarantee a pass, and the two of you should aim for this."

Angelica and I nodded half-understood.

"So, let me ask, how is your foundation in this area?"

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