Angelica and I shook our heads at her without saying a word. With this simple body movement, we perfectly expressed "I have never used magic", "What is magic that can be eaten", "This time Exams, we are narrowly escaped death" and many other meanings.

"It's actually two blank sheets of paper? Damn it...why did you let me lay out your two pieces of wood?" Seeing us like this, Feilan covered her forehead as if she was having a headache.

She thought for a moment, then sighed: "Forget it, I'd better demonstrate it to you first, and go outside with me first."

We followed her outside.

She squatted down in the open space in front of the dormitory, took out a test tube containing a viscous blue liquid from the inside of her cardigan robe, opened it and poured out a little, then picked up a twig and dipped it in, and began to paint on the ground with ease. Get up: "This type of spell basically uses ancient elf runes to replace incantations. During the exam, a fixed preparation time will be given for you to draw the runes. There are several fixed templates for the relevant runes. The spell corresponds to a template. In this case, you can just stare at a suitable spell and practice it. The general steps are to use specific materials to draw specific runes and magic circles to construct the spell, and then use the spirit to resonate with it , pour the magic power into it. Constructing the magic formula is a very rigorous process, and any mistakes in any link may lead to the failure of making the magic spell. If casting a spell is like casting, then the magic power is the raw iron used as the material, and the rune is the mold for casting, the mold Determine whether the finished product is a hammer or a sword, that is, the shape of the finished product, and the material determines the size and finish of the finished product that can be made. If the mold is flawed or the material is not enough, it will cause problems with the finished product. That is to say, the one who draws the rune The material and the style of the rune cannot be wrong, and the level of the technique used must also be within the acceptable range of its own magic power."

Soon a fairly neat and complicated pattern was completed in her hands, then she raised her head towards us, and suddenly frowned: "What kind of expression do you have?"

"Nothing..." I quickly shook my head.

But Angelica said without hesitation: "A brain like actually so good at this kind of thing—oh!"

I covered her mouth.

"Damn girl, come here!" Feilan gritted her teeth and stood up, the poor branch snapped in her clenched fist.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited! She's still young and ignorant..." I quickly raised my hand, trying to persuade her.

Angelica pushed away my hand covering her mouth: "I just... To be honest, Brock also... thinks so... Ugh!"

I quickly covered her again.

I don't know if she finally realized that she couldn't beat Angelica at all. Although Feilan was gnashing her teeth in anger, she finally restrained herself and didn't rush towards this side.

"Tch! I'm too lazy to argue with you!" Angrily, she squatted down again and continued the demonstration work. She put her hands on top of the magic circle and began to concentrate.

Soon, the pattern drawn with blue paint glowed brightly, and countless shimmering dust particles rose from it, gathering and forming above her arms, and the outline gradually became distinct.

Finally, an eagle appeared on Feilan's arm, flapping its wings on it.Although the translucent, faintly shimmering posture has an illusory feeling, the vigorous shape and movements still make people feel alive.

"Wow..." Angelica exclaimed.

"This is really amazing." I also sincerely sighed.

"Hmph, now you understand how powerful Miss Ben is?" Fei Lan stood up holding the eagle, with a smug expression on her face.

"One more!" Angelica clapped her hands excitedly, "Can transformed into a kitten?"

"Do you think I'm a juggler?" Feilan's nerves were provoked by her again.

"Don't be angry, the lecture is important!" I hurriedly brought back the topic that had been dragged away by the quarrel.

The compatibility between the two is too bad.

Feilan snorted and gave up, and began to explain to us angrily: "The general steps are like this. In fact, most mages don't use this basic method to create familiars, which are created purely by magic power. The familiar consumes mana and lacks self-awareness, so it can be said that it is the caster's own avatar. But on the other hand, it is also very easy to manipulate, whether it is controlling or withdrawing, it is within the caster's thought."

With a wave of Feilan's hand, the eagle disintegrated into countless shimmering dust particles and disappeared in the air like a sand sculpture.

"What should we do now? Are we going to try it ourselves?" I asked, raising my hand.

"How is it possible? You two rookies don't even have the ability to perceive magic power." Feilan gave me a white look, "I have to check your magic power level first."

What is magic, can it be eaten? (6)

"This is the most basic induction rune, which is used to test the level of magic power." Feilan took out a card made of unknown material with a strange rune printed on it from the inside of the cardigan draped over the uniform.

I narrowed my eyes and looked sideways at the inside of the cardigan robe.

"What are you looking at? Perverted!" Feilan immediately noticed where I was looking, as if facing an enemy, she grabbed the sides of the robe and tightened them in her hands.

"Brock, you..." Angelica looked at me with complicated eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about how many things are hidden in that robe of yours." I said my thoughts bluntly.

"It's not uncommon for a mage to carry a few magic tools with him. It's so rare..." Feilan gave me a white look, and then handed the card in her hand to Angelica, "You go first, put the side with the words on it. Press your forehead outward, then close your eyes and focus on recalling the rune pattern on it."

Angelica obediently complied.

Then I saw a flash of light from the runes on that card, fleeting.

It seems to test the so-called magic level through this reaction.

"No way, a lowly little girl like you can actually have an upper-middle level of magic power?" Feilan looked very surprised, she reached out to take the card back and examined it carefully, "There must be something wrong with this thing, right?"

"Woo..." Angelica bared her teeth like an irritated puppy.

"Forget it, it's you now." Feilan turned to me and handed me the card.

I took it and did the same thing as Angelica had just done.

Then I opened my eyes and found that the two of them looked at me with strange expressions.

"What, what's the matter?" I felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

"Is there really something wrong with the drawing..." Feilan blinked and said, and then took out a card with the same pattern, "Change this one, do it again!"

I took it at a loss and did it again.

When I opened my eyes, I found that their faces were even weirder.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a situation." Feilan said with surprise, "Could it be one in a million..."

Um?Is my magic level high?

"...Could it be that you are a magic idiot out of ten thousand?" After finishing her sentence, Feilan shook her head, "I can't even measure any magic power!"

"What?" I was stunned by the unexpected answer.

"When Brock put that card... on his forehead, nothing happened..." Angelica gave me a knife.

"It's really strange. The magic power comes from the spirit, that is, the soul. Logically speaking, even a child who has just learned to read and write can detect a little bit. I said, is your head filled with stones?" Feilan said with a face There was a sneer on the phone, "It seems that you have no problem preparing for this exam—because you can just give up."

"Hey, it's too arbitrary to give up like this! Try to learn spells first." I still don't give up.

"It's nothing, your spirit and runes can't resonate, so you're doomed to not be able to use magic. It's like people who can't see things can never distinguish colors. I can't help it either." Feilan waved her hand at me. .

There is no magic power at all, and there is no possibility of using magic... Is my talent so poor?

I suddenly felt a wave of despair.

Doesn't this mean that the exam is suspended?

It's obviously hard to get that kind of ranking in the written test...

"Okay, then there's no need to waste time on you, that's it, let's go." Feilan reached out and grabbed Angelica by the collar and dragged her to her side.

"Eh? Where are you going?" Angelica was a little confused.

"Go to practice. Since this guy can't learn spells, what are you doing here? Isn't the practice conditions in the school building a hundred times better than here?" It is not so easy to learn in the sky, since you let me teach you, you should study hard for me, if you dare to smear my face, I will not kill you!"

"Brock..." Angelica looked at this side with concern.

Feilan also looked over, staring at me for a while, who was in a daze, and for some reason became a little uncomfortable.

"Hi." She called me suddenly.

"Huh?" I replied weakly.

"Go and try that guy Roland," she said.

"What?" I didn't respond for a while.

"A situation like yours that can't resonate with runes at all will not happen normally, maybe there is some reason." She turned her face away, "Go and ask her, that guy is also the chief of this country anyway. Mage, might know something."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it..." I rekindled my hope, "Thank you for reminding me!"

"Hmph, I'm just looking at you poorly." Feilan looked away, "Don't think too much."

Then she turned around, grabbed Angelica's collar tightly and dragged her towards the school building: "Okay, let's go!"

"Brock, come on..." Angelica, who was being dragged away, waved lightly at me.

If you don't die, you won't die. Why do some people don't understand? (1)

In the contract signed with Roland, it was written that she would try her best to help me prepare for the exam.Although I still don't quite understand the significance of her tricking me into signing the contract but giving such conditions, in the current situation, I really can only rely on her.

So, I visited her office again.

But this time, when I passed the last corner along the corridor, I unexpectedly found a familiar figure leaning against the door and waiting.

It's Miriam.

Immediately I felt bad all over.

"Huh?" She also noticed me, and suddenly put on a posture like a carnivore that saw its prey, as if it was about to rush over.

How the hell did he meet her in this place?

I subconsciously took a step back, ready to turn around and leave.

"Please don't be joking! You want to let that kind of dirty orc go...Are you planning to treason!?"

There was a sudden roar through the door, which made us all stunned at the same time.

Miriya seemed to have suddenly realized something, put her hands down from the hilt of the sword with an expression of reluctance, and stood leaning against the wall with her hands folded again.

Are there any other guests in this office?What happened to that roar just now?

I'm pretty sure my ears heard the reference to "orcs"—that is, me—in that sentence.

Although I'm still wary of Miria, I'm still concerned about what's going on in the office.

I hesitated for a while, but finally did not leave.

Judging from Miria's appearance, it seems that she was entrusted to guard here, and she should not act recklessly for the time being.

While being wary of her, I approached that side cautiously, and stood by the wall on the other side of the door panel. From this position, I could roughly hear the conversations in the office.

"...It's really strange, because I'm not Tolivia who swore to the contract with my life in front of His Majesty, why is she doubting my loyalty? I put my life on the line, and you still want to What do you want from me?" It was Roland's voice.

"But the proposal you are submitting now threatens the safety of Her Majesty the Queen!" The other party's voice was still full of anger.

It seemed that Roland was arguing with someone.

"It's not your intention to threaten your majesty's safety, right? I have attached a reasonable basis to the proposal I submitted. It is your majesty who makes the decision. If it is as you said, your majesty will naturally veto it. It is just watching the proposal. Maybe Tolivia can't sit still by herself." Roland's voice was still calm, "To be honest, I already want you to go back when I heard that you are the one who sent her a message. She, and her subordinates People give me the feeling that they are a group of rams who are impatient and can't listen to people's words."

"That's because you have been insisting on that ridiculous policy of bowing your knees to the orcs! Do you know how many fathers and husbands in this country died at the hands of orcs in that war?"

"So you plan to kill a few more compatriots meaninglessly? Just for the merits of Tolivia's chest? Huh?"

"General Tolivia is thinking about the safety of this country! If you continue to insist on going your own way, we will not sit idly by!" The voice of the other party is very imposing, but the content of the words gives people a feeling of emptiness. It seems to be just chanting slogans according to the script.

It sounded like the person who visited was just a messenger of a certain person, and he seemed to be inexperienced.

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