Acting separately is a huge mistake!After that guy hides, even Vanessa can't find its breath, and it can even sneak up on a werewolf with keen senses easily. In this city full of spider webs, it can move secretly to every corner, and then Eat up squad after squad!

I turned around hastily, wanting to have Angelica remind the others with howling wolves.

But the moment I turned around, a strange woman suddenly appeared in my vision.

"She" has a graceful figure, but her whole body is as black as a shadow cast by strong light, and no details can be discerned, and there are no facial features on her face, only strange lavender lines extending from her face to her body.On her head, the finger-thin "hair" with sharp ends twisted like a group of snakes, and eight slender spider legs grew out from her back, sharp like spears.

And now, those spear-like spider legs were coming at me from every direction.

Almost instantly, I recognized it. This guy is the night mother spider queen. After devouring so many demons, she actually evolved into a figure the size of a human!

It turned out that after hiding her figure, she did not avoid Vanessa and leave the scene, but kept lurking nearby.Now she turned on me, emerging from the web closest to me, and jumped on my back to launch the assault.

This sneak attack came too suddenly, with eight spider legs piercing from eight directions, I had no time to block all the attacks with the battle axe, and I had no time to summon the "Heroic Ancestors".But at this moment, Angelica suddenly swooped up from behind the demon with a fierce look, wrapped her arms around her head, and stabbed her claws fiercely into her face.

The Night Mother Spider Queen suddenly let out a shrill neigh, and was led by Angelica to fall down the steps.

They hugged each other and rolled down the steps like this. Angelica roared ferociously and attacked her fiercely with her claws, but the Night Mother Spider Queen, who was in an unfavorable posture after only rolling two times, took control of the situation in turn. , in the process of scuffling, she in turn pierced Angelika's shoulder with the spider on her back, and easily tore Angelika off her back and flung her out.Although the size has become smaller, the power of the abyss lord has become stronger than before.

Angelica was thrown out, and finally fell onto a spider web, covered with the blood of herself and the Night Mother Spider Queen.

At this moment, I felt as if a string in my brain was suddenly disconnected.

"Anjielica!!" I jumped directly from the top of the steps in one step.

Under the double blessing of impatience and rage, I didn't even call the "ancestral heroic spirit" and went straight up.

At the bottom of the steps, the Night Mother Spider Queen, who had adjusted her posture and stood up again, took a fighting posture against me, putting the spider legs behind her in front of her to form a cage-shaped shield.

I jumped down from the steps and slashed the tomahawk in my hand, passing the force of my full blow along with the impact of jumping from a high place.The spider's legs are covered with a shell as hard as metal. With the crisp sound of swords clashing, the Night Mother Spider Queen was shocked by me a step back.

I didn't stop the attack, and continued to roar and slash with two battle axes, the blades of the axes fell like a rainstorm on the Night Mother Spider Queen's blocking posture.In the end, the demon was cut loose, and the "shield" erected by the eight spider legs slackened for a moment. I didn't miss this opportunity, broke through her block with one axe, and then cut into it with the next axe. her forehead.

Demon Crusade (6)

With a crisp sound, the battle ax deeply embedded in the forehead of the Night Mother Spider Queen, but it did not cause effective damage to her - when the ax blade touched her forehead, her originally On the face without facial features, there was a mouth full of fangs that opened and closed left and right at the forehead, biting the ax blade.

At the same time, the long hair on her head entangled the tomahawk in my hand like a snake, and then she stretched her spear-like spider legs on her back again, and surrounded me.

But at this moment, a whirling sickle fell from the sky and slammed fiercely at the place where she was standing.The Night Mother Spider Queen had no choice but to stop attacking and retreat suddenly, and the sickle finally cut a hole and stuck on the ground.

Vanessa rushed over from not far away, gathered a sickle with magic power in her hand, and slashed at the Night Mother Spider Queen.The Night Mother Spider Queen turned to face her, her eight spider legs danced swiftly, with great force, four were used to block, and four were used to thrust like a spear. The upper hand in the battle.

Vanessa only had one weapon in her hand, so she couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.But she quickly found a way, quickly atomized and split into two herself, and then launched a fierce attack from two directions, one from the left and the other from the right.

At this time, I calmed down a little, and hurriedly turned to Angelica's direction. With Vanessa holding back the Night Mother Spider Queen, I had to save her now.

Angelica was still hanging on the spider web at this time, her eyes were half closed, she looked very weak, she seemed to have no strength to break free from it.

Werewolves are very resistant to poison and curses, but everything has a limit. If the devil's curse is strong enough, even the queen can't bear it.This time Angelica suffered an unusual injury. The Night Mother Spider Queen directly pierced her body with her spider legs, injecting a tyrannical poisonous curse into her body.

I summoned the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to grab Angelica and tear her off the web, then carefully laid her flat on the ground.

"Woo... Brock..." Angelica looked at me, groaned a few times in pain, her body twitched slightly, and the situation didn't look very optimistic.

Although I wasn't sure if it would work against such a strong curse, I immediately rolled up my sleeves and cut open the skin on my forearm with the tomahawk, preparing to feed her my blood.

Blood came out of the wound quickly, and then I froze.Because I found that the bleeding from my wound was different from what I saw before. It was not pure red, but mixed with a strange golden color, like two kinds of paints mixed together and not mixed thoroughly.

I soon realized the possible reason, and subconsciously turned my attention to my shoulder—the burn scar was still aching.

That's right, the Queen's blood is lava-like in color between gold and red, and the blood flowing from me now is a bit similar to that.

I'm afraid it's because when I carried the seriously injured queen yesterday, the blood that flowed from her wound soaked my body.The blood burned my skin and then affected my body through the wound.Dragon blood is poisonous, but I have already signed a contract with the queen and adapted to the power of dragon blood, probably because of this I have withstood the infiltration of dragon blood.

I didn't pay attention when I swung the night mother spider queen with the battle ax in a rage just now. Now that I think about it, without summoning the "Ancestor Heroic Spirit" or activating the Berserker's coat of arms, I was able to get close to her. Suppressing an abyss lord in physical combat, isn't it because the infusion of dragon blood has further increased my strength?

In this case, is it really okay to feed this blood to Angelica?

I looked at Angelica, whose forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and finally stretched out my arm.

There is no chance of hesitation anymore, if she doesn't gamble here, she may die!

I carefully pinched Angelika's mouth open and poured the blood from the wound into her mouth.

Angelica wrinkled her face suddenly as if she drank extremely bitter herbal soup, and even choked, but at least she didn't spit out the blood.

I just fed her the blood, and before I could confirm her reaction, a sudden scream came from behind.

I turned my head reflexively, and suddenly saw that the night mother spider queen who was fighting with Vanessa suddenly turned her target to me inexplicably, ignoring Vanessa's attack, and rushed towards me forcefully.

I immediately turned around and unceremoniously controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swing the ax over.

The Night Mother Spider Queen once again set up the spider legs behind her to defend, but the spider legs were hard enough to not be cut off.But her own body became much lighter after evolution, and she couldn't stabilize her center of gravity for a while, and was sent flying by me.The moment she flew up, she turned and stabbed the spider legs behind her into the ground, plowing deep scratches on the ground.In this way, she forcibly maintained her balance, avoiding the ending of flying far away and falling to the ground in embarrassment.

"Blood... Hand it over! It's mine!" The Night Mother Spider Queen faced me, and even shouted at me in broken lingua franca.

Has it evolved to have the intelligence to understand and use language?

It seems that because I have been soaked in the blood of the queen, the blood flowing out of my body has also begun to have an aura similar to dragon blood, which is quite attractive to the demons who are thirsty for power.

No wonder she suddenly appeared to attack me before, and now she suddenly launched a crazy attack on me because I cut my arm to let blood.

"You are not allowed to stare at him, he is mine!" Vanessa, who was thrown away by the Night Mother Spider Queen, and her clone brandished a sickle to launch a surprise attack from behind the Night Mother Spider Queen.

But at this time, the purple lines on the Night Mother Spider Queen's body suddenly lit up, she turned around suddenly, raised her hand and threw out a huge purple spider web, covering Vanessa and Vanessa's avatar.

The spider web tightened like a fishing net in an instant, and Vanessa's avatar disintegrated into a black mist the moment it touched the spider web. Breaking away from the web, she re-formed after being away from the Night Mother Spider Queen.

"Bastard!" Vanessa raised her scythe angrily, but she didn't rush forward as before.

This time it was me who charged forward, and I quickly narrowed the distance between myself and the Night Mother Spider Queen, and controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to slash at her with an axe.

But this time, the Night Mother Spider Queen turned to me and threw a purple spider web at the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit". On the battle ax swung by the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit".

The next moment, I felt a strong tingling sensation in my arm, as if an invisible force had sucked the energy out of my arm, making it almost impossible for me to hold the tomahawk steadily.

This group of purple spider webs can directly extract magic power!

Dragonfire Blazing Soul (1)

In desperation, I could only control the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to let go, and let the battle ax made of living fire be dragged by the night mother spider queen. In a few seconds, the "battle ax" was completely destroyed by the spider web. Absorbed.

I felt a chill run up my spine.

This is the trickiest ability of the evolved night mother spider queen. The black spider web she made has a strong poisonous curse, and the dark purple spider web that is thrown directly can directly extract the magic power of the captured target.

Obviously, this ability of hers completely restrains those entities built by magic power, or living fire, including Vanessa herself and the "ancestral heroic spirit" I summoned.

The safest way right now is to get the werewolf knights to gather together to deal with this monster.

Vanessa circled around the Night Mother Spider Queen, getting behind her and preparing to attack again.

However, the Night Mother Spider Queen, who had figured out how to suppress Vanessa, turned to her again, raising her hand and throwing a dark purple spider web.This time Vanessa took a little precaution, and a gray shadow-like barrier was formed around her body to block the spider web.But the spider web immediately began to erode the barrier, and the barrier burst within a few seconds, and Vanessa had to atomize her body again to escape from the web.

"Shadow Fiend's Protection" is also composed of magic power, and it will also be restrained by that dark purple spider web.The Night Devil Spider Queen's ability to extract magic power eats up most of Vanessa's abilities. Although the ability to atomize the body can be used for self-help, it cannot effectively deal with this powerful abyss lord. harm.

I took advantage of this gap to send out a distress signal.Angelica is still unconscious, unable to use wolf howl to call for help.I had no choice but to pull out the smoke pipe issued by the orc warrior I was carrying from my waist, lit it and threw it up the steps.

But almost at the same time when the wolf smoke rose straight up, I heard the howls of werewolves, the screams of night devil spiders, and noisy fighting sounds from all directions.Apparently, when I sent out the signal, the various teams that were scattered in White Lake City and searched were all attacked by night demon spiders.

"No one can save you, surrender to me, or you will die a painful death!" The Night Mother Spider Queen hissed at me.

I quickly understood what was going on. This night mother spider queen seemed to be able to sense movements in every corner of the nest through the spider webs she had arranged.She has mastered the movements of each team, so she can accurately assign the Night Demon Spider as a family member to attack where each team is located.

In the case of separate control, her manipulation accuracy of the night devil spider should be greatly reduced. It is hard to say what threat it will pose to the werewolf knights, but it is enough to hold them back for a while.The night mother spider queen's intelligence has grown to the point where she can formulate tactics.

Then during this time, she can hunt her favorite prey undisturbed, which is me.

Well, that's on your own, hunting hungry beasts happens to be my specialty. If the moves of the "ancestral heroic spirit" are restrained by her, then use hand-to-hand combat to fight her head-on.

I simply used two tomahawks to cut out the wounds on the forearms on both sides, soaked the crest of the Berserker with blood, and then yelled at the Night Mother Spider Queen: "Come on, here is my blood! Take my head for it!" !"

Seeing the blood flowing from my wound, the Night Mother Spider Queen raised her snake-like long hair, kicked on the spot, and flew towards me.

I let out a battle cry and swung the battle ax in my hand to launch a fierce attack on her.This time, under the blessing of the Berserker's coat of arms, the strength and speed I exerted have nearly doubled compared to the attack just now, and I suppressed her in close combat in an instant.

This time, I am convinced that after being soaked in the Queen's blood, my strength has indeed been further improved, and the upper limit of the strength that can be exerted after the activation of the Berserker's coat of arms has also increased a lot.The eight spear-like spider legs were opened one by one by me, and I quickly found her opening. This time I didn't attack her head again, but directly slashed down on her shoulder.

In desperation, she jumped back suddenly, and jumped several meters away, hitting the spider web behind her.

She didn't stick to the spider web like Angelica who was thrown into the spider web just now. Instead, she let the eight spider leg joints on her back bend back, so that the tips of her legs touched the spider web, and she landed safely on the spider web. above.

Using the spider legs on her back, she quickly crawled to the edge of the spider web at a speed that was hard to catch by sight, and then turned her body to the back of the thick and dense spider web, hiding her figure.

At this moment, I felt a cold sweat break out on my body.As a hunter, I know all too well the dangers of letting a dangerous beast out of sight.

That's probably why Vanessa lost her.She can move at high speed on the spider webs she arranged, and the spider webs can also hide her figure and aura, and now this White Lake City is full of spider webs she arranged, and this is completely her home field.

I held two tomahawks in my hand to guard the surroundings, and my nerves were stretched to the tightest.

However, when the night mother spider queen appeared from the web without a sound and then rushed towards me with the elasticity of the web, my reaction was still half a beat behind.When the spider leg on her back stabs at me, I can only barely turn around to avoid it, and at the same time use the battle ax to block a spider leg that is stabbing at the vital point.

But in the end, one of the spider's legs scratched my upper arm, leaving a not-so-shallow wound.

When I tried to strike back with the ax again, the Night Mother Spider Queen nimbly pulled away from me, climbed onto the spider web, and quickly hid her figure again.

No, this guy's home battle advantage is too great. With these ubiquitous spider webs, she can always practice this hit-and-run assassin style of attack.

I summoned the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" again, and controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swing an ax to destroy the black spider webs within a few meters around. This will not only force her to show up, but also reduce the number of spider webs.

As a result, the night mother spider queen appeared and jumped out of the spider web within a few seconds, but this time, she did not rush directly to me, but rushed to Angelica who was lying on the ground after landing.

I was startled, subconsciously rushed forward to block it, and at the same time controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to swing the battle ax at her.

The Night Mother Spider Queen stopped suddenly and gave me a cold laugh.

I suddenly felt my heart sank—oh no, I fell for it!

A large group of dark purple spider webs were thrown out, covering me and the "ancestral heroic spirit" floating behind me at an extreme distance.

Then the next moment, a feeling of paralysis as if struck by lightning suddenly penetrated my whole body.

Dragonfire Blazing Soul (2)

The dark purple spider web stuck to me and the "ancestral heroic spirit" behind me, and immediately began to draw the fire of life from my body with a ferocious momentum.

Immediately, I felt that I couldn't exert all my strength, my legs were so weak that I almost fell to the ground, and I couldn't lift my hands at all, let alone cut the spider web with the axe.

The "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" collapsed rapidly, barely maintaining its shape.

Vanessa, who was flying in the distance, saw me in trouble, and anxiously threw the sickle in her hand again.

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