But this time the Night Mother Spider Queen didn't dodge, and directly raised her other hand to throw a purple spider web to cover the spinning sickle, and then quickly drew the magic power, and the sickle made of magic power disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

According to this extraction speed, the life fire in my body will be drained in a few seconds, and I will be completely turned into fish on the chopping board, and let the Night Mother Spider Queen suck my blood dry or make me a lunch.

The Night Mother Spider Queen is not so much powerful as it happens to be my nemesis.Vanessa was also terribly restrained by this monster's ability, and she couldn't even connect to the Night Mother Spider Queen.When the Night Mother Spider Queen was fighting her just now, she hid not because she was afraid of her, but because she was looking for an opportunity to sneak attack her.When I appeared, the night mother spider queen turned her target on me, and gave up attacking Vanessa directly-she didn't even put Vanessa in her eyes.

The Night Mother Spider Queen let out a burst of ecstatic laughter, then kicked the spider legs behind her, and quickly approached, her most wanted prey was finally caught in the net.

When approaching me, the night mother spider queen pierced me with the spider legs on her back through the spider web. The "ancestral heroic spirit" has almost disappeared, leaving only a faint spark.Reluctantly, I had to set up the tomahawk, blocking the one that pierced my throat, while the other spider legs pierced my upper arm and shoulder.

The moment the spider leg pierced my body, the Night Mother Spider Queen trembled slightly: "Blood full of power...how wonderful..."

The scar on his shoulder began to ache again.

Damn, failed again, after yesterday...

I have felt powerless because of my weakness more than once. When I was defeated by the magic sword spirit of "Desolate Contract", I saw the elf sinner sacrifice himself for the first time and summoned the "Lord of Shadow" to capture Alsena When seeing the queen injured and facing countless demons but it is difficult to lead her out of the siege...

Roland taught me spells, the queen signed a contract with me to grant me power, and Azak handed over the "ancestral spirits" to me, but I failed them.

I once thought that I had been completely reborn compared to the past, and I could completely stay away from the feeling of powerlessness at that time, but when I encountered a real strong enemy, I was still so vulnerable.

Unwillingness and frustration accumulated in my heart, making my arms feel as heavy as stones.I was gasping for air, feeling almost suffocated.

"Brock..." Angelica's hazy voice came from afar.

I suddenly took a deep breath, and my head was instantly awake.

If she is defeated here, Vanessa may still have a chance to escape, but Angelica is in danger...

In a trance, I realized that the reason I have been so unwilling to lose all this time is not because I am afraid of death, but every time, someone will fall into crisis because I am not strong enough.

Because I wasn't strong enough, I was defeated by the Demon Sword Spirit, putting Feilan and Angelika who were fighting with me in danger; because I wasn't strong enough, when the Lord of Shadows caught Arsena, I was helpless ;Because it was not strong enough, when the Queen was injured, I could barely lead her to trek through the tide of thousands of demons...

Looking back, every time things can be saved, it is because they are by my side to help me.Angelica, too, has saved my life more than once in a crisis.

I can no longer use my weakness to make excuses for myself, and I can no longer use the excuse that I have tried my best. If I lose the battle here and cause Angelika to die here, even if I die a hundred times, it will not be enough. To pay for this huge mistake!

It's not about fighting your best until the end, it's about winning!Must win!

This is the real "victory or give me death"!

The torch-like fighting spirit surged up, giving me the illusion that the inside of my body was being ignited.

No, it's not an illusion, it's really a feeling of blood suddenly burning, and every blood vessel is rushing with scorching blood.

The Night Mother Spider Queen in front of her eyes was still trembling with excitement.

Because my blood has the breath of the blood of the dragon king, and the power of the dragon king?

Then let her have a good taste, since she still has an appetite for me, it just shows that there is still power in my body that can be squeezed out, and can... make me fight back! !

I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth, and tensed all the muscles in my body.

"How can it end here!!"

I let out a mighty battle cry, and then desperately raised the battle ax in my hand towards the Night Mother Spider Queen - ignoring the pain in my body, ignoring the purple spider webs sticking to my body, ignoring the stabs on my arms and shoulders Spider legs, ready to swing the battle ax at the Night Mother Spider Queen with all its strength.

There was a wave of heat on my back, as if a pillar of fire soaring to the sky rose and surged behind my back.

The moment I raised the battle axe, the night mother spider queen who was still in a state of excitement suddenly froze, and her dark face covered with purple lines was illuminated by the fire.

She let out a sudden horrified scream and quickly pulled out the spider leg that had stuck in me.

I didn't think twice before aiming at her chest and swinging my tomahawk, but I was still a little slow.

She backed away at high speed, dodging my tomahawk.But after dodging the tomahawk in my hand, she was still accelerating back, and even set up the eight spider legs behind her, overlapping them into a shield in front of her.

At this moment, I realized that what she was really afraid of was not the battle ax in my hand, but a more powerful attack from behind me - I had already felt it, it was the "ancestral heroic spirit".When I fought back vigorously again, the "ancestral heroic spirit" who had taken most of the fire of life was inspired by me again.

Then the next moment, the huge arm of the "Heroic Ancestor" and the battle ax held in his hand followed my movements and slashed straight at the Night Mother Spider Queen.

But when this arm and the tomahawk held in that hand appeared in my field of vision, even I was shocked.

There was a dazzling red fire in front of him, and the arm and battle ax swung by the "ancestral heroic spirit"... were burning!

The burning giant ax slammed heavily on the eight spider legs that the Night Mother Spider Queen had set up for protection, and the moment the Night Mother Spider Queen touched it, she wailed in pain.Although the eight spear-like spider legs barely slowed down the momentum of the giant axe, they were instantly ignited.

In desperation, the Night Mother Spider Queen decisively broke the spider's leg, then quickly pulled away and pushed away, forcefully using this self-mutilation method to escape from the golden cicada's shell under the attack of the burning giant axe.

Dragonfire Blazing Soul (3)

I don't know when, the cobweb covering my body has disappeared.

I turned around and saw the flaming "ancestral heroic spirit" floating behind me.

The "ancestral heroic spirit" is connected to my spirit, so I can sense the elemental spirit in the flame without specially casting the shaman's elemental spell, and I feel a familiar feeling from it - it is the queen's flame, at this moment The aura revealed by the flames of the "ancestral heroic spirit" is very similar to the empress' breath, it is blazing, powerful, and at the same time has an inexplicably ancient and solemn feeling.

This is the power of the Empress. After the wound was directly soaked in her blood, I seem to have gained the power to drive this special flame like her.

My body also seemed to be poured into a ball of flames, the blood seemed to boil all of a sudden, subtle pains were transmitted from all over the body, and at the same time, a surging force flowed to the limbs and bones.This force is so overbearing, it is eroding my body while arming me.The Berserker emblem on the arm also seemed to respond to this erosion, emitting a crimson light.

I took a long breath, moved my gaze forward, and settled on the Night Mother Spider Queen.

Now I can win her - I am so sure at this moment.

The Night Mother Spider Queen, who had broken her eight spider legs on her back, distanced herself from me, bowed her body and howled in pain.The blow just now obviously caused her a lot of trauma.

But the moment she was stared at by me, she immediately put on a posture, raised her hand again, and threw a dark purple spider web at me.

This time, I directly controlled the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swipe with a burning battle axe. The moment the spider web touched the flame, it was ignited, and the flame quickly climbed along the dark purple filaments. The Night Mother Spider Queen had no choice but to let go Cobwebs, so as not to be affected.

She has completely lost her advantage in attacking and defending at medium and short distances. The flames of the dragon king perfectly suppressed the spider webs she made.

I gripped the ax with both hands, and stepped forward to approach her.

The Night Mother Spider Queen flinched for a moment, but after a brief moment of hesitation, she suddenly jumped up and approached me at an unprecedented speed.

She has evolved to such a level that she already has a fairly high level of thinking and judgment ability, and she is also very clear about the threat to her of letting the "ancestral heroic spirit" in the dragon flame state attack at the most suitable distance.But from the battle just now, it can be seen that she doesn't have any effective long-range attack methods.So she chose to do the opposite, wanting to use the fastest charge to avoid the attack of the "ancestral heroic spirit", and pull the battle into close hand-to-hand combat to seek a chance of victory.

But hand-to-hand combat is also my specialty. I didn't choose to back down, and immediately launched a dash.

In the blink of an eye, we were close to face to face, and I swung the tomahawk in my hand at the same time, slashing at her shoulders.And she stretched out her clawed hands and dug into my chest.

The outcome was decided immediately. In the end, my battle ax hit her shoulders first, and cut in hard. While causing great damage to her, it also took away the strength of her arms. The claws of the Night Mother Spider Queen As soon as the skin on my chest was cut open, it lost the strength to stab it.With the blessing of both the dragon's blood and the Berserker's coat of arms greatly enhanced, my strength completely overwhelmed this abyss lord.

This is an unprecedented peak. Both my own strength and the "ancestral heroic spirit" have grown to a new level, making me stronger than this night mother spider queen.

Because of the severe shoulder injury, the night mother spider queen screamed again, I raised my foot and kicked her in the abdomen, kicking her upside down and flying several meters.Then I controlled "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to raise the battle axe, ready to give her the final blow.

At this moment, the night mother spider queen broke out her last survival instinct, she screamed with all her might, and then a large number of night devil spiders suddenly appeared on the nearby spider webs, and quickly surrounded them.

These night devil spiders should have been hidden near her in advance by her, and they were used to hold back the pursuers when they escaped when the situation was not good.

If it's just me, I don't need to care about these miscellaneous fish.But at this time, Angelica was lying nearby, who was seriously injured, so I had to turn my attention to these night devil spiders.

I manipulated the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to swing his arms around and swung the battle ax around. The sparks were thrown from the blade of the battle ax like splashed water and flew towards the surrounding night demon spiders, igniting them instantly.

The Night Mother Spider Queen didn't let go of this gap, got up and rushed towards a large black spider web arranged nearby, and then jumped up.

The moment she climbed onto the spider web, she showed an unimaginable agility that she was seriously injured. Like a top assassin, she moved quickly on the spider web with her hands and feet. Before she could blink her eyes, she fell into the spider web. The back is gone.

In the end, she managed to find the escape channel. On the spider web, she could hide her figure and magic aura, and at the same time, she moved quickly on the spider web all over the city.

"Brock...on the left..." Angelica's weak voice suddenly reached my ears.

I reacted subconsciously and controlled the "ancestral heroic spirit" to swing the ax at a large spider web on the left, and the flying sparks were thrown to Zhu Shangshang.The overlapping black spider webs quickly melted like butter on the fire when they came into contact with the flames on the "Ancestral Heroic Spirits" battle axe, followed by a mournful scream——the melted spider webs The Night Mother Spider Queen appears with her body ablaze with sparks.

"Die!!" Vanessa appeared behind her at some point, fiercely swung the sickle, pierced her chest, and then chopped off her head.

The screams of the Night Mother Spider Queen stopped abruptly, and the body fell down.


I turned to Angelica's direction and found that she was fully awake, and it was she who discovered the location of the Night Mother Spider Queen with her keen sense of smell.Although the demon has no smell, the night mother spider queen was stained with my blood when she attacked me—that special smell of blood exposed the position of the abyss lord to Angelica who was a werewolf.

Angelica seems to be in no serious condition, but she is still a little weak, lying on the ground and barely supporting her body. The blood I fed her seems to have successfully resolved the poisonous curse she was under.The only thing that is interesting is that for some reason, some dark purple lines appeared on her skin, somewhat similar to the lines on the Night Mother Spider Queen.

"Angelica? Your body..." I blinked in surprise.

"I... It's fine, I'm fine." Angelica herself didn't seem to realize the changes in herself.

She slowly regained her werewolf state, and at the same time, those dark purple lines also faded away.

This is... Has the night mother spider queen's poisonous curse affected her?

It seems that it is necessary to take her back to take a good look.

Dragonfire Blazing Soul (4)

After Vanessa killed the Night Mother Spider Queen, she immediately began to absorb her power.She spread her wings and hovered above the corpse, turning the corpse into a black mist of magic power and sucking it into her wings.

Angelica was still a little weak. I saw that she tried to stand up several times but failed, so I squatted down next to her.

"Let me carry you." I suggested to her.

Angelica looked at me, blinked twice, then shook her head.

"Eh? Don't want it?" I was a little surprised.

As a result, Angelica turned over and lay flat, then raised both hands to me: "Hold me back!"

Is this girl thinking my back is hard?

I scratched my head, and finally agreed: "Okay, let's go."

I put away the tomahawk, and stretched out my arms to hug Angelica horizontally.

This girl is still as light as ever.

Angelica huddled in my arms, and immediately rested her head on my chest, her eyes narrowed into thin lines.

"Ah!" Vanessa in the distance widened her eyes when she saw the scene here, then immediately stopped absorbing magic power, and flew over with wings, "Honey, why only hug her! I also contributed Yes! I want it too!"

Angelica raised her face and bared her teeth at Vanessa in dissatisfaction: "Go back and eat! Go! Go!"

As soon as the night mother spider queen died, the black spider webs sticking to all parts of White Lake City immediately began to gradually dissipate.The darkness covering White Lake City gradually became thinner, and the bright sky shone into the city.By the time I walked back to the city gate, Wikas and the werewolf knights had finished their battles and gathered here.Not only that, the troops outside the city entered the city after seeing the spider webs dissipating at the gate of the city.

Soon I heard cheers of victory erupted from the crowd. This time, we finally and truly took back White Lake City.

I found Princess Alisa and gave Angelica, who was reluctant to get off me, into her care.

The post-war cleanup will probably take some time, but until then we have other things to do.

Not far away, Wikas asked Alsena for instructions, and then waved to the knights behind him: "The fifth team comes with me, go back to the airship, and transfer everyone back from the camp!"

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