"I don't know if those demons are worthless, but I can be sure that you are worthless!" Jaron stared at Mudar with eyes wide open, "I've put up with you for too long, you think I'm here to question you today Is it?"

He waved his hand, and the archers around drew their bows and arrows one after another.

"Huh? Are you going to break with me here?" Mudar raised his eyebrows, and he looked left and right at the two elves following him.

The two disciples raised their hands knowingly, summoning a ball of magic power in their palms, and the scene instantly became explosive.

However, the next moment, the two elves blasted the magic power in their hands towards Mudar without warning, and the magic power turned into black chains, binding Mudar tightly.

At the same time, the archers around him loosened their bowstrings without warning, and arrows were fired from all directions, piercing his thin body without missing a beat, instantly turning him into a hedgehog.

Daisy, who was watching all this, covered her mouth lightly in surprise, the leadership of the enemy army really started to fight among themselves.

Mudar's body trembled, but he didn't show pain, he just opened his eyes slightly to look at the black chains and arrows on his body, and then looked up at Jia Long: "You... bought my disciple? "

"They are more obedient than you, and they are more aware of current affairs. Even if you can use the corpse of the demon king, you can't do anything if your original body is suddenly sealed with magic power. I will let someone who is more obedient take over the corpse of the demon king. Find out your phylactery by the way." Jia Long approached and said to him word for word, "You just go to that world honestly!"

Yubijalong suddenly pulled out his long sword, and cut off Mudar's head with one stroke, and the head rolled down on the muddy ground.

Daisy stared closely at the strangely shaped long sword and narrowed her eyes.

Having dabbled in black magic, she still has a certain understanding of demons. From the conversation just now, it is said that the legendary sword "Legion Commander" made from the horn of a demon king-such a good treasure should be worth stealing.

Maybe it's not just the sword that can be stolen, but also the human head.I remember that the proposal to assassinate him was shelved because killing this human might cause all the leadership of the enemy army to fall into the hands of Mudar. Now that Mudar was killed in the internal strife, there is no such concern. .

Well, if you get the head and the sword back, the rich crown prince will definitely be willing to pay a large amount of money, and Brock will be very happy... No, no, it's strange, why should he care about whether he is happy or not? ?I always feel that I have become more and more strange recently. I obviously just feel that the guy is very strong and reliable as an accomplice, and it is profitable to help them, so I temporarily form a gang with him. The impulse to please that guy?

Daisy shook her head, trying to get the strange thought out of her mind.

Epilogue: The Devil's Heart (2)

"Hmph!" Jaron, who had chopped off Mudar's head, withdrew his sword with lingering anger, and then looked at the two sinners who had betrayed Mudar, "Okay, you two, hurry up and take over the corpse of the Demon King now. come on!"

"My lord, please don't forget that we have to bear great risks when we do this kind of thing." An elf sinner said.

"Are you bargaining with me now?" Jaron frowned impatiently at him, "That's enough, don't worry about it. As long as you do things for me well, when I sit on the throne of Helgia , Naturally, your benefits are indispensable!"

"The only thing you want is the throne of Helgia? Master Jaron, with all due respect, your pursuit is so shallow." A voice answered unexpectedly.

"What did you say!?" Jaron glared at the elf sinner.

"No, I didn't say that." The elf sinner shook his head blankly.

"It's really sad, using such a poor strategy to murder me, in your eyes, am I so easy to deal with?" The voice sounded again.

Jia Long was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, and looked down at the source of the sound: "Mudar!?"

The sound came from the severed head of Mudar. Even though his face and hair were covered with wet mud, Mudar still forced a grin at Jaron.

"Haven't you already sealed his magic power?" Jaron asked the two sinners in horror.

The two elf sinners were also inexplicably terrified, they looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to speak a word.

"By imposing a seal on the original body of the lich, it is indeed possible to temporarily block the magic power of the lich. But, if the lich has a spare body that can be switched immediately, it is a different matter, Solby, and Gerald, It seems that you two still haven't learned your homework." Mu Daer smiled ferociously at the two elf sinners.

As soon as the words fell, Daisy saw a huge crack suddenly appeared in the mid-air over there, and half a face appeared inside the crack, with countless eyes growing on the face.According to the general proportions, the owner of this face should be a tower-like giant.

"The Demon King!!" Jia Long gasped.

Daisy swallowed subconsciously, and it turned out that it was the Demon King.Although only half of his face was revealed, that invisible overwhelming terror had already emerged from the crack like a tide.Just looking at it from such a distance, Daisy shivered involuntarily.

"Speaking of which, I haven't told you where my last phylactery is stored. Come and guess, there will be a reward for the correct answer." Mu Daer slowly turned his head and looked around at the people around him.

However, no one at the scene paid any attention to him. The moment he summoned the Demon King, they fell into panic and scattered in all directions to stay away from the terrible crack.However, a black wall of fire suddenly grew up around them, surrounding them.

Blocked by the fire wall, Daisy couldn't see what was going on inside.She changed the location, quickly climbed to the top of the building where she was hiding, and looked inside the circle surrounded by the fire wall.

"No one guessed it? It's a pity, then there is no reward." Mudar laughed wildly, "It was in the chest of the devil's corpse! I dug out the heart of the devil and put my phylactery in it." .Now my phylactery has been fused with the body of the devil, and the corpse of the devil is my spare body, and no one can take it away."

Then she saw two small space cracks appeared in midair, and then two black spears cast by magic power shot out from the cracks like arrows, piercing through the bodies of the two elf sinners.

Daisy recognized the two spears somewhat familiarly - very similar to the "Spear of the Dark Curse" summoned by a certain orc with a pitch-black battle axe, it seems that they should be some kind of spell from the same source.

Both elf sinners staggered, and the black chains they held in their hands broke instantly.

The liberated Mudar bent down and picked up his head from the ground.

"Look, using the method of sealing magic power to deal with Liches should be like this!" Mudar, whose head was held by his own body, began to laugh loudly, "It's time for you to make up your lessons!"

"Teacher... forgive me!"


The two elven sinners named Thorbey and Gerald seem to be liches too. The two spears of the curse obviously carried some kind of sealing formula, which instantly sealed their magic power. Now they can even manipulate their bodies to speak It all became extremely difficult.

"Don't worry, it's the teacher's responsibility to cultivate stupid students into talents. I am very patient in this regard. Even if you are unworthy students like you, I will train you to be more valuable." Mr. Mu Daer laugh.

As soon as the words fell, one eye on the Demon King's face suddenly emitted a strange purple light.At the same time, the two spears of the curse that pierced Thorby and Gerald were suddenly "absorbed" by their wounds.

They all uttered mournful wailing, and at the same time, their bodies began to change drastically. Their bodies and limbs grew rapidly, sharp bone spurs burst out from their backs, and their broken wings stretched out. Oddly shaped long tail.

Daisy, who had dabbled in demonology, immediately realized what had happened. The bodies of the two elf sinners were impregnated with powerful abyss-attribute magic power, and they began to demonize.This magical power is so tyrannical that it even directly affected the consciousness of these two liches. As undead liches, they should not feel pain. The reason why they screamed was because their spirits had been strongly impacted.If the spirit is completely wiped out, the lich will become a zombie without the ability to cast spells, that is, the puppet lich.

"Look, isn't this much cuter?" Mudar laughed maniacally, "Then, by the way, let's open an open class for other people, come on mediocre, this is a good opportunity for you to reinvent yourself!"

More tiny cracks appeared in midair, like countless eyes opening one after another.

The next moment, the Spear of the Curse rained down on the human soldiers surrounded by the fire wall, piercing through their bodies, and then quickly absorbed by their wounds.The scene immediately turned into a hell on earth where demons danced wildly. Amid the intertwined countless screams, these human beings were quickly transformed into strange creatures that were half human and half demon.

In a blink of an eye, there was only one human being left on the scene who hadn't been murdered—Jaron, the leader of the Helgian rebel party, holding the magic sword "Legiment Commander" in both hands, and stared at Mudar while backing away in horror: "No! No! Why? How did this happen? How did this happen!!"

Epilogue: The Devil's Heart (3)

"Ah, don't worry. Master Jaron, you are the same. Even if you are a mediocre and incompetent trash, even if you only know how to play boring power tricks desperately, and you are so short-sighted that you only want to sit on the throne of Helgia You can be satisfied—for the sake of our cooperation, I will also train you to be a valuable person." Mudar raised his head with one hand, and smiled maniacally while looking at Jia Long approached.

In just an instant, the scene fell into his control again.

"Don't come here, don't come here!!!" Jia Long waved the magic sword in his hand indiscriminately.

"That's not how this thing is used. There are so many demons that can be driven, but you just hold it and wave it around... It's really sad." Mudar sighed, "Let me get you Get more presentable."

The next moment, the two demons transformed from two elf sinners—Solby and Gerald suddenly raised their claws, and popped out black chains from their palms, and stretched Jaron's arms from left to right. Tie up firmly.

The moment the chain tightened, Daisy vaguely heard the sound of bones bursting, and Jialong let out a scream like a slaughtered domestic pig.

Daisy, who was watching all this, shook her head regretfully. According to this trend, the leader of the Helgian rebel party will die here. I am afraid that there is no chance to exchange his head for money.

However, Mudar did not immediately kill Jialong, but grinningly grabbed his severed head with one hand and stretched it close to Jialong's face: "Don't worry, Master Jialong, I have taken care of you so much. Of course I won't turn you into the same as these trash, I will give you the highest level of transformation!!"

"You...what are you going to do? Stop...quickly stop!" Jia Long, who was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, hummed angrily.

Mudar ignored his appeal and shouted excitedly as if he was hosting a banquet: "Come on, before we start, let's guess a riddle first. I just said that I dug out the heart of the devil and put my life on the line." The casket is buried in that cavity. So... where did the Demon King's heart go?"

Jia Long hung his head and didn't make a sound, as if he had gone into shock from the severe pain.

"Oh, can't you guess this? The answer is very simple, it's on... me!" Mudar stretched out his hand to press his chest, and a huge spar broke out from his heart , transferred to his hands.

"Look, it took me seven combined seals to shrink the devil's heart to the size of a human heart. Now..." A strange smile appeared on Mudar's face, "I will take this precious present to you."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly pressed the spar in his hand - the heart of the devil towards Jia Long's chest.As if pressing a hot iron ball on the ice, the spar burned Jia Long's coat in an instant, and was absorbed into Jia Long's chest bit by bit under the push.

Under the strong stimulation, Jia Long, who was already unconscious, opened his eyes suddenly, and then let out a scream no less than before.

As if responding to his pain, Mudar let out a distorted laugh.

As the devil's heart was absorbed by Jia Long's body, majestic magic power began to flow in his body.His body began to demonize at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ferocious arthropod-like shell pierced his skin and tore his clothes. The demon's sharp horns, bone wings and long tail grew out one by one. A crack appeared in the opponent's chest that absorbed the heart of the demon king, and then gradually grew into a huge eye that opened.In the blink of an eye, he became completely unrecognizable, although in the end he still retained the basic human form and half of his human face.

At the end of the upheaval, this half-demon, half-human monster suddenly swung its arms bound by the chains, and with this simple movement, easily broke the chains made of magic power, and then raised its head and let out a long hair. whistling.

"That's great, Master Jialong, haven't you always wanted to sit on the throne? Now you are a veritable king of demons!!" Head, he probably still clapped his hands hard.

At this moment, Daisy completely canceled the plan to assassinate Jaron.After absorbing the heart of the devil, this guy has probably become the most powerful demonized creature in the world, and it is definitely not something that the dagger in her hand can cut to death.

The atmosphere at the scene was still no different from that of the Demon Realm. Surrounded by black flames, demons danced wildly, half-human and half-demon creatures surrounded their newly born "King", the face of the Demon King appeared in mid-air, and the crazy Lich held himself up high. His head presides over the Sabbat.

Daisy's palpitations grew more and more, and she planned to evacuate in her heart.She has obtained enough important information, since the assassination is hopeless, the only task is to convey all the information back.

"Everyone is very excited after being reborn, so let you have a good time." At this moment, Mudar suddenly announced with a smile, "I will give you a task to clean up Miss Mouse on the roof over there. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to where Daisy was.

Daisy was taken aback, and then felt a sudden chill.

She realized that she had made a mistake, she shouldn't have climbed onto the roof of the building, although she used a small trick to conceal her breath, how could such a small trick fool the eyes of the Demon King?Those powerful demons can directly see the flow of magic power, and those eyes on the devil's face are not for decoration!

The first to move was the demonized Jaron. While waving the magic sword, he raised his empty hand, and then summoned a huge black fireball from his hand.

"Hey, what's the matter!?" Daisy gasped.

Although the scale of this spell is not comparable to the blow she saw that severely damaged the female dragon, it is estimated that it can easily blow up a tower.

Jia Long waved his hand violently, and the fireball was thrown in a straight line, knocking down the building where Daisy was located, and at the same time erupting a column of fire that soared into the sky.

"Bastard! It's too bullying to use this kind of magic to bombard a mere assassin?" Daisy, who had already jumped to another roof, began to fly away from the scene at the fastest speed, and then came to a waterway entrance , Kicked off the iron bars and got in, this is the route she prepared in advance.

She quickly slipped out of the city, and suddenly heard movement from behind, and turned around to see the group of demons, led by the demonized Jia Long, blasting through the city gate and chasing her aggressively.

Daisy wanted to cry when she saw this scene.

"I must pay you double in return—if you can survive." She thought so.

Legion Commander

Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say (1)

Although we have experienced some twists and turns, we finally succeeded in capturing White Lake City and allowed large troops to temporarily settle in it.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, in the next few days, we did not rush to continue the previously planned advance route, but gradually eliminated the nearby demons, and at the same time collected some information-in this regard, the most important thing for us, It was the news that Daisy was supposed to spy back from the enemy.

Although we have the general location of the enemy's main force, we lack the means to infiltrate—except to try to dispatch this dark elf assassin.Therefore, we have no means of contacting her, and can only confirm that she is still alive through the reaction of the magic contract.We have reserved personnel at the original camp location to pick her up and take her to White Lake City as soon as she returns.

The last person reserved to pick her up was late at night on the fifth day.

After receiving the news, Arsena immediately rushed to the sentry reception room near the city gate to meet her.

Then when I got the news one step later and rushed over there, the meeting had already started.I saw Alsena and Vikas sitting in the reception room through the window in the corridor, while Daisy slumped on the chair opposite them with a tired face—obviously, the mission this time It wasn't easy for her.

I thought about it, and finally decided to stand here and listen. Since Arsena is already receiving her, I will only cause unnecessary disturbance if I go in halfway.

"Miss Daisy, are you okay? Come, have a glass of water." Alsena put a glass of water in front of Daisy, "Have you found any important information?"

Sitting on the chair, Daisy gasped for a few breaths. Finally, she leaned her body on the table and said to her, "Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say."

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