Arsena straightened her face when she heard that, then patted her chest lightly and pointed at Wikas: "Miss Daisy, we are knights, we will not be afraid, please tell me."

Daisy nodded, swallowed her throat, and said seriously: "When I escaped back, I was hunted down by the 'devil man'."

Arsena and Wikas looked at each other in surprise, and finally Arsena raised her hand and asked, "That Miss Daisy, the devil... who is it?"

"It's not someone, it's the kind of human-shaped, devil-like, half-human, half-devil devil, you should be able to imagine it." Daisy gestured with her hands.

I frowned a little when I heard this. This girl obviously went through some dangers and barely escaped the last way to come back. She looked a little confused. It should be difficult for her to describe it in words at this time to get accurate information.

Arsena thought for a while, then beckoned to the guard at the side, asked for a picture book and a paintbrush, and immediately drew on the paper, drawing a demon with blue-faced fangs on the left half of his body, and an ordinary human being on the right half of his body Then Arsena tore off the page of the picture, showed it to Daisy, and asked her with a look of "Is that so?"

Daisy waved her hands when she saw it: "Uh, it's not that the left and right are so distinct, it's the fusion of the characteristics of demons and humans."

Arsena thought for a while, and then re-drawn, drawing a woman with demonic features.I took a closer look outside the window and realized that she was actually painted like Vanessa.

Then Arsena tore off the painting again and showed it to Daisy.

Daisy took a look, then shook her head again: "No, he is different from that woman, he looks terrible, not so beautiful."

Arsena looked at the painting in her hand, and added a few scars to the face of "Vanessa" in the painting with two strokes, and then added an eye patch to her, making her look like a female bandit.

Then Alsena showed the painting to Daisy again.

"It's not that scary, it's not a succubus, he has no breasts, he's a man!" Daisy seemed a little bit unbearable.

Arsena thought for a while, put it down and began to modify the lines, changing the feminine curved breasts into male pectoral muscles, and then picked it up to show Daisy.

"This..." Daisy was dumbfounded.

Then Arsena immediately said "Ah" as if she had suddenly realized, then put the painting down again, added a beard to the face on the painting, and picked it up again: "Here, man."

...but don't let Vanessa see this painting.

Once Arsena is off-line, sometimes it's quite maddening.

When Daisy saw the painting, she burst out suddenly, and slapped the painting in Arsena's hand aside: "Are you kidding me!? I'm talking about the kind that was forcibly transformed, half human and half devil , A monster that looks neither fish nor fowl, understand?"

"Okay, I see. Tell me what happened first." Arsena raised her hand to signal her to calm down.

Daisy calmed down a bit, and then began to talk, probably because she still had some lingering fears. She spoke very fast and was a bit incoherent: "He is chasing me madly, and he wants to tear me into pieces. Don't be afraid... He brought a group of demons to besiege me, right in the enemy's main city, full of demons! There is also the corpse of the devil, the devil, there are so many eyes on his face! The leader of the demons, you too I know him, the leader of the rebel army named Jia Long, he is also a devil! I couldn’t beat him at all. inside……"

The more Arsena listened, the expression became more subtle, and finally she couldn't help but laugh.

Daisy noticed the change in her expression, she looked straight at her and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Arsena straightened her face and waved her hands: "Uh, I just remembered something suddenly."

"whats the matter?"

"I remembered that Jaron, the former Prime Minister of Helgia, seemed to only know a little bit of swordsmanship, not even up to the level of an apprentice knight."

Obviously she felt that Daisy's words were too far-fetched, and she didn't quite believe what she said.

"The Jialong you the same person as the one I mentioned?" Daisy frowned.

"No, so could it be Miss Daisy who made a mistake?" Arsena smiled awkwardly.

Daisy's face darkened, obviously a little unhappy: "Don't you believe me? Let me repeat, I'm not joking!"

"But Miss Daisy, you also said at the time that you would assassinate him, how could you be driven all the way to the river by him instead?" Arsena insisted.

"Hi!!" Daisy seemed a little annoyed at her insistence that she made a mistake, and she drew out her dagger and slapped it on the table, "I've worked so hard to help you spy on the news, and you're just questioning me like that?"

Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say (2)


"Cough, it's okay, it's okay, we trust you." Wikas saw the atmosphere a little embarrassed, so he said something to bring the topic back on track, "Tell me first, the 'Jialon' who chased you down, he really Is it great?"

"It's not a question of whether he's powerful or not!" Daisy waved her hand, and then said with lingering fear, "He's really that kind of monster...that I've never seen before. He can use the magic of the devil, and he can kill you with a wave of his hand. It's terrifying to be able to knock down a building, but unfortunately I ran too fast at the time and didn't have time to carefully observe his moves..."

"Miss Daisy, do you want to go back and have a rest first?" Alsena suggested suddenly with a worried expression.

"Don't deceive people too much, I have already said that I am not lying!" Daisy slapped the table angrily.

"I just thought you might be a little too tired..." Arsena tried to reassure her.

"You are obviously doubting me, and you have never believed it!" Daisy thumped the table angrily, pointing at her and complaining.

"Miss Daisy, we paladins have received strict quality training. No matter what the other party says, we will not doubt it casually, unless it is really too bizarre." Arsena replied seriously.

In the end, Wikas interjected in time: "'s really hard for us to understand what you said, so how about this, do you have any evidence other than dictation that you can show us?"

"Hey, this is a bit difficult for me. The enemy's main city has strict censorship, and things like projection crystals can't be brought in!" Daisy frowned and replied, "Tsk, if this is Nitrilan It's simple, the dark elves have a spell for interrogation, which is to directly read other people's memories and then project them out, if there is a mage here who can do it..."

"I've never heard of this type of spell, at least the mage troops in Helgia don't have such talents." Arsena clasped her hands.

Seeing that they were in a stalemate, I coughed dryly outside the window, and then reminded them aloud: "Well, maybe Roland can do this kind of thing."

Roland is extremely proficient in spiritual spells, and is also proficient in projection spells. Such things should not trouble her.

"Mr. Bullock, you're here too." Alsena noticed this and waved to me.

Daisy saw that I was more energetic than her, so she pointed at Alsena and sued me: "Hey, Brock, come over and comment on me, this woman doesn't believe the information I said, she It must be to renege on the debt!"

"Don't worry, wait for me to find Roland, you wait here." I waved my hand and left the corridor of the interrogation room.

Then I went to Roland's tent and invited her over.

"...I've heard about the matter, is it right to project the memory? No problem, take it easy, leave it to me!" Roland, who came to the interrogation room, said to Daisy with a smile.

"Hey, do you really want a white-skinned elf to project my memory? She won't take the opportunity to give me some strange hints, will she?" Daisy looked Roland up and down, with a worried expression on her face.

According to the principle, for high-level spiritual spells such as projective memory to take effect, it often requires the active cooperation of the caster. That is to say, Daisy has to take the initiative to give Roland the authority to peek at the memory, and she will have some scruples It is also a matter of course.

"Don't worry, I will stop her if she acts strangely." I patted her on the shoulder.

As a result, the uneasiness on Daisy's face became more obvious: "No, don't you first deny that she would do that kind of thing?"

...Because it's not surprising that Roland would do that kind of thing.

"Oh, am I so untrustworthy? Don't worry, I will never do such a shameless thing as using magic to play with other people's spirits." Roland said righteously, and winked at me quietly. .

I gave her a blank look.

Hey, this woman really doesn't even bat an eye when she tells a lie!

But Daisy seemed to be deceived by her impassioned statement, and after thinking for a while, she nodded: "Then... well, it's about my bounty after all, so I'll let you project my memory Yes. It happened at noon the day before yesterday, so don't just peek at the memories of other time periods."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Roland stood behind Daisy leaning on his staff, raised his hand and gently placed it on top of her head, and began to chant the spell.After ten seconds of chanting, she stretched out her staff towards a wall of the room, and a beam of light projected from the gem at the end of the staff onto the wall, showing a picture.

A pool appeared in the screen, and there was an orc in the middle of the pool, who was taking a bath with his back to the screen, wiping his shoulders with a bath towel.

"Hey, this muscle Mr. Bullock!" Alsena recognized it in an instant, narrowing her eyes with burning eyes.

I was stunned for a while before I realized that this figure was me. After all, I had very few chances to see my own back.

Daisy gasped when she saw this scene, and immediately shouted at Roland: "Hey, what are you doing with this memory!?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, human memory is very vague and ambiguous, and it takes a bit of searching to find the memory of a specific period of time." Roland apologized with a smile.

"Excuse me, can this picture be adjusted to a frontal perspective?" Arsena asked Roland seriously.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness, you can't, this can only project the picture she saw at that time." Roland replied.

"Hey, this should be the memory of when she assassinated me, isn't it too far from your mistake?" I frowned and looked at Roland.

"No, this is a recent memory, just a few days ago." Roland smiled at me meaningfully.

I was taken aback for a moment, then turned my gaze to Daisy.

Daisy was a little uncomfortable being stared at by me, she turned her face away and replied: "What, why? Just look at it when you are bored and have nothing to do, and you won't lose a piece of meat!"

"Don't do this kind of thing in the future!!" I warned with my eyes wide open.

"Miss Daisy, please tell me, how did you manage to not be discovered?" Alsena suddenly asked Daisy seriously.

"Don't add to the confusion! And why are you picking up the pen and paper again? Stop drawing Lao Tzu's latissimus dorsi in front of the screen!!" I yelled at Alsena, and immediately turned to Roland , "And you! When are you going to put the picture of me taking a shower!?"

"Oh, it turns out that you, Brock, can sing beast folk songs when you take a shower alone." Roland kept nodding his head while looking at the screen. The projected memory not only retained the screen that Daisy saw, but also the voice that Daisy heard.

"Enough, cut it off! Switch the screen for me immediately!" I roared like a lion.

Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say (3)

Roland switched the screen, and the screen changed to an avenue. The owner of the perspective was obviously riding on horseback, driving his car and speeding along the road.

"This is on the way, it looks very fast, the horse is panting." Arsena commented.

"Of course, I am such a conscientious person, I will definitely try my best to save time on the road—" Daisy boasted.

Then Roland switched the screen, and the screen jumped to a brightly lit tavern.Daisy’s perspective is at a table. In the picture, she holds up an empty wine glass and excitedly shouts at the waitress: “Here are two more glasses of ale! I want a plate of smoked cheese!”

Including me, everyone present focused their attention on Daisy.

"It's just... just having dinner on the way." Daisy defended with an embarrassed face.

"There are already six empty wine glasses on the table, and I'm having a great time drinking." The sharp-eyed Wikas said, pointing at the screen.

At this time, another man dressed as a mercenary with a rough appearance appeared on the screen, brought a glass of wine, and greeted Daisy with a smile: "You little girl can drink a lot, come and have a glass of wine and make friends."

"This paragraph is too early, let's move forward quickly." Daisy said with a slight frown.

Then Roland switched the screen again, and the screen turned into a dark alley. The man who had accosted Daisy just now was rolling and crying on the ground, and Daisy kept kicking him, "Just you This kind of weak scum dares to use an ax to drug the old lady? Hand over all the valuables, or I will cut off all ten fingers and ears of yours!"

"Not here, fast forward, fast forward!" Here Daisy urged again.

Roland switched the screen again. This time, an extremely terrifying face appeared on the screen, with a pair of sharp horns of a demon. Most of the face was distorted and distorted as if it had been burned. The monster roared towards the screen with its mouth almost cracked neck position.

We all subconsciously exclaimed.

Then Roland paused the picture.

The next second I realized, I looked at Roland: "Why did you freeze the picture on this scary close-up of the face?"

"Look carefully at his right eye and the surrounding skin." Roland pointed at the picture seriously, "That's a human eye."

Except for Daisy, we all froze for a moment, then looked carefully at the monster's face, and found that only the small half of the monster's face around the right eye barely maintained a human appearance.

"It's him! The 'devil man' who chased me down!" Daisy pointed at the screen with a pale face, as if she had been evoked by some terrifying memory.

"This is Jaron?" Arsena blinked in disbelief.

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