Wikas narrowed his eyes, and said in a firm tone: "It should be him. The color and texture of the iris are right with my impression."

The werewolf's eyesight is so sharp that he can judge whether someone is lying by observing the changes in the pupils of others. This guy probably uses this to directly memorize the subtle features of the wanted criminal.

"However, the former Prime Minister Jialong was a serious human being, how could he become like this?" Arsena frowned puzzled.

"He has undergone some kind of transformation. The enemy has the technology to demonize creatures." I said in a deep voice.

The enemy had such a precedent in the past. When they attacked the Wallis Valley, they transformed the hired werewolf bandits into demons to act as a surprise attack force in the mountains.The first demon Vanessa absorbed was the heart of a demonized werewolf.

"In principle, it is difficult for ordinary organisms to withstand demonization, and the magic power of the abyss is directly injected into the flesh. Before demonization, the flesh will be weakened and dead due to the erosion of vitality by the magic power. Only the flesh of the werewolf is strong and Creatures that are resistant to curses can be used as materials." Roland corrected.

"Could it be that the enemy's technology has innovated?" I rubbed my chin in thought.

At this time, Daisy suddenly pointed to the screen and interjected: "No, that person absorbed the heart of the devil and became like this."

"The heart of the devil?" We all looked at Daisy in astonishment.

"It's all about what I do. It's true. If you don't believe me, go back and watch."

"Didn't you say such an important thing earlier?" I widened my eyes.

When Daisy heard this, she became furious: "I just escaped from death and my mind is still confused! And none of you believe me."

"Rewind the screen." I said to Roland.

Roland immediately switched the screen, and the screen turned to a scene under a city wall, where Jaron led a team of soldiers to surround three elf sinners including Mudar.

This scene quickly brought everyone present back to the enemy's main city at that point in time, as if they were there.Without an explanation, we fully understood what happened: Jaron and Mudar turned against each other, Jaron bought his disciples to set up a murderous trap against him, but Mudar easily countered it, and Mudar turned all the people on the scene into half-humans. The half-human monster pushed the heart of the devil into Jaron's chest, transforming him into an unprecedented terrifying monster.

Looking at the horror scene in Daisy's memory, which looks like a scroll of purgatory, we couldn't help but hold our breath.Only Roland is analyzing seriously: "So, if the lich separates the spirit from the body, it can demonize the body without any scruples. If other humans are to be killed directly with the Spear of the Dark Curse, and then use magic power to The corpse is demonized, and then driven by necromancy... As for Jia Long, because the devil's heart released super-standard magic power at one time, it completely demonized the body in an instant before the body decayed. In terms of technology alone, I really have to admire it This madman's idea."

At the end of the scene, Daisy was discovered, and when Jia Long raised his hand to gather black flames, Roland paused the scene again.

"This is the demon king's spell. Although the scale has been reduced a lot, it is obviously of the same system." Roland nodded. "He has been able to instinctively drive part of the demon king's power, although it is still unstable."

"Does he... still have his own consciousness? He looks crazy." I couldn't help pointing at the picture and asked.

"I'm afraid it's gone. Once the magic power of that standard is injected into the body, it will directly impact the spirit. Although the body can quickly demonize and survive, but the soul should have been completely broken. He will be like a wraith, only a part of it will remain. Past obsessions and broken memories, but no basic thinking ability." Roland said and shook his head, "But that's not the point of the problem, the point is that he was strengthened by the heart of the devil, and he still holds the last handful of the devil's heart in his hand. Demon Sword 'Legion Commander', this is enough to turn him into a huge disaster enough to threaten a country. A meeting must be held immediately to discuss countermeasures."

Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say (4)

"...So, is there any news?" Tolivia who was called over sat across from us, frowning slightly and looking at us back and forth.

She was the only high-level troop present who hadn't understood the information that Daisy had inquired about.

"The details are in this crystal, you can understand after reading it." Roland said, put a projection crystal on the table, and pushed it towards her.

After reading Daisy's memory, she preserved Daisy's memory image with a crystal that can record images.

Tolivia picked up the crystal to activate it, and the crystal projected a picture: an orc rubbed his shoulder in the pool with his back facing the picture.

"Yah!" Testa, standing behind Tolivia, screamed, covering her eyes.

"What did you let me see!?" Tolivia also glared at Roland, picked up the crystal and threw it back.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I took the wrong one!" Roland smiled apologetically, and was about to put the crystal away.

"Ms. Roland, let's make a price for that crystal just now." Arsena put her hands on the table and rested her chin on the back of her hands, and discussed with Roland seriously.

"That crystal can't go anywhere, it must appear in my hand within the next ten seconds!" I twitched out of the corner of my eye and pulled out a tomahawk, then chopped it on the table.

"Oh, I just want to study the folk songs of beasts. Why are you so fierce? It's too much!" Under my threat, Roland honestly pushed the crystal towards me.

Then I took the ax down and chopped the crystal into pieces.

"Ahhh!" Arsena stretched out her hands in this direction with a regretful face.

"Don't worry Your Highness, I still have a backup here." Roland smiled and nodded towards Arsena.

Arsena's face turned from sadness to joy, and Wikas standing behind her coughed dryly: "Your Highness, respect yourself."

At this time, Tolivia, who was left alone, couldn't stand it anymore, and took down the longbow she was carrying, and said in a cold voice: "You guys asked me to come here just to let me watch your nonsense. Believe it or not, I will reward you!" Each of you has an arrow?"

Everyone sat up straight again, and Roland took out another crystal and handed it over.

Tolivia took the crystal to look at the contents, was silent for a while, then turned to look at Roland: "Can you estimate how difficult this thing can be?"

"I think you still remember the monster that appeared at the gate of the Demon Realm during the Abyss War?" Roland looked at her and replied.

"Of course I remember, that guy swallowed no less than 2000 people before we killed him. Why, this monster is at the same level as that gatekeeper monster?" Tolivia asked with a frown.

"In terms of magic power, he can at least be equal to five gate-keeper monsters." Roland whispered, "The gate-keeper monster we met was said to be selected by the demon king from the creatures in the demon realm, and then used his own blood to further It was created by dipping. And this demonized human being, the raw material for fusion is the heart of the devil - that is the most abundant part of the demon's magic power, and the magic power of the dip is more refined and pure. As demonized creatures, their levels are completely different. Also There is the magic sword in his hand, which is the last magic sword 'Legion Commander' made from the horn of the devil king, which can directly control demons below a certain level of magic power. These two points alone are enough to make this ordinary and invincible The strange human has become one of the most powerful creatures on this continent."

"It sounds like we have to be prepared to kill 1 people if we want to attack him." Tolivia frowned, "But is it a bit high when you say that he is one of the most powerful creatures? He is more powerful than the queen." Even more powerful?"

"No, as a monster who has lost his mind, he can't be compared with the dragon queen who has experienced many battles. But with the current situation of that queen..." Roland said as he took out a projection crystal to activate, " I don't think she can be counted on to help us settle this time."

The projection crystal showed what her owl familiar eyes saw. On a piece of grass, a little fair-haired elf girl shrank behind a black-haired elf holding a longbow in her hand, hugging her leg, "Wow!" Shouting, there is a blindfolded little girl in the sky hovering above their heads with outstretched wings.

It's the Queen, Princess Alyssa, and Feilan. They seem to be playing some game.

The queen was circling and circling, swooping down from time to time, stretching out her claws, trying to get behind the princess and grab the little girl.At this time, Princess Alisa will set up a bow and shoot arrows at her. Those arrows obviously pose no threat to the queen.But it seems that due to certain rules of the game, the queen will still try to avoid those arrows, so she is driven away by the princess, and has to look for new sneak attack opportunities.

"...What is she doing with Her Royal Highness Alisa and your sister?" After watching in silence for a while, Tolivia turned to Roland and asked.

"They're playing a game of eagle and chicken." Roland replied calmly.

"What game?" Tolivia frowned.

"The eagle catches the chicken, haven't you ever played?" Roland remained calm.

"Of course I know that game, but I don't remember it like this." Tolivia gave her a blank look.

"It was Her Majesty who said that this game was not quite right. Normally, eagles should be able to fly, so she changed the rules." Roland explained to her, "But the point of this matter is not here, you can also see Now, the Dragon Queen is in this state, she has withstood a blow enough to destroy a legion in the battle of White Lake City, and it takes a long time to recover from her injuries."

She focused the picture on a close-up of the queen. The queen in the picture was petite and exquisite, and her arrogance was drastically reduced compared to usual.

These days, she has been maintaining this state to recuperate from her injuries, living a relatively idle life.During this period, she became very interested in Feilan, who also became a little ghost, and often ran after that girl.But although Feilan didn't recognize her very well after she became younger, she still had a sense of rejection towards her. Every time she saw her, she hid behind Princess Alisa who took care of her.

As for Princess Alyssa, she probably has been surrounded by the two of them all the time, and she has been in a good mood recently.

"Well, it's really hopeless." Tolivia raised her forehead.

"This time we can only rely on ourselves. Now Mudar has eliminated the people who shared power with him, and created such a monster... He will definitely make a big move in the near future. If there is a chance, we should act first." Roland said seriously, "The monster has just merged with the devil's heart, so it probably hasn't fully adapted, and its magic power level is still unstable. If we want to eliminate this dangerous factor, we should do it as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter if we rely on ourselves." Tolivia leaned back on the chair, crossed her hands and raised her legs, "It wasn't the dragons who killed the demon king in the past, but us!"

Get an experience to upgrade to a level (1)

The next day, I brought Angelica to Roland.

"...Very well, the wound has almost healed, let me take a look now." Roland looked into Angelica's eyes and said softly.

Angelica nodded, and then began to transform. Her body grew considerably, with animal ears and claws—it looked similar to her previous transformation. The only difference was that a few streaks of purple appeared on her body. The lines are still shimmering.

"That's it. After being pierced once by the Night Mother Spider Queen, this pattern appeared on her body." I explained to Roland.

When I saw these patterns on Angelica's body, I asked Roland about it.But Angelica was still injured at the time, so Roland treated her wound first, and was going to check the lines after her injury healed.

Roland took out a crystal and approached the pattern on her body. After more than ten seconds passed, a touch of ink-stained black appeared in the center of the crystal.

"Well, it's indeed the pattern of a high-ranking demon, with a high concentration of abyssal magic power exuding." Roland held the crystal and looked at it.

"Eh? Have I...become a high-level demon? Like Vanessa?" Angelica asked in shock.

"No, it's not. In this case, it should be considered that the magic power of the abyss has invaded the body, and part of the body has been demonized." Roland explained to her.

"Would it be possible that I will evolve like Vanessa when I eat devil's meat in the future?" Angelica asked blankly.

Hearing her question, I suddenly remembered that this gluttonous girl once seriously asked me the question "will devil meat taste good after roasting?"

This girl doesn't really want to eat that kind of thing, does she?

"No, it will cause diarrhea." Roland dissuaded her in time, "But, according to the demonology works left by Mudar, if you eat the hearts of other demonized creatures or drink their blood, it should deepen the demon's blood. to a degree."

I suddenly remembered that when Azak borrowed necromancy to transfer his soul power to me, I had glimpsed his memory fragments.Among them is Mudar's method of creating and refining demonized werewolves. At that time, he seemed to let the demonized werewolves kill each other and devour each other's hearts to concentrate the power of demons on one individual.

Demonized creatures seem to have somehow inherited the laws of demonic evolution.

"She was just stabbed by the night mother spider queen, why did she become like this?" I asked Roland.

"The night mother spider queen can use the corpse of her prey to conceive her own larvae. I think the night mother spider queen should have laid eggs on her body with magic power in addition to imposing a poisonous curse on her—"

"Eh!?" Angelica widened her eyes and exclaimed as soon as Roland spoke, "Will that big black spider burst out of me in the future?"

Her face was completely livid. Presumably, she had imagined in her mind that her body would burst open suddenly, and then a night devil spider would jump out of her body.

"Okay, don't worry, the magic power used to form eggs has been completely absorbed by your body. The night mother spider queen is also dead, and you can't hatch demons from your body." Roland smiled and comforted She then turned to me, "All in all, the night mother spider queen injected a lot of abyss attribute magic power into her body at that time. Normally, this magic power plus the poisonous curse is fatal even to werewolves, but you give She fed her own blood and that helped her through."

"Then she absorbed those magic powers, and then her body began to demonize?" I thought for a while and asked, "Like that Jaron?"

"The degree is different, but the principle is similar." Roland nodded.

"Then what will happen to me? Do I have a few days to live? Should I write a suicide note?" Angelica looked back and forth between us anxiously.

This girl has always been extremely pessimistic when encountering matters of immediate concern.

"Don't worry, there is no obvious change in your body, and the absorbed magic power is very stable now, which means that your body has fully adapted." Roland reached out and touched her head, "Not only will your body not be affected by the Erosion may have been enhanced instead."

"Strengthen? Specifically?" Angelica tilted her head curiously.

"Well, why don't you test it on the spot. Come on, try to control the magic power on your body and concentrate it on the lines on your body." Roland pointed out to her.

When she was rushing to take the exam at the academy, Angelica had practiced magic spells, and she still had a little foundation in spells.

She closed her eyes and focused on controlling the magic power on her body, and the lines on her body began to emit a distinct purple light.

Then Roland turned to me: "Brock, make a beast soul and use it as a target for her."

I stretched out my hand as I said, and quickly summoned a warg beast soul.

Finally, Roland patted Angelica on the shoulder: "Come on, try to attack that warg."

"Huh? The warg is so cute, why did you attack it?" Angelica hesitated.

"You can even slaughter rabbits to your heart's content, why hesitate about this?" I was a little puzzled.

"Because Brock once took me to ride a warg, and the warg is very close to me, not to mention that the warg can't eat..." Angelica muttered.

This girl concluded that animals are not cute because of their practical value.

"Okay, it's okay, the beast soul is not a real animal, it's just simulated by my soul fragments into the form of a beast, you can attack boldly." I controlled the beast soul to walk in front of Angelica and put my neck stretched over.

Angelica thought for a while, and finally raised her paw, and swiped at the beast soul's neck.

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