After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand, and I let the warg slightly lower her body, and took her hand to help her climb onto the back of the wolf and sit behind me.

Angelica stared at us for a while, thought for a while, and then called me: "Brock."

"what happened?"

"My leg hurts, and I want to ride too." Angelica said without changing her expression, "It feels like my leg is about to split."

Feilan interjected coldly: "Hey, don't lie, you look refreshed, don't you just say you want to run away?"

The girl's unchanging face is really not convincing.

"Suddenly it hurts." Angelica said calmly.

"If your leg hurts, just stay in the city and rest! Don't follow us to hold you back." Feilan said, glaring at her.

"It shouldn't hurt if you feel it there." Angelica nodded confidently.

I thought about it, got off the back of the beast soul, and waved to Angelica: "Then why don't you ride with her and take care of each other, I will ride behind you and follow you at the other end, try to make the wolf run more steadily." , should be fine."

As soon as these words came out, Feilan immediately gave Angelica a gouged look: "Hey!!"

Angelica also showed a slightly disappointed expression: "Can't the three ride together?"

"This is a violation of the tribe's traffic safety regulations." I said righteously, "It's just a short distance, it's absolutely not allowed to go so far."

"Oh." Angelica sighed, "Forget it, it doesn't hurt anymore, let's go."

"Is that so, do you want to go to the medical class to have a look first?" I asked with concern.

"No need, it should feel better soon." Angelica said and turned around, turning into a wolf form.

This girl was really acting like a baby and didn't want to leave by herself, but she didn't look like she was riding a wolf with Feilan alone.

I climbed onto the wolf's back again, and suddenly Feilan coughed loudly from behind, and then asked me, "Hey, I'm sitting like this, if the road is bumpy, will I fall off?"

"I will let the beast soul run more steadily." I turned to look at her, "Although you may not like it, please hold on to my belt, be safe."

"Then... there is really no other way." Feilan replied in a low voice, and put her hand around.

Then for some reason, she turned to Angelica again, and gave her a "humming" smile.

Angelica, who had turned into a wolf, stared at her for a while, then suddenly came over with a grin.

"Hey girl, what are you doing? Don't make trouble! Don't bite my leg! Yah!" Feilan yelled in panic, then kept patting my back while shrinking her feet, "Run, hurry up!"

With a thought in my mind, I controlled the beast soul and ran forward.

You are violating traffic laws like this (2)

"This is the polluted area, it's really clear enough, there's not even a single weed left."

Walking in the vast expanse of wasteland, Feilan commented like this.

The scene in front of me was no different from what Roland had presented to me before. It was like a saline-alkali land, with all the vegetation and animals dead. If the dead wood was removed, it would be dead grass, and no fly could see it.

For example, there is no grass in the literal sense, and even the great desert full of yellow sand can occasionally see dry land plants and creatures such as lizards, insects and snakes.

This situation is quite similar to the "Pale Palace" we have seen in the past performed by the spirit of the magic sword, but the degree is slightly reduced.

According to Roland's description, this place was originally a lush forest, but the enemy suddenly ran here for some reason and opened a crack in time and space, summoning countless demons, and the surging demons instantly slaughtered all the nearby people who could kill. animals, and then kill each other.The enemy's army immediately besieged the place and captured the surviving demons, leaving only such a wasteland.

For normal people, this land is undoubtedly dangerous, and the abyss-attribute magic that permeates the vicinity will cause curse erosion to ordinary creatures.But Angelica and I didn't have any pressure on this, and Feilan also put a protective cover on herself and walked in.

"Okay, let's go here." Feilan suddenly stopped, pointed to the soil at her feet, and shouted to Angelica: "Come on, girl. You can become a dog and you should be very good at digging holes. Dig here and go all the way Dig down until the color of your soil turns normal."

Although I was nominally in charge of the investigation, others came to help.But after the mission started, it became Feilan's hands-on investigation, and we started to fight. After all, she is an expert in demonology here.

"Well, after digging, I will remember to bury you." Angelica replied without changing expression, then quickly changed into a wolf shape, walked to the designated position and started digging down with her claws.

Feilan folded her hands and stared at the side, and after a while, she yelled, "Stop!"

Angelica stopped moving.I saw that the dug out mud pit was about half a meter deep, and the dug out soil was also whitish.

"The pollution is half a meter deep. It seems like it's been a long time." Feilan wrote it down in her notebook, "If no one purifies it, there won't be any plants growing in 50 to [-] years."

"Can it become so serious just by summoning demons?" I couldn't help but wonder.

Even if tens of thousands of demons were summoned, even White Lake City, which was eventually occupied by the Night Mother Spider Queen as its lair, did not experience such serious pollution and erosion. The fields reclaimed by the troops in the city can also be used to grow herbs.

"Idiot, you've got it upside down." Feilan glanced at me, "It's not that you summoned demons to make this place like this, but you polluted this land to summon demons. This land is soaked with water to attract demons. magic power, that's why so many demons are summoned when the space crack opens."

I froze for a moment: "But didn't the enemy spread magic power in the air before?"

"Probably this time to keep the demons in one area. Aren't they specially arresting those demons?" Feilan shrugged. It will soon spread to other areas. If the magic power is soaked into the land, although it will consume a lot, it can last for a long time, and the demon will stay in this area for a long time."

After listening to her explanation, I finally understood it, and then I immediately thought of one thing - didn't the enemy's method of provoking the five major tribes to conflict with Saidian before pollute the land reserved by the orc tribe with magic?

Could it be that the real purpose of this method is to attract demons like this, and it is just a way to set up a situation to provoke disputes?

If that's the case, the enemy... or in other words, Mudar, who single-handedly created this series of events, was planning for his own personal goals at that time. What exactly... is he trying to do?

"Okay, it's almost time for dinner, let's stop for a while." Feilan clapped her hands suddenly, as if she was the leader of the team.Afterwards, she turned to Angelica, "Alright girl, take out your lunch."

Angelica, who had transformed back into a human form, took out a small box from the cloth bag tied on her back without saying a word, and handed it to Feilan.

"Hmph, you girl finally understands a little bit of winking, and you actually offered to help me prepare lunch, which is not bad." Feilan took out a piece of cloth from the box and put it on a nearby stone, and slapped her butt. Sit down and get ready to eat.

I was a little surprised to hear this. With Angelica's temper, would she help Feilan prepare lunch graciously?It doesn't feel right...

Then I watched Feilan open the box.

Inside the box was a handful of seeds, and the only thing that could be called food was a potato that had been cut in half - only the potato was raw and even mashed.

Feilan looked at the things in the box and her expression froze for about two seconds, then her brows furrowed, she raised her head and glared at Angelica: "Damn girl! How dare you play with me!?"

Facing Feilan's anger, Angelica shook her head without changing her expression: "No, this is lunch."

"Get out! Hand over your own share as soon as possible, anyway, you must bring it to yourself!" Feilan threatened Angelica with her fists clenched.

"My share is also in there." Angelica pointed to the box in Feilan's hand.


"These are the seeds of vegetables and fruits. You plant them in the soil, use spells to promote their growth, and then harvest them. I brought cooking utensils, so I can cook with a fire." Angelica said blankly. Explain, "By the way, potatoes, remember to plant them cut side down—"

"You don't need to teach me how to grow potatoes! Damn girl, are you stupid? How can plants grow in this kind of field!?" Feilan went crazy.

"Just like you did last time, wouldn't it be enough to grow that mutated plant?" Angelica tilted her head.

"It's true that demonized plants can grow in this kind of polluted land..." Feilan pinched the center of her eyebrows, and the tails of her eyebrows kept twitching, "I can't eat that kind of thing at all! Are you really Are you messing with me on purpose?"

"Ah, I forgot. I'm sorry." Angelica tilted her head, "Why don't you plant it first, and I'll help you catch a few voles nearby."

"The ghost wants to eat that kind of thing! There are no live animals around here!! You damn girl don't have any intention of reflecting on it at all!!"

You are violating traffic laws like this (3)

Seeing that Feilan was so angry that she was about to pounce on Angelica, I quickly stepped forward to hold her back: "Okay, don't get angry, I brought food, you can eat those."

After pressing her down, I also taught Angelica a bit: "You too, no matter how much you want to eat that kind of food, you can't set up such a trick, right? Tell her well?"

Obviously, the girl Angelica is familiar with the devil fruit that she ate before, so she wanted to design Feilan to use that method to grow crops for food, so she deliberately replaced her lunch with seeds.

"I told her about it before, but she refused to agree." Angelica replied.

"Just kidding, do you know how much magic power it takes to grow that kind of thing with magic power!" Feilan scolded her angrily from the side, "Ms. Ben's magic power didn't come from the strong wind."

"Can't you add it?" Angelica turned her head.

"Just kidding, I'm not a succubus, sleeping with a man can make up the demon." Feilan snorted.

"It turns out that the magic power can't do it..." Angelica sighed in disappointment, "Sorry, I overestimated it... Oh no, I mean, it's too difficult for you."

"Huh?" Feilan frowned when she heard her say that, "Your words are a bit annoying. When did I say I can't do it? I just don't want to do it!"

Angelica looked at her, then raised her hand and patted her shoulder, nodded, and said calmly, "It's okay, don't force it."

"Fuck you!" Feilan slapped her hand off angrily, "You still dance more and more without showing your hands, don't you? Hold it for me and plant the things. This lady will open your eyes today! !"

As she said that, she pushed the box into Angelica's hand, instructing her to plant the seeds inside.

"Okay." Angelica turned around holding the box, the corners of her mouth slightly raised for a moment, then squatted down and started digging a hole to bury the seeds in.

I watched from the side speechlessly—really, a familiar scene.

This golden-haired girl is still completely unable to withstand other people's aggressive methods. When will she learn to be smarter?

Angelica, on the other hand, seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with this kind of thing, and even vaguely enjoyed it.

Could it be because of the demonization effect?

Probably due to the relationship of having lived in a human village in the past, Angelica planted things very skillfully, and quickly buried the seeds and potatoes in the soil at a suitable interval, then raised her head and nodded to Feilan: "alright."

"Get out of the way, keep your eyes open!" Feilan waved her hand, then stretched out her left hand, and began to cast spells on the seeds.

She was chanting words, and the demon ring on her hand was emitting purple light.Soon, a faint black mist began to emerge from the soil where the crops had been planted.

Then a few seconds passed, and under Angelica's expectant eyes, those mutated plants broke through the ground with astonishing momentum.

I saw gray-black vines and plants growing rapidly, from germination to flowering and fruiting in one go.

By the time Feilan let go, most of the plants had grown huge fruits—but the fruits all grew in strange ways, with strange patterns, and it was completely impossible to tell what kind of crop they were originally.

Angelica immediately picked off a fruit that she didn't know what it was, put it in her mouth and took a bite, then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's the taste."

"How is it, girl?" Feilan gasped after casting the spell, and raised her chin at her, "How does it feel to be slapped in the face?"

It can be seen that the consumption of casting this spell is indeed not small.

"Well, it's amazing." Angelica responded calmly, having achieved her goal.

"Okay, okay, sit down, rest and eat something." I took out my dry food and water bag and handed them to Feilan.

"Hmm..." Feilan took it, and then suddenly realized something, "Hey, this water drank it?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't pay attention." Then I remembered that this girl is a clean freak, so I took the water bag back.

Feilan was silent for a while, then suddenly gave a dry cough, and stretched out her hand again: "Cough! Forget it, it's all because of that damn girl messing with me, so I didn't bring any water. Although I don't want to, but There is really no other way, and there is no place to fetch water nearby, so bring it..."

In the middle of her words, a small hand suddenly reached out and handed over a water bag.

"I brought you water. It's clean water. You're welcome." Angelica stuffed the water sac into her palm while chewing on the devil fruit.

Feilan was stunned for a moment, then she glared at Angelica, and said without a word: "Thank you so much!!"

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