She took the water bag, "hummed" to Angelica again, and then sat down on the rock to eat.

"Brock, I'm going to start cooking, do you want to eat?" Angelica looked at me and asked.

"Oh, let's eat some." I nodded.

Although with Feilan's appetite, the part she eats is almost negligible compared to me, but I am still very interested in the taste of these magical crops.

Angelica quickly got to work, set up a simple field stove and lit a fire with flint, sliced ​​all the harvested crops, and then skewered them to start roasting.

Because there are dead trees and branches everywhere, firewood is not scarce.But these dead woods started to emit black smoke when they were burning. It was not the normal black smoke, but a completely pure black smoke, which was no different from the magic power of the abyss that we often see.

"Hey, don't let that kind of smoke come to me! Those dead trees were originally on the polluted land. They were stained with curses and lost their vitality and died. There must be magic power of the abyss in them." Concubine Lan protested at us displeased.

"Is this it poisonous to inhale?" I asked for safety's sake.

"There must be, but the two of you who can walk here like nothing with your physique are definitely fine!" Feilan frowned and answered for me, "It's just that I get poisoned if I smoke too much."

As soon as Angelica heard this, she lifted up the food skewer and put it on the black smoke for smoking: "It has a very fragrant smell, it must be delicious after smoking it."

"Is your nose broken, girl? I feel it's pungent after being so far away." Feilan pinched her nose and moved a little further away.

But Angelica ignored her, and took off the smoked skewers by herself, and then devoured them.

"Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious!!" She kept nodding while eating.

At the same time, those purple demon crests appeared on her skin again, giving her a sense of presence.

You are violating traffic laws like this (4)

Feilan, who was sitting by the side and gnawed at the dry food, also noticed the lines on Angelica's body, and snorted out from her nose: "Hmph, it's really convenient to become stronger just by eating, and I don't even think about the magic power. Where did it come from."

"Can she really become stronger like this?" I asked casually. Hearing what Feilan said, she obviously understood Angelika's situation.

"Of course, just like demons can become stronger by devouring demons, demonized creatures can also deepen their own demonization by eating other demonized creatures, and increase the magic power of the abyss in the body."

"So, if she eats these things, the power that belongs to the devil in her body will become stronger." I looked at Angelica who was eating happily.

"Yes, and it may be more than that. If demonization goes deep to a certain extent, there may be a qualitative change in ability." Feilan shrugged.

It sounds like Angelica's training policy in this regard is similar to Vanessa's, as long as she eats, she's done.The difference is that her source of food in this area is unexpectedly simple, as long as the demon ring is combined with the elf's life spell to catalyze the demonization of crops.

"Brock, this is for you." Angelica didn't forget to leave a copy for me.

But just as I reached out to take it, Angelica suddenly opened her eyes wide, and her pupils changed color instantly.Beast ears also sprouted from the top of her head, standing straight up, as if sensing some danger.

In the blink of an eye, she turned into a werewolf, and then quickly rushed over and hit me in the arms.After transforming, her momentum was unexpectedly strong, and I was knocked backward by her.

The moment I fell on my back, I realized what was going on, because my ears caught the sound of the arrow piercing through the air, and then I saw the afterimage of the arrow passing by from my original body position.

"There are enemies!!" I immediately shouted.

Feilan, who finally realized the situation, also reacted, dropped the dry food in her hand, waved her hand, and shot a fireball in the direction of the arrow.

The figure behind the dead tree in the distance dodged quickly, and the fireball finally hit the dead tree, quickly igniting the trunk.

When I saw the figure clearly, I froze for a moment. It turned out to be a skeleton wearing a hunter's attire. Judging from the skeleton, it should be a human being.

"Undead?" Feilan shouted in surprise, "Where did this guy come from?"

As soon as the words fell, more figures appeared from behind the dead trees and grass in the distance——the ghouls, the kind of transformed demonic creatures that we had seen in the residence of the Shouya clan before, each They all have four arms and crawl on the ground like ants.

"It looks like they were around here from the beginning." I understood the situation, and pulled out the battle ax behind my back, "The enemy left these things in this forest!"

The ghouls obviously came from the enemy's army. As for the skeleton archer, he was probably a hunter who was hunting in this forest, and was accidentally involved in the disaster.Maybe he died when the enemy polluted the land, or the demon summoned by the enemy slaughtered him and gnawed him to the bone. In short, this innocent hunter was finally resurrected by the enemy with necromancy. The low-level undead were then implanted with some kind of instructions, leading these ghouls to move in this forest.

"They don't seem to welcome us very much." Angelica looked over there with cold eyes.

After transforming into a werewolf, the demonic lines on her body became more obvious.

"Probably the guards left by the enemy in this area. It seems that they don't want to be investigated about the forest." They charged forward first.

The hunter's skeleton in the distance also moved, swiftly shooting arrows with a bow, only the joints of the bones made strange noises.

It could be seen that he should have been a good hunter before his death, but the first arrow hit a warg beast soul in the eye, killing one instantly.

The rest of the ghouls also rushed forward, fighting with the beast souls.

At this time, under the cover of these beast souls, Feilan had already cast her magic, summoning a big snake made of black flames and rushing towards the hunter's skeleton.

Hunter Skeleton's arrow skills are very good, but obviously his IQ is still a bit worrying.It turned out that the black flame snake shot an arrow, intending to kill this strange creature.But those arrows were engulfed by black flames the moment they were shot, and finally the hunter's skeleton was also engulfed by the black snake, and the black flame with the abyss attribute instantly burned its skeleton.

Angelica also took this opportunity to charge forward, went around the back of a ghoul that was biting the beast soul, and scratched its paw on the back.

This claw was very light and only caused a little skin trauma.The ghoul didn't even notice that someone had sneaked up on it from behind, and still concentrated on biting the beast soul.

However, at this moment, the demon pattern on Angelica's body was activated, and the poisonous curse was immediately injected into the ghoul's body.A few seconds passed, and the ghoul suddenly collapsed.

"Can this kind of undead creature be killed?" I felt a little surprised.Logically speaking, undead creatures are not afraid of poison, because they are already dead.

"That kind of poisonous curse relies on a special magical power, not toxin." Feilan glanced at me, "And ghouls are not completely undead creatures, they can eat and digest, strictly speaking, they should be A special creature contaminated with undead attributes."

Angelica moved flexibly in the distance, dodging and attacking those ghouls who were much slower than her with agility.More and more ghouls fell, each with a paw.

It seems that there is no need to help, this girl alone can easily deal with all the ghouls.

I watched Angelica slaughtering ghouls with my hands down, and suddenly noticed something strange.

The body of the first ghoul to be killed... seemed to have purple demonic patterns.

I squinted my eyes to observe carefully, and then found that those lines spread like spider webs, and finally covered the whole body of the ghoul corpse, and faintly glowed.

"Hey, that one over there..."

I just turned to Feilan, wanting to ask her what was going on, when suddenly the corpse of the ghoul exploded without warning, and a dark shadow jumped out of its body, shaking its body.

I took a closer look, and was surprised to find that it turned out to be a wolf, a wolf with a black body, larger than ordinary wolves, with the same purple lines on Angelica's body.

The wolf moved immediately, coordinating with Angelica, rushed towards a ghoul, and bit its neck with its mouth open.

You are violating traffic laws like this (5)

"What's that?" The scene in front of me was so shocking that I had no choice but to turn my head and ask Feilan for advice.

Looking at the situation in the distance, Angelica can handle it by herself, without our help at all.The corpses of every ghoul killed by Angelica's poisonous claws will quickly spread purple lines, and then black wolves will burst out, and soon the number of black wolves will overwhelm the ghouls. Number of ghouls.

As soon as these black wolves were born, they all started to assist Angelica and launched a fierce attack on those ghouls.Angelica herself was also very surprised, she stared blankly at the group of black wolves circling around her.

"It's the first time I've seen this phenomenon, let me see." Feilan narrowed her eyes, and then stretched out her left hand to a black wolf who was a little closer to her.

Then the demon ring in her hand glowed purple, and the black wolf froze for a moment.Feilan waved at the black wolf, and the black wolf ran towards Feilan and sat down in front of her.

"As expected, the demon ring can form a contract with them..." Feilan looked at the black wolves under her control and nodded, "These black wolves are all demons."

"Demon?" I froze for a moment.

"It's the reproductive ability of the night mother spider queen. Have you forgotten that the night mother spider queen can create night devil spiders by injecting eggs made of magic power into other creatures. That girl, now inherits that kind Ability." Feilan pointed to Angelica and lazily explained to me.

"Then why did she create a wolf?"

"This should be due to the influence of the werewolf curse on her body, which changed the form of the magic power she injected into a demon hatchling similar to a werewolf. These black wolves, like night devil spiders, will be controlled by the mother, so they She will instinctively follow that girl, just like a pack of wolves follow their leader." Feilan folded her arms, "I guess the ability she acquired at the beginning should be like this, but it's not complete, the magic power injected is only enough to kill Dead targets, but not enough to hatch hatchlings. She has been eating demonized creatures for the past few days, the degree of demonization of her body has deepened, and the characteristics of demons have also been fully revealed."

I turned my head and saw that the battle was almost over, the last ghoul was being mobbed by wolves, the number of black wolves increased to eight, and the lone ghoul was being bitten by them like a hunted antelope .

Angelica stood aside and looked at her claws. Although she was still a little confused, she seemed to have accepted her new ability to spring out a black wolf with one claw.

This ability feels very practical, especially when dealing with the enemy's synthetic beast troops. Not only can it quickly kill synthetic beasts with a poisonous curse, but it can also create these black wolves through the synthetic beast's body to assist itself in combat. It can be said that a People can exert the combat power of an army.

After solving all the targets, Angelica walked back slowly.The black wolves came over after her, but after a few steps, a black mist suddenly appeared on their bodies, and their bodies began to become thinner as the black mist evaporated.In the end, these black wolves disappeared one by one in this way, only the one at Feilan's feet still existed.

"It seems that these things are not complete. If the magic power is exhausted, they will not be able to maintain their shape. Only this one that has created a demon contract with me can still rely on my magic power to maintain it." Feilan glanced at the black wolf at her feet, Then he waved his hand and let it evaporate, "However, demons of this level are not very useful, they can only fight for the quantity."

"It feels so wonderful." Angelica said with a refreshed face, returning to her usual form, "I kind of want to try again."

"Hey, can you please stop staring at me when you say 'want to try again'?" Feilan took a step back as if feeling a sense of crisis.

"Let's analyze the situation first." I put away my tomahawk, clapped my hands, and brought the topic back on track.

These things are obviously left by the enemy, but the question is what the enemy left these things for.

"Judging from the behavior patterns of these things, the skeleton should be driven by necromancy. The caster left him instructions to patrol the area, and those ghouls were ordered to follow the skeleton. Action, they will launch an attack as soon as they encounter an intruder." Feilan analyzed.

"It means that the enemy deliberately left them to guard this area." I nodded. "This shows that this area still has some value to the enemy."

"But, there's nothing left here?" Angelica looked around in a daze, "It's just the polluted land."

"No, wait a minute." I suddenly realized something when I heard her say that, "Polluted land..."

Feilan opened her eyes a little and looked at me, obviously thinking of me too.

This is when we all realized something that we had just overlooked.

"Pack up your things!" I waved decisively, "I have to get out of here quickly!"

"Huh? Why are you in such a hurry? The meal hasn't been finished yet..." Angelica was a little puzzled.

"Stupid girl still wants to eat!" Feilan reached out and patted her on the head, "Hurry up, we might be eaten by the devil if we don't turn around!"

"Why?" Angelica still didn't understand.

"Think about it carefully, the enemy pollutes this land to attract demons. After they capture the demons, these polluted lands will not return to their original state for a while, that is to say, this land is a treasure to them. It can be reused." Feilan explained while carrying the packed things on her back, "Then what do you think they will do next?"

Angelica thought for a while, and finally understood: "Ah, they will come back and continue to do this."

"If you know, move quickly!" Feilan urged her impatiently, "If we are unlucky, maybe their troops are guarding around here and preparing to summon another wave of demons!"

But at this moment, there was a sudden thunder-like noise in the sky.

We raised our heads subconsciously, and suddenly saw a thin black line appearing in mid-air above the woods.After a delay of about one second, the thin line slowly expanded and turned into a crack, and then countless demons came out of the crack with claws and teeth.

Tsk, it came just as I said it...

Angelica silently glanced at Feilan.

"What are you doing!? It's not my fault!" Feilan loudly defended herself from being stared at uncomfortably.

you can't see me (1)


Judging from the scene in front of him, it is obvious that the enemy is casting a spell somewhere to create this space crack.

This contaminated land is essentially a hunting ground they designed to capture demons, and it's the kind that's reused.

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