And unfortunately, the three of us are now in the middle of this hunting ground.In this hunting ground, not only the enemy troops who are hunters will attack us when they see us, but the demons who are prey may not mind tasting us.

I feel like I should do some divination before going out today.

"Hey, don't be dazed, hurry up and run now." Seeing more and more demons appearing in the enlarged space crack, Feilan panicked.

But I stared at the space crack in the sky, calmed down and thought for a while, and finally shook my head: "No, the enemy opened this crack to catch demons, which means that they have a large army nearby, and they can't do anything randomly. If you run, you might run into it."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Feilan glared at me.

"I have an idea, can you purify a piece of land immediately? A piece of land the size of a picnic cloth will do." I looked into Feilan's eyes and asked.

"It's fine, what do you want to do?" Feilan was a little puzzled.

"Since these demons will be concentrated in the polluted land, then we will stay in the purified land and use your invisibility to hide." I pointed to the place under my feet, "It's fine here, when the time comes we It’s enough to watch them kill each other, let’s get through this wave first.”

"But the range of the refraction spell is very small. The three of us...isn't it easy to stand?" Feilan hesitated.

"You two can sit on my shoulders." I immediately put the tomahawk on my waist, then half-kneeled down and stretched my upper arms, "Sit down, the first-class seat."

Feilan was stunned for a moment, but Angelica immediately moved, came over and climbed onto my left shoulder and sat up.

I turned to look at Feilan: "It's okay, come up. I have a good bath, and I have wiped the leather armor!"

"Cough! Well, since you're so persistent... I'll just refrain from doing it."

Feilan finally agreed, and hurriedly took the staff and paused on the ground, performed a simple purification of the ground, then came over and sat down on my other shoulder carefully.

"Hey, did I say it's really okay to do this?" Feilan was a little worried after sitting on it, "Let's talk about it first, but don't wait until I sit on it and you think I'm heavy again. If you dare to say that, I will put you down." His hair was burned off."

"Come on, I used to be able to carry a hoof ox for several miles. The two of you together are not as heavy as a worg. Come on, get up!!" I just carried one in each hand, and walked safely Standing up, "Okay, let's use the invisibility technique."

Feilan chanted a few incantations, and then I saw the surrounding scene suddenly distorted for a moment, and the three of us were all engulfed in the refraction spell.

Almost as soon as the spell was completed, demons from the sky poured out of the crack.But unlike the time in White Lake City, only the scale of the crack in this space was controlled. Although the crack was very long, its width was very limited. The demons that passed through were all medium-sized, and the number was far less exaggerated than that time.

It can be seen that the enemy has done a little homework in order to capture the demons. They can not only use the method of polluting the land to lure the demons to concentrate in a certain area, but also control the number of summoned demons through the scale of the space crack, so as to formulate a suitable capture plan.

The place we are standing is not directly below the space crack, but it is not too far away.Although we don't have to worry about being hit by demons on the top of our heads, it didn't take long for some of the demons who were moving wantonly to come to us.

As I expected, because the place where we were standing was temporarily purified, those demons did not approach our surroundings, but directly started killing each other not far away.

We watched these demons fighting nearby from a distance, and after a few minutes, there was a melancholy feeling that there was nothing to do.

Angelica looked around and suddenly said in a low voice, "Tell me, among the two demons over there, who will win?"

Feilan and I followed her line of sight and found that there were two demons with similar physiques sticking together and biting.

"Do you still have the mind to do such a boring thing at this time?" Feilan glanced at her angrily, then narrowed her eyes and looked over carefully, "I guess the demon with two heads on the left will win . . ”

But Angelica shook her head: "No, the crocodile-like demon on the right is more aggressive, so it should win."

"Just kidding, you girl haven't even read the introduction to demonology, have you? You know, the more complex the demon's body structure, the higher the level of magic power." Feilan scoffed at Angelica's judgment.

"Your eyes can't compare to mine, that demon is already injured." Angelica shook her head.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, do you dare to bet with me?" Feilan was immediately provoked to win or lose.

"You two are free to watch the show or gamble, but please pay attention to your voice." I quickly interjected, "Don't attract the devil in."

"Don't worry, my refraction spell has been strengthened, even the sound can be blocked." Feilan proudly showed off to me.

"Brock, I have some snacks here, do you want some?" Angelica took out a piece of jerky from nowhere.

"Is now the time to do this kind of thing?" I was a little helpless by this girl who didn't feel nervous.

"Come on, ah!" Seeing that neither of my hands was idle, Angelica bent down and handed the dried meat to my mouth to feed me.

"Oh, thank you." I couldn't refuse, so I opened my mouth to accept it.

"Hey, don't forget there is someone else here." Feilan immediately stretched out her hand.

"This one is made of demonized snake meat." Angelica explained slowly.

"Is there nothing else?" Feilan frowned displeased.

"Actually, there are still some preserved fruits." Angelica took out another paper bag from her body.

"Then bring it." Feilan waved to her.

"But this one is made from the leftover devil fruit from last time." Angelica took out slices of preserved fruit with very strange colors from the paper bag.

"You damn girl did it on purpose." Feilan angrily swung the staff in her hand to poke Angelica, but she accidentally knocked me.

"Hey you two, stop making trouble!" I could only stop a little loudly, "Can you think about the feeling of the viewing platform below!"

you can't see me (2)

To a certain extent, it is indeed a comfortable thing to hide your body and watch these demons killing each other outside the safe zone, but it is also easy for people to relax their vigilance.

Just like the two girls on my shoulders, within a few minutes they entered the pure mode of watching dramas.

"Hey, did you see that? Did you see that? I'm right, the devil on the left is about to win...take the money and take the money!" Feilan stretched out her hand towards Angelica with a proud face.

"The battle isn't over yet, what are you in a hurry for?" Angelica rolled her eyes, and at the same time clenched the purse around her waist, staring at the two demons that were still biting each other in the distance, and almost made a sound. Cheer up the demon on the right.

"I said, can you feel a little nervous?" I couldn't help reminding them.

These two guys are so boring that they started to bet on the fight of demons. They really lack professional battlefield qualities... and they didn't call me at all, which made it difficult for me to put my face down and participate.

However, none of them won in the end. After about 2 minutes, a medium-sized demon with a slightly larger body suddenly rushed out halfway, and took the heads of the two demons who had lost both sides in the fight.

None of these medium-sized demons had a high IQ, and their actions were still driven by instinct.Predating each other like this is the normal state of their existence, and it is only natural that all demons of this order of magnitude will be locked in a small area, and it will evolve into such a chaotic chaos.

However, this order of magnitude is still far from being able to compare with the scale of the previous battle in White Lake City, where there were so many demons that they couldn't even find a place to stay.Obviously, in order to control the fighting power of the demons within the range that they can capture, the enemy deliberately controlled the number of demons.

"Do you think that with so many demons killing each other, an abyss lord can be born?" I turned my head and asked Feilan.

"Difficult." Feilan shrugged, "The quantity is okay, but the quality is too low. No matter which end is too far away from the magic level of the abyss lord, it will be difficult to produce a decent one in the end. .”

That is to say, the enemy summoned these demons not to cultivate and control the abyss lords.

After a close observation, I have found that the total combat power of these demons is not worth mentioning - there are about a hundred demons, all of which are of low-to-medium level.Even with just the three of us, as long as I bless the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit" to charge into the battle, and then make reasonable use of Angelika's new ability and Feilan's abyss spell, it will not be difficult to kill seven in and seven out on this battlefield .

But the problem is that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. What I really care about is the troops arranged by the enemy to catch the demon.

Demons evolve by killing each other, so it is unrealistic to simply hope to watch demons fight and reap the benefits.Since so many demons have been summoned and are ready to be captured, the fighting power of the troops deployed by the enemy is at least above the sum of the fighting power of these demons.

If the enemy commander who arranged the arrest was a cautious faction willing to use cannons to fight mosquitoes, then it might not be surprising that there is an army waiting nearby.

So we have to try our best to be steady now, not to rush out of this polluted area rashly, and not to expose ourselves easily.

Of course, I think as long as there are no strange changes, it should not be so easy to expose.

At this moment, I suddenly saw that several demons nearby were not busy wrestling and fighting with other demons, but gathered near the demonized plants that Cai Feilan planted just now, eating the demonized plants like herbivores. Plant leaves and stems.

"Hey, let me tell you, are there any demons that eat grass?" I asked Feilan.

"Of course not, they just feel the magic power of the demon rings contained in those plants." Feilan lazily replied, "Demons can absorb magic power by eating, especially the magic power of the abyss attribute. They will be infected with the abyss Attracted by magical things, if their IQs were lower, they might even dig up the soil of this polluted land and send it into their mouths."

"So the magic power of the abyss attribute is like the smell of barbecue to them?"

"Magic power has no smell. They have other sensing organs. They detect other demons through sensing magic power, or other things with abyssal magic power, so as to find prey." Feilan said and waved her hands, "Don't worry. , The magic power of my demon ring can be retracted freely."

I nodded and understood.

In other words, not only demons of the same kind, but also these enchanted plants with abyssal magic power will be sensed by them.


Am I missing something?

At this moment, a demon was knocked into the air by another demon with horns, and flew right in front of us, less than two meters away from us.

The demon struggled to get up from the ground, and was about to fight back, but suddenly his whole body was shaken, and then turned around suddenly, aiming directly at our side.

I turned my head to look, and found that there were no other demons behind me, so I couldn't help being startled: "Did it... find us?"

"No way, there's no reason?" Feilan was also a little surprised, "My refraction spell is completely fine, and the sound should be blocked."

"It must be a mistake. We have other things here that attract demons." Angelica still didn't feel nervous, and picked up a piece of jerky and stuffed it into her mouth.

Feilan and I realized the problem at the same time, and turned our attention to Angelica.

Angelica was about to stuff the second piece of jerky into her mouth. When she noticed our gaze, she stopped and tilted her head: "What's wrong?"

"It's the thing in your hand!!" Feilan and I shouted in unison.

If it is said that the demonized plants containing the magical power of the abyss can be sensed by the demons, the food made by the demonized creatures she brings will also be sensed by the demons—it can even be said that she herself, who has already been demonized, is A source of magic that attracts demons.

At the same time, the demon over there who accidentally sensed us because of the closer distance also roared, and then flew straight towards us.

With both hands not idle, I simply raised my foot and kicked it on the chin, and kicked it with brute force to fly upside down in a perfect parabola, flying a full ten meters away.

Of course, my foot also completely exposed our position, and all the nearby demons stopped their movements because of the movement here, and turned their heads to watch over.

"I'm sorry to disturb your party." I glanced at the group of demons and said coldly, "But unfortunately, it's time to clear the venue."

As soon as the words fell, almost all the demons rushed over here.

you can't see me (3)

…After the battle, I put away the battle ax and clapped my hands, then turned to look at Feilan and Angelica: "Are there any left?"

"It should, no more." Angelica nodded, surrounded by a large group of demon wolves.

I thought it would take a little effort to deal with these demons, but the fact is that in the face of the siege of hundreds of medium-sized demons, the three of us wiped them all out in just 10 minutes—far better than expected To be easy, I don't even need to summon the "ancestral heroic spirit".

This overwhelming advantage is all due to Angelica's new ability. The poisonous curse she inherited from the Night Mother Spider Queen is also effective against demons. It is basically a one-shot against these medium-sized demons whose physique does not have much advantage. Claw down one.

What's more powerful is that the body of the poisoned demon will soon give birth to a demon wolf to fight with her.Different from the way of breaking out from the body of the ghoul, when the material is replaced with the corpse of the demon, the wolf will be transformed directly from the corpse of the demon.

Through this method of snowballing, the combat power of the demon side was gradually reduced, while the combat power of Angelica's side rose steadily.By the time the demons were half wiped out, Angelica had accumulated more than [-] demon wolves, and the size of the wolves completely surpassed the beast souls I summoned.

Even Feilan, who can hit several demons with a range of attack spells, can't keep up with her killing efficiency. In the end, the number of kills in her hands even surpassed the sum of Feilan and me, becoming a demon. The undisputed best of all.

With her around, maybe you don't have to worry too much about the enemy's troops. With this ability to clear the field, she alone can do one against a hundred.

"We have killed all the demons, what should we do now?" Feilan asked me for my opinion while holding her staff.

"Since it has been exposed, there is nothing to worry about, let's go out and try." I raised my hand and swung the battle ax, summoning the beast soul of a warg.

But at this moment, Angelica sniffed sharply, and then said with a serious face: "I'm's too late, someone is coming."

Sure enough, the enemy's capture force was nearby.

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