I subconsciously raised my hand and pressed it on my chest to confirm. The soft touch that seemed to swallow my fingers at this moment made me feel extremely shocked. At this moment, the first thought that popped up in my mind was—— This is definitely not my chest!

At the same time, I discovered another terrible fact, that is, my hands have also changed, a pair of white and slender jade hands have replaced my original thick and powerful palms.

What the hell is going on here?

"Wow, rubbing other people's breasts just after waking up..." Just as my mind gradually went blank under the impact of this series of weird facts, a very familiar deep male voice came from behind.

I turned around abruptly...

Then I saw "myself" standing about ten steps away from here, holding hands, looking here with interest.

That's right, that face and figure are undoubtedly me, just standing here gives me the illusion of looking in a mirror in normal times, the only difference is that now I have to raise my head to meet the other person's eyes.

For a moment, I remembered what I just saw when I saw my coming-of-age ceremony hunting memories, and couldn't help wondering if I was still in the illusion, but the next moment, I denied this conjecture.

My body didn't become so weird when I was in the illusion before.Moreover, the "I" in front of me now, whether it's expression or posture, makes me feel very wrong.

Even though the appearance is the same, I can vaguely feel that it is not "I" standing there.

"Who are you?" Almost without thinking, the question blurted out.

As soon as I finished speaking, I was stunned by the sound of my own voice.

Why, what came out of my throat was a woman's voice?

And this voice, isn't...

"Calm down, it's normal for you to feel confused now, just look over there and you'll understand." The "I" in front of me pointed to the side with a smile on his lips.

It was only then that I noticed that there was a floor-to-ceiling mirror with a beautifully decorated frame beside him, and the mirror was facing me.

The moment I saw the reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but doubt my eyes.

This time I was really looking in the mirror, but the mirror facing me at the moment reflected Roland's figure.

Roland in the mirror had his eyes wide open like me here, with disbelief written all over his face.

Now I can clearly understand the core of the series of problems just now: that is me standing here and becoming Roland.

Turned into... Roland?

That is to say, the "I" over there is...

"Isn't it interesting?"

I followed the sound and saw "I" standing by the mirror smiling maliciously at me.

I only know one person in this world who can put on such an evil smile.

"Roland!?" I looked at him in shock, or rather, her, "What the hell did you do?"

The scariest thing in life is being pushed by yourself (2)

"As you can see." Roland who became me replied calmly, "I replaced our souls with spiritual spells, my consciousness entered your body, and you entered mine."

The excessive shock left me with no time to care about the way of speaking that deliberately provoked people to complain: "This kind of thing...can be done?"

"This is my original spiritual spell, how about it, is it interesting?"

"Funny shit! That's weird!" I yelled, "Stop laughing like that, it's so creepy!"

Seeing my own body standing in front of me and talking to me in another person's tone, and at the same time making a woman's voice as soon as I open my mouth is really a weird experience...

"The way you look now also makes me feel weird, everyone is evened out." She shrugged indifferently.

What kind of even is this?

"Why are you doing this?" I looked at her in surprise.

No matter how you look at it, this guy looks like he is going to do something.

"Don't be nervous, I mainly want to use this method to let you understand the essence of magic more intuitively."

"The nature of magic?"

"Most laymen often mistakenly believe that magic comes from the power of language and words, but in fact spells and incantations are just a medium used to concretize the specifications of spells. The essence of magic is actually the soul itself The effect of the power of the power on the material plane. Although the soul can only rely on the body to exist and complement the body in general, it still has a strong power." She began to explain to me, "This kind of power is what we often say magic, and your shamanism calls it 'living fire'."

"Life's fire is magic power?" I never thought that the shamanism taught before could be connected with the magic theory of the elves.

"Yes, I said that although the forms are different and the sources of power are different, the essence of the spells of different teachings and systems is basically the same, and they lead to the same goal. You have already felt it in the illusion I guided just now, and it has always existed in you. The fire of life in one's own soul is magic."

"You said so..."

Now that I have recovered from the shock of the body exchange, I realize that the current self is the same as when I was in the illusion just now, and I can naturally sense the "fire" in my body.

"The fire of life, that is, the magic power corresponding to our theory, this power has always existed in your soul, even if you change your body, this power will still be with you. The spells of the shaman system, in fact It is to use one's own fire of life to sense and call the "spirit" existing in all things in the world, so that the power existing in nature can be used by oneself. Simply speaking, it is to use one's own magic power to resonate with the power lodged in all things in nature, so as to do The effect of the spell."

As Roland said, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and then I saw a flame burst out of nowhere on the fingertips of the "I" in front of me.

"Just like this, even if the body is replaced by yours, I can still use my elven spells, and you..." She said with a wicked smile and deliberately said in a weird tone, "Even if you enter my body……"

"This kind of statement is too strange!" This time I finally reacted and complained about her way of speaking, "Also, you are using my body and voice to speak now, please pay attention to me!"

Listening to her making this kind of sexual harassment speech in my original voice is really a hundred times worse than what I usually hear. Usually, she has at least a little bit of feminine charm when she says this, but now I feel it It's like being sexually harassed by a salty version of yourself, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

She smiled and continued without hesitation: "Even if you enter my body, you still can't resonate with the spells and mantras of the elves. Of course, you can't use the crystal to order the body I occupy now through the collar." This orc body, the so-called magic tools are also driven by the spirit. Any magic comes from the spirit, that is, the soul, and this is what I want to emphasize for you."

"Oh, I get it."

Indeed, as Roland said, this appearance allows a layman like me, whose experience of magic is only described in superficial words, to understand this concept personally.

Even though it still feels weird...

"In fact, it is almost impossible to succeed in this kind of temporary domination of the opponent's soul and directly extracting spells that are exchanged to other bodies without the opponent's consent, even if there is a huge gap in spell experience. Similarly, because everyone has an extremely strong 'home field advantage' in their own spiritual domain, it is very difficult for other people's spirits to directly interfere with it. Even when the spell has been successful, as long as you try to use the induction The magic power, that is, the living fire, can easily dispel this spell. So here comes the question, Brock, why do you think the spell is successful this time?"

"Isn't it because of the impact of this broken collar?" I remembered what she had just used the collar to immobilize me.

"Wrong! Brock, have you forgotten what I told you? The collar can only control your body, not your spirit and consciousness."

"Then why?"

She smiled, and then put her hands on her chest: "It's because you love me from the bottom of your heart, so you didn't resist my spiritual domination, but you didn't notice it yourself."

"Fuck you! Only this is absolutely impossible!" I strongly denied, "I also said not to use my body to say that kind of thing, my skin is getting goosebumps!"

"It really hurts to say that." She looked over pretending to be sad - of course, with my face and my body.

"Stop it for me! It's really hot on the eyes." I couldn't take it anymore, so I simply covered my eyes.

Damn, I feel like I won't be able to look directly at myself in the mirror anymore...

"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore. Let me tell you the answer. The reason why you were hit was because you were mentally shaken at that time, and there was a flaw that let people take advantage of it."

I froze for a moment, then began to think carefully.

It seems... that is indeed the case!

When Roland was close to my face, I really panicked for a moment, and I had the consciousness of escaping, and then I was tricked.

"Even in the case of grasping the flaw, it must be done at a very close distance. So you have to remember that just a moment of shaking may be affected by spells. The same reason, This wavering will also affect one's own spells."

"I understand……"

"Okay, now you have initially acquired the ability to sense the fire of life, now we can officially get to the point." She said and walked towards me.

"Oh? Are you going to officially start learning spells?" Thinking that I can finally return to my original body, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

"No, that kind of thing has to wait until you learn how to use the living fire." She stood in front of me, and put her hands on my now slender shoulders with bright eyes, "This is a rare opportunity, let's do something more interesting Bar."

Through the thin fabric, I can clearly feel the texture and temperature of the thick palm.

"Huh?" I was confused by her.

Without warning, Roland, who was in control of my body, put his other hand around the waist of my current body, and pushed me down.

The scariest thing in life is being pushed by yourself (3)

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing!" I was baffled by Roland's sudden action, but when I wanted to get up, she grabbed my wrist and held it down.

I tried to break free, but to no avail.

For the first time in my life, I felt such a disparity in strength—after all, she is using my well-trained warrior body now, and my elf female body is naturally too weak in comparison.

"Don't be nervous, this is the last topic for today." Roland, who controlled my body, raised the corner of his mouth and laughed again.

"What else do you want?"

"Next, you have to learn to control the fire of life, and use your own power to dispel the spell of spirit exchange." Roland smiled.

"Huh? What, how do I do this?" I was suddenly asked to complete such a clueless thing alone, and I was a little at a loss for a while.

"Well, it's up to you to comprehend and discover it yourself." Roland still smiled, "I'm only responsible for giving you some 'supervision'."

"Supervise?" I didn't react for a moment.

"Brock, if you fail to switch back within the next 5 minutes, I will..." A meaningful smile appeared on Roland's face.


Roland didn't speak, and slowly looked up and down my whole body. Just this movement made me feel a chill.

"Hey, what on earth are you trying to do!?" I raised my voice all of a sudden.

"Hey." Roland showed an evil smile.

"Hey, this is your own body!" I suddenly changed my face.

"It's really because it's your own body, so it won't cause trouble to anyone, right?" She replied indifferently.

As she spoke, she stretched out her other hand, grabbed the collar of my body, and pulled it a little, but a button of the collar immediately fell off.

This guy... is serious!

No, you can't place your hopes on this guy's integrity at all... This female elf has no integrity at all!

"Hey, stop messing around!!" I suddenly felt the hairs all over my body stand on end,

"Oh, sure enough, the body of the orc is really powerful." Roland seemed to be able to handle it with ease, "I guess except for the special case of Miria, there is no possibility for the elves to beat the orc in close combat. Your heartbeat is a bit loud Ah, are you excited?"

What a ghost to be excited, in this kind of situation where I was forcibly pushed down by another self, and I wanted to stop it but couldn't resist it, there is a ghost if my heartbeat is not fast!I was scared by you, okay?

In the past, as an orc male, I have never been able to truly understand the fear of those women with long ears.

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