And now, I completely understand.

It turns out that as an elf woman, being pushed down by a strong orc man is such a terrible thing! ! !

"Stop it for me! Let it go! Let it go!"

"Give up, with your current body, you will never be able to break free! Scream, no one will come to save you even if you yell and break your throat! Hehehe!" She said the standard villain lines with a grin.

Damn, call someone for help?If someone breaks in at this time, they will only see the scene of "I" trying to rape the head of the academy!

But don't think I can't help it!

Years of training cultivated not only a strong body, but also a sense of fighting back from the Jedi!

At such a critical juncture, I subconsciously raised my foot and kicked hard at the opponent—that is, the crotch of my body.

In an instant, the action on the other side suddenly stopped as if petrified, and his expression froze.

Not even a decent scream came out.

After all, what she is suffering now is pain that almost exceeds the limit that a person can bear.

No matter what kind of strong man he is, as long as he is a complete man, he will have such weaknesses.

Because it is too vicious, this move is strictly forbidden in any form of competition between us orcs.Unless it is a life and death struggle, we will never do this.

But now this situation is really unavoidable, after all, it is to maintain one's chastity—in both the spiritual and physical senses.

The body that was pressed on me and occupied by Roland was almost deprived of consciousness by the pain, and slowly fell to one side while maintaining a rigid posture.

Freed from the bondage, I quickly sat up, moved my body away from the other party, and then began to gasp for breath.

It's dangerous!It's really dangerous! !

I saw "I" shivering and curling up not far away.

Damn you deserve it, I told you to do something!

I really want to rush up and kick her a few more times.

But if you think about it, it's also my own body...

At this moment, I suddenly felt black in front of my eyes, and suddenly I couldn't feel my body—it seemed that all senses were far away from me, and only my consciousness was still awake.

This state only lasted for a few seconds before recovering, and I felt my body again in the blink of an eye.

My field of vision and body posture have changed. I was sitting on the ground a moment ago, and now I am lying on my side on the floor.

At the same time, the sense of incongruity in various parts of the body when I switched bodies just now suddenly disappeared, and now I can clearly feel that my consciousness has finally returned to the original body.

Everything is back to the original, still familiar feeling, familiar taste...

Only the bursts of extremely intense pain coming from the lower body are unfamiliar.

It fucking painful...

I subconsciously held my breath, clutched my crotch, and curled up even tighter.

The most severe pain of being kicked in this part has obviously passed, but the "sourness" of the stamina still made me have an urge to find a pillar and knock it out.

Damn, I should have kicked a little lighter if I knew it earlier...

"Huh, I almost thought I was going to die..."

Hearing this soliloquy with a long breath, I tried to raise my face and looked in the direction of the culprit not far away.

"It's not easy for men, they have such weaknesses..." Roland, who had switched back to his own body, wiped his forehead with lingering fear.

"Hey, if you really understand me, don't be in such a hurry to change it back..." I endured the pain and protested to her with a suppressed voice.

"Stupid, didn't I say that you can get it back by manipulating the fire of life? In fact, as long as you concentrate, you'll be fine. I thought you'd know how to use it when you're cornered. I didn't expect you to use the warrior's weapon in the end." Counterattack." Roland sighed.

"Who can concentrate in that situation!" I retorted loudly.

"How could I really do such an outrageous thing, you have to believe in my integrity."

"Just kidding, you who have fed your morals to dogs a long time ago, how can you have that kind of credit!" I said helplessly, "Please, use a more normal method to teach."

"Uh, ok..." After a moment of silence, she replied in a low voice.

The scariest thing in life is being pushed by yourself (4)

The next day, the cultivation of spells continued.

On the training ground, sitting cross-legged on the ground, I stared blankly at Roland in front of me.

Roland looked away.

"I know I was wrong, that method will not be used again, really." After a while of silence, she said softly.

"Just remember." I snorted, "Let's start now."

In the end, yesterday, with the help of long-term meditation training, I gradually learned the proficiency and basic use of Living Fire.

"Okay. Then..." Roland clapped his hands, put a smile on his face, and started the formal lecture, "You already know the requirements of the exam, right?"

I nodded.

"The subject of the exam is making familiars. There are many ways for mages to make familiars. There are three mainstream methods, which are manipulating living creatures with spiritual magic, using contracts to summon creatures from other planes, and using magic power to directly create imitations. Creatures. The first two methods require a considerable level of knowledge, so you basically use the last method at this level. And now I want you to learn the orc shaman spell Beast Soul Summoning, although the name sounds like summoning Necromancy, but in fact it has nothing to do with the two. In the past, you orcs have been living by hunting and domesticating wild animals, plus your shamanism and the idea of ​​coexistence with nature. This kind of origin makes you There is a 'spirit of the wild' with the breath of a beast in the soul of the race. By calling this 'spirit', you can easily use your own living fire to simulate the form of a beast. This is the essence of this spell, and we The method of using magical power to create pseudo-creatures directly with the help of spells is similar."

Roland handed the bottle containing the dark red liquid to me sitting on the ground: "The specific method is to replace the runes with the totems of the orcs. This is animal blood that has been embalmed with medicine. You can use this to draw the runes. There shouldn’t be any problem with the recorded recipe.” Then she took out a notebook and flipped to a certain page and put it in front of me, “Then the totem I drew probably looks like this.”

"Is it really okay? Why do you feel like you have no bottom." I couldn't help frowning.

"I can't use shaman spells, of course there is no guarantee. But this is copied verbatim from the ancient books of the orcs found in the ancient bookstore in the King City of Helgia, so there should be no problem. I heard that There are many orcs who sell the cultural relics, scrolls, and ancient books of great historical value in their tribes to human traveling merchants at a very low price, and then the human merchants mark those things at thousands of times the price and sell them in collection stores." Roland shrugged. Shrugging, "Anyway, try it first."

I poured out the bottle of beast blood, dipped my fingers on the ground and drew the ancient totem of the beast clan that I was very familiar with in the notebook.

"The painting is finished, what should I do next?"

"The next process is similar to our spells. You just need to put your hand on the totem, try to use your spirit to communicate with the totem, and then try to use the fire of life to shape the appearance of the familiar."

"Can you be more specific?"

"Like yesterday, let the fire of life be activated through meditation, and at the same time, you can imagine a familiar animal form while reciting the content of the totem in your heart. The totem is a medium to help you sense the 'spirit' in your body, as long as you If it can resonate with the totem, the living fire will naturally gather and form as you imagined. Remember to capture the image of the beast you are familiar with, and don't create too large a familiar at one go, and focus on Mind, don't be distracted."

"I'll give it a try." I put my hand on top of the totem, closed my eyes and started to do what Roland said.

The animal I am most familiar with—there is no doubt that it is a wolf.

I have been learning how to tame and ride a wolf for a long time, trying to communicate with them and fight side by side.I know their vigorous posture, their terrifying claws and fangs... I can still recall the warg comrades who are close to me in the tribe: Ain, Vika, Nariga... just by their Let's use the image as a template for me to shape the familiar.

In an instant, I could clearly feel that the "fire" in my body was burning more vigorously, and a vaguely warm current gushed out from my body.

This is the so-called resonance with the totem... Well, very good, this feeling should be right.

Just when everything was going smoothly, I suddenly felt someone leaning up from behind me, with gentle hands on my shoulders.

Damn!This guy Roland... is messing around again!

Are you trying to disturb me?How can you lose to her?

Resisting, I tried to turn my attention back to my spells.

"Huh!" She blew behind my ear.

I endured it anyway, sitting still, trying not to distract myself.

But then, she started talking in my ear, exhaling to Ruolan: "Be focused."

You can focus without talking!

"Never imagine pink ponies," she said out of nowhere.

Um?Pink horse?What the hell is that?

The inexplicable words made my brain go blank for a moment, and then my thoughts were uncontrollably led astray by these words, and a few horses with pink fur began to jump non-stop in my mind .

"Don't imagine cats in rainbow colors..." she added.

The difficult-to-concentrate thoughts continued to slide toward the abyss, and a strange-looking cat flashed across his mind, dragging the trail of a rainbow behind him...

"Don't even imagine a **** elf girl..."

I opened my eyes and jumped up from the ground, turned around and tried to grab the bastard behind me.

But after Roland said that, he laughed and ran away, leaving me in a hurry.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" I growled at her.

Roland just smiled, and then said for a while: "Brock."

"Why?" I replied angrily.

"Look at your feet."

I looked down.

Then I was stunned all of a sudden.

A wolf sat on the ground, looking up at me quietly.This wolf is bigger than ordinary jackals, but its legs are shorter, its body is rounder, and the texture of its hair is more fluffy and soft, giving people a childish feeling - this is a wolf cub, just grown Teeth, the kind that learn to walk.Its body has a translucent texture, which means that it is not a real creature, but a creation of spells.It was clearly the first time we met, but it seemed to have been raised by me since a long time ago, looking up at me with piety and eager eyes.

"Seeing that you are still sitting there stupidly after you have done it, I can't help but want to make fun of it. Remember, you only need to concentrate when casting a spell, and there is no need to close your eyes." Roland's voice was full It's a smile.

"I, I did it?" I looked at this little guy in disbelief, "This, this is successful?"

"Success can't be called success. Only one cub has been created, which means that your infused magic power is far from enough, and your body shape is not very stable, and you don't have a physical body. This is not enough to judge by the standards of the exam. But Well, it’s not bad to be able to do this for the first time.”

"Does it recognize me as its owner?" I leaned over to touch it, but unexpectedly found that it had no entity, and my palm directly passed through its body, only making its figure look like the surface of water for a moment Distorted for a moment like a ripple.

It seems that the construction of the technique is indeed lacking in enthusiasm, but this sense of accomplishment of accomplishing something for the first time still makes my mood high.

"It can't be said that, it is split from your magic power, your life fire, and a part of your soul in the form of imitating the animals in your imagination. Its relationship with you is not master and pet, but you Parts of the body, like your hands and feet, have no will of their own, which is the same as our simulated creatures, the only difference lies in the beast souls you made with the "spirit of the wild" You can act freely according to the nature of the beast without intentionally not controlling it." Roland patiently explained to me, "Now you have mastered the most basic method, and the next step is the real focus. You must Keep practicing, master the tricks, and try to make the familiar have a physical body and a certain degree of combat ability. If there are no problems during the exam, this kind of difficulty should be enough to get a basic score of [-], as long as you don’t make some mistakes The low-level mistakes that lead to a large deduction of points have a good chance of passing."

"Is that so..."

"There are still a few days left. Judging from the current progress, you should be able to catch up. As long as you can guarantee to pass all the practical courses, then you will be able to win the bet. Congratulations in advance, student Bullock .” Roland smiled at me.

Um?Why is she so happy when she is about to lose?

This guy is still as unpredictable as ever...

But no matter what, the current situation is indeed as she said, and it has gradually become beneficial to me.In the next few days, as long as I practice hard and follow the steps, I should be able to master this spell well on the day of the exam.

As for the other three practical courses, potion refining, basic physical fitness, and swordsmanship, they are all a piece of cake for me, and logically speaking, nothing will go wrong.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel rejoiced.

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