Be hard on the bottom, take the test first as a respect (1)

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the practical subject test.

"Okay, I failed." Miria, who was standing by the field, announced the result in a flat tone, and then picked up a pen to write on the scoring board.

"Hey!" Standing in the middle of the field, I yelled in protest.

"What? Do you have any comments?" Miria looked over blankly, "If you have any comments on my scoring, you can complain to the general director of the academy's fencing subject."

"Aren't you the person in charge?" I yelled again, "You gave me points before I even started swinging the sword? You don't have to blow the black whistle, okay?"

"Then..." Miriya thought for a while, "Your gesture of holding the sword is wrong, this is the deduction point."

"Yes, that is indeed a deduction point, but I can trouble you..." With empty hands, I pointed at the weapon rack with the wooden sword not far away, and said in a word: "After I get the sword in my hand Here, the exam has officially started, okay?"

"Okay, take it, now I announce the official start of the exam."

"Really..." I resentfully grabbed a training wooden sword from the weapon rack.

"Okay, the gesture of holding the sword is wrong, you will fail!" Miria immediately repeated the action just now.

"Is my gesture clearly correct?"

"Your voice is too loud, you disturbed the order of the examination room, you failed!" Mi Ruiya became blatant.

"It's not because of you that I can yell!" I felt a headache.

I have been working hard to practice spells for several days, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day of the practical subject exam.In the end, before I encountered the actual magic test that gave me a headache for a long time, I encountered something that broke me down in the first swordsmanship test.

Damn it, why did I forget that she will be the examiner for the swordsmanship test!

The examination of physical fitness seems to have different criteria for judging different genders. I and other students were arranged to take the examination in different sessions, so there were only me and Miria in the huge sword training ground.

When I first came in, I saw her standing alone and waving to me, I almost rushed out the door.

In this academy, as long as one subject fails in the end-of-year test, they will be required to participate in targeted tutoring—there is no doubt that the perverted female knight in front of her is targeting that.

"Accept tutoring honestly, don't mess around." Mi Ruiya said coldly.

"It's you who are messing around! I know what you want to do! I would never do that kind of thing after I told you, and it's useless for you to drag me to tutoring!" I said bluntly.

"Hmph, you'll pretend to be serious, and hang up other female elves behind my back." Miria turned her face away in dissatisfaction.

"Didn't I say it was an accident!"

"What's so good about that little girl?" Her tone sounded a bit sad, "How can I not compare to her?"

As long as you don't have that perverted hobby, anyone is better than you!By the way, this conversation is too weird!

"Anyway!" She stared again, "If I say you fail, you fail!"


What should we do?The scoring criteria are completely in her hands...

"Those two..." A hesitant voice came from the door, causing us who were staring at each other to turn our heads to look over there in unison.

I froze for a moment when I saw him.

The figure wrapped in heavy armor stood there, raised his hand towards this side, and said with embarrassment: "Can I come in?"

It was the weird guy I met in the library more than half a month ago.

Why is it here?

Compared to me, Miria's reaction was much calmer: "You're late, Arthas."

Um?Alsace?This name...isn't it the person who ranked ahead of me in the written test?

This weird he a student here?

"Sorry, I was stopped and questioned again on the way here." Alsace smiled shyly.

Dressed like this, of course you will be interrogated...

"Of course you will be interrogated if you wear this." Miriah's thoughts coincided with mine. "You'd better take off this armor. Isn't it hot in this weather?"

"This armor helps to exercise strength. My former teacher once taught me not to slack off for a moment."

"Okay, but in this academy, you can't dress like this during formal classes, so remember."


Then he turned to me: "Ah, we meet again, Mr. Bullock."

He held out his hand to me.

"Hello." I responded simply, and shook his right hand wrapped in the gauntlet, "You are... Alsace? The one who got second in the written test?"

"Yes, my name is Alsace. I just transferred here not long ago, and temporarily took the end-of-year test as an entrance exam." His voice sounded enthusiastic.

So it was a male elf who joined the class...

"Speaking of which, the two of you just now..." He looked back and forth between Miriam and me, "Are you arguing?"

"Did you hear that?" Miria frowned slightly.

"Ah, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It's just that the voices of the two just now... can be heard in the corridor." He carefully pointed out the door.

The quarrel just now was indeed a bit loud.

"It sounds like... ah!" He pondered for a while, and suddenly he clenched his right hand into a fist and paused on his left hand as if suddenly realizing it.

"What do you understand?" Looking at him like this, I had a bad feeling.

"Emotional entanglements?" He tilted his head slightly.

"No!" I corrected loudly.

"Isn't it?" He seemed very surprised that his guess failed.

I raised my hand and stretched out my finger to poke at Miriya: "It's her who cheated for personal gain. She forced me to fail the exam before I even started, so we quarreled!"

"Is that true, ma'am?" He questioned Miriam in surprise, "This is not acceptable, as a teacher and a knight at the same time, any act that violates justice will harm you Honorary."

It seems that this guy is not bad.

Even with my supporters, I straightened up and stared at Miriya confidently.

And Miriya just glanced at us calmly: "Don't be nervous, I'm just joking."

"Hey, is that so?" Alsace was obviously taken aback.

"This year's exam has increased the intensity of supervision due to the particularity of the candidates. Surveillance crystals are installed in every examination room, and the examiners of practical subjects will also be supervised." Mi Ruiya pointed to the crystal in the corner of the training ground ceiling, " How could I really mess around?"

No, you were absolutely serious just now!

By the way, the so-called particularity of the examinee probably refers to me...

"So it was just a misunderstanding. That's really great. I'm sorry for the slip of the tongue just now." Alsace lowered his head.

"Okay, your registration test number is behind him, you go to the sidelines and wait first." Miriam pointed to one side with the pen in her hand.

"Yes." Alsace walked over there according to his words.

The moment he turned around, I clearly saw Miria's face darken, and she cast a resentful gaze towards the tin can-like back.

"..." I watched this scene speechlessly.

Did she plan to do something to me if there was no second candidate?

Then Miria turned her eyes to me, and said to me in a cold voice: "You can start now."

Finally, I can pass the exam seriously.

I grabbed the training sword, walked to the arena, performed a set of preparatory movements for standing the sword in front of my body according to the standard of these long-eared elves, and then waved it according to the set of movements selected for the exam .For a fighter of my level, this kind of sword move is really basic and can't be more basic. There is no difficulty except that the wooden sword used by the elves is a bit light and uncomfortable.But I still didn't dare to be careless, every movement was done meticulously, and the wooden sword whizzed like a wind in my hand.

After making the last quick and powerful stab, I slowly put down the wooden sword, looked at Miria, and waited for her to score.

"Hey!" Alsace, who was standing on the sidelines, let out a long howling exclamation. He clapped his hands there, and the metal armor covering the knuckles of his fingernails was knocked loudly.

Miriya let out a dissatisfied "tsk" before picking up the scoring board: "Well, it's good, there's no problem, it can be seen that you are working hard at ordinary times."

The content of the words was clearly a compliment, but no matter how you listened to this unflinching tone, you could only feel her displeasure.

"Yes, thanks to your careful teaching on weekdays." I also responded with the same mechanical tone.

After finishing scoring, she raised her eyes and stared in this direction.

Convinced that she can't act recklessly in this situation, I confronted her with my eyes without any scruples.

"I'm sorry to disturb the good atmosphere of the two of you..." After a while, Alsace raised his hand hesitantly to intervene, "But I still want to ask, when will I start?"

Damn, which eye of yours can see a good atmosphere?

"Ah, you can start." Miria said indifferently, but her eyes were still fixed on me.

"Then I'll excuse you." I took the wooden sword and walked towards the weapon rack, ready to put it back.

At this moment, Alsace, who was originally waiting by the weapon rack, suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of me, "Leave it to me, Mr. Bullock." He stretched out his hands toward me as he said, " Please allow me to take the exam with this sword."


"You just got a good grade in the exam. You just want to use this sword as a good omen. I hope you don't mind." The polite words and tone made it hard to refuse.

"Anyway, it's all from the academy, so there's no need to ask for my permission." I put the wooden sword in his hand suspiciously.

"Because I think it would be better to take it directly from your hands." He held the wooden sword with both hands respectfully, "Thank you."

"Oh, oh, then, I wish you a good grade in the exam..." I was a little uncomfortable with his overly attentive attitude, "I'm sorry."

"Huh? Are you leaving now?"

"It's a little... something urgent..." I glanced behind me.

Miria's gaze made me feel thorns in my back.

Just because she's doing well now doesn't mean she won't cause trouble later, it's better to stay away from here as soon as possible.

"Really, I still want to chat with you a few more words..." Alsace's tone was a bit regretful, "Then let's talk again when we have a chance."

He held out his hand to me.

"Okay." I shook his hand.

He gripped back with a little strength, which can make people feel his sincerity without being unpleasant. At this distance, I seem to be able to vaguely see the corners of his mouth raised through the grille gap in the mouth of the armor.

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