This dead person is indeed a lich as I expected. After a lich injects his soul into the phylactery, his body becomes a skin that can be discarded and replaced at any time. Therefore, few liches are kind to the body they control. Managed.

Dare to face the enemy head-on, this guy has a bit of courage.But this point is in our favor. If this guy is a chicken thief who will quickly run away when he senses danger, we will feel a little bit more troublesome.Dare to find us by yourself, but it saves us the effort of chasing us.

With the Empress present, our odds are good.In terms of hard power, ordinary abyss lords are not her opponents at all, not to mention that the ice demon's ability is completely restrained by the queen's flame.

Just get rid of this lich before he summons Mudar to possess him and you'll be fine, well, there's nothing to be afraid of.

But at this time, the Lich on the opposite side suddenly stared at me, casting a cold gaze straight over: "It's you again, you lowly orc!"

"Who are you? We know each other?" I couldn't help frowning.

I have no impression of this guy in front of me.

"Okay, so maybe you will have a little impression." The elf sinner in front of him snorted coldly and waved his hand.

In an instant, the space above his head suddenly distorted in mid-air, and a pitch-black crack slowly opened in the air. Behind the crack, several strange-shaped eyes slowly opened, staring blankly at this side.

The moment I looked into these eyes, deep fear pierced into the depths of my mind like flying arrows.

I gasped subconsciously - I recognize these eyes, these are the eyes of the Demon King!

And there is only one person who can invoke the corpse of the Demon King.

"Mudar!?" I was really taken aback.

"We are really destined, or... the road to the enemy is narrow." Mudarpi read while staring at me with a smile on his face.

How come... did the lich summon Mudar's spirit when he found out that the camp was under attack?There's no reason to be so decisive.

The queen raised her hand suddenly, poked the index finger on the paw, and focused the flame rays that could instantly incinerate the giant beast to ashes, and immediately emitted from her fingertips, pointing directly at the position where Mudar was standing.

However, a black crystal-like barrier suddenly appeared in front of Mudar, blocking the attack abruptly—the shadow protection of the demon king level, like the ones seen on the battlefield before, is not so easy to break.

"Tch." The queen frowned displeasedly, she always did it when she wanted to.

"Don't be so anxious, queen of dragons." Mudar glanced at the queen mockingly, "burning this body will not constitute any loss to me. After all, this thing is just a puppet corpse I made .”

"Puppet Lich... have you been personally commanding this army from the very beginning?" I seemed to understand a little bit.

The so-called puppet corpse witch is actually a lich, but its personality and memory have been completely erased. Although it retains the ability to cast spells, it has no self-awareness. Some powerful necromancers and liches will make other mages into puppet corpse witches. Driven by oneself, even directly attached to them.

"This guy turned out to be my student." Mudar suddenly raised his finger and pointed at his body, "It's a pity that he is a real piece of trash, because he messed up some things..."

"So you killed him and made him your puppet?" I couldn't help frowning in disgust.

"Don't put it so harshly. A dedicated teacher must have enough patience with dull students." Mudar squeezed a ferocious sneer from his face, "And I happen to be such a good teacher, even if the students He has poor comprehension, and he will be carefully cultivated into a material that can be made. Just like this, he was originally a complete waste, and he became a string puppet for his teacher to perform necromancy remotely. I gave him existence The meaning is pretty good."

"Well, it can be seen that your necrophilia is quite serious." I yelled at him and was alert to his movements.

I didn't expect that the one who controlled the ice demon Augus was the puppet corpse manipulated by Mudar himself, and I ran into the most difficult situation when I first came up. My luck is really worrying.

"You're really going to make trouble for me. You just solved the chess pieces I placed in your base yesterday, and you came here again today..." Mudar narrowed his eyes while talking, "I have to admit that being a fly , you're really active enough to annoy me. Just like your damn great-grandfather. It's a shame that the progress of my great research has to be slowed down time and time again by short-lived and short-sighted orcs like you God's big joke."

His words caught my attention. It sounds like this guy really has an unusual purpose for doing so many things. In fact, his mode of action all along is indeed completely different from Jia Long, who is bent on stealing the country.

It's better to take this opportunity to talk to him.

"You honestly let me chop off your phylactery and send you to the ground, and then urinate on your grave, so you don't have to worry so much." I provoked him without showing any weakness, "You scum, you can mess with me!" What kind of bullshit research is there?"

"An ignorant mediocre person deserves to understand my research?" The smile on Mudar's face disappeared, "This world created by the gods is just a dirty domestic animal. Birth you mediocre rubbish--so many mediocre people huddled in this world to eat, drink, and scatter until they died, never considering how insignificant they are in this world, who are as small as dust."

"Sounds like you think you're different?" I scoff at his self-important attitude, "The Chosen One?"

"I used to be the most accomplished mage in the world, and of course I am now. The mediocre people of the world are like ants in the eyes of those who stand on the top." Mudar looked at me contemptuously and said, "It's just that it's just as a mage. A mage standing at the pinnacle is just an insignificant speck of dust in front of the whole world. When the gods created this world, they put a cover on it long ago. The world is restricted by the rules of order, and mortals in the world Lifespan is limited by birth, old age, sickness and death. Ordinary people can't peek out of the world, and are doomed to die humblely in the cage of this world. The more you pursue the peak of truth, the more you will find that being a mortal has limits, unless... surpassing mortals! "

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"That's why I choose not to be an elf!" Mudar spread his arms, "I chose a new evolutionary path for myself, as long as I surpass the gods who created this world in power, I can peek into the world beyond the world." truth!"

Both dragons and succubi have wings and horns (4)

"Evolution, does it mean to become the ghost you are now?" After hearing this guy's "big words", my heart was not disturbed.

"Necronomy is a good thing. It can allow mortals to cross the boundary between life and death. Even if they are as long-lived as elves, they will inevitably be killed by diseases and injuries. Turning yourself into a lich can achieve eternal life in the true sense. It’s just to absorb some souls on a regular basis to maintain it.” Mu Daer said endlessly, this narcissistic lich obviously has a high opinion of his own aesthetics, “It’s a pity that other mediocre people can’t reach such a state of mind after all, just because I Study necromancy and banish me."

"By eating other people's souls to maintain immortality, you dare to say so confidently... Do you really think you are superior to others?" I mocked bluntly.

"Of course you put yourself in the same category as the bread you eat?" Mudar returned the same sneer at me, as if I had said something stupid.

This guy's distortion has already reached his bones, and it doesn't make much sense to fight with him.

But judging by his high self-esteem, he probably won’t mind talking about his plan. It’s necessary to understand his purpose—whether it’s real or he uses it to confuse us, you can always gain something by listening to it. intelligence.

"You can surpass the gods by becoming an undead? Shouldn't we find an old zombie to worship?" I continued to prod him.

"Stupid, this is just the first step. The most ambitious research often needs to exhaust several generations. If you want to reach that height in your lifetime, you will naturally need an endless lifespan." Mu Daer raised his hand and nodded his head, "But endless The lifespan of a lich is only incidental. The biggest advantage of becoming a lich is that it is no longer restricted by the body of a mortal. The world is one, with such a body, it is impossible to evolve beyond this world."

"The orcs are the creations of the gods?" Hearing what he was concerned about, I subconsciously frowned and interrupted him, "I remember that the ancestors of the orcs were created by the demon king."

"It's not surprising if you don't know the truth if you don't know the truth. Although the power of the devil king is strong, it doesn't have the ability to create civilized species from scratch. That’s all.” Mudar pointed at me and laughed, “The true ancestors of the orcs are actually the ancestor elves of the barbaric era.”

"What!?" I was stunned.

"'s ridiculous, the two races with the greatest differences in the world have the same origin." Mudar sneered horribly, "After being polluted by the blood of the demon king, the bodies of those ancestor elves appeared Beastization has changed, and at the same time lost the blessings of the gods, the long lifespan, and the ability to call the power of the gods, replaced by the physical ability strengthened by the blood of the devil. After hundreds of generations of reproduction Differentiated, the only thing elves and orcs can see in common these days is pointy ears."

The ancestors of the orcs were actually elves... This is unbelievable, but it makes sense logically. The giant beasts and monster creatures in the Wild of Giant Beasts were created by the demon king polluting ordinary creatures with his own blood. The Demon King has such an ability, so there is no reason why he would not try it with civilized races.

"There is no need to question the authenticity, this is what the Demon King himself told me." Mudar raised his finger and pointed to the corpse of the Demon King looking out from the crack in space, "This is how humble mortal races are, and they are just casual in front of higher beings." A toy that can be transformed. I am not willing to live ridiculously like you mediocre, so I found a suitable evolutionary step."

"You mean... the devil king?" I glanced at those creepy eyes in the sky.

"This is the attraction of demons. By devouring each other, they can get reborn evolution and promotion. The weakest demon like a fish can also have the opportunity to become the lord of the abyss. Countless times of survival of the fittest, and finally get a monster like a demon king." Standing at the apex, a work of art whose power is close to that of a god."

Mudar narrowed his eyes as he spoke.

"I had a plan to take the body of the devil long ago, so after I was exiled, I immediately defected to the devil. After receiving the information and research results I provided, the devil launched the war in the abyss. According to my original plan, I will When the Southern Alliance lost its ability to resist, I secretly supported the forces controlled by myself to crusade against the Demon King, backstabbed the Demon King and seized the Demon King's body while I was completely in control of the situation, and took advantage of the opportunity of losing both sides to get rid of the Southern Alliance that would hinder me It's a pity that even I didn't count. The orcs, who are the pawns of the devil, would turn against each other under the leadership of one person. Before I took control of the situation, the Southern Alliance organized a counterattack force, which made me have to kill The devil's plan is ahead of schedule...Fortunately, as I expected, the Southern Alliance has no way to deal with the devil's corpse."

As he spoke, Mudar showed a disgusted expression: "But they still threw the corpse of the demon king into the magma, which cost me decades of arranging plans to salvage it. Azak——because of such a humble orc , It actually stalled my research plan for more than 70 years!"

"So now your goal has been achieved, you can die, can't you?" I stared at him and continued.

"So as I said, the Demon King is just a step of evolution for me. The Demon King is very powerful, enough to break through the abyss and the present world, but it is not enough to completely tear the restrictions of the world and enter a higher plane." Mu Mu Dahl shrugged, "Having said that, the closer you get to the peak, the more difficult it will be to improve. The evolution of the devil as a demon has already reached a bottleneck, so I found another evolution direction-to become a high-level undead. Devouring the soul, the enriched death power can make this body break through the bottleneck, and when the power of this body is strong enough to absorb the sea of ​​souls in the underworld, it will be easy to break through the plane of the world."

"So you plan to kill all the creatures in this world, just to strengthen that zombie?" I felt a little scalp numb.

"It doesn't need to be so exaggerated. According to my preliminary calculations, killing [-]% of the population should be enough. If it doesn't work, I can also save a part of the population to breed, and then continue to kill." Mu Daer laughed, his tone calm.

"That's crazy." I commented in disgust.

"And lack of creativity." The Queen continued from the side.

"Few people can understand the plan beyond the mundane." Mu Daer shook his head artificially with a regretful expression.

"I don't care if you are really amazing or not, if you want me to say it, I only have four words for your 'grand plan'..." I picked up the battle axe, "None of my business! You did what you shouldn't What you did, so I will kill you."

Both dragons and succubi have wings and horns (5)

"From the very beginning, I didn't feel that the short-lived and short-sighted orcs could understand my conception. To me, you are as insignificant as a bug." Mudar looked at me with colder eyes, "But you repeatedly Hinder my plan... I have to admit, as a fly, you are no less annoying than that Azak."

"It's really a great honor to be able to be compared with the legendary hero." I laughed heartily.

"You should be happy, because you will see him soon." Mudar raised his hand and was about to cast a spell on me.

At this time, the queen suddenly raised her hand and threw a fire bomb over, and the fire bomb exploded spectacular sparks on the black crystal-like barrier.

"If you want to take action against my people, I'm afraid you have to ask my opinion first." She said to Mu Daer calmly.

"You can't even break the wall of shadow at the level of a demon king. Does your opinion matter, King of Dragons?" Mudar laughed arrogantly, "Your blood is just a spark to activate the huge power of the demon king's corpse. Demon king The real power is several times stronger than yours, otherwise I wouldn't take your blood at the risk of offending you."

The Empress glanced at me a little, as if asking if there was anything I could do.

Putting it here is finally thought of listening to my opinion...

The Queen of White Lake City had suffered a great loss in the first battle, so she would not act recklessly in this situation.

"A three-on-three situation..." I glanced at the puppet corpse witch, the demon king, and the ice demon in turn. "Our goal is the ice demon. We just need to hold the other two down. Your Majesty, you are the strongest here. Please go and restrain the Demon King. I will deal with this guy! Vanessa takes this opportunity to deal with the Ice Demon."

After I finished speaking, I winked at the queen.


As soon as the words fell, the queen flapped her wings and flew up to the space crack in the sky, and launched a fierce attack on the face of the demon king exposed in the crack.Her wings were blazing, and the fireballs were thrown from the edges of her flapping wings, flying towards the Demon King like a salvo of shells, but were blocked by the Demon King's wall of shadow.

Another spatial crack suddenly appeared, and the demon king's huge claws stretched out from the crack, grabbing the queen fiercely.

The queen turned over flexibly in the air, barely avoiding it.

Luckily I kept her in human form by anticipating this would happen.In this form, with her flying ability, it is very difficult for ordinary attack methods to catch her.

And Mudaryi can only use high-level attack magic once when remotely summoning the demon king on other bodies. Too powerful and uncontrollable magic power will damage his remotely controlled body.

"The majestic dragon king, actually wants to play this kind of cat and mouse game with me?" Mudarpi stared at the queen in the sky with a smirk.

"Don't patronize over there, you played two tricks with me too!"

I rushed forward while shouting, and at the same time summoned the "Ancestral Heroic Spirit", and chopped an ax at the wall of shadows that wrapped the puppet Lich.

Sure enough, no trace can be cut out. With the blow of the "ancestral heroic spirit" and the protection of the shadow demon at the level of the demon king, the pure magic power confrontation is naturally the side with stronger magic power. The magic power of the demon king is overwhelming to the queen. Needless to say, it is against the "ancestral heroic spirit".

"A guy like you, to be honest, I really don't want to talk to you." Mudar raised his hand and summoned a green will-o'-the-wisp in the palm of his hand, with a strange glint shining in his eyes.

I hurriedly jumped back to widen the distance. When I landed, the will-o'-the-wisp flying out of his hand had already flown in front of me, turning into a huge ghostly skeleton, and hugging me with open arms.

I hurriedly manipulated the "ancestral heroic spirit" to move out with both axes, and slashed down with all my strength, only then did I extinguish this group of will-o'-the-wisps.

Even if you don't rely on the power of the Demon King, being a lich is quite tricky. I have seen similar necromancers used by the spy lich attached to the corpse and sneaked into the fortress. It is completely incomparable with this.

But whether it's me or the queen, it's just containment. The key to this battle is actually Vanessa.

Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced in the direction of the ice demon.

The ice demon was pale, and looked like a ferocious monster ice sculpture. It had no feet, and it was floating like a ghost. Its two huge claws were constantly emitting cold air.

Vanessa wrestled with it with a sickle, turned around to avoid a few swirling ice picks, found a loophole and went around behind the ice demon, and then stretched out her hand to project a purple spider web to wrap the ice demon completely.

"It's done!" I immediately applauded.

The purple spider web is the ability that Vanessa obtained from the night mother spider queen to directly absorb magic power. The ice monster's corpse is a magic power structure. Absorb the Ice Demon in its entirety.

But then the Ice Demon, who was completely stuck by the spider web, turned around suddenly, raised his hand without hesitation, created a few sharp ice cones in the air, and hit Vanessa.

Vanessa, who was trying to absorb the magic power, was obviously caught off guard, so she had to break off the spider web and turn her body into a black mist, allowing the ice cone to penetrate through it. However, she was a little slower, and the first ice cone pierced through her wings before she was atomized. She let out a scream.

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