What's going on?The spider web of the Night Mother Spider Queen is actually ineffective against ice demons...

I immediately summoned a Spear of Dark Curse and projected it, nailing it on the Ice Demon impartially.

I heard a crisp sound, and the spear of the dark curse seemed to have hit the shield made of fine steel, but failed to penetrate the ice demon's body at all.I saw a few cracks on the surface of the Ice Demon's body where it was hit, but it was automatically filled in the blink of an eye.

"Armor?" I saw the doorway.

A thick layer of solid ice is condensed on the surface of the Ice Demon, which protects its whole body like armor, and it will repair itself if it is slightly damaged.The spider web of the Night Mother Spider Queen naturally has no effect on ice.

"That thing that looks like a succubus that can act autonomously, is it a man-made demon? It doesn't seem to be working well..." Mudal glanced at the black mist created by Vanessa with great interest, "As an apprentice's work, it is somewhat interesting, but it is not practical at all. For the caster, the familiar is just a tool, and making it have autonomous consciousness is just superfluous."

As he spoke, he raised his left hand, wearing a demon ring on one finger: "This is what it should look like-these demon rings are artificial demons I made with the power of the demon king. As a tool, it only needs strength , no willpower is needed, just obediently bite on your finger as a ring."

After speaking, he pointed the ring in the direction of the ice demon, and the magical power of the ice demon surged in an instant, and a bitter cold wind spread rapidly around the ice demon.

Is it using the ring as a medium to strengthen the body of the ice demon with the magic power of the demon king...

"Vanessa is much stronger than you imagined." I calmly said to Mudar, "Remember, there is only one reason for your failure this time, that is to underestimate her... Now, do it!"

As soon as the words fell, a purple spider web appeared out of thin air behind Mudar, and the web caught the wall of shadow protecting him.

Both dragons and succubi have wings and horns (6)

The purple cobwebs came from behind Mudar, where there should have been nothing.

"...What's going on?" Seeing the purple spider web sticking to the wall of shadow, Mudar turned his head in surprise.

At this time, Vanessa appeared in a black mist that emerged out of nowhere, holding the other end of the spider web firmly in her hand, like a fisherman pulling a net on a boat.

"Hey! I'm starting!" Vanessa immediately began to use the spider web to extract the magic power of the wall of shadow.

"This is..." Mudar immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the ice demon.

On that side, the Ice Demon that has been imbued with magic power has completely gained the upper hand. The "Vanessa" on the other side originally tried to sneak up on it from behind it with a scythe, but it easily used a piece of ice that condensed out of thin air. The ice shield blocked it.

Then the Ice Demon raised his hand and sealed Vanessa and the wall of shadow protecting her in a huge ice cube.

But then, the trapped Vanessa turned into a black mist, and then the black mist quickly explored in the ice and disappeared.

"Ha! The spell of clone..." Mudar's eyes lit up, "Someone actually did this project?"

In fact, shortly after entering the camp, I had already made Vanessa invisible and walked ahead to explore the way.As previously announced, I have been in contact with her through telepathy.

When meeting Mudar on a narrow road, the "Vanessa" he saw was actually the clone who has been with us all the time.It's just that compared with the clone made by Feilan who is proficient in this way, the precision of the clone made by Vanessa is not so high, and it can't be manipulated too complicatedly, so basically it doesn't make much noise when it is around us.

When I was chatting with this conceited lich just now, I instructed the invisible Vanessa to go around behind him.

After Vanessa is invisible, there is no smell and no footsteps, so sneak attack is naturally a good skill.And Mudar is probably because he is confident that he controls the shadow demon protection that even the Dragon King can't break, so he didn't take any precautions against sneak attacks at all.When I confronted him, I could feel that although the wall of shadow was nearly perfect as a defensive method, Mudar himself was full of flaws at the level of consciousness.

Excessive power often weakens the sense of crisis in the subconscious. The most alert animals in the wild are often the weakest, and the top predators are the most relaxed about the crisis.

Vanessa used the spider web to continuously absorb the magic power of the wall of shadows. The wall of shadows was a barrier built purely with magic power, so the strength of the barrier would naturally be weakened.

"How does it feel to be put together by a man-made demon that you regard as a defective product, Archmage?" I took this opportunity to retort at Mudar without hesitation.

When Mudar made those remarks that belittled Vanessa just now, to be honest, even I felt a little surprised, but I clearly felt an indescribable anger welling up in my heart.

Although Vanessa is a thin-minded man-made demon, as long as you get along with her for a long time, you can feel that she has her own emotions.This girl has caused all kinds of troubles for me, but to be honest, as far as the troubles I have experienced, the points that this girl made are relatively childish.

On the contrary, for so long, I have been killing demons to feed and strengthen her. This incident has given me a special sense of intimacy with her... although this feeling is a bit similar to a owner and a pet to me.

But no matter what, although this girl was not created by me, she was also cultivated by me. When will it be my turn to make such gossips about her?

"Well, it's really interesting. Although it's just a mouse, it can be clever."

Mudar's reaction was pretty quick, he immediately summoned the green will-o'-the-wisp to burn the spider webs, but it was obviously too late.

"Don't burn it too hard, let us help you!" After replying, I immediately raised my head and shouted, "It's your majesty now, hit him to death!!"

When the Queen Flying in the Sky heard the words, she immediately raised her finger to the puppet Lich controlled by Mudar.

Bolide-like trajectory emanated from her fingertips, easily piercing through the already weakened wall of shadow, and the puppet corpse wrapped in the barrier was instantly engulfed by the blazing fire.

In fact, the combat policy I told the Queen just now was basically for Mudar in front of me.The tactic of absorbing the ice demon and then immediately using Vanessa's atomization ability to cover the sight and escape directly is very convenient if it can be done, but I still have to save a second move in the face of the Lich who has endless tricks.

This is the last move, if the ice demon can't easily absorb it, it will turn its target to this puppet corpse witch.The situation on the field was not three-on-three at all from the very beginning, it was always three-on-one. Although there were three manipulative corpses on the opposite side, there was always only one manipulative Mudar.

And the medium through which Mudar, who is manipulating three corpses at the same time, can perform necromancy from a long distance is the puppet corpse witch. As long as the puppet corpse witch is eliminated, he will lose the means to summon the demon king, and he will no longer be able to remotely control the ice corpse. The dead body of the demon.

As the puppet corpse witch was swallowed by the flames, the ice demon's movements slowed down, and the space cracks in the sky began to slowly close, and the demon king retracted his huge claws.

"Haha, it's done! Let you look down on him, you know how powerful it is!!" Vanessa proudly put her hips in the air, and the success of this sneak attack was indeed largely due to her.

But then, this girl foolishly boasted to me: "My dear, have you seen it? It's all done! As long as someone takes action, it can be done easily, isn't she amazing? Now you just need to absorb that demon and you'll be fine." It's all right, go home!"

"Idiot, why do you say such things, don't get carried away! Wouldn't it be better to end it safely?" I couldn't help but glared at her.

Why do you have to relax at this juncture and say lines that are easy to be killed in this kind of story?Can't this kind of problem be left behind by some stupid blonde mage?

"Why are you so vicious, I just want you to praise him..." Vanessa looked aggrieved, "Forget it, I'm going to eat delicious food!"

After she finished speaking, she flapped her wings and flew towards the ice demon.

But at this time, I noticed that in the gradually closing space crack in the sky, half of the devil's face gradually turned to Vanessa, and the sights projected by countless eyes all focused on her.

Then, a dark purple luster flashed in the pupils of those alien eyes.

"Dangerous!" I gasped and subconsciously rushed out.

In the next instant, forked lightning with dark purple light shot out from those eyes, and the intertwined arcs covered Vanessa like a rain of arrows.

Both dragons and succubi have wings and horns (7)

With the demon king's level of magic power, a full-strength blow can't even hurt the queen, who can't even hurt a weapon made of legendary metal. She was so severely injured that she couldn't stand up. I don't think the wall of shadow obtained by Vanessa after absorbing the shadow queen can be defended .

What's more, this silly girl who thought that the situation had been resolved was totally defenseless now.Seeing the lightning flash out from the devil's eyes, Vanessa, who turned her back on the devil, was still ignorant of the catastrophe.

But I'm too far away from her, and I have to rush over this distance... It's better to just throw an ax and knock her into the air - no, what are you thinking, if you don't die with an ax, you will lose half your life!

Just when I was flustered, the queen rushed over suddenly.She flapped her wings, and a wave of flames burst out from the back of her wings. The recoil wave of the explosion made her accelerate to the high speed of drawing afterimages in an instant like a cannonball.

She passed by Vanessa's side directly, and then Vanessa disappeared in place - she dragged the girl away before Vanessa could react, and led her to avoid the attack of the demon king.

"I seldom use this kind of acceleration method, and I almost have cramps in my wings." The queen who flashed through the magic light and lightning held Vanessa in both hands, "Little girl, I saved your life, what do you have?" Have something to say?"

Vanessa looked at the land below that was torn apart by the forked lightning, and she understood that she almost walked on the verge of being wiped out just now.

But she still kept her face stubborn and stubborn with the queen: "I, I can hide by myself! You, what are you doing superfluous! Let me go!"

She struggled to break free from the empress' arms.

Is it my illusion?It feels like this girl's attitude towards the queen has softened a lot... After all, she has been calling the queen a "bad woman" just now.

Seeing that Vanessa is fine no matter what, I feel like a stone has dropped from my heart.

But now is far from the time to relax, I immediately turned to the direction of the puppet corpse witch.

The wall of shadow he summoned had already disintegrated, the blazing flames were blazing, and the hot wind with the smell of scorched fur rushed towards his face.

The fire weakened slightly, I squinted my eyes to look carefully, and finally saw the slightly swaying black shadow in the flames——that pair of dry wood-like bodies hadn't disappeared yet, leaving a skeleton-like body in the fire persist in.

The queen's blow could even burn a huge synthetic beast to slag in an instant. This guy was able to persevere in the fire, probably because he used some kind of necromancy to strengthen the corpse and struggled for a while.

But that's it.

I picked up the battle ax and rushed towards the flames - with the protection of the contract, I don't need to worry about the queen's flames hurting me.

The body of this puppet corpse witch has already been burned to the point of charcoal. Seeing me approaching, he actually raised his face towards me, and the hollow skull eye sockets were pierced by flames.

"You can't stop me, orc." He said in a contemptuous tone, "You are just an insignificant pebble on my way to the sky!"

He didn't speak to me with his throat, but poured his voice directly into my head with spiritual magic.

I stared at him in the flames with a blank face: "It's a pity that people like you who keep their heads up and their nostrils up to the sky are the easiest to trip over stones."

After I finished speaking, I immediately swept over with my axe, and was easily crushed by my tomahawk, without giving him a chance to speak again.

In fact, there is a sure-fire way to win a war of words-that is, to kill the other party with an ax before he can utter a rebuttal.

After completely eliminating the puppet Lich, I looked up to the sky, and with the rumbling sound, the space rift that summoned the Demon King was finally completely closed.

"It's finally really over now! I told you to make me lose my temper just now." Vanessa watched me chop up the puppet corpse witch completely, and gave a "hum" in relief, then turned and flew towards the ice Mo, "No one will bother me this time!"

I looked at her quite speechlessly - I have to teach this girl well when it's critical that I should not yell... No, it should be not to relax my vigilance too early.

Vanessa flew in front of the already silent ice demon, and then summoned a sickle to slash at the ice demon's body, preparing to break the ice armor so that it could absorb the demon body inside.

But this time the armor was still only cracked with a few cracks, and then recovered.

"Huh? How come?" Vanessa was taken aback.

At this time, the ice demon's body emitted a faint blue cold light again, and with a terrifying scream, it swung its giant claws and grabbed Vanessa.

Vanessa immediately summoned a wall of shadows to surround herself, blocking the ice demon's attack.Then she stretched her wings and shot a magic bullet at the ice monster at close range, but the result was the same—the ice armor was unusually hard and would restore itself.

"Why is this guy still moving?" Vanessa complained angrily as she distanced herself from the ice demon.

This is probably due to the fact that Mudar used the demon ring to cast the enhanced corpse technique on the ice demon just now. If the undead corpse retains extra magic power, it is still able to move, but without the control of the caster, the action mode will change. It's more brainless.

Vanessa tried a few more attacks, but none of them were able to pierce the ice demon's armor—although this girl has high magic power and many abilities, she still lacks that kind of extremely powerful attack method.

As for the Ice Demon, even though it couldn't break Vanessa's shadow demon protection, the cold air it exuded quickly made Vanessa a little overwhelmed.

"It's so cold! I'm going to be frozen!!" Vanessa fought harder and harder, and finally gave up, and quickly distanced herself from the ice demon.

This bone-piercing cold has also spread to my side... It's really hard to bear, so I still help this girl.

If you use flames, it should be able to quickly melt the ice armor.To repair the armor, it needs to constantly consume the remaining magic power, and it will soon stagnate like a clockwork toy.

As long as the Dragon Flame Blazing Soul is used, ice cubes of this level——

As soon as I thought this way, the queen suddenly raised her finger and hit the ice demon with a bolide, and the flames quickly enveloped the ice demon.

Under the continuous roasting of the dragon king's flame, the ice demon's armor quickly disintegrated.It dragged its burning body and struggled for a while, trying to release its magic power to put out the fire, but the Queen immediately fired another shot.As a result, it didn't take long for the ice demon to completely stop moving.

"I really don't understand why this kind of thing is so tricky." After finishing everything, the queen snapped her fingers and extinguished the flame.

"Hmph, it's just a little bit stronger..." Vanessa grumbled and complained, she stretched her wings and began to absorb the remains of the ice demon.

Both dragons and succubi have wings and horns (8)

After eliminating the puppet Lich manipulated by Mudar, the troops in the entire garrison that lost the command tower immediately became a mess.

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